Scary/creepy stories thread


Feb 6, 2006
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Post any scary/creepy or weird stories that have happened to you.

Not my story but my buddy told me this happened to his friend a few years ago (don't believe him but it's still a weird story nonetheless)..

A woman a young woman has the love of her life leave her for another woman after years of dating. After her boyfriend left her, she started to feel really vulnerable at night. Call it paranoia, call it what you want, but she always just never She was just used to having a man in her apartment, and couldn't get used to the loneliness.

So she went down to the local humane society, and she found a gorgeous red nosed Pit Bull. After spending weeks getting her dog acclimated to her apartment, she has built up trust with her dog, and he guards the end of the bed. Months pass, and it's the same routine. She falls asleep around 11pm after walking her dog, and he sleeps at the foot of her bed. Any noise, no matter what, will wake her dog, and she starts to feel protected. Usually the noise is the floor settling, a neighbor moving in their apartment, and her dog will calm her by slowly moving up, and gently licking her land.

With a sense of security back in her life, she is sleeping better, shes more confident, and plans on renting a house so her dog has a place to run around when she is at work. But oddly one night, the routine changes...

She hears a noise, like something walking in the hallway slowly. She half opens her eyes, still groggy from sleep. She hears a slight dragging sound, and her blood runs cold. Shaking, she reaches down, praying that her dog will lick her hand, and let her know it's all in her head. With a icy cold trembling hand, she reaches down the bed, to thankfully find the warm, moist few quick licks of her dog after a slight pause.

She slowly returns to sleep, but is awakened an hour later. More confident this time, she keeps her eyes closed, her breathing in check, and reaches down the bed. Sure enough, a few soft licks, and she knows that all is right in her world.

BAM! She is startled awake, now petrified by the noise. With thoughts running through her head, she looks over at her clock. 3:01am. What could cause that noise? Wait...where is the dog? She reaches down, but her protector isn't there anymore. Where did he go? He couldn't have run off, I would have heard him!

She gets out of bed, and walks into the hallway, slipping on a cold liquid. Groping for the lights, she hits the switch, but nothing happens. She feels along the walls, heading for the bathroom...still squishing along through an unknown fluid. Terrified, she slowly rounds the corner in the hallway, and what's this? Why is the light in the bathroom on? She knew she turned off the's not like her to leave it on.

With a heartbeat like 1,000 rock concerts playing in her ears, she touches the warm door handle, and slides the door open. She drops to the floor, crying, seeing her dog, hung by his neck, having bled out into her bath tub. She screams, looks at the floor, and realizes she has been walking through the blood trail someone left as they walked out of the room.

Slowly she looks up at the mirror on the wall....and written in blood is a simple, yet terrifying phrase. The last letter trails off into a bloody handprint...."Humans can lick too"
Where's that thread that had the stories of the strange mountain creatures up in Canada, or the rockies or somewhere? I forget the place, was interested in the tales though.
this is copypasta from 4chan! but I still liked it
this is copypasta from 4chan! but I still liked it

really? lol

i stole it from one of our msn history chats, what a **** lol said it happened to his friend LOL

oh well, post some of your stories up!!
What? Someone told an urban legend that happened to a friend of a friend? WHAAAAAAAT?
Someone needs to repost Angry Lawyer's matchstick story then lock this thread!
Post any scary/creepy or weird stories that have happened to you.

Not my story but my buddy told me this happened to his friend a few years ago (don't believe him but it's still a weird story nonetheless)..

That's a very common campfire story, you've never heard that one before? Usually instead the girl is a babysitter, and she is watching a movie and the dog keeps coming by to lick the salt and butter from the popcorn. But yeah, same premise.
yea i remember hearing about this matchstick story a while ago..someone want to post it up?

also does AngryLawyer still come around on these forums anymore?
Slowly she looks up at the mirror on the wall....and written in blood is a simple, yet terrifying phrase. The last letter trails off into a bloody handprint...."Humans can lick too"

Sounds like a Urban Legend to me
Slowly she looks up at the mirror on the wall....and written in blood is a simple, yet grammatically incorrect phrase. The last letter trails off into a bloody handprint...."Humans can lik 2"

OP's story is a good one, especially when told in the right setting, but no way in hell it's true.
lol ok, as stated in my second post (if any of you even read it), i got the story from an old msn history chat my friend told me a long time ago.

