Saddam Hussein arrested in Tikrit - IRNA

Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
umm, i hope i'm not the only one to catch this, but "millions upon millions" is a bit of an exageration waedoe. not that the numbers are really all that important, but you really should strive to get your facts straight. a liberal estimate of the number of people hussein has killed would be on the order of 200,000; he's no stalin (~20 million). unless you want to include the soldiers (on both sides) in the iran-iraq war, and the gulf wars (then it may approach 1 million), but that's not exactly the same thing is it? i mean did lbj kill all the people who died in vietnam? did bush kill all the soldiers/civilians that have died in iraq so far? i'm prepared to agree if you want to go down this route.

it's interesting that people have somehow conflated hussein with the enemy. i say somehow rather sarcastically, of course the whitehouse's propaganda machine is the reason for this. we're acting like we've captured some sort of criminal mastermind that was about to blow-up the world or something. we've captured an old rat that was hiding in a hole because we deposed him for invented reasons.

in case anyone still hasn't quite figured it out, pretty much no one execpt what few bathists are left are sad to see saddam gone. the problem we "traitors" have is the way in which the bush corporation attempted to dupe us into going to war, and then bucked international law/reputation to do it. any thinking person knows saddam posed no threat to us, and we all know this wasn't about saving the iraqi people, so don't pretend ok?

it's pretty funny, all these people calling for torture and all that.. why weren't you calling for that when he was gassing the kurds/killing iranians/etc.? oh that's right, he was our ally. gimme a break, why do i have to even repeat this.. jesus, stop siphoning and develop some historical context and original thoughts.

First timmy, i was not old enough to know what was going on when the gassing of the kurds happened. i was like 3 or something. Any how i dont defend us for letting that go on. was he my Ally? no, saddams never been "MY" ally. quit trying to make me look like i liked saddam. i never have and never will. Alast i might not agree with you timmy, but what motives do you think we went to war with saddam for? Money? bushes fathers clean up? or the oil? mabe all of em.
Originally posted by waedoe
NO, Saddam is not my fellow man, hes a monster. i guess you and hitler would get along well, it seems you defending saddams murderous actions.

Don't kid yourself. Saddam is 100% human, as was Hitler. No matter what they do (short of genetically altering themselves) they will still be our fellow men. It might disturb you to think that these rotten people are just as human as we are. But no matter how you slant it, hate is as uniquely human as love.
Originally posted by ElFuhrer
Don't kid yourself. Saddam is 100% human, as was Hitler. No matter what they do (short of genetically altering themselves) they will still be our fellow men. It might disturb you to think that these rotten people are just as human as we are. But no matter how you slant it, hate is as uniquely human as love.

Oh i dont deny hes human, i deny to treat him as my fellow man though.
well at least this is positive news.. and i agree that executing him will only incite violence..

i do like the idea of "breaking him" i feel that would be the best torture for him.. but its another thing trying to explain that to the pple that want him executed..

not sure where American posters in this forum sit as far as Bush goes in general.. but..

shouldn't the capture of Osama be a more important step than capturing Saddam? (not to sound like this event wasn't a big deal or anything) .. some may think with Saddam being captured.. this may lead to a re-election for Bush.. but..

IMHO: finding Osama should have been higher on the list than finding Saddam..
now if they do not find Osama.. this will all be considered political (not that it isn't considered political now :dozey: )

maybe its too late.. but maybe it isn't.. and if the latter is true, than maybe the capture of Osama is what might get Bush re-elected assuming the Saddam capture hasn't..
SADDAM IS GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheers: -The Crowd Cheers-

By The Way Cool Tux Icon! :cool:
Originally posted by Kschreck
SADDAM IS GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheers: -The Crowd Cheers-

By The Way Cool Tux Icon! :cool:

thanks :)

Fenric resized it for me.. its too bad tho that he couldn't get the windows box to fit into the avatar size restrictions.. here have a look at the full image to see what i mean...

the image :LOL: :LOL:
I have no idea why they have captured Santa Clause...
I think the Iraqi's should decide his fate. They're the ones who have suffered under his tyranny, not us.

