Red Dead Redemption Official Thread

It's fun being a hero... shooting some dude you don't like in the foot or hand or something... and watching as Law men don't bother getting the rest of the story and blow him away for you. Because you're so respected and obviously you can't be the one in the wrong!

Murder without all the blood on your hands!
Amazing. Just saw a posse run through the streets of Armadillo dragging a man behind them, shooting their guns in the air. Everyone was running for cover and screaming so I was like "NOT ON MY WATCH" and shot the bandit dragging the guy along.

All four of them wheeled around and galloped at full pelt into me, shooting their guns at point blank range. Needless to say I was a bloody mess within seconds. But it was awesome. A true hero's death.

P.S. The thunderstorm effects of the RAGE engine look even better in RDR than in GTA4 if possible. Wearing the Duster coat, standing on the roof of Armadillo Saloon in a thunderstorm makes you look so freaking badass.
Holy shit that's badass. I really need to quit being the goodie-goodie and start playing Falling Down style. ;)


The scene when he's in the park and the 'gangstas' come is legendary.
Ah, I never played the original so, but I'm sure I heard someone mention Nate Harlow in the game, and something about a governors mansion or something like that.
Yeah. Red assaults and kills Governor Griffon in his mansion at the end, the man who sold out Nate to a Mexican general named Javier Diego so they could steal his gold. It ends with Red killing him in a duel and after the sheriff offers him a hefty amount of gold he leaves Annie, Buffalo Soldier, and the sheriff behind proclaiming "It was never about the money.

The final like...7-10 missions couldn't have been more mundane and boring. Good god...
Well, yes. They were foreboding.

WARNING: Talk about the ending
Not a good enough reason in my mind to make 9 of the 57 total missions a mind-numbing and elementary experience. Especially considering we already passed the climax and had to revert to tedious BS like driving cattle and taming horses. I also wanted to kill that stupid f*cking dog (with equally retarded AI) that you had to follow everywhere.

I hit a funny bug at the end of the final mission too. Right when John is about to send his son and wife off on that last horse inside the game showed a second Jack Marston in the corner by the door, the battered/beaten model used from the mission you shoot the bear. He was just standing idle up against the wall by the barn door as John's wife and a fully intact Jack sped away. He didn't move as John stepped outside :p
WARNING: Talk about the ending

Yeah, they were a bit annoying, and I felt like there were two climaxes.. you know what they are. A weird way to do it, but I was fine with it. Those missions just made it clear some shit was 'bout to go down.

The story went like.. up, up up, climax, down, down, up, climax again, down
WARNING: Talk about the ending
Not a good enough reason in my mind to make 9 of the 57 total missions a mind-numbing and elementary experience. Especially considering we already passed the climax and had to revert to tedious BS like driving cattle and taming horses. I also wanted to kill that stupid f*cking dog (with equally retarded AI) that you had to follow everywhere.

I hit a funny bug at the end of the final mission too. Right when John is about to send his son and wife off on that last horse inside the game showed a second Jack Marston in the corner by the door, the battered/beaten model used from the mission you shoot the bear. He was just standing idle up against the wall by the barn door as John's wife and a fully intact Jack sped away. He didn't move as John stepped outside :p

Same shit happened for me.
Its weird, so many people had bugs, where as I only experienced a graphics glitch of some kind when playing poker in Blackwater.

The two guys at the table around me didnt have their high res skins loaded properly, so they had pasty skin, single coloured clothes with no detail, no eyes, no lips, triangular nose etc. Then the skin would suddenly load ontop of it.
Cool thing happened yesterday. Was doing a stranger mission in Mehico that involved getting a Hungarian Half-Breed for a foreman of a butchery.
Had to get it so he would let a Chinese worker be freed from his work contract

So, since I had a HHB as my horse and the deed to the horse I just walked mine over to mission marker on the map after the initial cutscene. Couldn't be arsed going and taming one.

After the cutscene where the foreman takes the horse I waited around for a second. The foreman jumped on the horse and rode him over to beside the stables. At this point, I thought about trying to steal back my horse as the foreman seemed a douche in the cutscenes. I walked over to where he was with the horse, he was grooming it (nice touch R*).

While thinking about how to get the horse without getting a bounty I decided just to wait for him to walk off. As I was looking out over the dusty, red plains I heard a scream. I turned around to see the foreman on the ground behind the horse, blood pooling around him.

