Red Dead Redemption Official Thread

You have to do a mission for that afaik.
Yeah, that's what I thought. Seems like it would be one of the ranch hand missions, so it looks like I will be doing as many of those as I can tonight. :) Can't wait to start applying my hogtie skills to bitches in town...and everyone else.
I find it so hard to be a bad guy. I saw this guy pissing on the side of a bridge, and I roped him and dragged him for a little bit and then I felt bad so I had to let him go.
Argh! Can't bring myself to start up the game right now. Free roam has me so incredibly disappointed. That was my biggest draw. It's not that there are no minigames, which was kind of expected, but there are no random events, and nearly no npcs at all in the game world except for gangs in gang hideouts and the occasional rare guy on a horse.

How do you cause a ruckus if every town is pretty much a ****ing ghost town? I'm surprised I haven't heard any of you guys comment on this yet. The way they were talking about free roam made it sound so much better than this crap. I'll probably end up getting bored of this free roam quicker than I did the free mode in GTA IV. At least in GTA IV there were a considerable number of AI pedestrians to **** around with.

sigh. Man... even if I had a zero hype I would have been hugely disappointed by this revelation. Somebody please tell me I'm not the only one.

I mean come on, what the hell is the point in levelling up? It's only good for free roam I believe, and it feels so empty as a result of the 1-3 npc per square kilometer density(with exception to bandit hideouts). The animal density seems even worse.

It didn't much matter when I was ridin' with some buddies at full speed, throwing knives at any lone riders ambling my way.

Cities seem to suddenly populate themselves at times. It's weird, But I've had a city go from two people to twenty in a couple seconds. On Free-roam, of course.
It didn't much matter when I was ridin' with some buddies at full speed, throwing knives at any lone riders ambling my way.

Cities seem to suddenly populate themselves at times. It's weird, But I've had a city go from two people to twenty in a couple seconds. On Free-roam, of course.

Well, I'm still disappointed in the lack of innocents.

There are shitloads of law enforcement though and enough to surely give 8 players a challenge, especially if it's on expert aiming mode... it'll be ridiculously hard. Holing up in a building and fighting it out with the Mexican Army would be awesome. Was doing just that to a small degree on a public server. Had lots of assholes just killing other players, but we formed a ragtag posse and ****ed them up.
Who cares? Just play the god damn game. My main decision for PS3 was the easy wifi capability.

Also, I appear to have gotten an extra golden guns code for P-S-triple, if anyone has an Assassin's outfit they don't want; got an extra of, drop me a PM. For ps triple of course.
360 version certainly does have AA. PS3 version is most likely using Quincunx (sp?) AA which blurs the entire image, while 360 is probably using 2x MA. If the only image difference was the lower resolution, I'd be getting this on PS3, but the reduction in foliage pushes me over to 360. Don't know why guy posting the images is getting so emotional about it, the differences aren't enough for people with just a PS3 to feel let down.
I find it so hard to be a bad guy. I saw this guy pissing on the side of a bridge, and I roped him and dragged him for a little bit and then I felt bad so I had to let him go.

Im exactly the same in any game. I found it really hard to do any renegade action in Mass Effect 2 for example, even back in the KOTOR days. Whenever there is a good and evil balance, I have to go for the good.

Weirdly though, I went evil first time round in inFamous. But it was so badass with the red, his look and the powers.
sigh. Man... even if I had a zero hype I would have been hugely disappointed by this revelation. Somebody please tell me I'm not the only one.

I only had a little hype for the game, and it was all for the SP. Multiplayer sounded like it could be cool, but like I've said before in this thread, it all sounded Peter Molyneux-ish and I wasnt about to take their word for it. So i'm not really disappointed at all, because I didnt expect much from it. Rockstar has always been SP developers, so I pretty much expect every MP thing they do to fall on its face. They should just stick with what they're known for, branching out only messes things up.

Would seem R* San Diego wasn't as comfortable with the PS3s hardware as they were with the 360s.

Nobody is except for Naughty Dog. The Cell processor is stupid. Nobody wants to spend all the time and money on figuring that bitch out. So they just do a "good enough" job with it and call it done. Unless a developer devotes themselves to the system (Naughty Dog), they won't ever be comfortable with it because its so different. Gabe said as much a couple years ago when it came out, and he hit the nail on the head.
the reduction in foliage pushes me over to 360.
LOL--it's a friggin DESERT. How much foliage do you want?? If you have never been to a desert I will let you in on a little secret...




If this were Crysis I could see whining, but for a game set in the Old West talk of lack of foliage is just plain ridiculous, agreed?

