Scariest experience of my life.


Jul 1, 2004
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I just got in my first car crash, nothing major, went off the road into a ditch, broke a headlight, some minor body damage, lost a mirror...

But what scared the living crap out of me was what caused the crash. I was driving along, and I looked to my right, and I saw something out in the field to my right (crude paint image attached). At this point I entered a trance (note, I'm driving 45 mph, 4 foot ditch to my right, pastureland to my left), and started focusing on this object in the field. At this point I got this tremendous sence of deja vu, and I felt compelled to look at the object in the field. After a second I looked back to the road. At this point I was still on the road, but I was drifting to the right. I still had control of the car, there was no ice or anything on the road to cause the crash. I just...drove into the ditch. It was like I was in a trance. I went into a ditch, and by some miracle drifted enough to the right to go over a culvert, otherwise I would have flipped my truck. I ended up driving another 30 feet before I realized that my foot was on the gas. The whole time I was thinking about how much my insurance rates were going to go up, how I would have to buy a new truck (random note: I pictured the truck in my head, it was blue with white stripes), how my parents were going to kill me, how I was seriously going to mess up my life. At this point...there's no other way of putting it other than saying I came to. I realized my foot was on the gas so I applied the brake and stopped before I hit a speed limit sign.

It's terrifying. There's absolutely no reason why I should have gone off the road. None. I've been distracted by stuff off road before, never has it landed me in a ditch. I seriously entered a trance.

One thing that I noticed was that the whole thing was one long deja vu. I kept on remembering dreams about the whole situation. That's what messed me up at first, that thing in the field (which didn't exist by the way, I looked for it later). I saw it and said "oh I dreamed about that". Then I just entered this trance....there was no reason why I should have gone off that road.

I'm scared to death right now... Fortunately only some minor damage to my truck and I've got money in my bank account to cover it. But I don't know if I should be driving. I'm scared to death. need advice!

Another random note, I've had deja vu about everything since. That's another weird part. HELP!


  • wtf.JPG
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You sure you didn't have a seizure or something?

Sorry to hear about your car. Maybe you should visit the road again and check out what was there...
That's messed up. So you just....imaged something and then went into a crazy state of mind? At least you're ok and you didn't screw yourself over financially.

I've only been driving for about six months, but what I'm generally paranoid about is the buses in my city. I've had a couple of close calls going around them, and one cut me off a few weeks ago, causing me to slam on my brakes.

Now I'm so concerned with buses, I think I ran a cross walk today. I remember seeing the people get off the bus, and I was focused on whether the bus was going to turn his signal on to get back on the road, and he did, so I slowed down enough to let him out. Then I looked back and noticed the cars behind me stopped at the crosswalk.

I then went into a state of denial, that there's no way they were at the crosswalk when I passed, only walking up to it, and I think I'm right, but it still worried me :(
that looks like a weird jelly

so you looked a wieird thing that looked like jelly on the road and you where hipnotized and them CRASH and when you looked back there was nothing?

omfg the aliens! :O

now seriously maybe you hav another personality that tryed to kill you

ok maybe you where just unfocused
You sure you didn't have a seizure or something?

Sorry to hear about your car. Maybe you should visit the road again and check out what was there...

That's just it, there was nothing there. When I was standing waiting for the tow truck, I looked for what I saw, there was absolutely nothing.

I pray to God it wasn't a seizure.

BTW i'm a terrible artist, just imagine it's a wooden structure of some sort.
That's just it, there was nothing there. When I was standing waiting for the tow truck, I looked for what I saw, there was absolutely nothing.

I pray to God it wasn't a seizure.

BTW i'm a terrible artist, just imagine it's a wooden structure of some sort.

a wooden jelly?
Just tell people you blacked out.

I sometimes find myself drifting around staring at things. It happens more, the slower I go.
I just got in my first car crash, nothing major, went off the road into a ditch, broke a headlight, some minor body damage, lost a mirror...

But what scared the living crap out of me was what caused the crash. I was driving along, and I looked to my right, and I saw something out in the field to my right (crude paint image attached). At this point I entered a trance (note, I'm driving 45 mph, 4 foot ditch to my right, pastureland to my left), and started focusing on this object in the field. At this point I got this tremendous sence of deja vu, and I felt compelled to look at the object in the field. After a second I looked back to the road. At this point I was still on the road, but I was drifting to the right. I still had control of the car, there was no ice or anything on the road to cause the crash. I just...drove into the ditch. It was like I was in a trance. I went into a ditch, and by some miracle drifted enough to the right to go over a culvert, otherwise I would have flipped my truck. I ended up driving another 30 feet before I realized that my foot was on the gas. The whole time I was thinking about how much my insurance rates were going to go up, how I would have to buy a new truck (random note: I pictured the truck in my head, it was blue with white stripes), how my parents were going to kill me, how I was seriously going to mess up my life. At this point...there's no other way of putting it other than saying I came to. I realized my foot was on the gas so I applied the brake and stopped before I hit a speed limit sign.

It's terrifying. There's absolutely no reason why I should have gone off the road. None. I've been distracted by stuff off road before, never has it landed me in a ditch. I seriously entered a trance.

