SDK Soon...

I don't really care about getting the SDK since I wouldn't know where to begin. I took one look at the Far Cry sandbox editor(which is supposedly easy to use) and couldn't make heads or tails of it. I did make a room once using the Build engine but basically anything more complex than the Timesplitters 2 level editor and I'm in trouble.
Everyone better move to HL2, I want NS: Source! :P

Physically simulated skulks with correct hitboxes *drool*
jet jaguar said:
I don't really care about getting the SDK since I wouldn't know where to begin. I took one look at the Far Cry sandbox editor(which is supposedly easy to use) and couldn't make heads or tails of it. I did make a room once using the Build engine but basically anything more complex than the Timesplitters 2 level editor and I'm in trouble.

I started with Doom way back and have done a few small elvels for my buddies and me. Trust me, if you are just interested in making a few modifications to existing levels, or building small original levels, the newer editors are much easier to use, once you get past the first few tutorials.

Of course, at a certain level you need to expand from there and learn other things in order to create truly awesome maps, but that is why people often get help form others in order to save time and effort. Nothing like specializing!

I've got an idea for a small 4-6 person map, which shouldn't have any original content (models, meshes, textures, sounds, etc.) and I'm still doubtful that my friend and myself can find enough time to complete it. Perhaps someone would have to take over for us at some point just to finish it. If the design has enough interest that is.