I thought 'wow, awesome, my horse kicked him'. I walked over to the horse and just before jumping on I saw a snake beside the horse. The snake had bitten and killed the foreman. So I killed the snake, looted the foreman, and took back mah horse.

Felt good, man.
I hogtied someone and dumped them next to a rattlesnake.

Sadly the rattlesnake did jack shit.
sooo having beat the game now, am I the only who immediately proceeded to gun down every person I saw on my way into blackwater to let loose hell like no other?
Cool thing happened yesterday. Was doing a stranger mission in Mehico that involved getting a Hungarian Half-Breed for a foreman of a butchery.
Had to get it so he would let a Chinese worker be freed from his work contract

So, since I had a HHB as my horse and the deed to the horse I just walked mine over to mission marker on the map after the initial cutscene. Couldn't be arsed going and taming one.

After the cutscene where the foreman takes the horse I waited around for a second. The foreman jumped on the horse and rode him over to beside the stables. At this point, I thought about trying to steal back my horse as the foreman seemed a douche in the cutscenes. I walked over to where he was with the horse, he was grooming it (nice touch R*).

While thinking about how to get the horse without getting a bounty I decided just to wait for him to walk off. As I was looking out over the dusty, red plains I heard a scream. I turned around to see the foreman on the ground behind the horse, blood pooling around him.

I thought 'wow, awesome, my horse kicked him'. I walked over to the horse and just before jumping on I saw a snake beside the horse. The snake had bitten and killed the foreman. So I killed the snake, looted the foreman, and took back mah horse.

Felt good, man.

Pretty much exact same thing happened to me, except it happened to the Chinese guy.

He walked off, hadnt done 10 paces and was bitten by a snake and died.

I laughed so damn hard.

I like the subtle touches theyve thrown in. Like how your horse shows aggitation when an animal is nearby if the horse is stood still.

It was the only way I knew a Cougar was coming or a Bear. I crapped myself when I saw my first Bear running toward me through the bushes.
Finally beat it.


Sad to see John go, but I actually really enjoyed it. If he survived it would've basically gone against the entire theme of the game.To be honest I already suspected it was going to play out that way, but it was a no-brainer when you're talking to Jack who's reading a book about a son seeking revenge for his father's death. Some pretty blatant foreshadowing there.

Playing as Jack is a bit weird, but after an hour or two finishing up some side stuff I really don't mind him. Only trouble is most of his dad's outfits are far too badass for some weedy 18-19 year old to pull off. I've just stuck to the default outfit or the elegant suit.

I also found this brilliant glitch which I like to think of as the canon ending to the game. John would be rolling in his grave:

WARNING: Talk about the ending
Not a good enough reason in my mind to make 9 of the 57 total missions a mind-numbing and elementary experience. Especially considering we already passed the climax and had to revert to tedious BS like driving cattle and taming horses. I also wanted to kill that stupid f*cking dog (with equally retarded AI) that you had to follow everywhere.

I hit a funny bug at the end of the final mission too. Right when John is about to send his son and wife off on that last horse inside the game showed a second Jack Marston in the corner by the door, the battered/beaten model used from the mission you shoot the bear. He was just standing idle up against the wall by the barn door as John's wife and a fully intact Jack sped away. He didn't move as John stepped outside :p

Did you get to the end credits? I doubt it'll make up for those 9 missions but there is one short mission left for Jack to do to get the real ending.
Finally beat it.


Sad to see John go, but I actually really enjoyed it. If he survived it would've basically gone against the entire theme of the game.To be honest I already suspected it was going to play out that way, but it was a no-brainer when you're talking to Jack who's reading a book about a son seeking revenge for his father's death. Some pretty blatant foreshadowing there.

Playing as Jack is a bit weird, but after an hour or two finishing up some side stuff I really don't mind him. Only trouble is most of his dad's outfits are far too badass for some weedy 18-19 year old to pull off. I've just stuck to the default outfit or the elegant suit.

I also found this brilliant glitch which I like to think of as the canon ending to the game. John would be rolling in his grave:


Did you get to the end credits? I doubt it'll make up for those 9 missions but there is one short mission left for Jack to do to get the real ending.

