Scrap Yard


Nov 11, 2003
Reaction score
Hello everyone...

My friend and I have come up with a very simple mod, which requires low amounts of editing, but is still very unique and fun. Our idea sort of resembles something of a medieval mod… but with a modern twist.

Basically, you are in a scrap/junk yard (hence the mod name) and you have this giant metal/wood contraption (a catapult) and your objective is to destroy the enemies strategic points and eventually their catapult. Instead of using the gravity gun, as it looks abit bulky, I was thinking that we could use some sort of “power glove”. Basically just a futuristic looking glove that does the exact same thing as the Gravity gun, but looks different. So overall, there is a very small amount of modeling that needs to be done, just the catapult, maybe a watch tower and maybe some extra junk/scraps that don’t come with HL2 and the “Power Glove”.

Objectives -
Destroy the enemy’s strategic points by hurling junk from your catapult while also protecting you strategic points by building walls out of junk. Once all the enemy’s points are destroyed, you will have to destroy their catapult.

Maps -
The maps are extremely basic in nature (usually just a giant rectangle), but filled with scraps/junk/cars/barrels and any other piece of junk you could find in a scrap yard. The 2 sides of the map will be separated by an impassible junk pile but you will have "watch towers" in your base that will allow you to see into your opponents base. Maps could grow in complexity, like 3 teams or unique shapes and objectives.

The Catapult -
The catapult will be in a fixed position in the map, but on a giant gear that rotates. It will take more than one person to rotate the catapult, someone in a watch tower to tell you how far to go and someone to crank it back to fire it. However, it will still be playable with just 2 players per team, just much more difficult.

Junk -
Almost everything in the map will be move-able and throw-able.

Ideas -
“Build Time” An allotted amount of time in order for you and your team to build up your defenses before the game starts, and possibly move extremely large objects that you won’t be able to move during the game.

More complex maps

Power Glove

I'm a mapper/moddeler (not extraordinary at either) and my friend, Eradicator is a coder. What we would need help with is some more mapping, modeling, skinning and coding. I've already started work on the first map, but am sort of limited until the full sdk is out, but the maps are not hard to make, so very little skill is required in order to help out. As far as modeling goes, if you can model anything in your house, a chair, tv, computer or a sink, then you'd be able to help out. The more junk we can get, the better. The coding, I'm guessing, won't be that difficult.. no new weapons or physics or anything crazy.. just the code required to destroy strategic points. Skinners wouldn't have to do much, probably just some piece of junk and the power glove.
So what I'm really looking for is what people think about this idea, if they would play it or not and if they would be willing to help out.
Thank for your time, Noisymonk.
Personally, I really like this idea. I would be very interested in seeing the Source engine in action by use of a catapult. However, I worry about the replayability. If you can overcome that aspect and make the game have multiple ways to be played and/or options... well, then I could see it as being a very fun mod. :)
Yeah, that was one of my concerns as well. But I think that if we can get some interesting maps with innovative objectives it could turn out pretty well.
That sounds pretty cool, but like the others said, the maps are what will make the game, since the gameplay is a pretty simple and basic idea (but still fun nontheless). Still, it sounds cool and something I would want to try out.

Maybe in another mode, instead of using a catapult, you can have a giant trampoline (Source can do springs) and have a giant ledge right in back of it really high. One player gets a huge item, throws it with the glove to another player on top of the ledge, who then launches it into the trampoline. The giant trampoline is movable of course(by another player), so you can hit anything you want. The whole team works together, as the guy on the overwatch has to tell the guy working the trampoline the basic direction of the enemy structure.

Here's another idea, and I think it is helpful for all gametypes. The wall seperating the teams has numbers on it, starting from 1 through however big the wall is. This could make it easier for the overwatch guys to tell the person moving the catapult where to put it at. "The structure is at about 6 and a little more to the left!" then the catapult is fired, and if it misses, the overwatch guy would tell him to move it a little bit more in whatever direction. Sorry for the big post, but I think you have a pretty fun mod idea in your hands :)

I can make textures, but I don't know how to actually "skin" a model.. (I think it's called UV mapping??)

btw,Power Glove sounds like that horrible controller made for the NES(remembers the movie the Wizard, "it's soooo bad")
i thought there was already a scrapyard wars mod in operation ...maybe like 2 years ago the first concepts came up ?
I'm interested in helping you work on this mod. Either the trampoline one or the catapult/junk one both sound interesting. Post up if you want my contact info.
Sounds fun to me... i only wish i could model/map/mod/do something other than play the games made by the community...
Operator - Why not learn. I am learning C++ for that very reason. I have also dabled in hammer and 3D modeling. Not enough to produce anything, but it looks simple enough to learn if you want it badly enough :)
wow, great ideas ReDGuNNeR. And yes, the idea for the glove sort of came from that Nintendo thing, I don't really remember what it looked like, but the idea came from that.

And for anyone that doesn't think that they can help out, you really can. Good ideas are whats going to make this interesting and replay-able. If you can just think up something really cool, and we can put it into a map or something, then you're really helped out.

To - Demaratus
What kind of stuff do you do? map or model?
If you model, and could make a catapult, that would be awesome.

To - Anyone Else...
If you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to post them!
Hmm.. interesting. I think that they will be different enough, so that won't stop me from making the mod, however, I do have some respect for the fact that they were around first, so I might change the name of the mod if they ask... or if anyone can think of a better name ;)
I was just thinking up some ideas and I came up with these...

-You know those Head Crab Rockets... well, same Idea, but they are in some sort of egg, and you can launch the eggs into the enemy base.

-Destoyable watch towers. I think it would be cool if you could knock down the enemy watch towers, to make it harder. howerever, each team would probably still have 1 indestructable tower, but the destroyable ones would be in better spots.

-Gravity Gun or Power Glove "holding distance"
I was thinking that it would be cool if you could change how far away the objects are from you, with the mouse wheel or any other buttons for that matter. It would be very benificial for building tall towers, because you could gently place something at the very top, without having to jump all the way up there. and there would be a limit to how far you could extend it.
I'm having some trouble deciding on how to make the catapult mobile... I need some way to move it around your junk yard. One idea I have is that the catapult is on a track (something like train tracks) and you can move it back and forth, and the catapult is on a giant rotating gear aswell. This would allow you to hit anywhere in the enemy's base. However, this is bulky and awkward, so I think I need something else.

Can anyone help me out?
Thx in advance. :E
I have ALOT of ideas for this mod (been thinking about this for the past 2 days :D) and was wondering if I could join your team as an "idea designer" or something of the sort? :p

I don't want to post them away here, as it would spoil the fun :), but here's a suggestion. You have a really powerful, futurustic small item (the power glove) able to harness gravity and lift heavy objects, but the catapult isn't mobile? lol, can't it use the same technology the power glove is using to harness gravity?
Why not have it as one large vehicle? You can make it wide and simply make the areas outside where it can't go too thin for it to fit down.
ReDGuNNeR - I'd love to hear your ideas. If you have MSN, my e-mail is [email protected]

As for the Catapult. I almost have it working flawlessly. It throws objects really well, and I have it on a giant gear, so you can rotate it and hit almost anywhere on the map. I have also decided to put it on a track system, where it will be able to move back and forth. I just have to figure out how to get the track system to work as I don't really have any experience with that sort of stuff.

Thx for you input guys.
Argh.. it seems as though I can't edit my post after a certain amout of time.. or after I log out or something, so sorry for making another post.

I'm having some troubles with the "track system".
I want to put the catapult on a track, that you can move with buttons. I either want it so that you hold the button, and it moves for however long you hold it, or so that you press one button to start moving it, and a second button to stop moving it. And I also want to be able to move it back and forth.