short new video-material on german PC-Games

you need to take a screenshot with something like hypershot DX.
If your having trouble viewing the AVI d/l this program. Also make sure you check the xvid option in the video settings.

This is build 8. There's also a beta 9 but it has a lot more options. So ppl who don't really know how to use the codecs or know what they're doing should use 8.

If you get an error while installing just hit ignore.
well, now i want to play the game even more! aaaarrggh!

If you watch closely as the view turns slightly to look past alyx, theres a desk full of monitors, the largest (and some of the smaller ones) seem to be live feeds.

They also seem to be glowing quite sharply, maybe its just a bug from the recording but it looks cool.
vegeta897 said:
Ehh, good point.

And is that guy from the last frame of the movie some pcgamer guy, or is it...
GABE NEWELL!?!? He lost weight!
jk jk

But I just discovered something...
Open the video, do a printscreen on a freezeframe or while it's playing w/e.
Paste it in something like paint, and scroll around with the scrollbars, and be amazed. The video is like, there, but like, not complety, you have to see this for yourself, because no one can post it. Even if you save the file as an image, and open it again, the problem still exists. It has something to do with the type of video or something, my brother told me.

It just plays through the blackness, as it's transparent to the media player
If you disable Overlays in WMP9, you can take stills of videos

Zebra is the man for uploading that.. :thumbs:
Can't wait for E3..

Oh and, the shadows look way better than the beta on that video.. or, from what I can tell, any of the E3 videos
it is looking rather cool. i like how we get a small taste of how these "scenes" involving the player turn out. good stuff zebra.
Woh just saw the vid!! Much much improvement over what's in the beta! Good to see version 1.0 shaping up so nicely!!
Its funny how people are so surpised that the official stuff is better than the leak(which could contain 2 year old content for all we know), duh!
Dougy said:
thats not the begining of the game.

Based on my opinion.

I think we all know you played the beta, no need for that
Alright guys, the guy who appears at the last frames is from Valve-staff. Gabe looks even more 'heavy' as he used to.

Tell me if anyone wanna see another version of this vid, so Iam gonna upload an uncompressed version which would make more sense for analysis ;-)

Its not the beginning of the game. You start totally alone without any weapon in City 17.
Also, people, cut it out with this 'spoiler' bullshit.


If you want to read the information, highlight it. That way, people that don't want to read it, can avoid doing so.

We added the spoiler tags for exactly that reason.
Does anyone have a url for the entire interview video or something?
That was pretty cool, short but sweet. :)

Thanks Zebra.
Dougy said:
we do?

i didnt know what the christ lamar was....

hmmm.. i need to actualy pay attention to the games i play...
Well, here's hoping it's Kleiner's pet HoundEye. Wouldn't that be sweet? A HoundEye on a lead. Aw, bless.
That pretty much spoils the begining of the game, it'll probably be
Gordon wakes up, wanders around for a while and sees the destruction, then gets picked up by this chick in a Black Mesa undershirt > Kleiner's lab vid
Loke said:
That was pretty cool, short but sweet. :)

Thanks Zebra.

You're welcome

CrazyHarij said:
Does anyone have a url for the entire interview video or something?

That would be a quite big file. Maybe 5 Minutes with Gabe and other guys.
Lol , ne 1 els smell that ?? :x

Where did u here that 'info'? :LOL:
Zebra said:
Tell me if anyone wanna see another version of this vid, so Iam gonna upload an uncompressed version which would make more sense for analysis ;-)

I'm up for that, provided that the uncompressed version actually offers a higher quality output.
I just downloaded that... holy smokes, Loooookin' Gooooooooood!

I love the animation... so fluid...

The graphics look great in motion, even in that little movie...

Anyone else here who thinks that Kleiner is going to be a rather comical character?
Great video, it really shows the detail in the characters :)
Sure does.. :) it sucks.. stiff animations tbh, dont u see
Well, I ripped out this part once more uncompressed. Quite big now but there is not realy much difference. A bit smoother when the angel of the viewpoint is moving but I guess its not worth to re-uploading it.

And yes, Dr. Kleiner looks a bit confused, true some kind of comical-character.
Hasn't Aleyxs' shirt changed color since last year ?
After seeing this vid, I think the characters will be the most dynamic part of HL2. Hmm....and that "wandering around outside comment" is kinda strange. I remember reading something that Gordon suffers from schizophrenia. He could lapse into "episodes" throughout the game.
I like "I found him wandering around outside...".

Sounds like Alyx thinks Gordon's not quite all there...
probably because hes so confused, just showing up in city 17 without any memory.
Zebra said:
Well, I ripped out this part once more uncompressed. Quite big now but there is not realy much difference. A bit smoother when the angel of the viewpoint is moving but I guess its not worth to re-uploading it.

And yes, Dr. Kleiner looks a bit confused, true some kind of comical-character.
Hasn't Aleyxs' shirt changed color since last year ?

So... there's a new version of the vid up? Do we still click the old link on your site?
Max35 said:
After seeing this vid, I think the characters will be the most dynamic part of HL2. Hmm....and that "wandering around outside comment" is kinda strange. I remember reading something that Gordon suffers from schizophrenia. He could lapse into "episodes" throughout the game.

That makes much sense to me. As Gabe said that Gordon don't know what had happend the last years and while we play-more and more get clear...
Brian Damage said:
What did Max35 mean about schizophrenia?

Where did you hear that, Max?

Well, it was a screenshot someone took from the "psyche" video. It said something like "Subject...Gordon Freeman....catatonic schizophrenia...suffers from" or something like that.
If someone could rip the audio, I'll bink-exe it for everyone with codec problems.
Max35 said:
Well, it was a screenshot someone took from the "psyche" video. It said something like "Subject...Gordon Freeman....catatonic schizophrenia...suffers from" or something like that.

No, that was "Seizure and muscular catatonia". Got the screenshot right here... little video. Gives you more of a hint at what the game will actually be like to play.
well i'm not suprised Lamarr escaped. There's no door on his cage!!!! 101
I hope Lamarr is a houndeye... they were really cute, in some indescribable way...
Dammit, I hate knowing all the answers.
This is from the beta and it's not my fault if you decide to read the spoiler.

Just kidding, tools.
moppe said:
Dammit, I hate knowing all the answers.
This is from the beta and it's not my fault if you decide to read the spoiler.

Just kidding, tools.

That's not a spoiler. Just hurtful. :D

Anywho, I don't get what the big deal of Gordon wandering around is.

All it gives away is that Alyx finds you on a street somewheres. In the city.
I don't see any indication of whether that's the beginning or not.

After all, most of the first game was technically 'wandering'.