
Anyone know what the name of that gun is in the arena when you fight the 6 bandits? it was a weird futuristic looking weapon, incredible accuracy and damage. Where can I get one of those?
Does anyone know if there's an actual limit on the number of faction STALKERs? I've killed over 100 Freedom STALKERs, after getting tired of helping them and storming their base, and I'm just wondering if they'll ever stop coming. They're coming very sporadically now, in pairs or alone.

I hope there's a limited number, because I want to go wipe out Duty next.
Anyone know what the name of that gun is in the arena when you fight the 6 bandits? it was a weird futuristic looking weapon, incredible accuracy and damage. Where can I get one of those?

Yeah i saw that weapon as soon as i killed the guy i grabbed it then when i checked my inventory it wasnt there DARN! so i dont know where to get it .

Something interesting happened I was on my way to a mission marker when i saw this dark image in the distance i started running towards it , getting closer and closer i noticed it was a unarmed stalker, He was sprinting to a unknown location , i was losing him so i stopped attached my scope to my rifle and zoomed in slowly then BAM!! he dropped like rock. I then searched his body and nothing was there??? never seen this before, it felt pretty cool though when it happened :)
Does anyone know if there's an actual limit on the number of faction STALKERs? I've killed over 100 Freedom STALKERs, after getting tired of helping them and storming their base, and I'm just wondering if they'll ever stop coming. They're coming very sporadically now, in pairs or alone.

I hope there's a limited number, because I want to go wipe out Duty next.

When they come back do the new members know you wiped out the entire base?? Do they start shooting at you onsite??
When they come back do the new members know you wiped out the entire base?? Do they start shooting at you onsite??
Yup, though I've been picking them off before they have a chance, really.

They're all actually flocking back, as though they got a call that their base was under attack.
Yup, though I've been picking them off before they have a chance, really.

They're all actually flocking back, as though they got a call that their base was under attack.

hmmm very cool I'm gonna go wipe out the bar i was just at and see what haapens . I'll do a quick save first. :thumbs:
Can you actually wipe it out? Doesn't the game make it impossible to have your wep out when you enter stuff like the bar and trader 'outposts'?
Can you actually wipe it out? Doesn't the game make it impossible to have your wep out when you enter stuff like the bar and trader 'outposts'?
Yeah, it does. I still plan on wiping out the rest of the Duty base. Then maybe I'll go take Monolith. I just feel like playing Last Man Standing.
Can you actually wipe it out? Doesn't the game make it impossible to have your wep out when you enter stuff like the bar and trader 'outposts'?

Hmm good point i dont remember if my weapon got automatically holstered as i entered the bar i'll try it out.

Maybe i'll through a couple grenades in there just before it gets holstered:P
Yeah i saw that weapon as soon as i killed the guy i grabbed it then when i checked my inventory it wasnt there DARN! so i dont know where to get it .

Found it! It's a Tunder S14. After you finish X16, the scientist will sell a lot of new stuff. He had that black and green seva suits too.
Anyone know what the name of that gun is in the arena when you fight the 6 bandits? it was a weird futuristic looking weapon, incredible accuracy and damage. Where can I get one of those?

Duty carries them, uses standard AK ammo, it kicks ass.
This thread is the 8th most viewed thread in the games forum, not counting stickies. Just for the record.
Hmmm... finally beat it. I kinda want to play through Pripyat and Chernobyl with godmode on just so I can take it all in without rushing and getting shot at. From what I saw, the detail is fantastic. It's just so realistic and decrepit.
After all of my Duty buddies were slaughtered in a failed dawn attack on the Freedom HQ, I decided to return the next day to repay the debt. With Interest.

Once inside the walls, my VLA Special silently took down a sentry walking the perimeter. If I hadn't taken out the tower snipers during the previous raid, things would have been much... noisier.
I headed to the right and made for the cover of a couple of dead APC's, where I found the bodies of two Duty and a Free. Nearby was a dropped GP 37, a hi-tec piece of kit strangely out of place in such a decimated environment such as the Zone, it was slick, light, and from what I'd heard, handled extremely well. I was getting heavy so said a fond farewell to my backup weapon - an old Viper that I had carried since the first raid way back at the cordon - and shouldered my new special friend.

