Saddam Hussein arrested in Tikrit - IRNA

oh jeez.... the latest headline on CNN is "Unclear who will recieve $25 million reward".... thats probably gonna be more looked into than saddam's capture....
and CohnFused.... i do sort of agree with you... i'm one of the only people who said put him in jail, not execute him... asshats! (that's me new word :p) because he looks pretty sad... :(
Originally posted by Tr0n
A human that killed...over 5000 of HIS OWN PEOPLE.Also he is not going to be held in prison for a long time.Can you say Deathrow???

but it's better him die a broken man... than a man who just slipped up in his plans and is still content with what he did
ROFL!!!!! HA HA AH AHHAHHA !!!!!! "French President 'delighted' with capture" HA AH AHHA!!!
Originally posted by thehunter1320
but it's better him die a broken man... than a man who just slipped up in his plans and is still content with what he did

Yep... let him live with himself... life means life my friend.
1) Its good that they finally caught him, and hopefully this will result in an end to the insurgents actions.

2) I expect that he will be tried by an Iraqi appointed court for warcrimes and genocide, at the very least. I doubt that he will be executed, mainly because his death could turn him into a martyr for muslim extremists.
Ohhh! Now we get to quesiton Saddamn about the weapons of mass destruction. Unless he's destroyed them all just before the war then we'll be able to get a location on them.....
Originally posted by Anthraxxx
Ohhh! Now we get to quesiton Saddamn about the weapons of mass destruction. Unless he's destroyed them all just before the war then we'll be able to get a location on them.....

Or maybe he doesn't actually have any WMD's?
Sorry, but there were WMD...

Has no-one bothered to watch the UN report?

Oh well...
Well, he DID. But he destroyed almost all of them so that Bush couldn't find any.

He is finally caught. He will rue the day he crossed our path.

Death or life sentence is too good for him.

I recommend a daily flogging, strenuous exercise activities, some torture every now and then, and perhaps to watch "Gigli" every Friday.
Originally posted by Pendragon
There never were any. Didn't you hear about the falsified and exagerrated CIA reports?

Oh. Well, I never pay attention to the news anyway.

As for watching Gigli every friday......OUCH!! That's pure torture!!
This rawks. go military. I expect the military to get a huge morale boost from this. on quetion though: where is osama bin laden?
Originally posted by [CoHn]FuSeD
Sheshh, after looking at those pictures I can't help feeling sorry for the bloke, he looks as if he's been through hell and back :(

Anyways, I still think that he should get a good and fair trial, and then stuffed away into a prison somewhere. A nice prison, not one of those one-room-with-toilet-and-bunk shitholes.
He is after all human, and should therefore be treated as one :)

You want to stick a man that has killed millions, upon millions of people in "Nice Prison". Hell no i want to see that MOFO get his ass raped by the biggest prison homo's, then i want to see him slaughtered by his former people. Hes a middle-eastern hitler, would you give hitler a "Nice prison". I say let his former people decide the punishment, after all their the ones who had to live under his tyranny. BTW we know hes guilty, we have torture tapes, and the wars he's been in. hes beyond guilty. it think if you can get the death penalty for one murder, think what he deserves. 1,000,000 + murdered, hell is going to have a massive opening.
Originally posted by Pendragon
There never were any. Didn't you hear about the falsified and exagerrated CIA reports?

Yeah i also heard we didnt go to the moon. quit being so sceptical my god, you'd rather belive some euro-men to our own country men. Thanks alot traitor.
well hey, the reports made by the british government were false as well. CIA files were false, british files were false...beginning to see a pattern? although i haven't seen the UN tape of the WMD's so i can't say for sure.

why do you hate saddam? has he done anything to you personally? or are you just regurgitating what you've heard on the news? why do you want to execute him? that's exactly the sort of knee jerk reaction that the whole world hates. it's a natural instinct yeah, but use your head and try to think more than five minutes in front of your face.

EDIT: bad spelling
Originally posted by Dedalus
well hey, the reports made by the british government were false as well. CIA files were false, british files were false...beginning to see a pattern? although i haven't seen the UN tape of the WMD's so i can't say for sure.

why do you hate saddam? has he done anything to you personally? or are you just regurgitating what you've heard on the news? why do you want to execute him? that's exactly the sort of knee jerk reaction that the whole world hates. it's a natural instinct yeah, but use your head and try to think more than five minutes in front of your face.

