short new video-material on german PC-Games

its a video from the beta leak... thats why she speaks german maybe? this is not official.... :flame: heck it doesint even work!
Like somone worried about an escaped rabbit lol, i did like how smooth the scene was, it didnt feel to predefined because things like facial animation, head movments and stuff branch off, so it feels like the charecters are simply acting out the scene with u, rather than clicking across the dialouge frame by frame the same every time.

I bet if the player hadnt moved so close to kleiner there he would have gone on to do some other stuff with alyx before he noticed you, thats what i gathered from the Softimage demonstration, stuff that involves the player interupts the main scene when the player arrives.. stuff like that.

Edit: Its not from the beta i can assure u :O
Striker said:
its a video from the beta leak... thats why she speaks german maybe? this is not official.... :flame: heck it doesint even work!

Nope, that's a german voice over.

Dr. Kleiner: "My Goodness! Gordan Freeman! It really is you, isn't it!?!

Alyx: "I found him wandering around outside."
I liked Alyx's hand gesture, kinda like "get a load of this wise guy" with the thumb :)

What the? I just watched it again and it didn't look like that at all, must have been caught up in the moment lol
Striker said:
its a video from the beta leak... thats why she speaks german maybe? this is not official.... :flame: heck it doesint even work!

That sounds quite poor to me. Maybe 'she' is the reporter from the german game-mag ? Its from an offical DVD from germany no1 game-mag...
Winamp said it encountered a problem and needed to close, so I said ok. Then my computer rebooted istelf....

Any suggestions?
If there any new probs with that, Iam gone upload a new 'clean' version.
For only 2-3 peeps Iam gona send it direct...
Gimme info, pls
what are all those other videos zebra?

and this was nothing like the beta.. the beta had just the voices.. that was it!
This video is not from the beta, there is a little level in the beta of an early version of this, but this is clearly new.
This is a good video, nice demo of how the NPC's look at you when they talk and stuff, very nice!!
I just love how Dr. Kleiner carries on a conversation with Alyx and sees Gordon out of the corner of his eye. He looks back to see if it really is him and interrupts his conversation with Alyx to stare in amazement as Gordon Freeman is standing in front of him. It's like he has a moment of disbelief and thinks back to what happened at BMRF and is shocked to see that Gordon made it through O.K. Man, the beginning of HL2 is going to be so awesome.

But yeah, it seemed rather dynamic when Kleiner noticed Gordon. Maybe if you stood back he would have said some more things. He stopped himself mid-sentence and made some gestures like stepping back a few steps and then becoming tense.

This reminds me of why Valve rules so much.
NOOOO! I don't have sound!!


Why ME!?!?

Anyway, that SO F***ing ROCKS!!


PLEASE JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think the thing in the box is a dog....

or a head crab.

And can any1 else make out DX9 effects? or am i just going crazy.....
Yeah, I liked the way you could see the cheerful surprise on Kliener's face when he sees you. I'd imagine Gordon was presumed dead since nobody but the G-Man saw him leave Xen.

Edit: Oh, yeah. I remember they used to keep houndeyes in cages like that one at Black Mesa. Maybe we'll see the houndeyes returning? But then again, I think they kept headcrabs in those cages also. Too big for a bullsquid though.
I can't even get a picture, can someone help me please...what program should I use exactly?.
Not Beta Info: The thing in the cage is Lamar which was mentioned VERY briefly in the XSI tutorial video. It says "Lamarr has escaped from her cage again" or something along those lines. That's all I know.

I'm a bit suspicious of new videos after the beta. What about the other videos on the site?
Max35 said:
I can't even get a picture, can someone help me please...what program should I use exactly?.

Max35, you just have to install divx-codecs, just scan google for them.
Joeyslucky22 said:
what are all those other videos zebra?

and this was nothing like the beta.. the beta had just the voices.. that was it!

The other videos are offline. I guess everyone saw them already.
brokenjago said:
NOOOO! I don't have sound!!


Why ME!?!?