Around the corner, two grenades took out the guards at the door. No alarm was raised, nobody came running, but I was careless to miss the dark shape of a Free lurking in the dim light just inside the door and a shotgun emptied in my general direction, making me jump and my ears ring but amazingly missing any vital organs. The soldier paused to reload and I stuck my crosshair on his chest and watched him fly backwards in a short strobe of muzzle flash.

The ground floor was empty save for a corpse in the workshop to the left, so I took some time to explore and hit the jackpot.
A secured room filled with armour, ammo and weapons was just too good to ignore - stuffing two of three stalker suits (one of them a rather tasty Kombez Freedom M2 with night vision and electro shielding) into my pack along with all the bullets I could pick up. My supermarket sweep was short lived however, and shouts rolling across the compound told me that I was in trouble. The motion tracker began clicking like a geiger counter.

The stairwell was my only chance, a bottleneck that had saved me many times in the past, although against much dumber opponents than these. It would have to do. At the top I reloaded and waited for them to come.

Five minutes later, I was rooting through nine corpses for bullets - but more were coming, ricochets were pinging off the walls outside but no lucky bullets penetrated the concrete. Not this time, anyway. At the top of the stairs I emptied clip after clip and the bodies piled up. A couple almost made it to the landing during reloads, like they actually heard me slapping in the mags and took it as an invitation to introduce themselves. Smart buggers.

My trigger finger became tired after at least 30 Free lay beneath me in a heap and my gun was starting to jam with every burst. I resorted to frag grenades to hold off the seemingly endless stream of reinforcements, and in a brief let up after one nade took out several Free, I had the chance to grab a new GP 37 before making my escape through a handy hole in the wall behind me.

Even loaded down as I was with goods from the armoury I still managed to dodge the bullets and drag myself to the sniper tower near the breach in the compound wall, at the base of which I stopped long enough to grab an SVU mk2 Sniper rifle from a crumpled sniper's dead hand along with a few bullets. I left behind the bloody stairwell and the frustrated shouts of my pursuers, returning to the 100 Rads, half of the spoils of my raid selling for a hefty bounty, the other half loaded and hanging over my shoulder ready for tomorrow's hike to Dark Valley.

Blah, blah, blah
F*ck that shit. I just went in with my G36 and cleaned house. Sniping fools is so satisfying. I killed easily 100 Freedom guys, if not more. The total count was hard to figure because I also cleaned out their outpost. Suffice it to say, my framerates dropped incredibly in that house, because there were at least 60 bodies piled up in there, most in the doorway and that hall.

And attacking Duty's base just plain sucked. So few guys it was pathetic compared to the all-out slaughter at Freedom's base.
I think he only harrases you as a defensive measure, his intent is to scare you off. The reason I believe this is because the longer you spend with him, the worse you condition deteriorates.

Yeah, your brain explodes after 3 attacks
Damn you Ghost, why the hell did you have to go to Yantar? God I hate that facility. Just wandering around the outskirts is enough to give even the toughest stalker nightmares, now I have to enter it. Last guy I saw go in there came walking out a few minutes later...as a snarf. I have no interest in finding out what caused that to happen, yet I must go.
normal is called stalker, I'm playing on master. Gunfights are brutal.
Spoilerish I spose (i'm about to ask about right after the brain scorcher)

k, so I just shut off the brain scorcher, and the guy from the bar is telling me I should meet up with the band of experienced stalkers in pripyat, so I can get to the monolith before anybody else.

Now, I really want to go back to the bar to get supplies, and my PDA is telling me to meet up with some guy called the guide. So, i'm not really ready to head out to Chernobyl just yet, but I don't want to lose out on any really good items if I decide to wait.

Can I take my time at this point, or will I be punished somehow if I head back to the cordon and the bar and wait awhile? Will it just change which ending I get?

