Red Dead Redemption Official Thread

Man, I got bit by a snake. First snake I've seen. I was helping some guy free his buddy who was getting hanged, and after I finished it, I was walking to my horse and suddenly I see something on the grOH SHIT IT'S A SNAKE, OW!

it bit me. But it didn't appear to cause me any further damage, even though i was racing to town in case I needed a cure.
I haven't seen anything about this game or thread (Except for Raziaar's post - Cool, snakes lol)

When I bought GTAIV for PC I was on a bit of a moral high for actually buying a ****ing game, but then it pulled the whole "You have to download, install, and sign up for two pieces of irrelevant software just to play the game you paid a hundred and twenty ****ing dollars for".

I've experienced as much rage at video games as the next guy, but after downloading and installing Social Club, I thought the horror was over


Do you have to face this kind of bullshit with Red Dead? If you do, I'm donning my pirate hat for sure.
isn't there ways of just downloading the game and playing it hacked?? not that i endorse that but twice the cost of a game is absurd. hell if they make an international version, just import it from and play it that way
He shoots them in the head and pretends they're knocked out.
isn't there ways of just downloading the game and playing it hacked?? not that i endorse that but twice the cost of a game is absurd. hell if they make an international version, just import it from and play it that way

That's what I meant by "getting a moral high by actually buying a game".

Games that everyone, including bro gamers, casuals etc. will buy (CoD, Halo, etc.) are usually $100+ when they're released. I still see Max Payne 2 for $99 at some fancy-ass stores that don't seem to understand.

Hell I think some game expansions I've seen, like WoW's, are $100 when they're released too.

Importing it from ****ing asia would probably cost more, anyway.
I saw it at a Myers store, they pretty much overcharge everything and have an air of high-esteem and sophistication about it.

The first time I went to that shop, I trotted through in raggy, baggy-ass clothes, wearing a counterfeit Nirvana shirt full of burn holes. I could almost hear the monocles fly off faces.
That's what I meant by "getting a moral high by actually buying a game".

Games that everyone, including bro gamers, casuals etc. will buy (CoD, Halo, etc.) are usually $100+ when they're released. I still see Max Payne 2 for $99 at some fancy-ass stores that don't seem to understand.

Hell I think some game expansions I've seen, like WoW's, are $100 when they're released too.

Importing it from ****ing asia would probably cost more, anyway.

holy **** dude, I could buy the games for you and leave my shipping address as yours or get the game version you need from double importing it and you'd be happy and i'd be happy
No offence but I wouldn't even trust you with .jpeg files.
Dan, I'm not sure if this is what you were asking, but Red Dead isn't out for PC nor has it been announced. The console versions do have a kind-of-dumb thing where you have to sign in to the social club to gain a certain outfit, but it's not really a big deal since you don't have to deal with the shitty software that comes with it.
So, I still haven't got around to playing it .. even though I've had it since Thursday. My plans to have a good session last night got foiled by the temptation of alcohol in what was a lovely, sunny, evening!

Now I'm back at Work until 19:00 again :(
I pretty much played Red Dead all day and it was fun but not nearly as the fun I had with the posse i had yesterday. seems like the weekend isn't the best time to play this and like 7pm is better. heres an interesting perspective though, with Fallout New Vegas coming out this fall, do you think people can manage playing a game that large with no horse?? i know there is fast travel but if New Vegas doesn't have a horse I think its going to be one boring game
Thing is.. RDR has a lot less to find in the wide open plains than New Vegas will or FO3 did. Every couple of meters in FO3 there was a new thing to explore. RDR just has plains.. and trees.. and shrubs.. and sometimes a house.
Thats the only thing that I think Rockstar has dropped the ball on in RDR.

Theres no real incentive to ride out and find random places, as theres no collectables. You can hunt and skin animals, pick herbs and flowers, find a worryingly small number of treasure spots, accept the odd shooting challenge and random event...and thats about it. Everything else happens in towns, so you sometimes dont bother roaming around. Its cool for 5 minutes then you just sit there thinking 'whats the point?'.

