Sad ending


Sep 19, 2004
Reaction score
I was kinda disappointed at the ending because alyx had to die.......and G-man's all like" oh man......i'ma bring you back happy you still live man...."
what did you think about the ending?
How do you know that Alyx died? No one knows for certain if she does die.
hehe....yea we all don't know, but it sux the game has to end that way
It doesnt suck, its a very well done sequence inf you ask me
Maybe the exploding gateway/teleporter thing will actually teleport her somewhere. Perhaps what Dr. Breen meant when he said it could bring down the Citadel is because the explosion teleports bits of building away.
the ending is ok, a lot of people are going to get hl3 only to find out what happened in the end of part 2 ;)

the one thing that sucks about it is that we can't do anything to help alyx :(


TST_Devgru Seal said:
How do you know that Alyx died? No one knows for certain if she does die.

Gabe Newell said something about being able to play as Alyx in Half-Life 3, so how can she be dead then? I just heard this from somewhere on the forums a few weeks ago, so I can't give a link to prove that this is true.

I don't think she died though.

Regarding the ending: Couldn't ask for a better one. The mysterious G-Man gave me the shivers (in a good way) with his speech, and left me with my mouth wide open, wanting to play Half-Life 3 straight away. A perfect cliffhanger :E
I dearly hope we didn't have the wrong idea, because he might also mean to play alyx when she's away from gordon(which is most of the time) in hl2.
Ecthe|ioN said:
Regarding the ending: Couldn't ask for a better one. The mysterious G-Man gave me the shivers (in a good way) with his speech, and left me with my mouth wide open, wanting to play Half-Life 3 straight away. A perfect cliffhanger :E

I have to agree with that. So awesome.. Just seeing that explosion suddenly slowing down and there he is, good ol' G-Man. :D

I seriously LOVED when he went away, fixed his tie and went into the door thing :D

But yeah, I don't really get that Alyx, Kleiner, Eli and Judith died together with Breen.. Perhaps they didn't, and perhaps Breen survived?

Would be shit to see your old friends Eli and Kleiner die :(
I think their characters are to familiar and important to let them simply die before the entire story is finished
I have to agree. From a game-point of view, part of what made HL2 so cool was the familiar faces from the previous game. What would happen if everyone all died? What would they do for HL3? It sounds stupid but now that they've endeared these characters to us, it would be hurtful from a storyline point of view to kill everyone off.

I'm not saying that Valve won't do it ... just that it's not likely.

OTOH, if they do kill Alyx and Eli off... I hope we get to kill Gman in HL3. =P
For start - I like the ending. I like the whole citadel chapter and the ending just fits into the style of it. However I must say I was greatly surprised by the ending of the ending (if you know what I mean). The G-Man ending speech gave me a shiver and I was thinking about it for a loooong time. And the longer I think, the more I doubt the things I know...

So far I thought of few possibilities how the ending could go on without Gordon...

First - the Eli, Alyx, etc. are all dead. The third HL will start from scratch. No known characters (only G-Man) and some difficult objective...

Second - all characters are dead again, but the G-Man transfers Gordon into past, so we we will again know the people there...(but that would cause some paradoxes, as we would know what is aout to happen, so it is highly impossible)

Third - Alyx is dead. As is Dr. Breen. However Eli, Mossman, Kleiner, Barney and others escaped through teleports or by normal means of transport. So the sequel will start with them helping Gordon again and they would be all like "What a pity Alyx died. But it was neccesary for the success of revolution..." and so on...

Fourth - They were all saved by G-Man (he canceled the explosion, warped it away or whatever). The universe shall continue to exist as we know it....

Fifth - as doomed-uk mentioned somewhere - maybe the explosion is not an explosion. Maybe it is some sort of portal and they are all sucked onto combine world (with most of C17). And HL3 would take place here.

There are also other possibilities, but they seem to me as minor and almost impossible. So give me your opinions on those;)

Yeah, and I don't mind Alyx dying, because even if she is pretty girl, she is just in the game for gods sake and as far as it thickens the plot, it is ok to kill almost any character...I believe Valve knows what they are doing..just imagine if they release the HL3 and on the box would be something like "Alyx is back!!" Imagine the tons of happy gamers buying that seems sometimes like magic to me....
gASK said:
For start - I like the ending. I like the whole citadel chapter and the ending just fits into the style of it. However I must say I was greatly surprised by the ending of the ending (if you know what I mean). The G-Man ending speech gave me a shiver and I was thinking about it for a loooong time. And the longer I think, the more I doubt the things I know...

So far I thought of few possibilities how the ending could go on without Gordon...

First - the Eli, Alyx, etc. are all dead. The third HL will start from scratch. No known characters (only G-Man) and some difficult objective...

