SDK soon yay!

sharp said:
Software Developers Kit

its a package of tools to make mods etc.

It mostly contains Hammer (to make maps etc.), 3D programm (to make models and animations etc.) and lots of docs and resources :)

thats cool! :E
I saw Spiffae's new email in the Valve info thread and I am wondering what WYSIWYG stands for.
i see in the future people will be making movies with this game, sort of like RedVrsBlue for halo. oo what fun that will be, lets hope the sdk will be soon, everything else just seems grey compared to these new fps's coming out, i hope someone makes a blood mod for hl2, that would be kick ass
Yeah, good news from Rick via e-mail... the SDK will come with a model and animations to play with... no word on what "soon" means though. oh well.

also, i like the idea of a stepped release of the source engine so we can test physics and stuff... that'll be weeks of entertainment right there!


i just e-mail Rick E. to ask if the SDK will be distributed via Steam. i'll post here when i hear back.

EDIT - and yes, Sniper, he has. it's in the valve info thread. :)
DeathKing said:
i see in the future people will be making movies with this game, sort of like RedVrsBlue for halo. oo what fun that will be, lets hope the sdk will be soon, everything else just seems grey compared to these new fps's coming out, i hope someone makes a blood mod for hl2, that would be kick ass

Movies? Hell, expect porn, even with the beta leak one of the first screens of it was porn with Kleiner and Alyx :naughty:
Oh yea, cant wait to see gman getting it on with antlions, kinky . . .
What would that Softimage XSI thing be classified as? I know not an sdk, but what is it exactly? I've been trying to figure that looks like 3D Studio Max, but I doubt they'd release a 3d animation program geared towards HL2 :/
XSI is a program like 3D Studio Max.
They released a special version for use only with HL2 / source engine. It's not a full version of the program, it's special for HL2. Sort of like what 3DMax did (was that thing called GMax?) for other games.
Yeah this thread is a bit old. I thought this seemed extremly familiar....
don't get ur hopes up yet, i'm sure sum 1 said it wouldn't be out for months yet
SidewinderX143 said:
way to drag up dead threads.... :/
yeah I feel the same way, we should be dragging around their dead carcasses....oh wait you didnt say that.

yeah Valve really have no commitment to their dates... or any idea of how long things take to resolve.
I still think its better than not saying anything though.
I would rather them say, oops nope ya gotta wait more, rather than "it will be out soon" and not say a word for the next 3 months.

but honestly thats just nitpicking, we have been down this road so many times before that if they actually did deliver something when they said they would we would all be shocked. :p
Letters said:
Hot damn! I need to finish me website before soon!
Oh no you don't... just sit down... and shut the Hell up... before I hold your breath and make you pass out, biatch.
PvtRyan said:
Movies? Hell, expect porn, even with the beta leak one of the first screens of it was porn with Kleiner and Alyx :naughty:

If it' will be porn it's ok, anything is better than that stupid Red vs Blue!!! :LOL: