Saddam Hussein arrested in Tikrit - IRNA

No, i doubt no one will care if its fair or not.
Why not make it fair?

Why not present all the evidence, Its not like there's a chance in hell he can get out of it.

And even if somehow he got off, He wouldn't get out of the building.

:sniper: :dork:
well, personally i hope they get lots of info from him about all the shit he's done in the past before they execute him. i'd be interestiong to me, like if they could have talked to hitler at length before he died, know what i mean? who knows, maybe he wouldn't say anything anyway, but i would imagine a megalomaniac would be very forth coming with all his "accomplishments".

boy, i hope that bush doesn't get a confidence boost from american voters for this.. fat chance..
Well my mind still hasn't changed about the war, but we can't turn back time so this is good all around, if we found the weapons i'd really think twice, but not much has changed except for troop moral, iraqi moral, and voter confidence i guess. The insurgency will probably be just as tough, if not then thats great, less people will die, and i won't complain for a second. I think they are saving osama for a little closer to november :p
Originally posted by GhostValkyrie
/me pimp smacks Saddam, then hoists flag.

How you like that, biatch!?

why hoist a flag? :dozey:

you're not there to conquer a country asshat.
Hahaha, Not likely.

he will be Tried by the US appointed Iraqi Counsel.
Originally posted by PriNcE oF SpAcE
why hoist a flag? :dozey:

you're not there to conquer a country asshat.

Yes, but we conquered Saddam.
Don't try to shove false intentions on my character.

Fenric: Yeah, with how the UN is, I wouldn't be surprised. :(
Good news, no matter how you cut it. Also good to have a little more closure.
Anyone else notice that he looks like absolute hell?
He was hiding in a 6 foot deep hole in someone's basement.

Thats kind of a given
w00t!!! I just woke up and saw the news!

Although I suspect that those attacks on American GI's will only increase now. Can't have everything I guess.
Originally posted by AudioRage
He was hiding in a 6 foot deep hole in someone's basement.

Thats kind of a given

Yeah, and boy does it show :p

He was on a farm too
he could've walked right by a Us patrol and they wouldn't have known it was him, so I guess it worked for him.
Finaly I saw da Rat Hiding in his hole. Da Rat have been captured.

lets celibrate.
Originally posted by Loshadka
The Mossad does its job very well.:E
haha, woop. i wonder if they really had anything to do with it.. i wouldn't be surprised.
Why would the attacks increase?

Now that Saddam is captured, the Saddam loyalists have nothing to fight for. They was fighting in hope of driving the U.S. out and getting Saddam in power.

Obviously that Isn't going to happen now :)
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
haha, woop. i wonder if they really had anything to do with it.. i wouldn't be surprised.

Mossad is very effective. And I believe Im going to correctly assume you dont mean it in a consipiratorial 'Isreal is bad' sense. They do a hell of a job , I respect them mucho. The Munich Olympics kidnappers were all hunted down and they didnt fck around with trials , they killed them.

That being said its no the way I wish the CIA to operate. The Mossad is awsome because they dont joke around , but we must take a legal approach.
alot of the attackers are not Iraqis. Capturing Saddam will probably only piss them off and make them try harder.
well, i'm not a huge fan of israel's tactics across the board, personally. but i was seriously wondering if the mossad had any involvement, although i think loshadka was making a joke.
*starts singing "Hang the Bastard" from the Cannible! The Musical soundtrack*
I want Bush to put him in a car and drive him around the streets of New York City unprotected.
Yeah, lol, just let him walk around, buy some new clothes, get a haircut, and possibly.. uhh.. get capped by the local gang$ta?
Hopefully we continue to stand up to the UN, and bring him to true justice. If they have their way, they'll surely try to step over Iraq's ruling, and merely exile him.
I do the execution job if anyone wants me to. :naughty:
why execute him? keep him alive so he can see how well Iraq does without him. isn't that punishment enough? why prolong the killing with just another execution? time to evolve your way of thinking. lose the gun and use the head.
Originally posted by Dsty2001
Why would the attacks increase?

Now that Saddam is captured, the Saddam loyalists have nothing to fight for. They was fighting in hope of driving the U.S. out and getting Saddam in power.

Obviously that Isn't going to happen now :)

how can you underestimate the power of stupidity? they'll continue attacking simply as a protest to his capture. the mind boggles at the minds of these people. why the hell do they make the many suffer for the belief of a few? stupid nuts.

but believe me, the attacks will never stop, they'll continue until someone among their ranks comes to their senses and decides to work together rather than always destroy.
we got saddam.... what a great christmas present... thank you tr00ps in iraq :thumbs:

ok, we got saddam... what the hell are we gonna do to him? i say give him a life sentence in US (EXTRERMELY HIGH SECURITY... what.. gonna drop him in a county jail? asshats!) prison and give him a T.V. turned into CNN 24/7 and he can't turn the T.V. off... so he has to watch as his plans fall apart.... then he will realize he was infact an asshat and die a broken man, weeping himself to sleep every nite.... and then the fun begins cause when he dies, he's going to hell.... what a treat that will be for him :naughty:
Sheshh, after looking at those pictures I can't help feeling sorry for the bloke, he looks as if he's been through hell and back :(

Anyways, I still think that he should get a good and fair trial, and then stuffed away into a prison somewhere. A nice prison, not one of those one-room-with-toilet-and-bunk shitholes.
He is after all human, and should therefore be treated as one :)
Originally posted by Pendragon
Wouldn't it be terrible if the plane carrying him back to the US got shot down?
... And they happened to be short 1 parachute.
YES!!!!WE GOT HIM!!!!Now this will finally shut those damn naysayers up.
Originally posted by [CoHn]FuSeD
Sheshh, after looking at those pictures I can't help feeling sorry for the bloke, he looks as if he's been through hell and back :(

Anyways, I still think that he should get a good and fair trial, and then stuffed away into a prison somewhere. A nice prison, not one of those one-room-with-toilet-and-bunk shitholes.
He is after all human, and should therefore be treated as one :)
A human that killed...over 5000 of HIS OWN PEOPLE.Also he is not going to be held in prison for a long time.Can you say Deathrow???