Scarry? HL1 & HL2

Is Half Life 2 significantly scarrier than HL1?

  • Yes

    Votes: 66 81.5%
  • No

    Votes: 15 18.5%

  • Total voters
Sep 19, 2003
Reaction score
In half life 1, none of the monster were very scary in my opinion. There were the head crabs, the human sized monsters & the over sized ones weren’t that scary...maybe because of their limited mobility.

I saw a HL screenshot of some scary looking clearish headcrabs/spiders/something of varying size. Those ant lions are quite mobile, and are of decent size. By themselves, not too scary, but I'm guessing you'll have to fight hordes of them.

Question: Do you think HL2 will be much scarier than HL1?

i don't think it will be very scary. scarier than HL 1 but nothing scary enough to make u consider turning the lights back on. It's not meant to be scary anyway, its more of a fun game than a realistic game. Scary is where Doom 3 will prevail. HL2 will just be a much more fun game.
It depends in what kind of atmosphere you're playing in I guess. Those dark alleys in traptown could be able to scare the stuffing out of you sometimes...
Of course it will be, better graphics = better atmosphere = real = scray :D
The only creatures from HL1 that I found remotely pulse-raising, were the headcrabs.. not in the open in the brightly lit areas, but more in the dark where u only had a flash light, or u were in a ventilation duct and one of them goes straight at you.. the barnacles weren't scary but when u had to move around them without getting caught (and some areas had very narrow walkways) it was kinda nerve-wrecking.. although you chould just shoot them if they grabbed you..
The only thing that spooked me in HL was the Ichthyosaur.
The headcrabs were fun to hit out of the air when they flew at me.
The thing that scared me was the huge thing that you had to shock in the train part....creepy.
HL1 was hardly scary at all, mostly because everything was so blocky and crummy looking. HL2 will be much more frightening.
Originally posted by OCybrManO
The only thing that spooked me in HL was the Ichthyosaur.
The headcrabs were fun to hit out of the air when they flew at me.

I've seen the hl2 Ichthyosaur.

scary stuff.

and no this isn't a spoiler, gabe has metitioned Ichthyosaurs before in hl2.
Originally posted by -AnthraX-
Of course it will be, better graphics = better atmosphere = real = scray :D

is that why unreal 2's atmosphere totally sucked ass compared to thief 2's or system shock 2's?

half-life 2 doesn't look like it'll be scary at all, though i've only seen screenshots and videos, and those were deliberately of action-y parts. could be wrong :)

i thought the beginning in half-life was pretty creepy, especially the first encounters with the head-crabs.
HL have a lot of surprises ! You are walking and suddenly some monsters appears ! Thats scary ! But if you see the enemy distant first, you will not be scared.

If HL2 have this surprises, will be a very scary game.

That's my opinion !

Atmosphere is a lot more than graphics. It's a combination of things. A great atmosphere adds a hell of a lot to your game. And without it, it's hard to be scary.

HL2 might be scary, I dunno. It certainly has the potential to.
I've never had a game scare me, ever. Some games might have made me jump, sure, but I was never actually scared. Can you guys honestly say that you've been scared by a game? I've tried to scare myself with Doom 3. Hell, I've played it at 1 AM, with the lights out. Nope, nothing. I was startled the first time a zombie jumped out at me, and I dreaded seeing the zombie eyes because it takes so many rounds to kill one, but no fear. Can anyone recommend a scary game? System Shock 2 is supposed to be terrifying, but it's only creeped me out in a few spots (hanging corpses, disembodied voices).
HL wasn't scary in the sense of creepy monsters, but there was always some tension on you. When you fought the marines and pulled back to reload or ambush or something, you were waiting for the marines to chase you with your guns ready. This will be better in HL2 where all the enemies can go anywhere you can go.
The really creepy parts were with the headcrabs in dark corners, the rest was just scary in a thriller kind of way.
there are quite a few examples of where seeing the monster at a distance first is scarier than it just popping up in front of you. there was this part in the thief 2 mod, The Inverted Manse, where you're in a series of balconies, hidden in a little triangle of shadow, and you shoot an undead guard with your last razor arrow. it screams and falls to the ground, so another one comes to investigate. it opens a door a ways out and slowly walks around the entire upper floor until it comes so close to you that it just brushes past. that was certainly a lot scarier than if you just opened the door and there was suddenly one right there.

sorry to nitpick, but :p

i really hope half-life 2 involves at least one mission where you can't just go and blow everyone to bits and instead have to intelligently plan your route and conserve ammo. splinter cell was great in this respect, though that was more tense than scary.

insertnamehere, i really recommend thief 1 and 2, though 2 is better to get started with so you can get acquainted with the style of game-play. i found thief 1 to be *much* harder. thief 2 also has some very spooky (and great) mods, like the one i mentioned above :)
Originally posted by InsertNameHere
I've never had a game scare me, ever. Some games might have made me jump, sure, but I was never actually scared. Can you guys honestly say that you've been scared by a game? I've tried to scare myself with Doom 3. Hell, I've played it at 1 AM, with the lights out. Nope, nothing. I was startled the first time a zombie jumped out at me, and I dreaded seeing the zombie eyes because it takes so many rounds to kill one, but no fear. Can anyone recommend a scary game? System Shock 2 is supposed to be terrifying, but it's only creeped me out in a few spots (hanging corpses, disembodied voices).

