Same sex marriages. Do you agree?

Same Sex marriages

  • Yes they can have the same rights as heterosexual couples

    Votes: 67 54.9%
  • No, my religion forbids it

    Votes: 30 24.6%
  • Yes but dont call it marriage

    Votes: 16 13.1%
  • Other: write in

    Votes: 9 7.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
CptStern said:
so sacred that more than 50 % end in divorce. Marriage is not strictly a christian institution
I have a solution! Don't let celebs & hollywood stars get married in the first place :P That percentage will skyrocket up to 90% at least ;)
CptStern said:
look ...I respect religion a point. I cant respect a religion that villifies someone because of a lifestyle that they had no part in choosing

no one ever said anything against villifying. just hard for me to see marriage as anything other than man&woman. just my opinion :)

that isnt to say i dont think they deserve the LEGAL rights of marriage.
I trouble understanding why they want to get married, but let them be if they want to.

Don't we live in free countries ?
they want to get married for legal and tax benefits (and for other social reasons).
Marriege = man + women.

anything else isn't marriage, it's union, a partnership, whatever, but it isn't marriage.
Okay, okay. Call it what you will... but they deserve the same rights in the end.

And if god destroyed entire cities because of thier choice of sexuality... that isnt a very fair or just god is it?

Not to start a flame war about religion, but that seems like an extremely controlling way to rule over the earth and everyone on it.

I guess it all boils down to what you think religiously.

I am a human being. I think for myself in my own way and I like it like that. People have tried telling me that I will go to hell for it, but I disagree, thus, thinking for myself even further.

Whatever your religion says about homosexuals, all religions (or most atleast) agree that hating is wrong.

Stop hating, besides, it's against the law now to act on it anyways.

Keep it to yourself, it isn't your duty to hate another for reasons that arent of your concern.

And for those who dont hate, just want to keep thier religion seperate from thier/our ways... don't fight... work together and some underlying theme will be achieved that everyone is satisfied with.
I disagree with it, first of all, because I cant stomach the idea, and secondly I believe it is morally wrong. Anyhow, whats the point anyhow, you cant have kids, you would have to adopt. Not that thats bad or anything... meh I just dont like it. Thats my opinion obviously.
I think it should be banned. Homosexuality is an abomination and it's unnatural, to say the least. It's totally unnatural for a man to lay with another man. Men and Women are supposed to be together, anyone who says otherwise defies nature.

And if god destroyed entire cities because of thier choice of sexuality... that isnt a very fair or just god is it?

Not to start a flame war about religion, but that seems like an extremely controlling way to rule over the earth and everyone on it.

The way I see it is, God was angry because he created Women to be a companion to man, and when the men were having sex with other men, it would be a slap in the face. Also, if he created everything, then he could do whatever the hell he wanted with it. I know I would
FoB_Ed said:
The way I see it is, God was angry because he created Women to be a companion to man, and when the men were having sex with other men, it would be a slap in the face. Also, if he created everything, then he could do whatever the hell he wanted with it. I know I would

And that's fine if that's what you beleive but you can't force your opinions down other's throats. It just doesn't work that way.

People need to respect those who don't beleive in what they do, as the poeple who don't beleive in what they do should respect what they beleive.

And you can't use the "it defy's nature" thing because we as humans defy nature constantly. Our entire lives pretty much defy nature. Since we can think and grow and evolve, and become unnatural to what we were intended to be.
And I, too, would have to take issue with that "It's unnatural" comment. Homosexual behaviour is amazingly common throughout the animal kingdom.

's why I stay indoors a lot, heheh.