Second - all characters are dead again, but the G-Man transfers Gordon into past, so we we will again know the people there...(but that would cause some paradoxes, as we would know what is aout to happen, so it is highly impossible)

Third - Alyx is dead. As is Dr. Breen. However Eli, Mossman, Kleiner, Barney and others escaped through teleports or by normal means of transport. So the sequel will start with them helping Gordon again and they would be all like "What a pity Alyx died. But it was neccesary for the success of revolution..." and so on...

Fourth - They were all saved by G-Man (he canceled the explosion, warped it away or whatever). The universe shall continue to exist as we know it....

Fifth - as doomed-uk mentioned somewhere - maybe the explosion is not an explosion. Maybe it is some sort of portal and they are all sucked onto combine world (with most of C17). And HL3 would take place here.

There are also other possibilities, but they seem to me as minor and almost impossible. So give me your opinions on those;)

Yeah, and I don't mind Alyx dying, because even if she is pretty girl, she is just in the game for gods sake and as far as it thickens the plot, it is ok to kill almost any character...I believe Valve knows what they are doing..just imagine if they release the HL3 and on the box would be something like "Alyx is back!!" Imagine the tons of happy gamers buying that seems sometimes like magic to me....

A lot of good ideas there. I'm guessing that Valve already has something unique in store for us. Something nobody would have guessed, and we will once again be filled with the hype. All you Half-Life fans know what I mean. Remember the feeling you got after E3 when HL2 was presented ? Valve came out of the blue, and everything about HL2 looked so awesome. I want that feeling again. The feeling of waiting for something new and unique. Valve has proven it to us before, and I'm pretty sure they'll do it again. Expect the unexpected.
Ecthe|ioN said:
A lot of good ideas there. I'm guessing that Valve already has something unique in store for us. Something nobody would have guessed, and we will once again be filled with the hype. All you Half-Life fans know what I mean. Remember the feeling you got after E3 when HL2 was presented ? Valve came out of the blue, and everything about HL2 looked so awesome. I want that feeling again. The feeling of waiting for something new and unique. Valve has proven it to us before, and I'm pretty sure they'll do it again. Expect the unexpected.

Thanks. That is what I think also, but until it is released, we could try to guess and discuss the world of HL and let it live on by that:)
Personally, I wouldn't discount the idea of Alyx teleporting out. Although not necessarily to a Combine world. Remember, they didn't really know what would happen if they blew up the teleporter. We see an explosion, but we dont' know what kind. It certainly doesn't look like any kind of explosion I've seen before.

But whether Alyx dies or not, I'd give it 60-40 odds that you end up killing or imprisoning the Gman in HL3.
Ecthe|ioN said:
Gabe Newell said something about being able to play as Alyx in Half-Life 3

Arrrru? That's odd. Gabe would know that that would ruin the entire feel of the series. Cuz you're Gordon. Pfft. *initiate piss and moan*
for HL3 i would love to go to the Combine planet that would be......interesting
As long as it isn't too sci-fi, I think it would be cool.

Part of HL2's charm is how it the environments seem believable.
Alyx was blown back by what's basically a nuclear bomb, her guts will have turned to mush, even if she was teleported away.

Also, depending on how this teleportation works, she would either fly off 10 miles when she comes out of the other end (keeping momentum), or just splat againsh nothing (instant deacceleration).

So she's dead basically.
A theory:

The explosion is not nuclear, its just an explosion.

Then, in a HL2 expansion or in HL3:

Gordon disappears, she thinks he's dead, and the explosion will knock her over, and that tower that's coming towards her will make a kind of bridge right next to her, and then DOG will appear and drop down off of the dropship he flew away on and then run across the fallen tower 'bridge', pick her up and carry her to safety...

Look at the fireball... the tower is falling towards her, but won't hit her, and the two main parts of the fireball are not going towards alyx.
Your all acting like Alyx has NO SKILLZ WHATSOEVER. Cut her a bit of slack guys! It's not like she's just gonna stand there and WATCH a TOWER FALL ON HER HEAD.

"Oh no! An explosion! Better stand here and looked shocked as it blows me away! AGHHH!!"

Yeah right... She always has some trick up her sleeve. Something we should ALL know by now.
Rhalle said:
The explosion is not nuclear, its just an explosion.

It doesent really matter if its nuclear or not, my point still applies.

The ammount of kinetic energy from that explosion would either oblitofry her or shoot her over the horizon, even if she's teleported.

Then, (and only then) can that 'scientific' explaination be true.
I wasn't taking about Rhalles theory, I was saying that she has been hit by a huge shockwave at the freezeframe at the end of HL2. Read again:

Alyx was blown back by what's basically a nuclear bomb, her guts will have turned to mush, even if she was teleported away.

Also, depending on how this teleportation works, she would either fly off 10 miles when she comes out of the other end (keeping momentum), or just splat againsh nothing (instant deacceleration).

So she's dead basically.
I think we keep forgetting the G-Man, and his sudden interest in ALyx's sleeve at the end. If anything the G-Man is a very good deus ex machina. I'm quite confident that she will live.
From what I saw, it didn't look like she was being flung back yet. She was covering her face so I'm not sure if I'd say she was being flung back.