I didn't actually. I just got to the part where I was given control of Jack by the graves. I rode around a bit, checked the map, saw that nothing new had popped up and called it quits. I'll have to check again when I'm off work.

lol at that video. I had a dueling bug of my own too. It was for the one by the end of the Mexico missions where you duel that Mexican general to save Reyes. We both draw, none of our shots fire, and we both re-holstered. The cutscenes continued as if I had won. The enemy general was still just standing there in his idle duel animation. I popped him in the head after running a few circles around him
Sweet jesus. Was just in a free roam where everyone started congregating in Blackwater until the two largest posses were having a face-off all through the town. This got tedious pretty quickly (kind of kills the tension when you can clearly see everyone on your map, even outside of your 'team'...), so I went to see what the other un-posse'd players were up to. Went over to Bearclaw Camp to find a single player holed up in the demolished hut... and about ONE HUNDRED ****ING BEARS. I am not even exaggerating, the things were everywhere. We spot each other, he tells me not to kill him because he's trying to kill a bunch of bears for a challenge or something, so I decide I'll help him out. About 10 deaths and at least as many emptied guns later, they've all been taken care of. We stand triumphant amidst a field littered with bear corpses.

Then I shoot his horse and ride off. :3

On another note, anyone notice how powerful throwing knives are in single player? I tested it in multiplayer and they're not nearly as good, but in single player you can one-shot a freakin buffalo with them, and I'm not talking headshots either. :|
Damn it, John. The bandanna doesn't work if you keep screaming your name every time you fire a shot off.
haha Yeah that's ****ing hilarious. I was thinking about that when in mexico, when doing missions for both sides, he keept screaming, ME NUMBRE ES JOHN MARSTON! Sooner or later someone where gonna pick that up.
You know I talked about it months before release.

"First thing I'm gonna do is get drunk, find me a bear, and punch it in the face. Jump on its back and say "giddy the f*ck up"."

I have yet to do this. I'm going to be gone all weekend. Heading down to the coast and sitting by the shitty waters of the Gulf of Mexico. When I get home though...

I'ma punch me a bear. I'ma punch it dead.
Im loving poker right now.

Getting caught cheating is a nice way of reducing players at the table.
I tried knifing a Cougar. Big misstake.

I also baited bears. Wanting to 1 hit kill my last one to get to the next challange. My first 3 baits got me some boar and Coyottes. I was pretty angry since I was in Bear country.
So I place my last bait and a stupid fox runs up. And im like Aww man! Then I turn around
and THERE OH MY GRIZZLY GOD FHUUUCK! So I and my horse died.
Bear hunting is awesome in free roam. My friend and I would just be sitting in bear country on our horses across from each other shooting the shit, then a bear would sneak up and kill one of us from behind. Other times we'll be all happy that we found a bear and run up to go for the knife kill, all of a sudden another bear shows up and stomps us. This happened once and shit was hilarious. If a bear takes enough damage it will try to run away. So there I was doing work on a bear in a knife fight, then it starts turning tail and booking it. I go and chase it when I hear my friend yell to me that there's another bear chasing me. Well, I was still chasing a bear so I couldn't stop or I would get mauled, so I end up having to keep chasing a wounded bear while another bear was chasing my ass. So after a good ten seconds or so, the two bears and I chase each other into a ****ing wolf pack and everyone dies. My friend sits there laughing the whole time.

Good fun.
All I can say is I'm absolutely floored by this game.

The sound direction, the animation, the very concise and followable plot line in a damn sandbox game? That's all I've been ****ing waiting for. Finally--good combat, good straightforward plot and the same freedom you get from Saintstheftfable: FalloutEffect. The grittiness and style that just dodges realism, the refusal to go entirely spaghetti western and acceptance of politically insensitive issues... the bounty system and countless mini-games, side-missions and money making methods, the morality system that isn't totally idiotic and binary/limiting.

On top of all this, they use a combination of Euphoria, animation blending and motion capture to give the most physical and immersive "presence" within the game world I've yet to see. There are times when the game surprises me over fourteen hours in--I'll be riding along the prairie and NPCs are dueling or fending crops from rabbits--wolves may even be chasing someone. And with every [ahem, *fun*] side-step taken, an equally nice monetary and resource based reward is given. The three fold resources, cash, and, in the case of RDR (fame, honor or dishonor).

Everything has been done right. I seriously am astonished. Excuse me while I start poopsocking and shut off my cell phone service. This may be the best game of this console generation--by a long shot. If games were not art before, they surely are now, and if the Ebert and his merry pranksters ravel on, we can at least be certain that here is a product that contains a great deal of art. The game has it's own style, it's own pace. A rhythm that's not just addicting and engaging as a shooter, "sandbox" or RPG--but touches on and topples just about every genre it borrows from.