Anyway, that SO F***ing ROCKS!!


PLEASE JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll second that. A few thousand times.
those other videos are just smaller versions of various bink videos.
Where does it say Lamar escapes? I'm watching the XSI video (Part 3) and I can't find it.
ElFuhrer said:
Where does it say Lamar escapes? I'm watching the XSI video (Part 3) and I can't find it.

It's written as some dialogue. Go to 10:26ish in Part three and you'll see it written down on the screen.
I think it's been said that the Lamar thing was written on the screen, not actually vocalized.

I thought that the thing in the cage had escaped, but I didn't remember where I heard it from until now.
Oh, thanks, I see it now, I had to put it on full screen. Interesting, I thought Lamarr (two r's I just noticed) was a person, but she's some kind of creature. At least I hope so, they keep her in a crate.
YES! I found out how to get sound to work!!! (for me, at least)

All you have to do is seek in the movie, I.E, don't just let it auto-play, click your mouse on the playhead and seek through the movie. When I do this, sound magically appears.....

Damn this is cool

Excuse me while I perform a frame-by-frame analysis of the movie.
Heh. Stop the video right at the very very beggining in freeze frame. Damn, Alyx. Baby got back! She's been working out on the Jennifer Lopez butt-a-thizer.
Someone start a "What IS Lamarr?" thread.

Most of us beta players know already, would be fun to see other's ideas IMHO.
vegeta897 said:
Someone start a "What IS Lamarr?" thread.

Most of us beta players know already, would be fun to see other's ideas IMHO.

Which is why I'm relucant to start any threads like that. Some moron is bound to come in a say "Lamarr is a Alyx's pet horse. I found out from my friend who played the beta" or whatever.
vegeta897 said:
Someone start a "What IS Lamarr?" thread.

Most of us beta players know already, would be fun to see other's ideas IMHO.

we do?

i didnt know what the christ lamar was....

hmmm.. i need to actualy pay attention to the games i play...
Ehh, good point.

And is that guy from the last frame of the movie some pcgamer guy, or is it...
GABE NEWELL!?!? He lost weight!
jk jk

But I just discovered something...
Open the video, do a printscreen on a freezeframe or while it's playing w/e.
Paste it in something like paint, and scroll around with the scrollbars, and be amazed. The video is like, there, but like, not complety, you have to see this for yourself, because no one can post it. Even if you save the file as an image, and open it again, the problem still exists. It has something to do with the type of video or something, my brother told me.
Dougy said:
we do?

i didnt know what the christ lamar was....

hmmm.. i need to actualy pay attention to the games i play...
Yes, there is no model file for her yet, you have to listen...
Uh, my winamp is being retarded and playing nothing but sound when I try to play .avi files. Anyone help me out?
vegeta897 said:
Ehh, good point.

And is that guy from the last frame of the movie some pcgamer guy, or is it...
GABE NEWELL!?!? He lost weight!
jk jk

But I just discovered something...
Open the video, do a printscreen on a freezeframe or while it's playing w/e.
Paste it in something like paint, and scroll around with the scrollbars, and be amazed. The video is like, there, but like, not complety, you have to see this for yourself, because no one can post it. Even if you save the file as an image, and open it again, the problem still exists. It has something to do with the type of video or something, my brother told me.


That's pretty cool
brokenjago said:

That's pretty cool
Hehe, I was afraid everyone would be like.. wtf is that psycho talking about?? lol

And why the heckler and koch is everyone playing this video in WINAMP!?!

Window's media player works fine!!
It's because your video mode is set to the wrong overlay setting: try different settings instead.
Apos said:
It's because your video mode is set to the wrong overlay setting: try different settings instead.
I know I know, I just said it because I thought it was kinda cool. :)

I don't think it really spoiled anything, we already new Kliener had some kind of pet thing, and I new that Alyx was gonna come save yo' a$$ from this new world you are goin through. :LOL:
Darkknighttt said:
cool video, but kind of spoiled the beginning of the game.

thats not the begining of the game.

Based on my opinion.