I must say though, the section right outside of the brain scorcher gate, with all the wierd ghosts comming out of the ground, was SCARY AS HELL! Inside of the brain scorcher facility scared the **** out of me too. You can't believe how shitless I was when I was walking around and kept hearing something growl. I KNEW there was something in there, I just didn't know where it was. I kept walking through the pitch black with my flashlight on and thinking "omg omg omg, it's in THIS room isn't it???".

Then I eventually found the room, but not the monster. I could hear it in the room but couldn't see it still, so I reloaded my rifle and just then I see the outline of a cloaked bloodsucker run at me and I went "OMG AHGHGHGHGHGHG" and just unloaded into it.

It recloaked and hid behind some machinery. Damn, it was pretty hard for me to muster the strength to go back there behind the pile of equipment and kill it D:

And then in another section, I was walking down a hallway, and I saw a bloodsucker, uncloaked, run from one room in the hallway to another (basically across the hall infront of me). I ****ing jumped and started shooting into all the rooms wildly D:
I wish I didn't ally with Duty now. As far as I can tell, the freedom base is full of interesting goodies - but I never last too long in there. Does anyone know if the Duty guy who gives you the mission to take out the snipers the only guy you can get Duty missions off? Because after I collected my reward, him and his mates decided to walk into a bunch of electrial anomalies and kill themselves. I can't even rob their stuff!
Sinkoman you should go and talk to the Guide, I didn't because I thought there was a time limit on the "meet the veterans" missions. Turns out the guide has a mission for you in Prypiat or whatever. And I saved over my previous games so I can't go back now :/
I started playing it again after the patch. This time I'm going to try and do all the quests. Before I didn't realize there was a time limit so I took on all these questions and had like "1 day" to finish 15 quests :\ oops
I've got savegames from 2 scenarios - me teaming up with the Duty and wiping out the Freedom camp and me teaming up with Freedom and wiping out the Duty camp :P Now I'm thinking which savegame should I continue from. I think I like the Freedom fellas more, though they don't look as cool as the Duty. Any suggestions?

BTW, the respawning of the Freedom guys is a bit annoying, after cleaning out their base with the Duty, they started respawning before I finished looting, so it was a bit strange to see someone calmly walk into a building while I was on my way out, then encountering a few guarding it outside. When I was exploring the base afterwards I had a few more respawn and had to fight my way out. But the G36 kicks ass, finally a good weapon.

Is it possible to officialy join the factions? I've done all the mission Lukash gives me and there's no option to join them. Also, how can I get to the armory at the Freedom base? I tried shooting the padlock but that doesn't work. Haven't found a key on any of the corpses.

EDIT: Anyone knows any good STALKER forums? The official one has been closed for maintenance since I got the game. Great timing, right after the game release.
Can't join any faction as far as I know. And a tip to all players, don't hoard wads of cash. Spend it all whenever you get the chance. I'm starting over and this time I'm gonna play differently.
If you go for a bad ending (ignore the guide quest) and make a wish you'll see.
What you should be saying is "Don't have X amount of by by X amount of time". Telling use to spend money whenever possible is bad. I know of something that costs over 100k that i'd like to buy. In order to get this I need to load up on cash.
?'m playing on hardest difficulty, and AI is still severly flawed when it comes to rushing'em with knife, I managed to kill entire military base in first area + respawning 15 Spetsnaz with a KNIFE, AND ONLY KNIFE, on hardest difficulty, this is AFTER the patch.:)
?'m playing on hardest difficulty, and AI is still severly flawed when it comes to rushing'em with knife, I managed to kill entire military base in first area + respawning 15 Spetsnaz with a KNIFE, AND ONLY KNIFE, on hardest difficulty, this is AFTER the patch.
Very true.
Damn, I forgot that the town with the Arena etc. is Duty territory. So I guess it won't pay off to stick with the Freedom. Especially that I guess I'll still have some business with he Barkeep and want to fight in the Arena some more.
I've built up quite an arsenal now. :D Now all I need is a silencer that will fit on AK models. Any ideas?


It's time to stop being a complete pansy and finally go down into that underground lab after all my delaying.

Jimmeh, store your extra stuff away. You have the gp37, which is probably the best or second best gun in the game.