I want to go on the prowl for something like pigeons in GTA, or new weapons and ammo or money.

Tumbleweed is supposed to be haunted, but Ive found ***k all in that place for example.

Though I do like how I only found that out by buying the newspaper, which is an awesome touch.

Its a really fun game, just give me more incentive to run off the tracks. It feels a bit too much like FarCry 2 where there were only ever guys in towns or at checkpoints.

Theres people riding around and stuff yeah, and the random events are nice when you save people in gunfights, help the law catch someone running away etc. And I love the screams you hear in towns as people get dragged off and you save them etc.

But...with such an open world, this game is frigging huge, it needs MORE to fill in those spaces other than wildlife. Collectables, anything to give us incentive.
Ace and Dynasty said:
We want more things outside of town! There's only plains and trees and the occasional house!
Jesus christ.

I blame the cougars for your mental failings. Them wily cats must've addled your brains somehow. They're behind everything, including plum stupidity in decent enough folk.
So I just completed the Flowers for a Lady sidequest:

After I gave the old man his flowers, I turned away from the screen to grab a drink while he brought me into his house, then looked back and HOLY **** HIS WIFE IS DEAD AND ROTTED. Almost spit up my water. Almost.
They use that plot point twice in two very early stranger missions.

Woman: "Please find my husband, this musician must know where he is!"

Musician: "Yeah he was last seen at *blip on map*"

*blip on map*: It turns out it's a graveyard. WHAT A TWEEST.
Like this hasn't been done 500 times already.
edit: in reply to losing your first horse:

Yeah, actually when I got the new palomino horse my old horse was still in the area, all arone. Shoulda just got back on her.

Also, had a random event where I had to recapture 2 convicts who got away from a lawmen. Could kill them outright or hogtie them and bring them back. So, I hogtied them and brough them back to him. He started kicking them on the ground and then executed them with his revolver. lolwut
Jesus christ.

I blame the cougars for your mental failings. Them wily cats must've addled your brains somehow. They're behind everything, including plum stupidity in decent enough folk.

Hey now, there could be collectable pretty rocks and flowers and cacti or w/e like Dynasty said. OR ARE YOU TELLING US THE WILD WEST HAD NONE OF THOSE THINGS?!
Okay, if we were to stick to reality then yeah, there wouldnt be anything.

But give me ONE other reason why you would run out to a dark square on the map if you hadnt discovered it already, and found nothing there?

On saying that, most of the places Ive come across that have been deserted are actually being used in some way during the story or sidemissions...but is that really enough?

Hell I dunno, collectable sheep skulls or something, just a carrot on a stick to make me come back at some point. It feels like the area is done and dusted with once youve gone through.

The only thing keeping me running around randomly is the hunting and scavenging which are quite fun. And the random events are funny and disturbing sometimes.

The game is brilliant as always from Rockstar, but I like the Fallout 3-ness that GTA kind of had where you can find weapons scattered around, hidden areas etc, stuff to actually FIND when youre doing what free roaming is all about, not fast travelling between points because theres nothing really to fill the distance required to gallop.

And damn those cougars! ***king NINJAS!!! I was sat on my horse waiting for the train to run over a hogtied woman and I got raped by 2 cougars.

Anyone come across the canibal? Haha that got me laughing good
Also, had a random event where I had to recapture 2 convicts who got away from a lawmen. Could kill them outright or hogtie them and bring them back. So, I hogtied them and brough them back to him. He started kicking them on the ground and then executed them with his revolver. lolwut

Yah, I just had that one. Thought it was incredibly harsh so I lassoed the lawman and flung him over a cliff. Thus ensued a massive chase. It was epic.

HELL YEAH, inbetween typing this post I got a ringer on horseshoes. Amazing, I am.

EDIT: I also refuse to fast travel. Just like I refuse to skip other people's goes in poker. Or gallop/sprint through town centres/ranches. Seems to break the immersion. I'd also rather navigate using the in-game signs and the map than use the mini-map in the corner.
Thieves Landing is brilliant, I just walk from one end to the other and all kinds of shit happens.
Jesus christ.