Competent gun play, well acted and thought out storyline, adherence to a unique and compelling aesthetic, near perfect physics/scripting/animation, RPG elements and side-missions which rival the likes of Bethesda and Bioware, yet lack the droning dialog, interrupting scripting and cinematic, and Xtreme facial zoom of Beth/Bio/J RPGs? Yes, let's ****ing do this.

As a side note: I wasn't a GTA4 fan, nor am I really much of a Rockstar gamer at all (GTA 2/3/Vice are the exceptions). I am not a Bioware/Obsidian RPG kind of guy, either. I haven't bothered with a damn sandbox or open world RPG since Vice City because, quite frankly, they've all been dreadfully boring.

I'm admittedly a sucker for the Fable series. I'm also a bit of a gamer-lite these days, so give me some leeway here. RDR runs big stallion-galloped circles around Fable and then shits on it's face a couple times just to rub it in.

Red Dead Revolver is raising the bar, Valve. Episode 3 better be a stunner, console gamers are being spoiled! (I realize these games are not, and never will be of the same genre or in competition--but I can say for a fact that I'm already enjoying this game immensely more than I enjoyed the Half-Life 2 episode(s).

It's like Rockstar San Diego hired all the non-aspie game devs and enslaved them into producing something holistic and competent, the first single player game that's hooked me in years, yep--probably been since HL2 or GTA3 that I've felt this sort of rush. Surely the first game worth $60 since the price of games hiked it's lovely self to $60USD. Kudos to RSSA, shame on Rockstar underpaying employees, etc--but I may even write a letter to 'em like I did in the Valve days. What a piece of media.

*and here I was thinking this was just more hyperbole from Seth Schiesel (NYT review)*

New York Times said:
In the more than 1,100 articles I have written for this newspaper since 1996, I have never before called anything a tour de force. Yet there is no more succinct and appropriate way to describe Red Dead Redemption. Rockstar rides again.

Seth, this time you're right... at long last.

So go ahead, be an outlaw prick who kills everyone in sight. You still make Nico look like a cardboard cutout and an awful attempt at an immigration rise-to-power crime narrative. No shitty accents, just a Western gentlemen who you cannot help but relate to. He is a man who would kill innocents, but the main plotline ensures the audience may view him as the cold blooded player, should you chose to play him this way.

Did I mention I love riding real horseback and they seem to have made mounting [and riding] horses seem remotely realistic? Sure, you can't tame a wild stallion in five seconds or stop a bucking or galloping horse by releasing a button, but I'll forgive them for giving me what I consider an honest contender for game the decade (or something). Hell, I can't afford a horse right now and Epona was getting a bit low-poly for a supplement, so here goes another round of deer hunting in the ol' West, I won't forget my rifle or my lasso.
BHC, you summed up my opinion perfectly, and I've also been a gamer-lite lately(to my dismay in a way, I just don't find most games stimulating anymore.)
I f*cking love how some these guys who were brought in by Rockstar or whatever to help with the game came out and started talking shit and saying how the game was coming along to be utter shit, yet its the polar opposite.. Looks like they're the ones eating shit now.
To be fair, I really wasn't a Midnight Club or Red Dead Revolver kinda dude. Something happened, I'll have some of what they're smoking.
BHC, you summed up my opinion perfectly, and I've also been a gamer-lite lately(to my dismay in a way, I just don't find most games stimulating anymore.)

I've had to broaden my horizons lately, but my big issue is a lack of time to play games. I've had more money for the games, but way less time to play them. It used to be vastly inverse. I dunno which I like better to be honest. I don't have an Xbox else I'd have this game as well, but Steam is giving me all the game love I need right now.

Is Red Bread getting a (prolly shitty) PC port at some point in the future? I feel like it might be better than the GTA4 PC port just because it's way less dense.
Is it just me or is combat way too easy? I rarely ever die in a gunfight, and even with the auto-aim taken off, dead eye makes it all too easy.
Is it just me or is combat way too easy? I rarely ever die in a gunfight, and even with the auto-aim taken off, dead eye makes it all too easy.

It's really easy. And then all of that changes in multiplayer, because your character is SO MUCH MORE FRAGILE.

Cougars 3-hit you in single. They 1-hit you in multi. Just for comparison.
Im loving poker right now.

