Serious Sam 2 Demo Tomorrow

The demo has online co-op, yup. 9 minutes of downloading to go, hurry up already!
Oh well, time to boot back into the lumbering, bloated giant... so I can actually play this game.
Um... I've been playing a Serious Sam II demo for quite some time now. Months? What was I playing? A beta release?

I lub general games forum!!!

/me downloads@attrociously slow speed. :(

Adabiviak said:
Um... I've been playing a Serious Sam II demo for quite some time now. Months? What was I playing? A beta release?

Serious Sam the Second Encounter perhaps? If so, that's not Serious Sam 2
I think it was very fun, too bad it only contained one map. But it was fun imo, reminded me of Ratchet & Clank’s Metropolice map. :)

Got to try the multiplayer.
That was fun! :D
I tried connecting to a coop through the in-game browser, but it just kept giving me the error "The game is no longer available" or something like that.

I'll try again later. Shame there wasn't a boss :(
Murray_H said:
Serious Sam the Second Encounter perhaps? If so, that's not Serious Sam 2

Yes, that's it. How's 2 compared to this? Second Encounter was pretty fun, I thought, in the Serious Sam kind of frag-mania way. At 5kb/sec, it'll be a bit before it's done.
very short, but fun, feels like the first one, which is a good thing, movement felt a little slower though, anoyone else feel that?
omg this game totally ****ing blow!

total waste of time to download...just as bad as the first one...just prettier at the cost of choppy framerates...

lets see what do we have....a ton of weapons that are all boring and do 1 thing..blow shit up...the weapons are even more lame than the quake series, since all they do is get bigger and better, perhaps a little scarce on ammo for some of them, but lets face it who the hell is going to switch back to the dual machineguns when you get the minigun that runs on the same ammo? also I was grossly dissapointed when I scrolled thru the controls to find a secondary fire button....only to find out that all it does in game is toss out a ****ing ugly and lame grenade that, well you guessed it... BLOW SHIT UP! ok so some of the weapons looks fun and creative but gameplay wise there is absolutely nothing new or creative about specific clever way to employ them either(such as an actual secondary fire function) no no just point, shoot and blow shit up.

ok as you might have noticed I use the phrase "blow shit up" alot...that's because that's basically the only thing this game got to probably wouldn't be so bad if it was actually fun to blow shit up....but it isn't not at all it's just lame and repetive...the none existing AI, lame ass weapons, lame ass monsters and lame ass animations make sure of that.

lets see the AI...well it's not really there...if anything it should be called AS(artificial stupidity) since this game seems to use AS with alot more "success" than the game that originally toted this(escape or try dying(which was horrible aswell)) the AI is more basic than the first quake(heck it's more basic than a super mario game)...they run at you and shoot...well except for the stationary ones, who as you might have guessed simply stand still and shoot at you.

the monsters follow the same principal as the weapons...they might look cool and creative, but really all they do is shoot shit at you either while running blindly at you or standing still...there's no real trick to take them down, you point and shoot and blow them up(I didn't notice any difference wether I shoot them in the head or toes)...the bigger they are the more hits they need and the harder they hit...woooo! oh and as the games trade mark to make up for their lackluster tactics you are simply swarmed by these mindless monsters...problem is that it still doesn't make it fun, it just makes it tediouse(sp?) and dwindles your framerate further...especially with the monsters simply spawning out of nowhere.

another thing that makes tremendously boring to blow monsters up is the animations or rather the lack of animations. for the most part monsters simply blow up in in a cloud of blood and gibs that leaves no trace what so ever and look...well boring to say least(halflife 1 gibs had more going for it) and if they don't, you're simply greeted with a subpar death animation(no ragdoll or anything)

all in all I think it's a pretty horrible and mindless game I give it a -34891472892378 rating...just about everything is lame. oh and lets face it if you really want a mindless game about blowing shit up while it looks pretty...Painkiller is a much better alternative in pretty much every way; the weapons are creative and fun to use, the monsters are creative and have some fun things going for them and there's also swarms of them...the levels are fun and interactive(much more destructible) and the list goes on...
PriNcE oF SpAcE said:
omg this game totally ****ing blow!

total waste of time to download...just as bad as the first one...just prettier at the cost of choppy framerates...

lets see what do we have....a ton of weapons that are all boring and do 1 thing..blow shit up...the weapons are even more lame than the quake series, since all they do is get bigger and better, perhaps a little scarce on ammo for some of them, but lets face it who the hell is going to switch back to the dual machineguns when you get the minigun that runs on the same ammo? also I was grossly dissapointed when I scrolled thru the controls to find a secondary fire button....only to find out that all it does in game is toss out a ****ing ugly and lame grenade that, well you guessed it... BLOW SHIT UP! ok so some of the weapons looks fun and creative but gameplay wise there is absolutely nothing new or creative about specific clever way to employ them either(such as an actual secondary fire function) no no just point, shoot and blow shit up.

ok as you might have noticed I use the phrase "blow shit up" alot...that's because that's basically the only thing this game got to probably wouldn't be so bad if it was actually fun to blow shit up....but it isn't not at all it's just lame and repetive...the none existing AI, lame ass weapons, lame ass monsters and lame ass animations make sure of that.