Nobody is except for Naughty Dog.
And good thing too since they are one of the few developers who are exceedingly vocal about sharing code. The internal teams of SCE are straight-up awesome which is why games will keep looking better and better. Even the upgrade from Uncharted 2 to God of War 3 was a big jump. I don't expect third-party devs to get as much love sadly, but for Sony that doesn't matter nearly as much given their amazing talent pool of internal developers. :thumbs:
I think SCE need to get their act together with 3rd party devs, though. If you watch the Uncharted 2 'making-of' and read the credits to the game you will see Sony seem to have dedicated engineers working with the 1st party devs to get the best out of the Cell and explain things. There's also alot of communication between all the first-part devs with SCE, exchanging info and so on. They also hold conferences about how to best utilise the cores etc. That knowledge should be passed on more easibly to non-Sony owned studios imo.
LOL--it's a friggin DESERT. How much foliage do you want?? If you have never been to a desert I will let you in on a little secret...
Why would a PS3 desert have a different amount of foliage compared to a xbox360 desert?
I don't really notice the foliage difference much in the screens. Yeah, the foregorund grass is more detailed on 360 but I prefer the slightly blurred trees in the distance on ps3. On 360, they look more 'gamey', more harsh and sharp looking.
I think SCE need to get their act together with 3rd party devs, though. If you watch the Uncharted 2 'making-of' and read the credits to the game you will see Sony seem to have dedicated engineers working with the 1st party devs to get the best out of the Cell and explain things. There's also alot of communication between all the first-part devs with SCE, exchanging info and so on. They also hold conferences about how to best utilise the cores etc. That knowledge should be passed on more easibly to non-Sony owned studios imo.

''Thank you for calling the Sony Engineers Helpline. We value your call, and would like to thank you for purchasing the PlayStation 3 system. All our Engineers are busy right now and cannot take your call, as Sony is getting their asses sued off due to breaching consumer rights like morons, as well as taking away as much as they can from the system bit-by-bit to save money.''

I wonder how much developers do actually get from talking to Sony when trying to push the envelope on what the system is capable of.
If this were Crysis I could see whining, but for a game set in the Old West talk of lack of foliage is just plain ridiculous, agreed?
No whining here. If you look at the comparison screens there is an obvious difference between the amount and quality of the grass, which looks distracting enough for me to buy the 360 version. Foliage was the wrong word to use, there's no difference on the trees. The differences aren't great, but as I have the choice, I'll go for the best looking version.

And regarding the discussion about difficulty making games for the PS3, as long as there are games as good looking as Killzone 2, Uncharted 2 and God of War 3, I really don't care how hard it is to develop for. It may be harder to work with, but if that hard work is done the results are phenomenal. Plus games like Battlefield Bad Company 2 show that platform parity is attainable if the developers put the effort in.
No whining here...The differences aren't great, but as I have the choice, I'll go for the best looking version.
Yeah, that makes sense. I guess it comes down to what exactly makes one "better-looking" than the other to someone. And I guess "whining" wasn't necessarily the right word there either. Maybe nit-picking, but not whining. :P

And regarding the discussion about difficulty making games for the PS3, as long as there are games as good looking as Killzone 2, Uncharted 2 and God of War 3, I really don't care how hard it is to develop for. It may be harder to work with, but if that hard work is done the results are phenomenal. Plus games like Battlefield Bad Company 2 show that platform parity is attainable if the developers put the effort in.
Exactly. They have certainly come a long way. :)
I saw an article in the ingame newspaper about tumbleweed being haunted, so I went there about 1am game time. I didn't find anything in the town itself, but I saw a large plantation house outside of town so I went in to explore. I didn't find anything, but before I left the house I noticed it had a basement. I went down the stairs and discovered one of the creepiest places in a video game I have ever been. All of a sudden I heard footsteps and creaking so I run back upstairs. There's nothing. I heard crying back down in the basement. I was scared shitless so I ran outside, called for my horse, Bob Johnson, and hauled ass to armadillo. John had to drink several shots of whiskey to get his mind off that event. Jesus I love this game.
hmm... i'm going to have to try that when I get home.
Oh god, serious Blair Witch Flashbacks.

Just waiting for the postwoman to knock on my door so I can get my Western on.
My copy of RDR came inthe post this morning!!! :D

And I can't play it!! WHYYYY???!!!! *sobs* ;(
I have to say this game actually freaks me out. If there's anything I hate more than deep water, it's wide open areas at night. Can't stand traveling in the game during dark. Not even in towns.
*watches postwoman drive off*

Where's my package ***ch!?
I have to say, RDR is amazing. Everything, from the convos you can have on horseback with other characters, to using the lasso on criminals, to gambling. Also, riding on your horse through the desert + the ambient music=hypnotic.

I had my doubts, but RDR is thoroughly addicting.
I'm pretty sad that I have to agree at how dead the world seems in multiplayer, but nevertheless me and my friends have been having a lot of fun in it. Mostly laughing at the results of euphoria and our own ****ups + intentional ****ups.

Anyway, I think it's worth a try to head over to:

And let our thoughts be known about the missing minigames, sparse world, trains, lassos, world events, what have you. Just to put it out there :naughty:

But enough about that. We got the free co-op missions DLC (**** I HATE THAT WORD) coming out next month.
Oh. My. God.

EB Games let me have it a day early :D

It is ****ing amazing, school is taking a backseat to RDR, **** yeah.
I'll get it tomorrow at 12. But I have promised to work at 13.00

Call in sick?
To stay cool with society, work.

Judging by the time, im guessing it wont be long anyway.

You'll be wanting that 'new gamez!' fix, but that will wear off after 5 minutes of play, just like every other game. Thats how I try to control myself.
To stay cool with society, work.

Judging by the time, im guessing it wont be long anyway.

You'll be wanting that 'new gamez!' fix, but that will wear off after 5 minutes of play, just like every other game. Thats how I try to control myself.

It's been three days and I'm still impatient sitting here at school, waiting to go home so I can not do my homework and play RDR.

Not to mention I was four minutes late yesterday to literature, so I have a detention today, so that's another full hour.