One thing that I noticed was that the whole thing was one long deja vu. I kept on remembering dreams about the whole situation. That's what messed me up at first, that thing in the field (which didn't exist by the way, I looked for it later). I saw it and said "oh I dreamed about that". Then I just entered this trance....there was no reason why I should have gone off that road.

I'm scared to death right now... Fortunately only some minor damage to my truck and I've got money in my bank account to cover it. But I don't know if I should be driving. I'm scared to death. need advice!

Another random note, I've had deja vu about everything since. That's another weird part. HELP!

From your post, you sound like you have some anxiety problems atm.

And I doubt it was a seizure. You'd probably not remember the incident or the object so vividly if it were.
It kinda sounds like your brain was attacked, or your reality matrix cracked.
Maybe the wooden jelly was a redpill in disguise.

I really wouldnt worry about it. Often Deja Vu comes from dreams, or you see something during the day, or meet someone for the first time and cant help think 'ive seen him/her standing in that exact same way before' or something, even though youve never met them before :S

Its all co-incidence. You cant predict these things from happening, your mind makes you think you have seen it before. Its all just images in your head that the brain 'finds' in these moments. Usually something triggers it. 'My whole life flashed before me eyes', is probably a true saying. Youll never know until it happens.

Great White Shark cage diving has to be my scariest experience. I mean, its a perfect killing machine, and here's me and my 22 year-old cousin floating in this cage, all puny and defenceless to this beautiful creature, yet could be ripped to shreds if it wanted into the cage.
House = Win


And sorry to hear about that miccy, i hope whatever the issue is gets resolved.
Haha I was about to say the exact same thing!
You should go see a doctor. Could be something wrong with your head.
What do you mean you had deja vu about everything since?
Intense feelings of deja vu can be seizures. I used to have those seizures.
See a doctor.
Intense feelings of deja vu can be seizures. I used to have those seizures.
See a doctor.


I think I need to see a doctor...I have HORRIBLE cases of Deja Vu..except it's more like telling the future. On multiple occasions, I will start to have deja vu, then tell myself what will happens. It's possibly the most frightening thing I've had done to me

I think I need to see a doctor...I have HORRIBLE cases of Deja Vu..except it's more like telling the future. On multiple occasions, I will start to have deja vu, then tell myself what will happens. It's possibly the most frightening thing I've had done to me

Do so.
Epilepsy is an extremely complicated condition, it's got nothing to do with flashing ****ing lights or any of that other shit people come out with.
Basically, a seizure is an electrical storm in the brain. Generalised seizures affect the whole brain, so you lose consciousness...that's what people generally associate with epilepsy. However, localised seizures affect just one particular area, which results in some kind of altered consciousness or function. It's disturbing shit at times. Once, I started spitting on my hands but I was absolutely powerless to control it. It was like my body belonged to somebody else.
Do so.
Epilepsy is an extremely complicated condition, it's got nothing to do with flashing ****ing lights or any of that other shit people come out with.
Basically, a seizure is an electrical storm in the brain. Generalised seizures affect the whole brain, so you lose consciousness...that's what people generally associate with epilepsy. However, localised seizures affect just one particular area, which results in some kind of altered consciousness or function. It's disturbing shit at times. Once, I started spitting on my hands but I was absolutely powerless to control it. It was like my body belonged to somebody else.

Doing things uncontrollably and having a weird case of future telling deja vu is slightly different, though I do see where you're coming from.
Doing things uncontrollably and having a weird case of future telling deja vu is slightly different, though I do see where you're coming from.

Yes, that was simply the freakiest example of what happened. As I said, it can have all kinds of wide-ranging effects. I used to get extremely intense feelings of deja vu too. I would be like, OMG, I'VE BEEN HERE BEFORE.
This "future telling" thing could well be just a very skewed perception of time from an epileptic seizure. Unreality becomes reality - when your brain isn't working properly, all manner of bizarre things can happen.
Sounds like somebody put some acid in your cheeseburger.
First thing I did was click the image and thought to myself "**** YEAH, UFO".
my friend had a seizure a few weeks ago, it was quite weird too, he was fishing and when i looked at him, his eyes where in the back of his head and he was spinning around then he fell in the river , i as the only thing that stopped him from drowning :|
I fell asleep. I wasn't tired, I wasn't drowsy at all, I was alert and on adrenaline (on my way to karate), and I fell asleep.

Absolutely bizarre.

I went back to the crash scene and it's a miracle that
A. I was relatively uninjured
B. I only did $200 damage on my truck.

I missed everything in the ditch that could have severely damaged my truck, and I went airborne over a culvert that would have totalled my truck and possibly killed me.

I've got pics if anyone wants to see them.


This is a google map..
Dark red mark, where I fell asleep. Yellow line, where I thought I went in the ditch.
Red line, where I really went in the ditch. White line, where I went airborne (according to my tracks I Was airborne for about 20 feet). Brown dot in field: object I saw in my altered stage of consciousness (note it would have been impossible to see it in that location from any point before where I really went off the road, yet I dreamed I saw it from the first dark red line)

Moral of the story: get more sleep?
Doctors are good for that..

That's really weird man.
And here I am. 1 AM. Completely unable to sleep getting more awake by the second.
