Serenity (Firefly) Trailer

Just got back from the movie and I absolutley loved it (my friends on the other hand hated it. can't please everyone, eh?).

If anyone who hasn't seen this movie is planning on going to see it in the Showcase Cinema in Birstall, Leeds then my advice is don't! The screen they're showing it on is ****ing awful, and the sound system is one step up from mono (anything higher than a whisper and the bloody thing was crackling).

I agree that it was annoying that they didn't go into Book's past, but I think it's pretty evident from FireFly and the movie Serenity that he used to be a member of the Alliance (an agent maybe).

The operative absolutley rocked and at the end when Reynolds was taling to him I was so hoping that now he'd seen the error of his ways that he was going to invite him to live on 'his boat', but then I remembered that he was responsible for Books death and well... meh!

The special effects were very good (especially when you think the budget was 39 million and not a Star Wars budget) and the writing and acting was spot on.

Maybe it was just me, but in the movie Serenity the 'western' aspect of the Western/Sci-Fi seemed played down compared to the TV series and I felt that it lost something because of that.

The whole explanation for the reavers was pretty decent and I liked that Whedon was allowed to make this film how he wanted to make it (at the cost of a 15 rating, which will ultimatley make this film a flop because all the 'kids' won't go to see it, but so what).
craig said:
I agree that it was annoying that they didn't go into Book's past, but I think it's pretty evident from FireFly and the movie Serenity that he used to be a member of the Alliance (an agent maybe).

The operative absolutley rocked and at the end when Reynolds was taling to him I was so hoping that now he'd seen the error of his ways that he was going to invite him to live on 'his boat', but then I remembered that he was responsible for Books death and well... meh!

The special effects were very good (especially when you think the budget was 39 million and not a Star Wars budget) and the writing and acting was spot on.

Maybe it was just me, but in the movie Serenity the 'western' aspect of the Western/Sci-Fi seemed played down compared to the TV series and I felt that it lost something because of that.

The whole explanation for the reavers was pretty decent and I liked that Whedon was allowed to make this film how he wanted to make it (at the cost of a 15 rating, which will ultimatley make this film a flop because all the 'kids' won't go to see it, but so what).

I agree with everything you said there, went to see it saturday and I loved most of it.

The only thing that I couldn't understand was the fact there were mumbling voices at the beginning. by the 1/3 of the way through the voices seem to clear up and you start to understand the movie clearer.

Two things I weren't expecting

Wash died :eek: , I mean his death was unexpected. "I'm a leaf on the -"

Book died :eek: , Okay he didn't have a big role in the film, but why kill him off. He was alright in the series. "We are not allowed to kill, but it was a bit rusty about shooting somebody in the kneecaps"
I agree with everything you said there, went to see it saturday and I loved most of it.

The only thing that I couldn't understand was the fact there were mumbling voices at the beginning. by the 1/3 of the way through the voices seem to clear up and you start to understand the movie clearer.

Two things I weren't expecting

Wash died :eek: , I mean his death was unexpected. "I'm a leaf on the -"

Book died :eek: , Okay he didn't have a big role in the film, but why kill him off. He was alright in the series. "We are not allowed to kill, but it was a bit rusty about shooting somebody in the kneecaps"

I agree that Wash's death was un-nessecary, but maybe the guy just wanted out of the show? I mean his death almost seemed tacked on like it had no meaning at all..

I'm a leaf on th.... "splat".. oh well he's dead, lets move on...

Books death on the other hand I though was pretty decent and you could see that Reynolds was really upset about him dying.
Wash's death came late in the movie, so I think that there just wasn't time for a huge amount of grief in the film. It's likley we'll see much more of the impact of his death in whatever comes next. It also helped reinforce a point that Whedon felt was important: these people are not galactic super heroes. None of them should have survived that, and the only reason they did was a whole lot of luck.
Still... I like him...

The Firefly universe without him just won't be the same.
man I cant wait until I get that DVD box

fox really sucks for canceling it,I loved the movie Im sure Im gonna love the series
I figure a contributory factor for Joss deciding to kill off Wash and Book is that he is more likely to get movie sequels rather than a new TV series and as such the crew of Serenity would be too large to effectively handle all those characters. Wash and Book are probably (IMHO) the two with the least potential/tie-in with other characters.
Mal and Zoe marry and have two sons, both which they call Wash and Book

River becomes demented female version of Anakin Skywalker, only she doesn't get seduced by the darkside

Jayne is finally reunited with his mother and she slaps him for not wearing that "Yellow Bobble Hat" she sent through the post

Simon and Kaylee get it on in the Engine room

Inara rejoins the crew for no apparent reason
It was an enjoyable, but I can only assume Firefly fans are voting for it on IMDB en masse, it's definitely not Top 250 material.
mortiz said:
It was an enjoyable, but I can only assume Firefly fans are voting for it on IMDB en masse, it's definitely not Top 250 material.

The problem I had was mumbling from the actors at the beginning, especially from Nathan Fillion. I knew the characters from firefly so it didn't take long to get reaquainted with them. But people who haven't watched the series probably wouldn't of known several key aspects about the story and the character relations (Past and Present)
Dunno about the whole "mumbling" thing. I saw it in a really nice theater (happened to be visiting the area), and didn't have any problems of that sort at all.
I will be getting the DVD, and I will switch on the SubTitles, because I can't hear low frequencies as well as I can hear high frequencies
Its a shame Booke was killed, I really wanted to know about his history. Unfortunately, we can only speculate now. My prevailing theory is that Booke was an operative or something similar himself. That would explain his combat prowess and hasty acceptance onto the alliance cruiser from the show. (the reaction of the doctor upon seeing the Operative's identification was very similar to that of the officer's from the show when scanning Booke's ID) Booke's knowledge of Operatives alone suggests that if he was not one, he was very high up in the government, above even secret projects. (remember, the lab at the beginning of the movie 'does not exist' yet the doctor did not seem to truly know what the Operative was) Finally, I believe that Booke's and the Operative's ultimate goals were the same: peace and unity between all people. I think that Booke at one point used the same methods as the Operative to try to achieve this goal but became disillusioned, much like the Operative at the end of the movie. Booke's joining the abby and turning to religion was obviously his way to atoning for his acts. Of course, that's only a theory, and only Joss Wheadon knows the answer.
I don't think Whedon is so mean as to never reveal Book's identity. He must have something up his sleeve.
He is expecting to make more movies. He killed 2 characters because he had too many for more movies, it works for shows but movies don't have enough time to develop that many characters. I am sure in the next movies they will reveal bookes past.
Direwolf said:
I don't think Whedon is so mean as to never reveal Book's identity. He must have something up his sleeve.

I think that's the problem with the modern movie going public... they expect every last detail to be spelled out for them. Gone are the days when the Director would plant a small seed and your brain would 'guess' a little. Probably why modern day movies suck so much ass i.e. they aren't as layered as they used to be.. that and they all pretty much have to attain a PG13 rating to stand a chance of making their money back.
I don't mind when things are left unexplained. I just don't like it when the hints are left hinging on a sequel.

It just seemed strange that Booke's past is something that wasn't dealt with in the film, seeing as how it was not only hinted at multiple times in the show (as well as on the official site), but also because there was no guarantee of future films.
Just picked up the DVD on Amazon for 38% off. Thats thirty bucks. Seriously, thats the cost of one collectors edition DVD, but you get a whole series. Everyone go buy it now.
Books past is just one big MacGuffin. Live with it.
craig said:
Books past is just one big MacGuffin. Live with it.

If my current existence to go by is anything to go by, I am living with it. It's just one part of the movie that felt unsatisfactory to me. Jeez, no need to get anal.
I never really understood why Book stayed on Serenity anyway. I mean Book, Simon, and River were basically using Serenity to get from point A to point B in the TV series, right? At the same time Reynolds was getting a fee for taking them.. did Book just 'decide' to stick around?
I think it was more a drive... y'know, to instill morality onto the crew. He was, after all, a preacher. Plus he probably grew some sense of kinship. Also possible that deep down inside he actually got a thrill out of it all since all signs point to him having a less-than-saintly past.
River and Simon stayed for obvious reasons (Simon as the medic and because neither had anywhere to go). Book stayed on because he figured there was no better place for a preacher than among those who most need one (read: outlaws). Book also shared a pretty dim view of the Alliance, so there might be some motivation in that direction too.

Yeuch! What a naff looking DVD cover.

DVD out on Dec 20th btw.
craig said:
Yeuch! What a naff looking DVD cover.

DVD out on Dec 20th btw.

20th? Is that for US or Global?

Are you sure thats the DVD cover, or something made by a fanbase.

For example, the crowd at the bottm look like cinema goers :|
Direwolf said:
Just picked up the DVD on Amazon for 38% off. Thats thirty bucks. Seriously, thats the cost of one collectors edition DVD, but you get a whole series. Everyone go buy it now.

Got mine for about £17.99, which is roughly the same in the exchange rate