I now know that this story is a popular urban legend...
OP's story is a good one, especially when told in the right setting, but no way in hell it's true.

-The dog would have immediately sensed if someone was there, and started barking/growling, making a lot of noise.
-If the intruder fought and killed the dog that would of made even further loud noise.

Conclusion = Bull Shit
I've heard that story but it has a different plot to it(it ends up the same way):

An old woman's husband dies, so she gets a dog to comfort her. She gets very comfortable with the dog, whom licks her hand whenever she puts it at her side. One day, she starts hearing this constant dripping. She suspects that it is the kitchen sink running, so she goes to check. She sees that the kitchen sink isn't dripping, so she goes to check the downstairs bathroom. Again, she cant find the source of the dripping. She begins to worry, so she puts down her hand, and her dog licks it. She suddenly feels a lot better. She rarely used the upstairs since her husband died, so she knew it couldn't be the upstairs bathroom, but that is the only other place that the dripping could be coming from. She goes to check. When she opens the door, she sees her dog hung from the show curtain, dripping with blood, and on the wall, written in blood is, 'humans can lick hands too.'

Sorry about the overuse of "she" :p
Haha, OP's story is hilarious.

The story about dead body fluids leaking through your apartment ceiling, however, was gross. Suddenly I'm glad I live on the top floor.

A couple of weird (but non-scary) things have happened in my apartment. My air conditioner sometimes turns itself on when it's really hot, even though it's set to "Off." A couple of days ago, I came in and everything was quiet and normal. I'm on the phone with my parents and I start hearing faint music. Then it gets louder and louder. Turns out my radio had turned itself on even though it was also set to "Off."

I'm pretty sure it's just broken though. As long as my stove/oven don't turn themselves on.....
-The dog would have immediately sensed if someone was there, and started barking/growling, making a lot of noise.
-If the intruder fought and killed the dog that would of made even further loud noise.

Conclusion = Bull Shit

He used the cloak and dagger.
Once upon a time that is probably happening now, I had to pay $800 dollars a month for tuition for 5 months! AHHHHHGHGHGHHH
I was once laying in my bed, i was very very weak, almost paralyzed. I tried to crawl into my parents room to get help, i was very frightened and the whole atmosphere was nightmarish. As soon as i reached their bed i suddenly woke up in my ****ing cat is sitting at the other end of the bed starring me straight in my eyes.

Im telling you, shes from hell.
Once when I was little I remember having a really bad nightmare and woke up petrified. I decided to open the window and get some fresh air, drew the curtains and there was a white cat sat in the middle of the street looking right up at me, I looked down at it shocked for two seconds before shutting the curtains and jumping back into bed. One of the freakiest moments of my life.

Darkside usually has some cool tales to tell.

The only story I remember from that is the one where the old lady digs up potatoes in her garden, but one of them is actually the thumb of a giant who's living underground. She makes a soup with the potatoes, and one night the giant comes looking for his thumb. I can't remember how it ended. Also, the cover artwork on that book is awesome.

I just remembered, one time I was up late at night at home, sitting by the window near the front door. Not too long ago, I had gotten one of those "Forward this to all your friends" emails about safety, and one of the points was about creepy guys who go around to houses at night playing tape recorded sounds of crying babies at the front door to lure women out. As you've probably guessed, I heard what sounded like crying outside my door. It totally creeped me out.
Though fake, the first time I read it i got a chill.

The Virtue of Patience

There once was a married couple that was moving into a new house. While the husband was very patient, the wife was very impatient. the new house was very nice except it needed an extra room, because the wife was pregnant, and there was not a nursery yet built. So they contacted a carpenter to help them build it. The carpenter, who was very superstitious, surveyed the land and told them he could not do the job.
When they asked him why not, he told them that the spot was where an ancient cult woul kill their victims by driving sharp stakes through them. When the cuple told him that it was the only spot on the property with enough room for the nursery, he told them that he knew an excorcist that he could get to help, but he was away, so it would take several weeks for him to come and cleanse the spot. The husband started to agree, but the wife cut him off and told the carpenter they couldn't wait that long and that they'd build the room themselves. Reluctantly, the carpenter left, fearing for them.