EDIT: bad spelling

Let me ask you, do you hate a man, who killz anyone because they dont like them. they dont like the persons religion so they kill them. My point here is that saddam is a horrible person. Have you seen his torture tapes. he has done something to me personally. hes threatened and killed other peace loving citizens unlike you i love my fellow man.
Originally posted by Dedalus

why do you hate saddam? has he done anything to you personally? or are you just regurgitating what you've heard on the news? why do you want to execute him? that's exactly the sort of knee jerk reaction that the whole world hates. it's a natural instinct yeah, but use your head and try to think more than five minutes in front of your face.

EDIT: bad spelling

You're exactly the idiot who thinks he knows what he's talking about that the world hates. You didn't live in Iraq during his regime, so you don't know what kind of crap he did then.

At least this guy has the common courtesy to think of other countries than his own, unlike you saying; " has he done anything to you personally?".

If you lived in Iraq during his regime, I'm sure your little response would be much more different then "what has he done to you personally?", in fact, you probably would be screaming "kill him! killhim!". So just shut up and stop trying to act smart.
well, it's about ****ing time! :cheers:

Our inability to capture Saddam was seriously undermining the war effort.

This is not only a move towards increasing morale, but also towards putting out the firestorm this whole war has created, both domestically and internationally.
Originally posted by Javert
Well, he DID. But he destroyed almost all of them so that Bush couldn't find any.

He is finally caught. He will rue the day he crossed our path.

Death or life sentence is too good for him.

I recommend a daily flogging, strenuous exercise activities, some torture every now and then, and perhaps to watch "Gigli" every Friday.

Yes, we Americans are soooo civil. :dozey:
umm, i hope i'm not the only one to catch this, but "millions upon millions" is a bit of an exageration waedoe. not that the numbers are really all that important, but you really should strive to get your facts straight. a liberal estimate of the number of people hussein has killed would be on the order of 200,000; he's no stalin (~20 million). unless you want to include the soldiers (on both sides) in the iran-iraq war, and the gulf wars (then it may approach 1 million), but that's not exactly the same thing is it? i mean did lbj kill all the people who died in vietnam? did bush kill all the soldiers/civilians that have died in iraq so far? i'm prepared to agree if you want to go down this route.

it's interesting that people have somehow conflated hussein with the enemy. i say somehow rather sarcastically, of course the whitehouse's propaganda machine is the reason for this. we're acting like we've captured some sort of criminal mastermind that was about to blow-up the world or something. we've captured an old rat that was hiding in a hole because we deposed him for invented reasons.

in case anyone still hasn't quite figured it out, pretty much no one execpt what few bathists are left are sad to see saddam gone. the problem we "traitors" have is the way in which the bush corporation attempted to dupe us into going to war, and then bucked international law/reputation to do it. any thinking person knows saddam posed no threat to us, and we all know this wasn't about saving the iraqi people, so don't pretend ok?

it's pretty funny, all these people calling for torture and all that.. why weren't you calling for that when he was gassing the kurds/killing iranians/etc.? oh that's right, he was our ally. gimme a break, why do i have to even repeat this.. jesus, stop siphoning and develop some historical context and original thoughts.
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
umm, i hope i'm not the only one to catch this, but "millions upon millions" is a bit of an exageration waedoe. not that the numbers are really all that important, but you really should strive to get your facts straight. a liberal estimate of the number of people hussein has killed would be on the order of 200,000; he's no stalin (~20 million). unless you want to include the soldiers (on both sides) in the iran-iraq war, and the gulf wars (then it may approach 1 million), but that's not exactly the same thing is it? i mean did lbj kill all the people who died in vietnam? did bush kill all the soldiers/civilians that have died in iraq so far? i'm prepared to agree if you want to go down this route.

it's interesting that people have somehow conflated hussein with the enemy. i say somehow rather sarcastically, of course the whitehouse's propaganda machine is the reason for this. we're acting like we've captured some sort of criminal mastermind that was about to blow-up the world or something. we've captured an old rat that was hiding in a hole because we deposed him for invented reasons.

in case anyone still hasn't quite figured it out, pretty much no one execpt what few bathists are left are sad to see saddam gone. the problem we "traitors" have is the way in which the bush corporation attempted to dupe us into going to war, and then bucked international law/reputation to do it. any thinking person knows saddam posed no threat to us, and we all know this wasn't about saving the iraqi people, so don't pretend ok?

it's pretty funny, all these people calling for torture and all that.. why weren't you calling for that when he was gassing the kurds/killing iranians/etc.? oh that's right, he was our ally. gimme a break, why do i have to even repeat this.. jesus, stop siphoning and develop some historical context and original thoughts.