Ever played Steel Battalion? If your mech is blown up, and you don't eject, your save game is deleted. That's scary. :p

Overall, I agree. Games are more spooky-type of scariness. Stuff that pops up and surprises you.

EDIT: There are exemptions, though. Theif and others provide scariness in the form of tension. Hiding in corners praying to god that the guard doesn't notice you....
Yeah, Thief II was great. That totally slipped my mind somehow. That game also had some really funny NPC conversations. How long is it until Thief III?
Games that scare me AvP1 on hard with marines, "The Thing" on PC, When retards Attack part 3 Movie and the Wiggles.
The new Call of Duty Dawnville demo is extremely tense. Prone behind sandbags, a Panzer IV's machine gun spraying the ground around your cover, and Panzerfausts in a building only yards away. Fun stuff.

The Meatgrinder of Stalingrad is going to be incredible in that game. Jumping out of your boat, Stukas roaring overhead and peppering the water around you as you wade up the banks of the Volga. You charge into the heart of the city, weaponless, as mortars explode all around and send a man carrying the Soviet flag into the sky. That crooked stature of Lenin, your comrades being mowed down by MG42s as thy desperately search for a Mosin-Nagant...

I can't wait!
It's funny because when it comes to films not one has ever 'scared' me or made me jump yet when it comes to games, I do jump.

This is in places where you're practically sure something is going to happen, (enemy jumping out at you or an element of surprise) like in Resident Evil you can tell really when the window you are running past is going to smash and zombies will pour through it.

As for Half-Life, the bits which remotely or greater bothered me were any parts involving headcrabs and the dark, or anything that was behind you that you didn't know about.
I'm still waiting for a game that can deeply disturb you on an emotional level, like books and movies can.
Originally posted by InsertNameHere
I'm still waiting for a game that can deeply disturb you on an emotional level, like books and movies can.

Ever play ET on the Atari?
i'd have to say the most scary part of hl1 for me was the ichysaurus or whatever the spelling of that is. Remember that first time u were walking in that room filled with water and the shark cage hanging from the roof, i remember how tense i felt crawling along the little walkway up top over the water and then stepping into the cage as it fell into the water with that crazy ass water thingy swimming around. SCAWY!
System Shock 2 was scary. Still is. I hate when games have spiders, worms, flies or eggs that hatch. That game had all of them.
In hl1 I got just about the scariest moment in a game ever. It was right up there with getting hit in the back by a zombie in system shock 2. It was right after you get out of that freezer (the first one), and your going through the vents. You get to this part where there is a drop off, well, I got there and was about to proceed when a head crab jumped out of the shadows and scared the living shit out of me. It was great.

Hl2 looks like it will have more than a few moments that are even scarier though, specifically those fast zombies that can climb buildings. Holy shit that map is scary.
Scariest bit on HL was on Opposing Force when theres the bit in the dark, where those big galloping aliens that shoot purple stuff at ya are all around... I hate *hate* darkness in games :dork:
ooh I love scary games. Scariest game I've ever played was when I was a little kid, Aliens on the C64, first time I saw an alien in it and it started to walk towards me, it scared me so much I switched the computer off and didn't play it again for weeks.. Obviously its not scary like that now, but it was cool being scared like that then :)

Half-Life Uplink, first time I played HL was on that demo, turned a corner and had no idea what headcrabs even were and one jumped out of the shadows right at me, that was a great moment heh

Full HL. I'd have to agree with two others on this thread, the Icky and of course the Garg in the scenes it appears in. The running down the corridor trying to out run it and not knowing how close it is and if you turn around to see then it could be on top of you in a second. I guess not so much scary as tense and gets the adrenalin going

AvP and AvP II. Both had great makeyajump scenes in them. Thief had lots of good scenes, agreed with the others about the hiding in the shadows hoping they dont see you and find your holding your breath at the same time, very cool game

HL2 looks like it could be very scary indeed, I hope they bring back the garg, favorite game monster ever, apart from the Strider :)
The green slimes in Duke Nukem 3D were scary too... and the dog that jumped through the window in Resident Evil 1...
Ohh... I saw screenshots of these Bigger gray like Super headcrabs that were all piled on a zombie. It's like the normal headcrabs evolved into advanced headcrabs... it was a scary screenshot.
Just you wait till you see your first assasin zombie. It charges at you at about 20 miles an hour and is hard to kill.

There are some other "zombies" type things that produce headcrabs but I will not spoil it to you any further :)

Some other thing I would like to point out, you know those antlions? Yeah, they can fly. Zooooommmmmmmmm...dead...
Post a screenshot of those Super headcrabs (if anyone has it)... I wanna see.
I've only played the demo of SS2, but it frightened the life out of me, not so much the visuals (which I admit were great anyway) but I think a lot of it, and this goes for many games and of course films, should be down to the work of the sound guys. When running from the garg down the corridors you can't see it, but you can hear it running and getting closer. Aliens hissing, zombies groaning and so on. I guess anyone can make a dark looking scene, but It takes a lot of talent to get the audio just right, and I'm a visual FX guy I should be saying its all down to what you see or don't see heh

Oh and I forgot They Hunger, that game is scary and its mostly down to the sound, though some of the visual treats are really nicely done