Red Dead Redemption Official Thread

Alright.. I finished the story..

God damn.

big spoiler, please don't click if you haven't finished it
I don't want to play as Jack, I don't like him very much. I might reload a save and not finish the last mission.

edit: wait, that wasn't the ending! that epilogue sidequest was the ending.. sneaky rockstar.

darkside we gotta posse up
Night time makes the game world look so boring.
This is gonna sound silly but one of the things I'm the most impressed with in the graphics department are the clouds, they're probably the best(non-static) clouds I have ever seen in a computer game and they add sooo much to the scenery for me, especially at sunrise and sunset.
Phew. The draw-distance in this is amazing.
I am in Mejjico at the moment and holy shit. The landscape here is even more impressive than north of the Rio Bravo. Especially the east of Nuevo Paraiso is Sergio Leone Wonderland. Riding towards the sunset with the Devil's Eye in the distance makes me curse the fact that I can't make screenshots. It is so damn beautiful.
I am in Mejjico at the moment and holy shit. The landscape here is even more impressive than north of the Rio Bravo. Especially the east of Nuevo Paraiso is Sergio Leone Wonderland. Riding towards the sunset with the Devil's Eye in the distance makes me curse the fact that I can't make screenshots. It is so damn beautiful.

Just got to Mexico in the early hours this morning and I was pretty much floored by the scenery as well. Just as the wow factor of New Austin was starting to wear off I was blown away when you first ride up the hill into Mexico and that Jose Gonzalez song kicks in. Epic stuff.

The game's been insanely good so far - I've barely been able to tear myself away from the TV over the last couple of days. I don't think any game has come close to creating such a sense of time and place.
Yup, the clouds cast shadows(same strength as all the other shadows in the world), so when you're under the cloud, or it passes over you, you can see your own shadow blend in with the clouds.

Overall the attention to detail in this game is amazing, f*ck, the 3D model for the eagle is amazingly detailed given how small an animal it is, same for rabbits etc.
I never knew cloud shadows would excite me so much, but that has made the game so much harder to resist.
Hey now, there could be collectable pretty rocks and flowers and cacti or w/e like Dynasty said. OR ARE YOU TELLING US THE WILD WEST HAD NONE OF THOSE THINGS?!
I'm pretty glad they didn't include traditional 'collectibles' (**** the pidgeons in GTA IV, seriously), but I do sort of wish the flowers actually did something beyond counting towards the survivalist challenge (and that one stranger quest). Unless I'm missing something, or they take on some kind of usefulness later in the game, their existence seems kind of pointless given how little they sell for.
You could just stock up on plants and sell them in their non-native territories, you get higher prices like that. I still rarely go out of my way to pick them up, only if I happen to be next to one while I'm doing something else will I bother.

This game makes me wish Rockstar filled their game worlds with more easter eggy stuff like UFOs, actual ghosts, and Sasquatches. I guess the rare horses have to do for now. I wrangled one of those hungarian half-breds and thought it was a unicorn for a second. Got way giddy and shit man. At least they somewhat duplicated the GTA4 swingset glitch.
I realized how fun hunting is and that the hunting outfit should have won.

Yeah. God damn edgy kids thinking 'OH MAN ASSASSIN SO COOL'.

Not like dead eye wasn't already horribly broken, god damn.
Just finished the game.

Don't click unless you want the ending of the game spoilered.
Mind = blown. I was wondering where all the non-violent farm missions were leading to. I had expected something nasty, like Abi and Jack getting killed giving John a reason to take to the road again (i.e. go freeroam). But John getting killed, seeing his grave and the camera panning to an older version of Jack was definitely not what I was expecting. I kinda like the ending, but I don't think it necessarily works well in a freeroam game. Plus I had grown attached to John. I don't really want him replaced by some grim looking Orlando Bloom.
Think I had a bug with one of the stranger missions, the early 1 where you help a water prospector get an old man off a piece of land he won't leave:

i paid the old man to gimme his deed to the lot but when I went back to the water guy the deed was bloodied and he said I didnt haveto kill the man, which i didnt. He sad to look out for the old man's son now now that i 'killed' his dad. :|
Oh my god those are absolutely hilarious!
HAHAHA those are amazing.

Played through some of the earlier stages of the game and enjoying it so far.
Laughed so much I went and poured myself a glass of milk so I could spit it on my monitor.

How's everyone doing for challenges? I'm at about level 6-7 on all of em. I have sharpshooter up to the bears one, which I'm assuming I can't get until I gain access to the upper right area, and I just got like 4 of the treasures at once after finally finding out where that cliff one is. Now I just gotta find me some raccoons for the master hunter challenge...
Raccons - nightime hunting. Theres usually a raccon or skunk behind the general store in Armadillo. Just check the alleyways between the buildings. Sometimes the dog in Armadillo gets him.
Anyone finished with the mexico missons? Will I gain access to rebel missons even after I work for De Santo? Or do I need to pick who to work for?
Anyone finished with the mexico missons? Will I gain access to rebel missons even after I work for De Santo? Or do I need to pick who to work for?

You basically work for both sides, but ...

The Mexican campaign ends with a revolution.
I take it the bridge to the plains gets opened at some point?

Much like GTA in it's expansion of the map so far.

