Red Dead Redemption Official Thread

Fallout 3 was alright actually, but the rest are poop. I was inquiring as to whether this one is any different from the norm.

You are confirmed as a terrible person.
PS3 versions being inferior seems to be becoming the norm these days.

Cant understand why. Im pretty sure the PS3 has more power.

Still, atleast we get the better DLC deals. Batman and this game are prime examples.
PS3 versions being inferior seems to be becoming the norm these days.

Cant understand why. Im pretty sure the PS3 has more power.
Just as soon as they figure out how to program for the cell CPU, amirite? :P

I've been saying since before the systems even came out that the 360 has a better GPU, which is more important. The PS3 CPU has some unique flaws as well.

It's not at all about how many threads or cores a CPU has - for example, a 6 core, 12 thread CPU doesn't necessarily equate to better performance than a 4 core, 4 thread CPU.

It's like having 10 hands doesn't necessarily mean better masturbation than with 2 hands.
PS3 version seems fine. Don't know what you guys are talking about. Oh, I guess I should add you PS3bros to my friends list.
You are confirmed as a terrible person.

I suspect they're generally so bad because the devs end up emphasising quantity over quality. Quality in terms of imagination, originality, plot, character development.
With many of them I can see how you might have that problem, but it's a priority thing. A jarring, beautiful, immersive world can be just as moving or affecting as a deep plot (Shadow of the Colossus, Stalker). But what I mainly find funny (other than the fact that, of all the possible games, you find Fallout 3 to be the single good game) is that you first cite boredom as your main problem and then switch to this argument. Not that boredom should really be an option for many sandbox games. SR2 manages to be so dense with non-storybased gameplay that I've had incredibly memorable experiences while driving a couple blocks between missions.
Seems like the kind of thing that you'd notice if you were paying super super super close attention to detail, which I don't. Devs need to start making use of the MLAA that God of War 3 uses. Game looks jaw droppingly good.

Btw, the euphoria in this game seems to be a little more subdued compared to GTA4, makes me sad :(. I loved running into people and watching them stumble for hours.
I need to resolve my Xbox 360 NAT problems. I am on Moderate NAT warning when I check my xbox live connection... and it says I need to be in Open.

I keep getting kicked out of freeroam games due to connection issues with other players. It's ****ing bullshit and is pissing me off. I also got stuck in an infinite loop of loading for freeroam after I got disconnected from one.

Seems like the kind of thing that you'd notice if you were paying super super super close attention to detail, which I don't. Devs need to start making use of the MLAA that God of War 3 uses. Game looks jaw droppingly good.

Btw, the euphoria in this game seems to be a little more subdued compared to GTA4, makes me sad :(. I loved running into people and watching them stumble for hours.

Eh, I like it being more realistic. The very first thing I did, like, the second I got off the train, was bump into a drunk man trying to make his way down the steps at the saloon. The result made the 60 dollars worth it. The rest of the game is now just icing on the cake.

Also, the Movie Theater...


So far I have only once successfully turned in a bounty alive. Its way harder than killing them. The first time I almost made it, I ran over some ****ing dog as I was hauling ass through a town because there were the guy's buddies on my tail, and apparently that was one of the deputy's dogs or something, because as soon as I rode up to him he shot me in the head. Then the second time I got surrounded by the guy's friends and they ended up killing my bounty. At least on that one I still got some cash, and didn't die.

Also, I met some religious lady out in the wilderness who was about to die. I think I was supposed to just leave her, because thats what she wanted me to do and I had finished the side quest and everything. But she started coughing real bad and it felt wrong to just leave her there. So I roped her and dragged her crazy ass back to town and left her in front of the doc's building. Felt good to be able to rope someone for their own good. You don't get many moral roping opportunities.
Ah shit, the place I pre-ordered from just listed RDR as on back order, with more coming on the 27th. When I put through my order it was still in stock, but my payment was only just received today (overnight back transfer), so I'm not sure if I'll be getting it now or later. :(

I need to resolve my Xbox 360 NAT problems. I am on Moderate NAT warning when I check my xbox live connection... and it says I need to be in Open.

I keep getting kicked out of freeroam games due to connection issues with other players. It's ****ing bullshit and is pissing me off. I also got stuck in an infinite loop of loading for freeroam after I got disconnected from one.


Kind of annoying, but you won't regret it.
Ah shit, the place I pre-ordered from just listed RDR as on back order, with more coming on the 27th. When I put through my order it was still in stock, but my payment was only just received today (overnight back transfer), so I'm not sure if I'll be getting it now or later. :(

Kind of annoying, but you won't regret it.

I have been using port forward. I've been trying everything. I even put my Xbox 360 on the DMZ to no avail.