I blame the cougars for your mental failings. Them wily cats must've addled your brains somehow. They're behind everything, including plum stupidity in decent enough folk.

I never said that. I just stated the differences between Fallout 3 and RDR. RDR is fine as is, the landscapes are beautiful and random events keep long travels somewhat ineresting.. even if I've seen the same thing about three times now. I think over 200 random events was exaggerating a bit. Or they just don't know how to do a proper randomization algorithm.
Never even redeemed mine. I feel like it ruins the progression of the game to get a bunch of good stuff from the start.

yeah god damn it I regreted it the moment I saw the golden gun. I don't want it! I thought you needed to find it or buy it somewhere. Not sure how to get rid of it. I had to reload becouse the warhorse replaced my other horse that was awesome. So i reloaded an earlier save.

And then a ****ing cougar killed my awesome horse! The one I got from Bonnie. I loved that horse! We had awesome adventures together. He bucked a bounty I was hunting. Hilarious. I ****ing raped the cat after that. shot it to hell and skinned it. Not sure if I even have the warhorse now... Doesn't look like it...
If you tame a horse in the south, are they better than the ones in the north? Or do you have to buy the best ones for $1500?

Only asking because, in a state of hilarity about an hour ago, I decided to take down the horses the hunters were chasing me on as I was taking a wanted man hogtied on the back of my horse to watch them faceplant off their horses...and in the heat of the moment, I headshot my own horse as it was running toward me with them.

I laughed, then cried as he had been with me for the last 7 hours of gameplay.
I can't whistle anymore - anyone else experienced this?
Been having a lot of fun with this, I do have one large gripe with MP(ignoring the free-roam aspect), it does not punish people quitters enough.

In my opinion people should actually lose XP(and be able to lose levels) for quitting games.

In 8/10 team-based games I had today, half of a team would always quit the moment they started losing.

For example, I was playing Capture the Bag or whatever it's called, we're going 7v7, enemy captures first bag, BAM, 4 people on my side quit, leaving the three people on my team(that includes me) versus seven on the other, needless to say we didn't win that match.
Have you guys got to the cutscene where the guy grabs the horses dick? I thought that was hilarious and they even showed a closeup of it.
Been having a lot of fun with this, I do have one large gripe with MP(ignoring the free-roam aspect), it does not punish people quitters enough.

In my opinion people should actually lose XP(and be able to lose levels) for quitting games.

In 8/10 team-based games I had today, half of a team would always quit the moment they started losing.

For example, I was playing Capture the Bag or whatever it's called, we're going 7v7, enemy captures first bag, BAM, 4 people on my side quit, leaving the three people on my team(that includes me) versus seven on the other, needless to say we didn't win that match.

I've had no problem with people quitting.. but then again, the difference between PSN and XBL.
Have you guys got to the cutscene where the guy grabs the horses dick? I thought that was hilarious and they even showed a closeup of it.
Yep. First a naked man hanging with his dick cut off and then Irish grabbing a handful of horse testicles. Stay classy, Rockstar.
Have you guys got to the cutscene where the guy grabs the horses dick? I thought that was hilarious and they even showed a closeup of it.

Yup. Wish I had the console connected to the PC so I could've grabbed a screen. Bummer. :laugh:
lol just realised there isn't even a PC version for this game.

Well **** your shit, I'm never looking at this thread again.
You'll be back in like a year, when Rockstar releases the port that nobody cares about anymore.
And I'll have to download and install 3 pieces of software just to open it, and another two if I want to save my game.

Oh I finished GTA IV yesterday lol I only lost Kate.
Eejit said:
Hey now, there could be collectable pretty rocks and flowers and cacti or w/e like Dynasty said. OR ARE YOU TELLING US THE WILD WEST HAD NONE OF THOSE THINGS?!

There are collectable flowers, man.

Also I just got my own copy of the game for PS3 today instead of bumming the game on my friend's 360, so if anyone wants to add me on PSN: EmperorDarkside.
PS3 has one gaem.

EDIT: I should probably actually leave the thread like I said.