Death or lifetime jail, it's up to them to decide.
Yeah I have that one in my Linux partition. It's cool. Heres one for you.
Originally posted by Pendragon
Wouldn't it be terrible if the plane carrying him back to the US got shot down?

I was thinking the same thing...

"Fortunately, all troops parachuted safely into the Atlantic Coast." - Random Anchorman.

Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
umm, i hope i'm not the only one to catch this, but "millions upon millions" is a bit of an exageration waedoe. not that the numbers are really all that important, but you really should strive to get your facts straight. a liberal estimate of the number of people hussein has killed would be on the order of 200,000; he's no stalin (~20 million). unless you want to include the soldiers (on both sides) in the iran-iraq war, and the gulf wars (then it may approach 1 million), but that's not exactly the same thing is it? i mean did lbj kill all the people who died in vietnam? did bush kill all the soldiers/civilians that have died in iraq so far? i'm prepared to agree if you want to go down this route.

it's interesting that people have somehow conflated hussein with the enemy. i say somehow rather sarcastically, of course the whitehouse's propaganda machine is the reason for this. we're acting like we've captured some sort of criminal mastermind that was about to blow-up the world or something. we've captured an old rat that was hiding in a hole because we deposed him for invented reasons.

in case anyone still hasn't quite figured it out, pretty much no one execpt what few bathists are left are sad to see saddam gone. the problem we "traitors" have is the way in which the bush corporation attempted to dupe us into going to war, and then bucked international law/reputation to do it. any thinking person knows saddam posed no threat to us, and we all know this wasn't about saving the iraqi people, so don't pretend ok?

it's pretty funny, all these people calling for torture and all that.. why weren't you calling for that when he was gassing the kurds/killing iranians/etc.? oh that's right, he was our ally. gimme a break, why do i have to even repeat this.. jesus, stop siphoning and develop some historical context and original thoughts.

Actually, Stalin killed approx. 40 million. Get your facts straight. ;)

Originally posted by Pendragon
I love you too, waedoe.
If anything, I'm more of a patriot than you are, as I hate watching our country expend and degrade itself by fighting random agressor wars with people who don't pose a true threat to us

So, you think we should stand back and watch Dictators torture and rape...just because they don't seem to pose a threat to us? That's horrible. As the one of the strongest nations, if not the, we have a responsibility to the weak. We owe it to humanity, to fight and preserve it.
Originally posted by GhostValkyrie
Actually, Stalin killed approx. 40 million. Get your facts straight. ;)

It was around 20 million. You seem to have missed the point of timmy's post entirely though, waedoe is wildly out.

Personally I'm hoping now that they've 'solved' the saddam problem, the american government will do something about that other Middle eastern despot, namely aerial sharon, the man is a menace.
Its all a fake! Take a look at these pictures, in partiular notice the backgrounds.

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

Exhibit C

The CIA stole all the code from valve and made their own little demo, however they aren't too creative and the only setting they coudl think of was this one.

On a more serious note

Its so sad. Saddam was an evil man, but in those pictures, he looks no more than an empty shell. All those years have left him with no soul. He is like a zombie, the mind is there but his heart is gone. I truly feel sorry for men like him, more so in this case because of all the pain and suffering he caused.
Originally posted by Dr. Freeman
i do like the idea of "breaking him" i feel that would be the best torture for him.. but its another thing trying to explain that to the pple that want him executed

The guys 61 or so. It would be like beating up your grandfather...
Originally posted by Kadayi Polokov
It was around 20 million. You seem to have missed the point of timmy's post entirely though, waedoe is wildly out.

Personally I'm hoping now that they've 'solved' the saddam problem, the american government will do something about that other Middle eastern despot, namely aerial sharon, the man is a menace.

Hmmm... Perhaps all of my research has been misfounded, or at least in that area. I still believe he lead to the deaths of approx. 40 million. Whether or not they were all executions, is another thing. I think a lot of it was the incompetence, mixed with the stomping of protests and such. I guess I'll have to check this thing out again. But until I I am satisfied, and have found evidence proving I am wrong, I will say 40 million. :)
do you mean 40 million killed by his direct actions, or 40 million killed as an indirect result of his actions? like if he burned down a farm, that's not killing people, but eventually people would die from starvation. might be time to google this methinks..

