Scarry? HL1 & HL2

Is Half Life 2 significantly scarrier than HL1?

  • Yes

    Votes: 66 81.5%
  • No

    Votes: 15 18.5%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by Heleos
Post a screenshot of those Super headcrabs (if anyone has it)... I wanna see.

if anyone wants to get banned...go ahead.... :)
*sighs* great, this has gone from a fun thread to yet more spoilers for HL2, nice one guys, most of us who've seen whats in it have tried to avoid spoiling it for those who don't want to know, you could have given some warning first or something
the original Silent Hill (and all the other Silent Hill's, also) were and still are scary as hell... just my opinion though. they were great games too... couldn't stop playin' 'em :p

but yeah, half-life 2 can pretty damned scary at times... (especially when you're in the dark being attacked by "headcrabbed" zombies... :X EEK!
I think Hl2 is going be quite the spooky title this year. At the very least, scarrier than Hl1. Some jerk on IRC wanted me to hear a file clip and uploaded it. I listened to it, it has to be one of the creapiest music clips I've ever heard. Turns out it was from Hl2. I wouldn't be calling him a jerk if it wasn't illegal, but it is, and he ruined the surprise.


Along with it came some Zombie screaming, and calling clips. Dear God. When you hear them scream it gives you that sinking feeling almost. It sounds convincing. I'm not a soft guy, but audibles are what gets me. I guess it's not being able to see the enemy, but hearing it...And hearing high-pitched screaming. A girl in pain, and now the zombies, just gives me that sinking feeling. Thanks VALVe, I heard you were aiming for a somewhat scarry theme, but Jeez. I think it'll be scary. What kind of scary? Probaly that survival type scary. Hearing theme scream also made me hate the Headcrabs even more. VALVe's right, I haven't even played the game yet, but I already hate my enemies.

I don't think HL was ever scary, more it had a lot of tension. I remember fairly early on there is a long stretch (before you encounter the marines) where ammo and meds are in short supply and it gets pretty close to the knuckle in the fights. System shock 2 was creepy simply because the you could never be entirely certain that an area was secure with the wandering patrols. That and the fact that when you went to the consoles the game was still running in realtime used to put the hairs up on the back of my neck. The fact the weapons were so crap and broke so quickly didn't help matters either.

I sure hope that HL2 retains the tenseness of HL1, judging by the footage it seems that Valve have worked hard to evoke a sense of realism.
Originally posted by NSPIRE
the original Silent Hill (and all the other Silent Hill's, also) were and still are scary as hell... just my opinion though. they were great games too... couldn't stop playin' 'em :p

but yeah, half-life 2 can pretty damned scary at times... (especially when you're in the dark being attacked by "headcrabbed" zombies... :X EEK!

silent hill 2 wasnt that scary for me(its the only one I have played), it just didnt make any damn sence so it never had a chance to mess with me.
Originally posted by BWMASTER
Just you wait till you see your first assasin zombie. It charges at you at about 20 miles an hour and is hard to kill.

There are some other "zombies" type things that produce headcrabs but I will not spoil it to you any further :)

Some other thing I would like to point out, you know those antlions? Yeah, they can fly. Zooooommmmmmmmm...dead...

I knew about the Zombie Assassin, but not the Headcrab producing creature. Don't worry about spoiling it, you already have.

Scariest part in HL for me was when (don't laugh) a sniper started shooting at me. I had no idea there were snipers and thought that some invisible enemy was hitting me. My god, you shoud of seen me running around spraying bullets at empty air. After that, I'd have to say the big blue mofo and the shark-thing.
In HL1 the only creatures that were scary were the headcrabs and that's only because they jumped out at you really quickly. In HL2 I've already noticed a few monsters that scared the crap outta me at least the 1st time I saw them. I don't want to spoil anything so I won't say what I'm talking about other than saying that there's more than one type of headcrab zombie. (though most of you already know this.)
One bit, in the video's so not a spoiler, that I thought was pretty scary(ish) in a different way was the guys running around the corner shouting strider! granted it probably loses its appeal if you've watched the E3 vid countless times but the first time you see it it does have a woah value attached

btw, anyone know if/when a bink vid of that scene will be making an appearance?
Originally posted by Fenric1138
One bit, in the video's so not a spoiler, that I thought was pretty scary(ish) in a different way was the guys running around the corner shouting strider! granted it probably loses its appeal if you've watched the E3 vid countless times but the first time you see it it does have a woah value attached

btw, anyone know if/when a bink vid of that scene will be making an appearance?

Yeah, that was great. You hear the guys yelling "Strider!" and they come running out of that alley area, the first time I saw that I was like "WTF? Strider?" and expecting to see some antlions or combines chasing after them, but instead this huge 50-foot tall spider suddenly comes around the corner. It's too bad that had to see it the first time on ShakyCam footage and the experience has been ruined.
I heard people describing scenes from the leak and showing screenshots... some parts of HL2 are turning out to be scarier that I thought HL2 would be.

A few guys said to check out the dark town map... from the picture it looks like it could be quite frightening. It looked like a zombie that ran on four legs was jumping between two dark rooftops.

I can't wait... I want to see it in motion... and I'm sure it would sound cooler if I could link to that screenshot.
Originally posted by OCybrManO
looked like a zombie that ran on four legs was jumping between two dark rooftops.

That part is awesome, but the part that really scares you is just slightly later than that in the map. Also, toward the beginning of the map, there's something that if you don't expect it, it will scare the crap outta you. It scared me.
I remember the first time I saw a zombie in Resident Evil 1. Right after you hear that gunshot, walk past the dining room and see the video of that zombie eating the guy. I was like 12 yrs old back then, and I didnt even know the controls, which made it a little scarrier.


that reminds me of a part in Final Doom, when you start in this room, and when you go outside, you hear this high pitch whistling thing in the distance, and there is this crunching noise that comes and goes, like something is tunneling under the ground...

I dont think that actual monsters were making the noise, it was just a sound clip, but it was still scary imagining the creatures that were making the noises.

HL1 wasnt scarry for me. It was too fast paced in an era full of RE's creepy music and random splatters of blood on walls.
Originally posted by VoodooGod
That part is awesome, but the part that really scares you is just slightly later than that in the map. Also, toward the beginning of the map, there's something that if you don't expect it, it will scare the crap outta you. It scared me.

Thank you for NOT posting any spoilers, I appreciate it. Which we already knew about creatures jumping roof to roof, but you didn't say anything about the stuff we didn't know, and that's what matters. Good to see someone with consideration for others, around here.

I saw this video in this town in HL2 where these freaky zombies, only like 50 times faster, stronger and agile come flying up this ladder and make all these crazy sounds, it was crazy, and scary
You know, the sounds those new zombies make are really quite disturbing and very, very creepy. Oh, and I'm not spoiling anything here I hope, but the new zombies are very relentless. They NEVER stop chasing you.
They will when they meet Mr. Buckshot from Mrs. Shotgun :cheers:
Hey guys just shut the fuck up with the spoilers already, Ok?

Thanks, and have a nice day :)
:) Hmmm... this thread was actually a sucess...sort of :) Just keep thsoe spoilers to a minimun.

BTW, I didn't think the new Jason & Freddy movie was scarry. Just me.
considering i dont have the game yet............welllllll, you figure it out.
Well, please don’t ban me or lock this thread, but have seen the BETA (not played AND I don’t have it!) and all I can say is that it is scary as hell, especially the new Zombies... even more scary than Resident Evil on the Playstation IMHO.

Well... it’s illegal to talk about the BETA and I’m not going to do so in the future. :)

Anyway, my vote goes for Half-Life 2.