Okay, I'm staying out now, as I can see this one degenrating into total flameage soon...
^Ben said:
They should have all the benefits that entail marriage.
Definitely. I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed to bond legally if they've decided they want to devote their lives to one another.
Personally I'm not too fussed about marriage, but I certainly acknowledge that deciding to want to be with one certain person till you die (well, in theory) is a beautiful thing, be it marriage or "life partners", straight or gay.
I can see why religious people might object, as marriage is essentially a partly religious ceremony. However, one can get a non-religious marriage (bugger, I've fogottern the term)...
To throw some petrol onto the fire, I also believe that homosexual couples should be allowed to adopt. I had a friend in primary school whose mother realised, after having two children that she was gay and raised the two girls with her partner. As a child, I asked my mum why Tilly and Anna had two mums. My mum simply told me that they were very good friends (it's not technically lying :naughty: ) and this I accepted without a second thought (that isn't a "Look how fantastically tolerant and wonderful I am" type comment, it just ties in). Neither of these girls, to the very best of my knowledge turned out to be lesbian or maladjusted, so I don't think it really matters.
CptStern said:
What with all the news lately of the proposed ammendment to the constitution to ban same sex marriages, I thought I'd poll our little community as to what you all think. I'm married and I have no problems with same sex couples having every right I now enjoy (although I'm not so sure what if any benefits there are ;) )

once again, please refrain from gay bashing, flaming or homophobic comments

edit: please take the time to explain your reasoning

It is my understanding that the bible is againts homosexuality, so therefore it would againts the bible (and thus the entire religion) to allow homosexual marriages. Unless, of course, by marriages you mean that the union is legally recognized, like "real" marriage. That's a different issue. I don't care either way, but I'm very sceptical about allowing homosexuals to have (as if they really can) or adopt children.
if gay people dont have the right to get married then so dont I. I was married in a non-denominational ceremony mention of god at all. It should be exactly the same for any race, religion or sexual preference
And that's fine if that's what you beleive but you can't force your opinions down other's throats. It just doesn't work that way

I wasn't trying to make you believe, I was just stating my opinion

And you can't use the "it defy's nature" thing because we as humans defy nature constantly. Our entire lives pretty much defy nature. Since we can think and grow and evolve, and become unnatural to what we were intended to be.

And do you know what we were intended to be? Ah you must have the answer to the age old question of "Why are we here"
Cybernoid said:
It is my understanding that the bible is againts homosexuality, so therefore it would againts the bible (and thus the entire religion) to allow homosexual marriages. Unless, of course, by marriages you mean that the union is legally recognized, like "real" marriage. That's a different issue. I don't care either way, but I'm very sceptical about allowing homosexuals to have (as if they really can) or adopt children.

the united church of canada allows gay marriage ...and they are a christian based faith. Last I remember, jesus preached love for all mankind not just the faithful
Love is not based on gender, in my opinon.

So I think they should be allowed.
CptStern said:
the united church of canada allows gay marriage ...and they are a christian based faith. Last I remember, jesus preached love for all mankind not just the faithful

Yes he did preach love for all mankind, but not lustful love or romantic love for the same sex. If you are interested there are many bible websites that you can read and many books like Liviticus and Numbers that state alot of the laws of Christian Faith. It talks about beastiality, homosexuality, men or women dressing in drag and such and says that these things are sin. And yes God does love all of mankind, but just because you love someone, does not mean you condone what they do.
Ok im going to post my opinion and try and ignore all other posts so that I dont flame you guys :\. Having a marriage that isnt in the church is fine and like person x said, all relgions call it marriage so its ok to call it that. Its simple : they want to express their love, get benefits such as tax stuff. Most straight people get married for the same reasons and dont relate it to anything to do with the church.
So i ask you honestly, what is wrong with it?
christianity interprets the bible differently. What might be a sin in one interpretation isnt so in another. I interpret it as a nice collection of stories with little to no facts ...but that's just my interpretation (oh I went to catholic private I'm not just pulling this outta me arse)
Well, I go to an Assembly of God church, and one of their main belief is that the whole bible is absolute truth, every word and letter. I think that is a pretty good way to look at it. I mean, some religions just throw whatever they deem is right togeather and then live the way they normally do, because it is right in their own eyes. And I do say "their" because I dont totally agree with everything they say, but I mean, take the bible for truth or take it for fiction, dont take it for both ya know?