My router is a Netgear MI424-WR by the way.

This sucks... won't be able to play online if I can't get this fixed.
Also, the Movie Theater...

I lol'd for great justice when I saw that.

I was searching for plants to harvest when out of nowhere I saw a man on his knees crying next to his dead wife who had apparently committed suicide, there was a gun next to her body. So I got off my horse and bumped him a few times, then he picked up the gun and SHOT HIMSELF. That was just depressing to watch.

Then I looted him.

Rockstar certainly knows how to put life into their open worlds.
I have been using port forward. I've been trying everything. I even put my Xbox 360 on the DMZ to no avail.

My router is a Netgear MI424-WR by the way.

This sucks... won't be able to play online if I can't get this fixed.
Using a LAN cable or wireless adapter? I'm not sure but I've heard of people getting worse NAT ratings because of poor wireless connections.
I managed to solve my problem. I have some ports forwarded for my computer for xbox because I stream videos to my xbox and watch them in the living room.

It turned out two of those, the 3074 ports were conflicting with the ones I was trying to forward with the 360, and so I removed them from being forwarded on my computer, and now they're just being forwarded for the 360. It all works now.

Silly router being unable to forward the same ports to two different internal IP addresses. :(

But, I still keep getting disconnected from multiplayer freeroam sessions. At least now, I don't think it's because of my NAT settings.

I have to say I'm really disappointed at how few NPCs are in multiplayer freeroam compared to singleplayer. I mean, singleplayer already wasn't very densely packed, and it's even less so in multiplayer? Hopefully that was just a server setting... because there were more NPCs in GTA IV multiplayer than in this.

Also I need to play with you guys in multiplayer. Every ****ing moron is just engaged in a silly little deathmatch again and again.
I lol'd for great justice when I saw that.

I was searching for plants to harvest when out of nowhere I saw a man on his knees crying next to his dead wife who had apparently committed suicide, there was a gun next to her body. So I got off my horse and bumped him a few times, then he picked up the gun and SHOT HIMSELF. That was just depressing to watch.

Then I looted him.

Rockstar certainly knows how to put life into their open worlds.

Could you please put spoiler tags on stuff like this? There's a finite number of "random character encounters" like this and I'd prefer to have as few as possible spoiled.
Could you please put spoiler tags on stuff like this? There's a finite number of "random character encounters" like this and I'd prefer to have as few as possible spoiled.

Sure. Btw the game ends when you-

I have RDR on the PS3 and have only noticed one giant problem. when playing online in freeroam, my character will sometimes disappear and all i can see are my footprints. other than that the frame rate is good, a bit jaggy but its still a nice looking game. so far no lag online, and plenty to do in the game! i still feel overwhelmed at the moment with the amount of content i will soak up with this game
According to people who have both versions the PS3 versions res(rendered internally prior to upscaling) is a bit lower than the 360, but not by much.
my reasoning (if i even need it) is that GTA4 crashed my xbox and caused me 2 weeks of no xbox, and at the time i went out, bought GTA4 for the PS3 and had just as much fun. also my PS3 has the ability to use HDMI, while me xbox (created in 2005) still uses Component Cables so there is a big visual difference between the two IMO.
Loving it so far. For the latter part of my evening I played freeroam with two friends, and had a blast just doing gang hideouts and the one minecart run. Game is ****ing great, and you guys should stop nitpicking over small things like tiny differences in resolution.

PSN works great, too. Everything is internalized in the game, so there really is no difference from it to XBL.
I'm eagerly awaiting a post from Darkside detailing his roping adventures.
My first gun duel was awesome. I wasn't really sure what I was supposed to be doing. I read the tutorial on screen but I was too busy trying to lower my hand to my gun like it said with right stick, but I was stupid and didn't realize I was doing it with my left stick. I then wondered why it was taking so long and quickly realized, "Oh shit... the guy has his gun out of his holster already and is almost aiming at me!" and so I quickly hit the left trigger and my guy pulls his gun out, and I aim for center mass really hastily and POW POW POW POW, I shoot the gun out of his hand and he survives... running away like a coward. And I'm just standing dazed wondering how in my first gun duel not only did I not die, but I didn't kill my opponent either.

After that I've been making an effort to shoot the guns out of their hands.

I'm still wondering why there are barely any NPCs in freeroam. It's disappointing. I haven't gotten to spend much time in it though due to connection issues from rockstar servers which I hope they fix soon. And what the **** is up with the invisibility glitch? That seems like an awfully big, easily reproducible glitch to make it to release. Makes the multiplayer unplayable when it happens. I know that glitch will be fixed... but I worry that the lack of npcs is entirely as exciting as it's ever going to be. I can't imagine the world being too fun with a lot of gang hideouts but only a few innocent npcs to harass.

All that being said, I am enjoying the singleplayer though. I mean come on, it's a rockstar game... but I am worried the multiplayer, especially the freeroam which was the biggest draw, is going to turn out to be a big ****ing flop of an affair thanks to a desolate world lacking npcs and animals save for a few. And being on servers where you have the hardest aiming and the normal aiming and everybody is using the normal aiming... it sucks. I haven't seen any hardcore only aiming servers. The gunfights are boring when you have the instant lockon ability.
I have whistling stuck in my head from that damn music.
I recommend you guys switch to expert targeting mode in singleplayer(as well as multiplayer of course). For a while I was playing on normal, but I find expert to be not ridiculously more challenging but infinitely more reward.

I mean, the bullets themselves already kind of find a way to the targets much of the time, no need to make it even more easy to hit your prey.
I didn't know what I was doing in my first gun duel. I just skimmed the tutorial, pulled the right stick back then painted his whole body with targets starting from his feet up to his head. Dude got lit up like a Christmas tree.
I survived a 12 man duel tonight and the other guy ran to a barn because he didn't know how to shoot. I was blasting everyone because I hid behind some hay and it was awesome. I never thought a Western could be so much fun! and I've barely touched this game too and wanting to play more
God this game is going to f*ck me up. It took me a week to get used to Lost Planet 2's control scheme. Jumping back and forth between that and RDR is going to be bitch.
With many of them I can see how you might have that problem, but it's a priority thing. A jarring, beautiful, immersive world can be just as moving or affecting as a deep plot (Shadow of the Colossus, Stalker). But what I mainly find funny (other than the fact that, of all the possible games, you find Fallout 3 to be the single good game) is that you first cite boredom as your main problem and then switch to this argument. Not that boredom should really be an option for many sandbox games. SR2 manages to be so dense with non-storybased gameplay that I've had incredibly memorable experiences while driving a couple blocks between missions.

I'm not switching argument, I explained why I think they're boring. Fallout 3 isn't exactly good, but it is best of the bad bunch imo, probably helped by the setting letting them do some more interesting things rather than hordes of samey gang members/bandits/militia.
once I can, I'm playing in expert aiming only matches
Man since I got this game at midnight I haven't slept. The best part of combat is definitely the Wilhem scream, just every once in a while you'll shoot a guy and he'll tumble off his perch and do the famous shriek, it's the best.
Wilhem scream! THATS the name. Dammit I heard that yell last night and couldnt remember the name.
Argh! Can't bring myself to start up the game right now. Free roam has me so incredibly disappointed. That was my biggest draw. It's not that there are no minigames, which was kind of expected, but there are no random events, and nearly no npcs at all in the game world except for gangs in gang hideouts and the occasional rare guy on a horse.

How do you cause a ruckus if every town is pretty much a ****ing ghost town? I'm surprised I haven't heard any of you guys comment on this yet. The way they were talking about free roam made it sound so much better than this crap. I'll probably end up getting bored of this free roam quicker than I did the free mode in GTA IV. At least in GTA IV there were a considerable number of AI pedestrians to **** around with.

sigh. Man... even if I had a zero hype I would have been hugely disappointed by this revelation. Somebody please tell me I'm not the only one.

I mean come on, what the hell is the point in levelling up? It's only good for free roam I believe, and it feels so empty as a result of the 1-3 npc per square kilometer density(with exception to bandit hideouts). The animal density seems even worse.
So how do you rope people?? Do you have to learn that talent or find a rope?? Complete a mission or some such? I REALLY wanted to rope some bastards last night and had no idea how. :(

I am not that far in the game, but it is truly impressive as heck. Riding one's horse through the desert is insanely gorgeous and enveloping. I have a feeling getting away with my random killing sprees is going to be a lot harder though....
So how do you rope people?? Do you have to learn that talent or find a rope?? Complete a mission or some such? I REALLY wanted to rope some bastards last night and had no idea how. :(

You have to do a mission for that afaik.
It's interesting to see comparisons between the PS3 and 360 version, PS3 version has notably less dense foliage than the 360 version does, and the geeks that use their geek-methods to discover the true res of a game prior to the upscaling of both consoles indicates that the 360 version is running at a slightly(note slightly) higher resolution than the PS3 version.

Would seem R* San Diego wasn't as comfortable with the PS3s hardware as they were with the 360s.
PS3 has yet to hit its stride with the majority of developers. Naughty Dog are really the only ones who have gone the whole way with the understanding and results.

Thats weird, my order has been posted today so I will be getting it tomorrow.

Never had an early game *strokes stubble*