lets see the AI...well it's not really there...if anything it should be called AS(artificial stupidity) since this game seems to use AS with alot more "success" than the game that originally toted this(escape or try dying(which was horrible aswell)) the AI is more basic than the first quake(heck it's more basic than a super mario game)...they run at you and shoot...well except for the stationary ones, who as you might have guessed simply stand still and shoot at you.

the monsters follow the same principal as the weapons...they might look cool and creative, but really all they do is shoot shit at you either while running blindly at you or standing still...there's no real trick to take them down, you point and shoot and blow them up(I didn't notice any difference wether I shoot them in the head or toes)...the bigger they are the more hits they need and the harder they hit...woooo! oh and as the games trade mark to make up for their lackluster tactics you are simply swarmed by these mindless monsters...problem is that it still doesn't make it fun, it just makes it tediouse(sp?) and dwindles your framerate further...especially with the monsters simply spawning out of nowhere.

another thing that makes tremendously boring to blow monsters up is the animations or rather the lack of animations. for the most part monsters simply blow up in in a cloud of blood and gibs that leaves no trace what so ever and look...well boring to say least(halflife 1 gibs had more going for it) and if they don't, you're simply greeted with a subpar death animation(no ragdoll or anything)

all in all I think it's a pretty horrible and mindless game I give it a -34891472892378 rating...just about everything is lame. oh and lets face it if you really want a mindless game about blowing shit up while it looks pretty...Painkiller is a much better alternative in pretty much every way; the weapons are creative and fun to use, the monsters are creative and have some fun things going for them and there's also swarms of them...the levels are fun and interactive(much more destructible) and the list goes on...

Serious Sam owns :E
Go away you silly little boy :|
PriNcE oF SpAcE said:
all in all I think it's a pretty horrible and mindless game I give it a -34891472892378 rating...just about everything is lame. oh and lets face it if you really want a mindless game about blowing shit up while it looks pretty...Painkiller is a much better alternative in pretty much every way; the weapons are creative and fun to use, the monsters are creative and have some fun things going for them and there's also swarms of them...the levels are fun and interactive(much more destructible) and the list goes on...
Woah where the hell did you get the stupid misconception that Serious Sam 2 was going to be ANY ****ING DIFFERENT FROM SERIOUS SAM 1!?!

That's just lame.
hahaha, I just played for 1 mins, this game ROOOOKS.

I have all settings on MAX and the graphics is so awsome. smmmmmmmoth
Llama said:
Serious Sam owns :E
Go away you silly little boy :|
seriously (pun intended)
maybe he missed the first one or something, either that or he doesn;t get it
It was fine, but it got monotonous really fast for me. The graphics are barely as nice as UT2003/4.
The whole idea of Serious Sam is wading your way through a rediculous ammount of enemies and huge-sized bosses.
It's no supposed to be deep.
dekstar said:
Woah where the hell did you get the stupid misconception that Serious Sam 2 was going to be ANY ****ING DIFFERENT FROM SERIOUS SAM 1!?!

That's just lame.

actually I didn't...but the very least I thought that mindless blowing stuff up would be more fun in a 2005 version of the game, thru the employment of physics, updated weaponry and monsters...sadly it isn't because like you said the game isn't any different from it's predecesor which was just as lame...

with that said I don't see anything stupid in expecting that a sequel will expand and improve over its predecesor....I mean, why else would you bother to make a sequel or for that matter buy it?(oh I know the company makes money on dumb people that doesn't know any better...and I guess dumb people are happy with wasting money) I'm just trying to warn other people here...what do I care if you waste your money, if you're happy with your EA Madden/NFL/FIFa-whatever games(all of them 2000-2005:rolleyes: ) all that serious sam2 has improved on seems to be the graphics, which by the way isn't all that impressive...
Loke said:
Yeah, I'm with you.
i looked for a setting to improve it, but sadly it doesn;t exist, really kinda takes away from the circle strafe gameplay if you can;t go fast enough to dodge their bullets
Icarusintel said:
seriously (pun intended)
maybe he missed the first one or something, either that or he doesn;t get it

I tried the first one briefly and I thought it was lame...only the one level with the messed up gravity was fun, I've always been a sucker running around on ceilings and walls(oh and I think that some of the boss monsters was fun aswell...except of course you have to wade thru tons of lame monsters/lvls to get to them)...

but you're right I don't get it...I don't get why people find the serious sam games fun... the game play and all those things I mentioned is just too lame to be bothered imo.

on that note I just downloaded the 3rd painkiller demo and I just find it so much more fun than serious sam 2(which I uninstalled after my first time thru) it is just so much more satifying to take out the enemies when they fly thru the air rag-doll-and-all rather than just disappearing in a poorly made cloud of blood...

but hey here try it out yourself...

