SDK soon yay!

Best news in a long time!

I wonder if we'll ever find out what this legal thingamajig was...
SidewinderX143 said:
They said they would release the SDK before hl2 is released.

Wrong dude. Initially it was supposed to be released before the game. but Valve shot us down by putting this on the Valve ERC website. Read the last line. :) This is getting me confused. :rolling:
ray_MAN said:
Wrong dude. Initially it was supposed to be released before the game. but Valve shot us down by putting this on the Valve ERC website. Read the last line. :) This is getting me confused. :rolling:

Yeah, they aren't giving the SDK out to mod teams before it's release to the public. It's refering to the SDK, not the game.
Oh...But, somewhere Gabe said something like, "No, the SDK will not ship before the game." And we were all pooped and angry. I might be mistaken.
ray_MAN said:
Oh...But, somewhere Gabe said something like, "No, the SDK will not ship before the game." And we were all pooped and angry. I might be mistaken.

Yep i remember that, but i hope it isnt true :)
Why hope it isn't true? That means the game will be out before or with the game. And if the SDK is coming soon, the game is too.
I see. Stupid 10 word limit. Please tell Munro to get rid of it.
Pitbul said:
Yadda Yadda Yadda ......oh yeah and anyone whose crying at Havok if they did take lega action, remember dont its their hard work that got leaked as well not just valves and it was valves fault.

If I hire a car off you, then when I'm driving along get broadsided by an out of control 16 tonne truck does that mean the accident is my fault legally? No, it's the truck drivers. The source code was stolen not leaked, and subsequently the responsibility lies with the Hacker, not Valve.

A possible legal case could be pressed regarding the issue of adequate security, however a successful case for negligence could only be brought if there was a precedent already set, against which it could clearly be seen that Valve had failed to take adequate measures, a very hard thing to argue under the circumstances, given that the hack was a custom job.

However the notion of havok pressing a legal action is simply forum driven conjecture run rampant to the point it has become 'fact'. They are a company, therefore they have insurance, if they have suffered any decernible loss then they would simply claim on that.
I doubt Havok sued them. It wouldn't be right. Valve did nothing. If anyone gets sued it should be the hacker.
Anyone know does this HL2 SDK include mapping tools and way to test the maps with HL2 engine?

Did hl1 sdk include mapping tools and way to test maps?

Thanks in advance.
From what I underdstand skdr, hl2 hammer will be able to load the game within itself. So , you don't need to complie a map to test it. As for mapping tools, well It should be expected that all the hl1 standards will come with it, other than that Dunno
From: xxxxxx [xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thu 1/1/2004 8:58 AM
To: SDk
Subject: HL2 SDK release date?

To??? SDk huh? k :dozey:
It will probably be a mistake to release the SDK to the public with an option to test the map before the game. That's why I don't understand the significance of the SDK being released to the public before the release.
I am a mod maker and I see no significance if you can't test it. I emailed Rick Ellis about the validity of it and what it will do.
Pitbul said:
Havok 2 engine is alot more then just bodies flying. its what allows the Source to have such a interactive world. if Valve went along building their own Physics engine the game would take longer to make maybe a year or more and it wouldn't be as good. Havok 2 allows you to make any object physical even the Wind in this case. without Havok 2 HL2 would easily rank alot lower then Doom 3. but then again you sound like a chilish moron who knows nothing about topics he discusses.oh yeah and anyone whose crying at Havok if they did take lega action, remember dont its their hard work that got leaked as well not just valves and it was valves fault.
If valve wanted they would make their own physics engine, the game is being made for more than 5 years.
Havok isnt god of physics, they deserve the credits for some things, but for others, no.
Ragdoll physics = Hitman 1 was the creator.
Well, about the hardbody simulations, then havok really have done a incredible work, but if you play max payne 2, you will see that "real physics" can get a little bit boring withoud any "extra things", and thats why half life 2 uses a HEAVILY modified Havok engine, the same way they maked the first half life, they get a base engine, really modify/optimize and then make it very better.
Dont idolize havok too much, and dont try to judge others opnion just because they are different from yours.
I am no chilish moron, i am playing with havok since their plugins come out for 3d studio max a long time ago, so, next time, respect me more.

About the SDK being released before the game,it can be cool, but for me is somewhat "out of place". But if valve wants to release, why not, hehehe, they will release the game someday. and releasing the sdk before, isnt going to "change it".

I would really like to see half life 2 released soon, but seeying that vivendi wants to make money(who doesnt hehehe..). the will be only released after a new "power up" on the gamesites and magazines, because they dont talk anymore about hl2, and stalker is growing dangerously.
Kinda OT, but why is Pitbul still around on these forums? Every post he's ever posted has insulted/bashed someone for no reason, he's not followed the forum rules.

Anyhow, [email protected] ray_MAN
coolio2man said:
From what I underdstand skdr, hl2 hammer will be able to load the game within itself. So , you don't need to complie a map to test it. As for mapping tools, well It should be expected that all the hl1 standards will come with it, other than that Dunno

You can't actually play the game in Hammer, it's just like the editor for HL1 in that respect. You also have to compile the maps before they can be run in the game engine. Although Valve may have said you can test the physics out in hammer but I doubt it.
DelaZ said:
From: xxxxxx [xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thu 1/1/2004 8:58 AM
To: SDk
Subject: HL2 SDK release date?

To??? SDk huh? k :dozey:

When I got the email back it says 'To: SDk'

I think it's the email alias. I use webmail
mrchimp said:
You can't actually play the game in Hammer, it's just like the editor for HL1 in that respect. You also have to compile the maps before they can be run in the game engine. Although Valve may have said you can test the physics out in hammer but I doubt it.

I know that Gabe mentioned that there is an option actually to test some things with somekind of 'testing room'! We don't what he mean but we will see.
We are working diligently to get a release of the SDK out. I can't say any more other than it won't be too much longer.


His answer to my email. Go to the Info from Valve Thread for my question. So all I gues it's official.
yeha :)

also, ray, I edited your post in the valve info thread. All I did was put quote tags around it so it's easier on the eyes. :D
hey y'all just bk from holiday but just so you know i too got an email from our friend rick saying the SDK will be out soon and that info on the sdk is gona be released even sooner :)
Too much longer might mean late this month.. maybe next month? eh? :dork:

Nice avvie BTW, Ray_MAN ! Spider-Man r0xx0rs!
if the SDK is coming out the presumably that means Valve have finished any code changes they made since the hack?
Hell yes, the people on the mod I am with are getting seriously bored with so little to do. And being a mapper I really really can't wait! :)
this is some good goddamn news. I think it does mean that code changes are finalized, and it also gives us a guarantee that HL2 isn't too far away.

I don't know Sharp, but i trust ray_man. Yes!
marksmanHL2 :) said:
hey y'all just bk from holiday but just so you know i too got an email from our friend rick saying the SDK will be out soon and that info on the sdk is gona be released even sooner :)
can you post that e-mail, marksman?