And even if you look at the bible as just a "history book", from what I understand, it has proven to be the most accurate record of mans history to date.
Deadline said:
Well, I go to an Assembly of God church, and one of their main belief is that the whole bible is absolute truth, every word and letter. I think that is a pretty good way to look at it. I mean, some religions just throw whatever they deem is right togeather and then live the way they normally do, because it is right in their own eyes. And I do say "their" because I dont totally agree with everything they say, but I mean, take the bible for truth or take it for fiction, dont take it for both ya know?

*me pulls out my copy of "Directory of World Faiths"*

the Assemblies of God believes that practitioners "speak in tongues" when they recieve the holy spirit. They also ban drinking alcohol and believe in divine healing, nowhere in the bible (at least that I can remember) directly says alcohol is not premitted...the point I'm trying to make is that your religion is an interpretation of christianity but not neccessarily the "right" interpretation (I'll leave that up to biblical scholars to debate)

And even if you look at the bible as just a "history book", from what I understand, it has proven to be the most accurate record of mans history to date.

I cant agree there...there are far too many inacuracies for historians to ever use it as a source of information. Adam, for example, lived 900 years which we all know to be physically impossible. Also according to most bible scholars the world is approximately 10,000 years old ...yet unquestionable scientific proof undoubtably puts the age of the earth in the billions of years
CptStern said:
I cant agree there...there are far too many inacuracies for historians to ever use it as a source of information. Adam, for example, lived 900 years which we all know to be physically impossible. Also according to most bible scholars the world is approximately 10,000 years old ...yet unquestionable scientific proof undoubtably puts the age of the earth in the billions of years

Yea thats the big question that I dont get. But I mean, the bible says "God created the heavens and the earth" it does not go on to say that he immediatly put life on it and the such. He could have waited billions of years with just a mass of rock sitting there. I mean the bibles says that a thousand years is like a day to God, or something similar.

Anyhow the A/G figures that beer and other Alcoholic beverages are not right, and I agree with you, the bible says nothing about drinking wine (which was the main drink they had because of their poor water quality) but it does say that getting drunk on it is wrong. And like I also said, thats why I said its "their" believe, I dont belief its wrong to drink as long as you dont get drunk.
Deadline said:
Yea thats the big question that I dont get. But I mean, the bible says "God created the heavens and the earth" it does not go on to say that he immediatly put life on it and the such. He could have waited billions of years with just a mass of rock sitting there. I mean the bibles says that a thousand years is like a day to God, or something similar.

yes but there are species of plantlife and animals that are millions of years old

Deadline said:
Anyhow the A/G figures that beer and other Alcoholic beverages are not right, and I agree with you, the bible says nothing about drinking wine (which was the main drink they had because of their poor water quality) but it does say that getting drunk on it is wrong. And like I also said, thats why I said its "their" believe, I dont belief its wrong to drink as long as you dont get drunk.

hehe so what's the point of drinking if you cant get drunk? ;)

actually I drink but rarely get drunk
CptStern said:
hehe so what's the point of drinking if you cant get drunk? ;)

actually I drink but rarely get drunk

For the nutritional values of course. I acutally dont drink, mainly because I just dont need or want to at this point in time, and who knows, what if I get addicted? I mean I may as well not start something I may not be able to stop. But I dont have anything against it.
Deadline said:
For the nutritional values of course. I acutally dont drink, mainly because I just dont need or want to at this point in time, and who knows, what if I get addicted? I mean I may as well not start something I may not be able to stop. But I dont have anything against it.

*me runs out to drink 12 beers to get my daily intake of vitamin B* does that mean you can smoke pot? ;) I cant find anywhere where it says you cant :cheese:
The drugs that are in existence today either did not exist or were not common in Bible times. As a result, the Bible does not address drug use. The Bible does tell us to avoid anything that is harmful to our bodies (1Cor 6:20) and to not get involved with anything that is addicting (1Cor 6:12; 2Pet 2:19). Drugs fail both of these tests. The Bible also tells us to obey the laws of the country we live in (Rom 13:1-4). Drugs are illegal and therefore we should stay away from them for that reason alone, even if they were not also addicting and harmful to our health.