I love you :bounce:
Originally posted by Zeus
You're exactly the idiot who thinks he knows what he's talking about that the world hates. You didn't live in Iraq during his regime, so you don't know what kind of crap he did then.

At least this guy has the common courtesy to think of other countries than his own, unlike you saying; " has he done anything to you personally?".

If you lived in Iraq during his regime, I'm sure your little response would be much more different then "what has he done to you personally?", in fact, you probably would be screaming "kill him! killhim!". So just shut up and stop trying to act smart.

ok there's a point at which reasoning stops and pure idiocy begins.

you didn't live in iraq either did you? you didn't even read my post in the context. i was replying to those who wanted him dead instantly. the point i was trying to make was: there are people in this world who have never been touched by what saddam has done, so do they have any reason to want him dead?

personally i don't see why you have to stoop down to such a level so as to show yourself up as a...well i won't say because i'm not a retaliator like you, but you know what i'm getting at.

what i was asking was among other common questions, do you know why this war happened, do you know what's happening in iraq now after the war, do you know what will happen in the's all the same kettle of fish. so my question again: why do you hate this man such that he deserves to be executed? don't get me wrong, i despise the guy, i'm agnostic and i don't practice any sort of religion so i have no bias here. i was neither pro or anti war, i just wanted to find out why they were actually going to war rather than saying yes or no.

like you said if i had lived in iraq i might just scream "kill him kill him". but that's what every tom dick and harry would do. yeah i agree. but not me. why? because i choose not to prolong suffering and set an example. why is it the world continues to be a shitty place? because people continue to be shitty to eachother. if someone just stood up and went against the grain for once then maybe we'd get somewhere aside from hating eachother.

do you remember far back to slobodan milosevic? he killed a lot of people, and the US went in cracked a few skulls and he was eventually arrested. hardly anyone was crying out for him to be executed because it wasn't the topic of discussion. but since saddam has been all over the news and people have previously posted that they want him dead, it becomes your duty to feel the same as everyone else does. not so. if you want him dead then fine, just give a good reason other than he's a bad person. to me, it would be a very shortsighted decision to kill him. it'd just prolong the mess in the middle east and probably make it worse.

i hope i haven't offended anyone but in case i have i apologise and i hope you can respond in a timely manner so we can discuss this rather than argue about it.
It's not like he was trying to take over the world, like Hitler. Now there was a man who needed to die instantly.
Originally posted by Dedalus
do you remember far back to slobodan milosevic? he killed a lot of people, and the US went in cracked a few skulls and he was eventually arrested. hardly anyone was crying out for him to be executed
ahh, but slobodan wasn't an architect of "evil", who controled a dark empire by executing kittens and teddy bears like saddam.
Originally posted by not28
Yes, we Americans are soooo civil. :dozey:

so you think were not? Do you compare us to what other government? Do you think we are as bad as a Vietnam or Japan during WWII , or Germany during WWII? We are civil , civil as anyone else.
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
so you think were not? Do you compare us to what other government? Do you think we are as bad as a Vietnam or Japan during WWII , or Germany during WWII? We are civil , civil as anyone else.

No, you took me out of context.

If you read the person I was quoting, you would see the actions Javert was describing were very uncivil. We might be a civil country but we still host our share of idiots.
Wow, so you guys seriously think that the people fighting the americans are all saddam loyalists?

What if we turn the situation the other way around with saddamn invading the US to "liberate them of theyr evil leader" and to "free the people". Wouldn't you want to defend your country? I would.
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
ahh, but slobodan wasn't an architect of "evil", who controled a dark empire by executing kittens and teddy bears like saddam.

LOL, yeah Slobodan was more into 'ethnic cleansing' (who thought up that term? is way to civil a description for racial genocide), as opposed to Saddam who wasn't so picky about who he killed.
Originally posted by Kadayi Polokov
'ethnic cleansing' (who thought up that term? ...
oh, my bad. i thought it had a nice ring to it. kinda sounds like something you'd pay your mexican maid to do, y'know?

edit: hey, at least saddam wasn't a racist! :|
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
oh, my bad. i thought it had a nice ring to it. kinda sounds like something you'd pay your mexican maid to do, y'know?

edit: hey, at least saddam wasn't a racist! :|

Originally posted by [CoHn]FuSeD
Yet you would have your fellow man executed?

NO, Saddam is not my fellow man, hes a monster. i guess you and hitler would get along well, it seems you defending saddams murderous actions.