Saddam Hussein arrested in Tikrit - IRNA

Yup good news for sure :cheers: it isn't official yet however... Cnn is saying that we probably won't hear an official announcement out of washington for probably another 2 hours. They have DNA of saddam and will probably use that to assure themselves that he isn't a body double, etc. But hopefully they've got him, maybe this will put a damper on the insurgances there and our troops will be able to come home safe sooner than expected :bounce:

Lets speculate, what do you think they will do with him if it is him? Where would he be tried, will he be executed?
1200 GMT is when the news conference is.
Thanks... good to know!... so its one and a half hour to it eh?

I'll make sure to watch the news (online of course ;) ).

I doubt they'd execute him, although I' m sure the US would like to. Executing him would be cause for more terrorist problems. Every year on his execution date, we'd probably have major terrorist concerns, especially in Iraq. More likely he'll get a life sentence in a maximum security prison at an undisclosed location.
I dunno, they were saying something about a death sentence on cnn just a second ago... Man i hope this is true also, it would be a great moral boost for our guys over there.
Hmm...if they've finally caught him...well, I suppose people who think he was ever a threat can breath a sigh of relief.
just because he's captured does not mean he will loose his support, he's got a crap load of loyal supporters who would want revenge.
"I will give one hundred million dollars to whoever gets me out!" -S.W.A.T. the movie.
Originally posted by MaxiKana
"I will give one hundred million dollars to whoever gets me out!" -S.W.A.T. the movie.

lol, It would be funny if that acctually happend...but to be honest, I dont think anyone would get him out :D
True or not; it is an exciting TV-morning anyway. I love these CNN-shows full of anticipation. It was the same during the death of Uday and Qusay.
they've just confirmed that it is in deed the Real Saddam....they've revealed the DNA test(albeith I don't know where they've gotten the previous DNA chart)
I wonder if he put up a fight? they are reporting that he was captured hiding in a store in his home town of tikrit wearing a fake beard... i'll see if i can find pics....AH found one, lol what a lame disguise
Tony blair confirms saddam to be arrested.

source finnish text tv.
If he was the one that Hacked Valve... maybe they realese the game now ;)
Bout freaking time... too bad it won't stop his supporters from blowing up our friends and family stationed in iraq :(
"President bush has been told that there is a strong indication that it is saddam who has been caught" -BBC World... 30 sec ago.
CNN-"Word is Saddam hussein was captured with minimal/no resistance"
LOL@saddam hacking valve
Here in swedish television they showed happy arabs shooting with AK's up in the air , cheering and such.. The newsdude said they dug him out of a hole in the dirt or something like that where he was hiding... Anyhow: Booyah, terrorism! Booyah!
Hmmmm. Good news for the americans and british still fighting in iraq, might take some of the wind out of his supporters sails. Unfortunately, I can't help thinking 'What about the weapons of mass destruction?' Oh well, can't have everything I suppose.
cnn just showed his picture looks like it really is him,, no doubt!
Originally posted by Innervision961
cnn just showed his picture looks like it really is him,, no doubt!

erh...I'm not saying it's not him...but have you ever seen his doubles? really you wouldn't be able to tell just from pictures...
I'd say a picture by itself isn't convincing....even video. I'd think after all of this time, they'd have bull-shitted taht they captured him if they were going to BS now.

Anyway, that one reporter was kind of funny...but then again, I'm sure he was an Iraqi, and practically none of use would understand what he's been through.
I like how fresh he looked like, did anyone see him shaved? i did.... wierd.
Originally posted by |MaTT|
they should execute the mofo... asap
Why? He deserves a fair trial at the War Crimes Tribunal in Haag, just as everyone else =)
Hmm, they want him for trial in Iraq, doubt it'll really be fair... but considering his history, it's not like that really matters anyway :hmph: