Russia's Putin Says Government Resigns

Lordblackadder said:
Hehe.. a Texan. Howd on da dem shpuurs daar pilgrim. :farmer:

Have you ever lived under a dictatorship? Would you even know what one looks like? The examples you give have little to do with political tyranny, and even less to do with the process of wading into it.

As RW Emerson once said: "If I were to rule the world, I'd have to keep it amused."

Full Disclosure: I like Texas and have several friends in Dallas, so don't take it personally. No I didn't vote for GW "awol" Bush, nor for Algore. :LOL:

PS. Awful has no e.

Heh, thanks. My being a former grammar nazi isn't paying off.
I try to extend my vocabularly to words that aren't usually practiced in normal conversations. Meanwhile; little words like awful and tomorrow fade into the wind.
Thanks for correcting me.

As for on topic; You do make a good point.
I just want to go back to Dallas and get some of those 40oz. Margarittas.:bounce:
Damn straight, I rented a car and had to drive for almost an hour to get from the airport to my friend's place, that's with 0 traffic, 'cause I arrived late morning.

I heard it is closer to go from Austin to Phoenix than Austin to Houston.

Texas is larder than France and the Benolux countries combined.

I love Texas, I just dislike your former governor.

Not like he's Texan, does a good job of playing one on TV, but let's face it
he couldn't be more Northeast Snob if he had the Yale U. embled tatooed on his butt.