And I think it might be overanalyzing a little to be talking about conservation of momentum across a teleport because ... well, who's to say how the physics of a telport works?

But if you want to talk physics, let's talk physics. =) Based on what I personally saw, Alex hadn't been flung back yet. Debris WAS flying out, evidence that it might be an explosion... or maybe it was just the containment stuff breaking off.

Now, if the bubble of whatever we saw at the end was indeed a teleporting field, there's no reason to believe that it would generate a huge shockwave. Whatever it comes in contact would be teleported, not pushed outwards, so there would be no wave of air to knock Alyx 10 miles back as you would suggest.

Well, guess now I've gone and done the overanalyzing. :cheers:
well do you know what is on the other side of the portal for all we know it could be at Alyx's grandmas house downtown and they are eatin cookies right now with breen, and that G-Man is actually gordons dad. . . . lol but yeah noone knows for sure if shes dead or not...
Quate from a interview with Gabe in a mag called PC Action:we all have our favorites in teh Offoiice some would like to make an expansion with dog some with alyx end quate
i really dont think tehy let her die they can make allto money with her know what I mean
I thought when I first beat the game that she (and everyone else) was dead, but now I'm thinking not.

Examine the ending-- I think one could make a case that the fireball is not coming towards Alyx, that the two main 'bulbs' on it look as if they are (by Valve, not Gman) intentionally pointed away from where she is standing. The Tower starts falling towards her, but maybe it won't hit her. If it's not an atomic explosion, the shockwave is bad (and made to look really bad), but I still think that the fire and the tower will miss her and maybe dog will appear, and she's gonna make it.

Also, the G-man might enter at that moment not because Gordon would be killed, but because his job was done.

An Alyx expansion will almost surely be a prequel or goes on at the exact same time as HL2. The same with Barney's expansion.
But, the explosion might go upwards, and only the shock wave hit her she may survive then.

Proof: look at the explosion, its moving up.
When the teleporter in Nova Prospekt exploded Kliener said the reprcusions were fellt far and wide. This teleport was bigger and had a much further destination. So anyone whow G-man dosn't take an intrest in is toast.

But he DID take an intrest in Alyx. Didn't people notice he swiped a piece of lint off of Alyx's sleve. So either
1. She's alive
2. G-man's a neat freak or
3. G-man is obsesed with Alyx's sleve
Yeah, I don't think the explosion is going to be as big as anyone thinks. I don't think it would obliterate her.

Either that, or the G-man teleported her too. After all, he was able to walk across air, through an explosion, and other bits, and then... he walks over to Alyx and picks off... lint?

Why can he affect her and nothing else? Maybe it's cause he brought her along for the ride! Maybe... =P
not frozen :] just slowed. i really doubt that valve would just let alyx die like that. too much of a disappointment to all of us .. they know better :D the g-man'll think of something. hoo ha!
I think we're all making too much a big deal from the sleeve thing. It would be like saying that because the G-Man fixes his tie all the time that it holds the ultimate secret of the universe.

I'm also pretty sure that the explosion was much stronger then a nuclear one, and that it had different side effects completly. Based on the Super Strings theory, interdimentional travel is possible, but would require energy rivaling that of the big bang. Even if that is not true, the energy required to not only power the tallest sky-scrapper and factory ever built, not to mention an INTER-DIMENTIONAL ****ing portal would be enormous, and that would be released when the citadel explodes. Not only that, the portal was almost open at the time of the explosion, which could cause the portal storms all over again. Who knows, maybe Alyx will magically survive by being sucked into a portal or something, but the world definatly wont be the same after an explosion like that.
the ending is not sad .. its just dumb !!
gASK said:
Second - all characters are dead again, but the G-Man transfers Gordon into past, so we we will again know the people there...(but that would cause some paradoxes, as we would know what is aout to happen, so it is highly impossible)

Bingo. /touch nose. Or half bingo.

G-Man transfers Gordon into the past, but only like a couple minutes in the past. You have the opportunity to change your mind about blowing up the citadel and/or City 17. Maybe you do this against the G-Man's instructions, like Neo in Matrix 2 with the Architect.

Breen: "You will be destroyed in ways you didn't know you could be destroyed." (or something like that)
Alyx: "Don't listen to him!" Keep going, or something
Alyx: "Maybe we still have ..."

so Alyx didn't know the consequences of blowing up the citadel. That kind of explosion would engulf the city in less than a second.

And has anyone noticed the connection to 911? Except it shows how delusioned the 911 terrorists were thhinking that the WTC was like the Citadel.
Or maybe the other scientist (the one with Lamar - sorry, forgot his name) transported Alyx and Gordon's other homies out of there.
ríomhaire said:
G-man dosn't control time :angry:
He does control time... maybe he can also travel to that past and future. cool... :cool: