Secret HL2 website

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Letters said:
Chris_D said the first one is a writing competition... so no. ;)
Yep, write me a cheque and I'll give you the solution ;)

And yes, I did have a small series of heart attacks this morning. Thanks peens!!

Unfortunately, HL2.Net staff are as unaware of where all this is going than any of you. I'll certainly help you all out.
I tried to change the filename to hl2netgordon och hl2netalyx :/ nothing :p
ok everyone, where GOING To solve this thing. Good thing's uber leet haxor chris_d is on the case now :D
/me shakes head

Stop looking for conspiracies where none exist.
Isn't it that everything is possible? :S You.. boring man!
I don't deserve that title :p

All I did was crack the video out of an unencrypted cache file, and even then loads of other people had already done it by the time I had finished watching the video :p
Pi, dont give up.. the gman says there is more (and it's part of the official hl2 website) so we gatta solve this. to bad im not much of a sleuth ):
"Hello Your cleverness is noted; you've passed the first test."

That doesn't mean that there's a second test.
the password characters are all leet speak possible letters, except for N, which is put as the real character.
aetnasz! or backwards, zsantea!
i think it's a sign!
You know what sucks....

going to bed early and missing ALL of this...

then waking up and wondering wtf is going on...

secret messages code written on boards..... pictures of gabe ho ho hoing...
By using first, it implies that there is more than one. If you were going to go by proper rules of the english language, there would have to be more than one. But when have valve been any good at gramma?
this is so ridiculous... but great!

Rise and shine UK fans, we've got a job to do...
well im going to bed, but no doubt I think there is more too this. -sigh- I hate to see such negativity towards a fun thing people could work together on :p but I guess if there really isint anything to work on I am talking out my arse... guess we just have to wait.
I got it !!!!

Its an answer Key, you see every letter as a symbol. We have to slove all those letlers on Freeman.
What do you guys think? :borg:


  • answerkey1a.GIF
    36.5 KB · Views: 766
skull24 said:
Its an answer Key, you see every letter as a symbol. We have to slove all those letlers on Freeman.
What do you guys think? :borg:
That code looks like what you get when you block an image in HTML.
could somebody tell me what is happening. ? thanks
Its an answer Key, you see every letter as a symbol. We have to slove all those letlers on Freeman.
I saw the same thing using Fire Fox, but if you highlight it and right click and go to view source, its just the birdie. It got messed up using a different browser. I spent like 45 minutes trying to figure if it was something, but i didnt see anything
Spugmaster said:
I think the bird and the picture of Gordon might mean this:

Bird + Freeman = Birdman

ie the Birdman of Alcatraz - where the ATI deal was announced last year. It could mean another ATI announcement is imminent.

But probably not...:)

Where do you find the bird and Gordon? All I get is G-man. :D


edit: no we are not :frown:

Right click on the text -- .--. ." o \_ _.-" ,( ` _.-" ,;;| .-=" _," ,,;;;' .-"`.-"``-..,,;;;;:' `"'` `\`\ /^\ \ --> and choose view source. There you'll find Gordon and a bird presented in ascii OMG ! :D

This is great stuff and it only shows how much they must love us :)
Heh, I get the bird fine, but Gordon is all shifted around... I get the beard and his glasses, but other than that it looks pretty wierd... I'm using IE, BTW...
Varsity said:
Congratulations on reading the thread.

I just thought it would be better to remind the new ones what is going on.
uhmmm MAYBE i'm not getting something...
but the username & password in the first post don't work, right?
is there new login data?
would love to see his!
Brian Damage said:
Heh, I get the bird fine, but Gordon is all shifted around... I get the beard and his glasses, but other than that it looks pretty wierd... I'm using IE, BTW...

It opens in wordpad. Make sure you turn off the word wrap option and it will display properly.
@bel said:
uhmmm MAYBE i'm not getting something...
but the username & password in the first post don't work, right?
is there new login data?
would love to see his!

There is no new login data, however if you type the wrong username and password two times a row you're being redirected to the site where G-man congrats you and this site.
ScopeD said:
There is no new login data, however if you type the wrong username and password two times a row you're being redirected to the site where G-man congrats you and this site.

mmm, doesn't work with me. Wich username/pass r u typing?
This is so bizzare and intriguing... I like it. I only wish my h4x0ring "skillz" were up to snuff, so that I could perhaps partake in this.
i don't have a microscope for an eye, the writing is too small to see :O
stanr said:
Sorry, I contest the notion that n30n solved the puzzle. The answer was e-mailed to him by Erik of Valve, and there was no way to solve it given the image.

Otherwise, I would have cracked it ;)

Stan R.

actually its more than possible if you start from the assuption that the url in the top left starts with ""

ill pm you the method if you want
The left of the whiteboard picture says:


Could tie in somehow, or just something related to the E3 2k4 presentation, listing the easter eggs in it perhaps.
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