I need to kill me some beavers and they're 'only' in the north by the plains.

And I HATE cougars. Just been rummaging around Stillwater Creek and Mason's Bridge marsh area near Thieves Landing, and I got jumped by 5 cougars in about 4 minutes. GET OFF ME YOU DAMN CRITTER!
So I went treasure hunting some more, think I was on the 6th map (or 5th, I think finding the guy counts as rank 1). Anyway it was the one under the big stone arch - no spoiler there, it's plain as day on the map. I dismount and go track down the chest, but my horse must've gotten spooked off or something and run out of range. I call it afterwards, see it's blip show up next to me on the map momentarily then vanish, but it's nowhere to be seen. I whistle a few more times and the same thing happens... I'm starting to suspect it's glitched into the ground when I get an even sillier notion.

Yep, it's on the arch. :V

I must've fended off 20 damn wolves trying to get that damn thing down. In the end I just set up a campsite and ported somewhere else. Goddamn.

Still haven't run into any man-cougars, though.
I haven't been able to play the game since Friday. Will be starting up again when I get back in a couple hours. I have so much of the singleplayer to still do... I barely started.
And I HATE cougars. Just been rummaging around Stillwater Creek and Mason's Bridge marsh area near Thieves Landing, and I got jumped by 5 cougars in about 4 minutes. GET OFF ME YOU DAMN CRITTER!
Just this morning, I was out somewhere near Penance Rock, a cougar killed my horse. Then I hear a man screaming; another cougar killed his horse. I run out to the road, and a third cougar was attacking a stagecoach.
OK, with my refusal to break character, I just had the worst luck collecting a bounty.

On my way to the bounty, my horse got eaten by wolves. Which, whilst distressing, could not get in the way of the mission. So I walked the rest of the way which was little more than 500 yards. I shot the other gang members and hogtied the bounty no problem and put him on the back of one of his horses.

I rode a short way, fighting off a couple of bounty hunters and bandits and the like when I realise that I have unintentionally climbed a mountain. Now, I could either turn around and climb back down the way I came, in the wrong direction for Armadillo, or go off-road and pick my way carefully down the steep slope.

Well what did you think I was going to do? I'm John Marston mother ****er.

Bad choice. Slipping on the last decline, my inferior horse slid down the cliff face and collapsed into a lifeless heap at the bottom. Remarkably, my bounty and I were both still alive and breathing. So I gathered him up on my shoulder and began the long slog back to Armadillo.

Do you know how long it takes to walk to Armadillo with a man on your shoulder? A very long time. :|
Just this morning, I was out somewhere near Penance Rock, a cougar killed my horse. Then I hear a man screaming; another cougar killed his horse. I run out to the road, and a third cougar was attacking a stagecoach.
These are not normal cougars we are dealing with here. They must be some mutated variety that serves up hell to any passers-by, even if they aren't even remotely threatening. Leave it to R* to cheaper their game with mutants. Did you see that man-cougar?? What is this--Far Cry??? :P
Do you guys think Rockstar will ever release an expert aim only free roam mode? Or will we forever have to deal with normal aimers in free roam?

Stupidest game design decision ever.

Also I wish rockstar would ****ing acknowledge the fact that free roam is a major letdown compared to their trailer. "as engaging as the single player experience." Please... give me a ****ing break.
Do you guys think Rockstar will ever release an expert aim only free roam mode? Or will we forever have to deal with normal aimers in free roam?

Stupidest game design decision ever.

Also I wish rockstar would ****ing acknowledge the fact that free roam is a major letdown compared to their trailer. "as engaging as the single player experience." Please... give me a ****ing break.

Don't talk shit about Redemption or Rockstar, it's not allowed on the internets.
Do you guys think Rockstar will ever release an expert aim only free roam mode? Or will we forever have to deal with normal aimers in free roam?

Stupidest game design decision ever.

Also I wish rockstar would ****ing acknowledge the fact that free roam is a major letdown compared to their trailer. "as engaging as the single player experience." Please... give me a ****ing break.

I do fine against normal aimers. They can't pull off a headshot as fast as I can.
I went hunting for another hungarian half-bred after mine got hit by a train. I found one running near a waterfall so I lassoed it and got on to do the balancing shit. So after a few seconds of bucking, I noticed that we were getting really ****ing close to the edge of the waterfall cliff but I didn't think we could fall in.

**** that. Sure enough, we fell over the side while the horse was still trying to buck me off and landed in the water.
Aha, that sucks.

The horses can be retarded for sure. Lost one running toward me only to be hit by the big hunk of metal choo-choo-ing along.

And has anyone tried the train achievement when you lasso a woman and put her on the tracks to be run over?

I laughed pretty hard when the train hit.
Aha, that sucks.

The horses can be retarded for sure. Lost one running toward me only to be hit by the big hunk of metal choo-choo-ing along.

And has anyone tried the train achievement when you lasso a woman and put her on the tracks to be run over?

I laughed pretty hard when the train hit.

Yes. My horse had also wandered onto the tracks.


The first time I tried it the game didn't work it appropriately, so the train STOPPED. Just, stopped, kept trying to move but was stuck on the whore. Walked in front of the train, tried to shoot her, to no avail. Eventually I just walked right up to the front and picked her up, and got teleported into the train car as it shot forward again.