Say thank you to Valve!

Originally posted by Steelhed
One week Delay?//?? Maybe at first, That would be pretty dirty... Why not be honest?

Since when do you work for VALVe.
hmmm... so the question is, is Steelhed a troll or an idiot?
...or perhaps just the subtlest sarcasm I've ever seen?
Originally posted by Steelhed
You guys just dont ****in get it do you? It will not be out before mar 2004... Jeezus, Valve should be proud it has so many believers. It will be a good game, but you won't see it untill at least mar 2004.. Sit there and flame all you want, and I will enjoy all the whinig, cause I already told

No we don't "get it", why should I listen and believe to your rantings and predictions? if you believe it will be delayed that's fine you're entitled to your own opinion but you need to stop trying to convince people to believe you. It seems you are a class A sociopath, I and many others could care less about what you have to say, so just go play chess with that sheep-lover it seems both of you have abnormal behaviors that match.
Steelhed, why don't you let it go. Even 'if' somehow you are right, you'll still just be the idiot that was right. Why are you trying to convert all these people for such a stupid reason?? Just let whatever happens happen and don't make such an ass of yourself.
Valve is great!! they deserve some DRAINO to prevent constipation! YAY :bounce: :bounce:
Ok let me get this right; you work or have worked in the gaming industry, you are obviously convinced HL2 will/is delayed, then I can safely assume you know something that I/we don't: so you can't go around telling people that it will be delayed and expect them to believe you word for word. If you don't share your information or source you have about as much credibility as a blind quadraplegic swiss man on a pony. If you know something I think it is time for you to spill the beans.
Steelhed has seen the future through his: super_magic_retard_future_gazer beta 1.1
thank you valve from the bottom of my heart, it slides in real nice now that you guys helped out. :cheese: :bounce:

Originally posted by Steelhed
LoLROfl... Look, I want this thing to become real soon.. Many modders already have the SDK, And that's what I'm waiting for.. The Mods.. But, We are gonna have to wait for a while.. A longer while than we had hoped... I'm gonna go ahead and stop posting here, But, I better not hear any of you bilnd fanboys whine, Or I am going to give you some serious Shit!!! Just remember that!

We are not "blind" as you say. We are following OFFICIAL word from Gabe and other Valve employees. On the other hand, it seems you are the one following blindly for I do not see any official word of a delay... therefor you are more blind then we.
i swear i cant imagine the chaos between fanboys and fans that will insue if half life 2 is delayed.
Originally posted by kinggi
i swear i cant imagine the chaos between fanboys and fans that will insue if half life 2 is delayed.

don't forget the doom 3 people.
Oooh! Looky what I've found


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i just hope somebody gets throug all that ^ to read this thank you
it may be some words written thousands of times but i really mean it:

i hope 2 things:
1) i get in a group as good as valve's (when i start to work)
2) be able to get this kind of feedback for what i do
why does steelhed have to turn a perfectly good (nothing related to release dates) thread into shit, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE MODS, ban his happy ass.
no one likes him and he never responds with logic.
just for you since you probably missed it steelhed
Steel your still posting here, which means you have no life, or at least nothing better to do than post your speculations on a release date for a game you claim is of no value, .. well not of bf1942 stature, if I recall.
so if you dont care, think bf1942 is better, and have inside sources your are happy trusting why do you bother wasting time and effort trying to lull the masses with your drivel?
if anything you should be satiated by the fact that you have info on a game you apparently have no idea about, and dont really care about.
your replies only take on posts you feel you can regurgitate the same rubbish as an answer for.
if you want to impress anyone, use logic stop contradicting yourself, let your testicles descend and move on your happy ****ing way.
personally I wish valve had a way to track your IP, and permenently ban you (by working alongside your isp) from ever touching hl2 online. I honestly dont think you deserve to touch hl2.

well assuming you are a child... or if not you have proven to possess the intellect of one ranging 10 and under. you probably wont understand / be bothered to read my above text, so allow me to paint you a picture.
I totally agree with Mr. R

This is pathetic, this was probably one of the few threads where nearly everyone stopped acting like children and just said Thanks. This guy goes and ruins that for attention...imo, thats his purpose here, just save everyone the trouble and ban him now please.

I really hope Valve isnt reading this...I hate for them to think that thier fans are just a bunch of assholes.
/special Ed mode ON

YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!
Are you gonna get Half-Life? YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!

YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!

Do you like Half-Life? YA YA YA YAY!!!YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!YAY, We're gonna get half-life, YAY!
Valve if I where a woman I'd tell u I would give birth to you'r babies... Emm.. Well I love you guys /me hug
this is my first post here and its for saying: :thanks all of u guys at valve!!!!
Valve... hmm what to say..
Well done, thanks, and if i ever see any of you i'll buy you a beer :)