Save the Lebanese civilians (warning: graphical images inside)


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
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This is not a political thread. If you want to discuss the reasons behind the war between Israel and Hezbollah go here.


Enough is enough. During an Israeli airstrike on the Lebanese village of Qana this morning more than 50 civilians were killed, half of them children. The 'collateral damage' of the ongoing conflict between the state of Israel and the terrorist organisation Hezbollah is 600+ Lebanese civilians so far. This has to stop. Please show your support for the Lebanese civilians by signing this petition. The link is also in my sig. Thank yoy.
I dont think this will work...they didnt even listen to FN and later bombed their i dont think that they will listen to some internet petition.

But il sign anyway
This whole situation is out of control.

America has this great opportunity to intervene diplomatically and say, "What the hell's wrong with you two? Knock it off." Think of it as two siblings (Isreal & Lebanon) fighting and the parent (America/global community) steps in to show them how ridiculous it is to be fighting over such things. However, the U.S. is no longer in any position to tell people to stop fighting each other since we're involved in a brutal war as well. It's up to the international community to stop this useless killing.

Signed the petition. I don't think it'll matter much but I did it anyways.
"Yeah, so the UN has asked us to stop bombing Lebanon."

"The UN? Lol."

"Also, this internet petition wanted us to stop bombing."

"An internet petition?! Call back the planes, QUICK! D: D: D:"
"Yeah, so the UN has asked us to stop bombing Lebanon."
"The UN? Lol."
"Also, this internet petition wanted us to stop bombing."
"An internet petition?! Call back the planes, QUICK! D: D: D:"

lol, you're right. I am very sceptical about internet petitions as well. But it's the only thing you can do.
he didnt have to say that though. i think shakermaker knows that the online petition doesnt do much good. plus why do people sign the online petition anyway when they know its not going to do shit? its self-satisfaction.
"Yeah, so the UN has asked us to stop bombing Lebanon."

"The UN? Lol."

"Also, this internet petition wanted us to stop bombing."

"An internet petition?! Call back the planes, QUICK! D: D: D:"
hahaha. :D

i didn't sign, just like i haven't on the past 100 online petitions; self satisfaction from an online petition, is there any ?

go out and do something, even if it's not related to the war; go offer your time and effort to some charity.

i don't like to be mr. cynical, but people getting worked up over something like an online petition is just silly.

yes, i feel bad, no, nothing i do [at the moment] could have any impact on it, but i do a lot of service where i know it's being of use.
Shakermaker said:
Enough is enough.
I've had it with these snakes!

Sorry. This is in fact something I feel very strongly about and I'm sure as hell signing the petition. But I could not let that pass without a joke.

And Destrukt: how long does it take to sign the petition?
Shit, I guess I just wasted 10 seconds of my life on something that will be unlikely to have an effect on anything.
Oh wait. That describes quite a lot of what we spend our time doing.
I didn't sign it. I must hate Lebanese citizens and don't care about people dying.
Sign the goddamn petition or I'll follow you home and kill your dog.
Sign the goddamn petition or I'll follow you home and kill your dog.

i don't have a dog.

wait a second.. YOU KILLED MY DOG! I'll get you sulkdodds, if it's the last thing i dooo!

Oh wait. That describes quite a lot of what we spend our time doing.
Well, I'm not really expecting anything to come of posting on a forum, like this, unlike people who spend however long signing the petition expecting a result, or even worse, getting satisfaction from it !

I didn't sign it. I must hate Lebanese citizens and don't care about people dying.
^ I love this guy !

After they sign it, they should have a message saying, "Congratulations! You've changed the world."
signed it and I agree with Sulkdodds, can't hurt anything except maybe a little spam.
I signed it. I also signed that save the people of Darfur one quite a while ago.
The UN, as you may see, is a joke. Isreal bombs intentionaly their outposts and all they can say is that it was a bad thing to do...

The US, hipocrits may I add, won't move a finger, if any other countrie in the world would dare to pull Israel's little stunt, they wound have been imdediatly stop "in name of peace". But, sinse the US sells all the ammunition and equipment to Israel, why stop ? And lest not forget 75 % of US banks are controled and owned by Jews, half of the media is Jewish as well.

Lets not forget that a lot of countries are scared to say anything against Israel as they fear of being called anti semists, as we all know that the Jews love to play the victims.

The only contrie at this moment trying to solve things a little is France, the are calling for an Inter. force with the fire power and jurisdiction to attack both ways as they said. So no more little "ups we bombed you outpost" incidents.
It seems you're bitter against Jews. Why do I say that? Because you're speaking the exact same rhetoric the blatantly anti-jewish crowd speaks of.
It seems you're bitter against Jews. Why do I say that? Because you're speaking the exact same rhetoric the blatantly anti-jewish crowd speaks of.

I'm sorry, and I'm not singling you out here, but i'm so sick of the "anti-semitism" "you just hate jews" retort to everything, everytime somone questions Israeli intentions, or actions.

I've always had the mind set that, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, its probably a ****ing duck. So when IDF bombs UN outposts after recieving warnings that their fire was getting to close, and when they destroy residential complexes killing hundreds of civillians and just handfulls of actual militants. I feel its time to stand up and say something.

I don't sit here and spout about how evil or how bad hezbollah is, because I don't have to. Everyone knows this, they are disgusting, the tactics they use are wrong and immoral, and they kill many innocent people and they should be stopped.

But it is a little unfair to paint yourself (the IDF in this case) as this moral high authority. Draped in white, there to save the day, when your bombs are killing even more innocent people. I've said it a hundred times. Both sides in this conflict are wrong, both sides are over acting, and the only losers here are the innocent people caught in the crossfire.

They must be stopped.
It seems you're bitter against Jews. Why do I say that? Because you're speaking the exact same rhetoric the blatantly anti-jewish crowd speaks of.

Ok, enough with the "you hate jews" bs just because he brings up a few points
It seems you're bitter against Jews. Why do I say that? Because you're speaking the exact same rhetoric the blatantly anti-jewish crowd speaks of.

Thank you, you have just proved my point. Just because I mention some valid points against Israel and its actions, you instantly call me a racist.
I'm just sick and tired of people laying claim that just because Jewish families happen to help each other out alot when it comes to money, rather than relying on unreliable, outside sources... and ultimately growing wealth for themselves in certain businesses, that they somehow have an agenda based completely upon their religion.

What the hell does it MATTER if jews operate their own banks, and some of them operate media outlets? Are they not allowed to, just because they happen to be good at what they do? Why are suspicious glances and accusations always thrown out just because they're jewish? It's rediculous.

What does it have to do with Israel and their actions? What, I ask you? It's completely unrelated to what Israel is doing. If you want to speak out against Israel, fine... go ahead. Right now what they're doing i'm speaking out against it too, but that doesn't mean we should start casting our eagle eyes upon all jews like people have done with muslims in regards to the terrorist attacks.

And when it comes to people talking about the Jewish presence in America... it's aggrivating to always hear how "America is not doing anything about it because the Jews in our society don't want anything done about it." As if the ****ing jews are just controlling everybody like puppet masters or something. It's preposterous. There's no big mysterious Jewish conspiracy.
Thank you, you have just proved my point. Just because I mention some valid points against Israel and its actions, you instantly call me a racist.

The whole "Jews run the economy and media" crap is retarded though.
True, but it would be correct, I think, to say "The Jewish lobby in the USA is very rich and powerful."
The UN, as you may see, is a joke. Isreal bombs intentionaly their outposts and all they can say is that it was a bad thing to do...

The US, hipocrits may I add, won't move a finger, if any other countrie in the world would dare to pull Israel's little stunt, they wound have been imdediatly stop "in name of peace". But, sinse the US sells all the ammunition and equipment to Israel, why stop ? And lest not forget 75 % of US banks are controled and owned by Jews, half of the media is Jewish as well.

Lets not forget that a lot of countries are scared to say anything against Israel as they fear of being called anti semists, as we all know that the Jews love to play the victims.

The only contrie at this moment trying to solve things a little is France, the are calling for an Inter. force with the fire power and jurisdiction to attack both ways as they said. So no more little "ups we bombed you outpost" incidents.

The reason that the UN is so ineffective is because of the ****ing veto in the security council. If they removed that, if the US, Russia, China, the UK and France couldn't stop every single important decision the UN makes, everything would go much smoother.
I'm just sick and tired of people laying claim that just because Jewish families happen to help each other out alot when it comes to money, rather than relying on unreliable, outside sources... and ultimately growing wealth for themselves in certain businesses, that they somehow have an agenda based completely upon their religion.

What the hell does it MATTER if jews operate their own banks, and some of them operate media outlets? Are they not allowed to, just because they happen to be good at what they do? Why are suspicious glances and accusations always thrown out just because they're jewish? It's rediculous.

What does it have to do with Israel and their actions? What, I ask you? It's completely unrelated to what Israel is doing. If you want to speak out against Israel, fine... go ahead. Right now what they're doing i'm speaking out against it too, but that doesn't mean we should start casting our eagle eyes upon all jews like people have done with muslims in regards to the terrorist attacks.

And when it comes to people talking about the Jewish presence in America... it's aggrivating to always hear how "America is not doing anything about it because the Jews in our society don't want anything done about it." As if the ****ing jews are just controlling everybody like puppet masters or something. It's preposterous. There's no big mysterious Jewish conspiracy.

Man, you are like every paranoid out there, just because you say the word jew or speak worng against Israel, you automaticly scream Racist ! Stop playing the victim.
Man, you are like every paranoid out there, just because you say the word jew or speak worng against Israel, you automaticly scream Racist ! Stop playing the victim.

You didn't read a damn thing I said. Berating you for speaking out against israel had nothing to do with my rant.
Adrien, your post could easily be considered borderline-racist. Especially the bit about Jews always playing the victims.

This coming from someone who absolutely hates what the IDF is doing right now.