So the couple began building the nursery, and it went quite well. almost a month later, they were nailing up the last inner wall, when suddenly, they heard a strange moaning come from outside. The husband took a crowbar, and went outside to investigate, but before he did, he told the wife to absolutely NOT continue working on the room until he got back. So he went out, and she waited, and waited, and waited.
Over three hours later, he did not get back, and she was very worried, but she could not bring herself to go outside. She was so nervous that she had to do something to keep her mind off of it. Picking up her hammer, she went over to the wall. She hesitated as her husband had told her not to work without him, but the baby would come soon and they had to get this room done. So she lifted her hammer, and drove a nail into the wall. She suddenly heard a piercing scream. She dropped her hammer, and ran from the room into the other part of the house.

The next day, she dared not even leave her room, but then the carpenter suddenly pulled up in the drive way, with a strange looking man who must have been the excorcist. She rushed down to meet them, and told them what had happened. The carpenter and the excorcist rushed outside to where the husband had gone. A portion of the wall was dripping with blood. The carpenter got his tools and quickly tore down the wall.

Inside the wall, was the husband, restrained by ghostly figures that held him there, with one singular nail driven through his skull.
I read this one thing, and it was actually true I guess. There's these, like, mountain people that live in the woods of New Jersey I think it was, and there all inbred and very hostile to anyone who isn't one of them. Apparently there so inbred there's some mutation in some part of there mouth so they speak a kind a jibberish like english. I saw a wikipedia page about them, now that I think about it they where like indians or some shit? Just like the episode of the X-files heh. Does anyone have any idea what the **** i'm talking about.
I had a dream awhile back. I was at home, walking around the apartment, checking out the rooms. All the rooms looked the same as they do when I'm awake; nothing out of place, no differently-colored walls, no additions, no altered layout. Everything was as it should have been. I went back to my room and lay down.

I told two of my friends about it. They laughed, telling me I had boring dreams. We didn't speak about it again while we were hanging out.

I received a call a few days later from one of them. "I think it's because you told me about it, but I had a boring dream last night," he said. "I dreamed I was in my house, and you know what I did? I ate a sandwich. That's it. A ham sandwich." We laughed.

Later still, I talked with the other friend on IRC. "Damn it," he said, "I had one of those boring dreams too. I woke up, got dressed, and headed to work." And we laughed about it.

You ever have a really scary dream? Like maybe you dream of something stalking you, or you dream of monsters and ghouls. Or you have those dreams that make absolutely no sense, and are unnerving in their absurdity; "trippy" dreams, or dreams where things just aren't quite right. Dreams where something is always "wrong." You've probably had dreams like that. You remember them when you wake, and they leave you feeling unsettled.

Well don't worry. Those dreams are perfectly normal. You see, the human mind will always create something "wrong" in a dream so that you know you're dreaming; even if you don't know it at the time, when you wake up and think on it you'll be able to say, "Oh, well this was wrong, so it was obviously a dream."

It's when you start dreaming about normal things that you should be worried. It's a sign that what is considered "normal" is becoming foreign; that the everyday humdrum of life has become strange and absurd. It's a sign that reality means very little to your conscious mind, and that reality is best pushed back into the recesses to bother you at night.

It's a sign you're going crazy.
Wow. I have normal dreams a lot, then I forget about them until I'm awake and something triggers a memory or feeling that something happened or that I had done something before. Sometimes it takes a while to figure out that it was just a dream.
I had the absolute most disturbing, terrifying dream of my life a week ago.

I was dreaming I was in California, and I was with family and stuff, and helping out a family member run a campaign, one of my aunts I think.

Anyway... once the celebrations were ending(I think that's what they were), my uncle Doug turned his head and looked to me. And it wasn't that he was looking at me in the dream world, it's that he was looking to me in real life... the person who was dreaming.

He looked to me and said, "Your father is dead. It was on the news at 5:59."

And that's when I woke up. And it absolutely terrified me to my core. I've had dreams where family members, and even myself have died before in great tragedies and shit, like war and stuff. But this dream... I've never had a dream like this before. The sheer simplicity of it, the way it sunk to my core even as I was still sleeping and lingered for days afterwards. It was like an omen, and I knew it.

I've had dreams where I wake up thinking all the money I had in the dream world would be with me, and I would suddenly realize it didn't exist and I would be disappointed. But I had ways to logically prove that everything in the dream was patently false. And one would think I have logical ways that my dream I had is completely false because that's all it is... a dream. But that's not what I felt. It drilled deeply inside of me and just stayed there.

Compounded all the more because my dad does a lot of traveling back and forth from down south back up here again every weekend, and I only get to see him for that brief day every week... car accidents and the like being one of my greatest biggest fears for myself or family members.

So anyway, won't be scary or terrifying to you guys, but it was absolutely gut wrenching to me.
If you have to ask that question, I see you have never used the cloak and dagger.
Someone needs to repost Angry Lawyer's matchstick story


Dying alone terrifies me. But that's not an especially embarrasing fear.

But I'm unnerved by matchsticks. I'm sure the veterans of the forum remember the story, but I'll reiterate it here anyways. It must've been five years ago now that this happens. Still scares me thinking about it.

Basically, I got out of bed one morning on a dreary summer's , to find that everyone else in my household, bar my mother had gone swimming. So, I threw on some clothes and went downstairs to see my mother watching daytime television. I hate daytime television, so I decided to go upstairs to get a book to read.

How strange - the door had closed in my five minute absence. So, I opened the door to see something that'll haunt me to this day.

The entire room was covered in burnt-out matches. Everywhere. On the floor. On my bed. IN my bed. In my drawers. In my closet. The place absolutely reeked of sulphur.
So, I was rather unnerved that in my five-minute absense that someone had struck a couple of hundred matches and spread them around my room. Still, I had to find the source of it. Now, in my room at the time, my bed had a sort-of crawlspace beneath it that was always ominous-looking. If anyone had been in my room, they'd be hiding under there. So, I got on my knees and started crawling.

Bad move. The underneath of my bed was packed full of matches, and the air was choked with the smell of burning. My subconcious started making its own mind up about what was happening, and I could have sworn that, mirrored to my own frightened breathing, there was something else breathing heavily under there. Heavy, deep breathing. Looking back on it, I could probably say it sounded a little like Darth Vader.
Still, my sanity snapped at this point, and I bolted down the stairs to scream at my mother at what happened. She didn't believe me, but after a load of coaxing, I convinced her to come upstairs with a torch.

She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the matches. It took us hours to clear up, and when we shone the torch under my bed to see what was there, all we found was a small mound of empty matchboxes under the head of my bed.

To this day, I can't figure out what actually happened.

-Angry Lawyer
Matchstick story always impresses me.

Here's a story from this other forum that I always visit:

My wife and I celebrate our anniversary on the 21 of December. The past few years we have observed this occasion by renting a cabin at an Oregon State Park in central OR. Two years ago we weren't able to get a cabin at our preferred park, so we had to settle for our second choice at Prineville Reservoir.

As we drove in to the park, it was as beautiful as we had seen in the pictures, and we were looking forward to hiking around the interesting geologic formations. That night, we partook in our usual grilled meat and alcohol consumption ritual, enjoying the setting. Immediately after our arrival we began to notice a general sense of unease, but could not link it to any particular cause.

The next day we set out to do some hiking around the park, and noticed an eerie almost lifeless feeling in the area. The lake was very still, but press on we did, and found ourselves ankle deep in mud as we attempted our hike. Needless to say we turned back. At the cabin that night we found ourselves feeling isolated, a sensation we typically seek, however, we for some reason really wanted to connect with friends, and made several phone calls, with limited cell phone reception. We continued to imbibe, and eat good food, but that night proved to be strange for the both of us. We heard something scratching on the walls during our sleep, likely mice. I woke up in the night plagued by horrible dreams, and an oppressive sense of dread. After I woke my head was filled with the sounds of sinister music playing which I couldn't get to stop.

The next morning though, my wife told me of getting up in the night to use the restroom, and told me of something she saw while she was up. She said that she went to use the restroom, and turned on the dim light in there. There was a long mirror that went along the wall where the toilet and sink were placed. As she was finishing her business, she turned and saw in the mirror the shadow of a figure, about where the door was. She soon realized it was not me, and ran back to bed.

We had planned to stay one more night after that, but the experiences of the second night scared us enough we decided to head back to town. It could have been nothing, but my wife still talks about what she saw, and we continue to remember that trip with the same sense of unease we felt while we there.

stories where people see things like figures or actual people just staring at them are just plain ****ing scary. I can't imagine what i'd do in that situation like wtf.