Getting caught cheating is a nice way of reducing players at the table.
Hahaha! I was doing that just this morning. Loving it too. Of course, I wasn't really doing it on purpose. I have not yet mastered the cheating actions yet. :P
The combat is generally pretty easy, but a few times I've been completely swamped with enemies and died in 2 seconds flat, without even the time to chug some medicine (doesn't help that it's so tough to tell precisely when you're a shot away from death). It's kind of inconsistent, and honestly while I don't have a huge problem with regenerating health in general, it feels more like a necessary evil here than it does a well-integrated mechanic. In GTA IV they could get away with traditional health because, for one thing, your character was a bit tougher (especially with armor), but mostly because it was much harder to get hit. The cityscape provided much more 'natural' cover, and driving left you much less open to attack than riding a horse. Besides this, the enemies in RDR just seem a lot more accurate, not that it matters when you can just shrug off your gaping bullet wounds (seriously, I love that they used bullet decals, but way to ruin the effect by having them fade after 10 seconds).

This was never more evident than when I did the mission in Blackwater that has you scrambling over rooftops and attempting to avoid sniper fire. Or should I say soaking up sniper fire as little as possible while tentatively picking them off one by one. I don't know if I was just in a bad spot or something, but I couldn't so much as peek my head out of cover without instantly taking 3 or 4 shots, at least at first - which was made even worse by the fact that the mission expects you to take them out with a sniper rifle (or so I was led to believe by the conveniently placed crate of sniper ammo), the most awkward and difficult to aim gun available. Of course I said nuts to this and pulled out my trusty bolt action, turned auto-aim back on momentarily and started taking pot shots, but way to scrap my immersion.

Also, consider GTA IV had a mission just like this (with ****ing helicopters attacking you, even), which wasn't nearly as cheap.
Cougars 3-hit you in single. They 1-hit you in multi. Just for comparison.

They kill me in 2 in single. They hit me, run off, prowl me, then just as my gun comes up as the animation of getting up finishes, he growls and runs at me.

So I dead eye and headshot the ***ker. Then fall to my knees next to my horse and cry.

Then get raped (ambushed) by another cougar, naturally.
An edited, more comprehensive version of my review can be found on my latest blag-o-blog, which I'll shamelessly plug here, it's called game hat (I don't stand to gain monetarily, etc) just bored over the summer for now, tbh.

Anyways, so far I spend most of my time skinning and riding around the prairie raising my marks skill on birds. So beautiful, even on a first gen 480p TV.
Just finished all the challenges and stranger quests. Disappointed a bit with the 'Legend of the West' outfit. Looks like the duster tbh. The final sharpshooter challenge was pretty tricky. Did it by camping in the saloon behind the bar in Thieves' Landing, much like in this vid:

Now, just to finish up the story missions in WE and do a few more bounties.
Had some funny and strange encounters.

When I first entered mexico(which felt awesome by the way as I was sauntering along on my horse while the song played, during a stormy night), I was high up on a cliff side where I thought I saw a bobcat... shot at him but he disappeared. I saw some guy shooting his rifle and chasing a deer, coming right towards me. And sure enough he doesn't slow down fast enough and both he and his horse go flying over the edge... and I see his body roll down the second slope face.

Later I came across this one place where I was first able to do armwrestling... just a small little town. I start walking up and getting ready to kick some ass... when the guy standing near the table falls to the ground... the guy beside him gets up and falls to the ground.

Turns out there was a rattlesnake right near them. I laughed my ass off. I even have it on video footage, the snake near the table near two dead bodies... in case anybody calls me a liar.

And damn... Mexico has a lot of ****ing wolves. I was on this one spot on the road... where I gutted and killed like four of them... and each time before I could finish skinning the last wolf, more would rush at me and attack me. I must have killed like 15 wolves in that one area... with more still coming until I figured I'd get the hell out of dodge.
Yeh, wolves are a bitch. If you don't kill all of the members of a pack, then any survivors tend to run off and spawn more to come back. Great way to make money, though.

Btw, is it possbile to get back into Cochinay after the mission where you haveto climb the mountain with Nastas. I managed to get back to the area by jumping off Nekoti Rock(and barely survving) and bypassing the place where you needed Nastas to boost you up for the story mission. However, I seem to automatically die after climbing up a bit. Unless a snake got me.

Want to look around there before I haveto go back, as I assume I will for another story mission.