*thread highjack* :devil:

painkiller demo 1

painkiller demo2

painkiller demo3(includes the new engine update)

let me know if the links don't work...there might be some trouble with login info or something.
Serious Sam is over-the-top retro gameplay in a modern shell. It's meant to be fun in a cheesy, self-deprecating way. If that's not your thing... fine. Don't play it... but, also, don't bash it just because it's not designed to be played by members of Mensa. It's not meant to be deep or thought-provoking. It's an action game played from a first-person view. Plus, part of the acclaim of the first one was the fact that it was a really inexpensive game made by an independant Croatian developer that practically came out of nowhere with a fancy, professional-looking engine.

Serious Sam II has been consolized!! ;(

What happened? The menu interface looks like it was made for a console and then ported to the PC. For the longest time, I couldn't even find the menu for control customization. The movement is slower and the mouse look is out of whack. This combines to make shooting harder and movement less responsive (jumping puzzles are much, much harder than they used to be).

For me the sound was brutal. I had to continuously change the sliders in the menu because movie voulme, music volume, and sound effects volume would either be too loud or too silent in certain areas of the game. I was also getting some distortion with the sound.

The level was also much, much shorter than expected. It seems like we were only given 1/5 of what that level will look like in the final game, which is good I guess. Also additional things like HDR, proper ragdolls and parallax mapping will hopefully be added to the final game.

I really hope these problem will be ironed out for the final release. I would really hate for Serious Sam II to end up like Deus Ex 2.

Also, for a neat preview of the final game: look at the credits in the extras menu. :D
PriNcE oF SpAcE said:
with that said I don't see anything stupid in expecting that a sequel will expand and improve over its predecesor....I mean, why else would you bother to make a sequel or for that matter buy it?
If they were to change it from mindless gameplay, it would cease to be Serious Sam. Look at any sequel, the basis of its predecessor is always present
its out, multiplayer gives me errors every time I try to connect
i get the same error i did on the bet on soldier! my ATI driver keeps saying that the drivers arent responding!!! can anyone help?
although i loved serious sam 1 FE and SE... i thought this demo was crap. really quite poor. it doesnt feel the same at all.
I had fun playing through this, but have no reason to spend my money on a retail copy
All I have to say is wow. That was definetly a fun demo. Seems like the game is worth it.. I just loved the guns and the enemies and the flying. Definetly cool. I might have to pick this one up.
Shamrock said:
All I have to say is wow. That was definetly a fun demo. Seems like the game is worth it.. I just loved the guns and the enemies and the flying. Definetly cool. I might have to pick this one up.

It was fun, but for those of you who haven't played it yet, you're not missing much.

Felt extremely unpolished, and the graphics had a sorta wonkey overly shadered feeling to them.

There was also no sense of innacuracy, which made the "shoot every ****ing thing you can mindlessly" gameplay feel a lot more like "move your mouse over the target and hold it there until it goes up in a gigantic red flurry". If shooting the revolvers would make the revolver models fly up to the top of the screen ala HL2 magnum, and your crosshair would shank around a bit after each shot, then settle back into its original position, the gameplay would have felt allot more like "WOOT WOOT BIG GUNS LOTS OF BULLETS BRATATATATTA". As it stands, the guns all feel weak and ammunition feels like exploding pelets.

But when the shit starts to fly, everthing's all good. Untill you've been doing the same thing for a few minutes, then all the formentioned problems start to set in.

If they could just give the guns a better sense of power, then this'd be an ace demo.
It was kinda fun. I played with a friend through it but it was way too short and using my shotgun to blow everybody got old. I liked Serious Sam 1 where you had to dodge huge bulls as they charged you and whatnot.
A True Canadian said:

Serious Sam II has been consolized!! ;(

What happened? The menu interface looks like it was made for a console and then ported to the PC. For the longest time, I couldn't even find the menu for control customization. The movement is slower and the mouse look is out of whack. This combines to make shooting harder and movement less responsive (jumping puzzles are much, much harder than they used to be).

For me the sound was brutal. I had to continuously change the sliders in the menu because movie voulme, music volume, and sound effects volume would either be too loud or too silent in certain areas of the game. I was also getting some distortion with the sound.

The level was also much, much shorter than expected. It seems like we were only given 1/5 of what that level will look like in the final game, which is good I guess. Also additional things like HDR, proper ragdolls and parallax mapping will hopefully be added to the final game.

I really hope these problem will be ironed out for the final release. I would really hate for Serious Sam II to end up like Deus Ex 2.

Also, for a neat preview of the final game: look at the credits in the extras menu. :D

My thoughts exactly...
****ing Croteam... Why? Why did you have to go and give us PC users a shit port? Why go the way of DX2?!
AmishSlayer said:
It was kinda fun. I played with a friend through it but it was way too short and using my shotgun to blow everybody got old. I liked Serious Sam 1 where you had to dodge huge bulls as they charged you and whatnot.
Ya I remember those bulls, those were fun to play against. :smoking:
The enemies in serious sam II seem alot lamer than the ones in the original; In the first one almost every enemy had a different strategy, in Serious Sam II all you do is point and shoot. It gets boring really fast.
Not impressed

Guns feel weak (the uzi-esque guns fire so slow!), enemies are boring, and to paraphrase a few people, all you do is point and click
disappointed seemed overly weak and why did the ledge have an invisible wall? what's the use of having a map set on a high platform if you cant fall off?