EDIT: here's a link
As an indirect result of his actions. I think Kadayi was being more...'literal' in a sense. I was stating his actions lead to the deaths of about 40 million...therefor he killed 40 million.
well, since it's a hot topic, the estimates i've for the people stalin killed are usually given in the 20 million ballpark. the estimates for the people who died under stalin's reign i've usually seen as ~40 million. i was talking about the former. it's already an estimate, though, and there are not accurate records, so it's kinda pointless to try to argue one or the other. let's split the difference and call it 30 million, i don't think stalin will mind.
Its all a statistic anyway...At least, thats what he said. The sheer size of the number detracts from actual gravity of it all. 40 million people, like you and me died. Thats like everyone you know, and have ever walked past or seen in the street, plus all the people you have seen on TV.
i remember something from red alert,

Joseph Stalin: "You kill one - it is a tragedy. You kill ten million - it is a statistic."

and that was only from a game! dunno what my point was but yeah...stalin bad.
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Its all a fake! Take a look at these pictures, in partiular notice the backgrounds.

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

Exhibit C

The CIA stole all the code from valve and made their own little demo, however they aren't too creative and the only setting they coudl think of was this one.

On a more serious note

Its so sad. Saddam was an evil man, but in those pictures, he looks no more than an empty shell. All those years have left him with no soul. He is like a zombie, the mind is there but his heart is gone. I truly feel sorry for men like him, more so in this case because of all the pain and suffering he caused.

Goddamn those CIA bastards, i knew HL2 engine was good but not that good. makes doom 3 look like shit :) (Joke)
We are a very curious creature indeed to slaughter ourselves so easily and so eagerly. It makes me wonder why we are seem so flawed compared to the vast majority of other creatures on this earth. Or is it that our very tenacity to wantonly slaughter all opposition to our dominion is what has been key to our very development.

Now we no longer hunt the plains of Africa for our survival we hunt metaphysically for our prey amongst ourselves, our thoughts and ideologies in order to root out our opponents.
whatever its not him anyway its some lookalike the
us hired. they couldnt find sadam so they payed a look
alike to be caught. its pretty obvious when you see the
video of the lookalike. anyone who knows what sadam
looks like knows its not him.
Originally posted by Kadayi Polokov
We are a very curious creature indeed to slaughter ourselves so easily and so eagerly. It makes me wonder why we are seem so flawed compared to the vast majority of other creatures on this earth. Or is it that our very tenacity to wantonly slaughter all opposition to our dominion is what has been key to our very development.

Well, for the human being, intelligence is both our gift and our curse. For what are the concepts of greed, jealousy, or hatred without intelligence? Maybe we'll destroy ourselves in 50 years who knows. Maybe there were other intelligent civilizations in the galaxy (or universe) that have already done so.

Also, I find this quote by Gandhi to be interesting:

"What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy?"
Originally posted by Kadayi Polokov
The guys 61 or so. It would be like beating up your grandfather...

hmm.. i think u mis-understood my point...

by "breaking" him.. i meant his human spirit.. not in the sense that "kick the living crap out of him" although im sure theres pple that want to throw a punch or two.. someone suggested forcing him to watch CNN 24/7 and see how well Iraq would be doing with him not in power.. *shrug*

so now that we are clear about what i meant.. what do u think? good idea?
Originally posted by S1ddharthA
whatever its not him anyway its some lookalike the
us hired. they couldnt find sadam so they payed a look
alike to be caught. its pretty obvious when you see the
video of the lookalike. anyone who knows what sadam
looks like knows its not him.

Im pretty sure this is Yatta/Supertrooper.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Its all a fake! Take a look at these pictures, in partiular notice the backgrounds.

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

Exhibit C

The CIA stole all the code from valve and made their own little demo, however they aren't too creative and the only setting they coudl think of was this one.

Haha :D:D VERY nice find, they apparently copied valve, and that saddam is a source render!!!!

omgzzz!!1 cia stole the hl2 source code!!111 to render saddam!!11 omg omg h@x!!1