Yea I looked those references up, I didnt know them off the top of my head :P
FoB_Ed said:
I wasn't trying to make you believe, I was just stating my opinion

And do you know what we were intended to be? Ah you must have the answer to the age old question of "Why are we here"

No, no, I wasn't reffering to you or anyone ese on this board really when I said that, I was referring to poeple who are trying to ban any type of union between gay people.

And no, I don't have the answer to "Why are we here" and I don't intend to sound like I do, but I apologize if I came off like that.

But I may define nature, it's,

1) The material world and its phenomena.
2) The forces and processes that produce and control all the phenomena of the material world: the laws of nature.
3) The world of living things and the outdoors: the beauties of nature.
4) A primitive state of existence, untouched and uninfluenced by civilization or artificiality: couldn't tolerate city life anymore and went back to nature.
5) Theology. Humankind's natural state as distinguished from the state of grace.
6) A kind or sort: confidences of a personal nature.

I like to think of human nature as number 4 in that large list of different explanations... but if you can say that being gay defy's nature then... I'm sorry do YOU know the answer to the age old question, "Why are we here?"

I didn't think so. If I don't have the right to decide what's against nature, then neither do you.
Deadline said:
The drugs that are in existence today either did not exist or were not common in Bible times.

not really true ...shaman's have been taking peyote for ages ...and there's some evidence that pot was cultivated in the middle east at the time of christ and may have been used for healing...oh and read this ...take it with a grain of salt but there is evidence that wine was often laced with opium during some ceremonies

Deadline said:
and to not get involved with anything that is addicting (1Cor 6:12; 2Pet 2:19).

chocolate is addictive :)
pot is not really addictive if smoked periodically

The Bible also tells us to obey the laws of the country we live in (Rom 13:1-4). Drugs are illegal and therefore we should stay away from them for that reason alone, even if they were not also addicting and harmful to our health.

but they are not illegal in many parts of the world ...pot for example can fit both criteria depending on where you are
This is awesome, I love discussions like this. I have to go to work right now, so ill continue this later with ya. Nice to have a peaceful debate for once Cpt. =) *cheers*
I'm quite peaceful unless that is someone mentions my club foot then I go ballistic :flame:

ya? wtf are you looking at? is it my club foot? you dont want to look at it ...ever

likewise deadline :)
CptStern said:
I'm quite peaceful unless that is someone mentions my club foot then I go ballistic :flame:

ya? wtf are you looking at? is it my club foot? you dont want to look at it ...ever

likewise deadline :)

hey, I know someone with a club foot but it was operated on when she was a baby.

Nothing wrong with having a club foot. :)
you're looking at it arent you ...that's it I'm on a bus to Ohio better show up cuz I'm gonna go kamikaze on you

hehe I dont have a club foot :)
Those ppl aren't diffrent.
Every one of us is human.
i think they are allowed to do everything they want as long it dosen't count as a crime aginst society :| and this comes from a 14 years old kid XD.
Yeah well your posts are quite positive lately cptstern good work :thumbs:
So some people here think it violates God's word?

Who the hell are you to judge someone? Why do you feel it's your place to carry out what is written in the bible? (which, by the way, was written by many people throughout history.) Why do you feel you need to play God? It is not your right to judge someone - their judgement day will come. Let it be.

I take solace in knowing that one day you people, with your backwards mentalities will be forever immortalized in history books alongside those who one thought the world to be flat, blacks to be inferior, and women with end-stage syphilis to be witches.
Fat Tony! said:
Yeah well your posts are quite positive lately cptstern good work :thumbs:

you're only saying that cuz you feel sorry for me because of my club foot're not looking at it are you? :sniper:
Damn, this threads still lingering on! LOL – ya I know I said I’d stay outa this debate but:
... unquestionable scientific proof...
- doesn’t exist – there will always be inaccuracies and human errors, take carbon dating for example – seen a programme of Discovery Science that researchers accidentally said that a dead cow was over 100 years old. Can’t remember the programme though – so I’ll get flamed for that point… but anyways – destroy this thread! It’s only doing more harm than good! :bounce: