SDK soon yay!


May 15, 2003
Reaction score
sharp said:
Still had to ask for the possible release date of HL2 SDK :)

The SDK will be released soon. There was a legal hangup that has now been resolved.

Rick Ellis

______________________________ __

From: xxxxxx [xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thu 1/1/2004 8:58 AM
To: SDk
Subject: HL2 SDK release date?

Hello Valve,

I know you don't like these questions about the release date for HL2 SDK but can you please give us a possible release date for the HL2 SDK? And my second question is: what is the reason why we (fans/modders/programmers) have to wait for the SDK? Is it a tecnical or a marketing thing?



HAH i knew they were being sued by Havaoc!
Well, that mother ****er hacker did a lot of damage. Still, good to hear SOME good news about SDK :)

P.S. I predict some idiot comes here and says “I don’t care about HL2 anymore”. Just watch.


Time to get my mod site and .Dev up and running :)
I don't care about HL3 anymore.

oh, wait, HL2, my bad, jk :)

Anyhow, yay. SDK soon = HL2 soon? hey.. wait.. why's this in off-topic?
Hmmmm... Ray Ellis isn't the person who has control over it... Chris Bokitch is, unless I'm very much mistaken. If the SDK is coming soon, well then :D
mrBadger said:
Hmmmm... Ray Ellis isn't the person who has control over it... Chris Bokitch is, unless I'm very much mistaken. If the SDK is coming soon, well then :D
You destroyed your credibility by calling Rick Ellis "Ray Ellis" :) lol
Eep :p

I've always called him Ray :eek:

Maybe thats why he stopped returning my calls ;(
Also, I think Valve doesn’t need to release any dates when SDK due to public, but instead just freaking release it, as a surprise!
Shuzer said:
I don't care about HL3 anymore.

oh, wait, HL2, my bad, jk :)

Anyhow, yay. SDK soon = HL2 soon? hey.. wait.. why's this in off-topic?


of all the times pple post the wrong topic in the HL2 General Discussion, this is a rare time when a HL2 related topic is in the wrong place :LOL:

hehe well its good hearing something related to HL2 is close to release.. hmm.. maybe this will speed up the progress of some of the HL2 mods in the works.. and possibly we can see them a bit sooner than we thought.. :dork:
OMFG... i neeeed the sdk! i want the SDK more than the game! Screw the game, just gimme the damn sdk!
what does the sdk include? like all the models in the game? anything like that?
The Terminator said:
what does the sdk include? like all the models in the game? anything like that?

We really dont know but it will be something like the HL1 sdk :)
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!Thank God! This is great! My MOD shall begin!
We do, it's the code basically, but without the engine itself, so you can't add DX10 effects etc...
NO!!!!!!!!! don't start up the hype machine again!!! DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thehunter1320 said:
NO!!!!!!!!! don't start up the hype machine again!!! DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

too late..

/me train master's voice all aboard!!!

destination: February 2004 SDK release party :cheers:
Dr. Freeman said:
too late..

/me train master's voice all aboard!!!

destination: February 2004 SDK release party :cheers:

N000000!!!!!11 I've failed the HL2 community.... i've failed... i'm srry,

*thehunter1320 jumps off a cliff

[reason=failed]*thehunter1320 dies[/cliff]
theGreenBunny said:
SDK!!!11 Let's just hope this isn't bink-movies-"soon", but a real soon
OK people. I've emailed Gabe asking if this is true, and if he can give a date.

If it is, and we have a definate, it gets a new post on the main page. :)
Hot damn! I need to finish me website before soon!
mrBadger said:
OK people. I've emailed Gabe asking if this is true, and if he can give a date.

If it is, and we have a definate, it gets a new post on the main page. :)
*bounces around like a bunny with its tail in the soup of the day*

Great stuff!
Hmmm this doesnt make me all exited... Wait I already am? Nah Im looking forward (alot) for the release of HL² but this news is nothing that makes me freak... It is nice to hear that the legal issues have been resolved though, and they have time to worry about other things. :)
if it was LEGAL issues preventing the sdk release, it might have been with softimage trying to figure out how to get a free XSI included... just my 2 cents
This is great!.... (and I moved this to general discussion....)
Chris-008 said:
this is great! does it include multiple shiny objects?
Only 1 shiny object, sadly =(

Anyhow, they wouldn't release the SDK too far behind HL2, would they? The SDK isn't all that exciting to me (I don't know how to program.. I need to learn though lol), but, yeah
Woo, this is great news. Although the Valve definition of Soon is probably slightly different to our definition.

It would be great if they just surprised us by releasing it suddenly, like they did with that video showing off the DX9 effects in Source.
Fenric1138 said:

I was joking around.. I don't think he was referring to shiny objects SDK-to-game wise, but, shiny objects as in physical shiny objects

if that made any sense.. lol
Ha, I can't believe this was posted in Off Topic and moved to Half-Life 2 discussion. That sort of thing never used to happen. I remember the days when people used to try to avoid posting in Off Topic for all sorts of stupid reasons.

"Which do you prefer, Coke or Pepsi? This isn't off-topic because there are soft drink cans in Half-Life 2, you forum Nazis."