Should I venture into the Playstation realm?


Companion Cube
Aug 29, 2004
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Well, here's the lowdown. I just purchased a new 47" LCD and want to satisfy it. I've previously committed to buying a PS3 and a few games, but now I'm starting to get cold feet. I already have a 360, but I feel as if I'm missing out on games like Killzone, Resistance, Uncharted, MGS4, etc.

Plus it has BluRay. And, apparently, is now endlessly hackable without modifications to the firmware/hardware.

I usually hate Walmart, but they have a pretty decent deal going on right now. 160GB PS3 slim with a Greatest Hits Game for $299.99.

So, those of you who have PS3's.. should I?
I got one. I prefer the ps3 exclusives to the xbox ones. Mostly Ucharted, MGS vs Halo and fable. Can't really think of any other.

So yeah, I'd say go for it if you got the extra money. Uncharted 3 and the new MGS with the katana and shit should be worth it alone.
Don't get Resistance... Before I bought a PS3 my friend kept saying: "lol resistance is teh uber halo killah", so obviously when I bought the PS3 I got Resistance 1 with it. It is the god damn worst game I have ever played. Do not buy it! Buy a pack of knives and stick them up your ass, much more satisfying.

Besides Bluray you also get one heck of a DVD-player. The scaler on PS3 is just friggin amazing, watch something like the LoTR extended DVD's and you'll think they're HD.
I'm not much of a console gamer these days, but I have to say I have a severe distaste for Microsoft and the 360. Everything about that platform screams "focus-tested" and "corporate disconnection from their consumer base". The platform itself is this weird Apple-esque gated community with more rules than freedom. You can't even put "ass" in ANYTHING, whether a profile detail or simply a class name in Black Ops - and that includes when the letters are part of a larger word (in other words, you cannot name a class "Assault" even though THE GAME ITSELF HAS A CLASS WITH THAT NAME).

You have to pay for online, if you don't you have to WAIT for FREE CONTENT (including demos and trailers, of all things), there are ads, there are no dedicated servers, and almost any functionality that wasn't in the original Xbox needs to be purchased separately at a ridiculous markup, though with the new 360 this is less of an issue.

Also, the exclusives are terrible these days, and you pay a Live-only premium for Netflix... again, even though you pay a subscription fee for XBL.

Note: I used to play 360 quite a bit, and used to really dislike the PlayStation.
I think I'm going to go ahead and grab one. I have a couple of unused gift cards for Best Buy, so I'm just going to buy it there instead of that Walmart deal. I'm worried if I buy it under some type of bundle sale that I'll get screwed if I try to return it because I will have opened the game that came with ("We don't accept open software.. " I'm cautious because I just got screwed out of returning my Kinect because Kinect Sports was opened). That's if I hate thing and want to go ahead and do that, of course.

Any recommended starter games? I plan on picking up Uncharted 2 and Killzone 2.
If all I had was around $300 to spend on a device to hook up to the TV I personally would go for a HTPC and install media portal on it.

But like you if the rumors that it can be hacked without firmware or software modification are true I might run out and get a used one.
MAG is pretty fun, some people have other opinions but its nothing like CoD so it fairly interesting. Killzone 2 is pretty fun aswell, GT5 GT5 GT5....Defiantly a must buy!
I just tried some playstation move or whatever it's called. It was fun as hell.
Here I would post the image where Darkside recommended the PS3 but I seem to have lost it.

Consoles are shit. Technology from ~2004, and stuck that way.

And if you buy it thinking you can just run a bunch of pirated games (FREE GAEAMS LOL), are you thinking this through?

1) Downloading 25 GB games ...

2) Burning $10 and $20 BD discs (you need a Windows PC with a BluRay burner and authoring software). (I don't think Apple supports BluRay)

Hope it works out for ya. A failed burn is going to hurt. Meanwhile, legitimate copies of the Greatest Hits are $20-$30.

Also, Sony has yet to play their hand, I'm sure they will come up with something. I have an idea already.
You do not realize the true potential of the cracked key.

I've previously committed to buying a PS3 and a few games, but now I'm starting to get cold feet. I already have a 360, but I feel as if I'm missing out on games
missing out on games
Darkside's Colbert .gif is right. PS3 has no games. Not even being sarcastic.


Also, Virus has an idea on how Sony should handle this.

Well I f*cking love my PS3, it plays all the games I'm interested in, it houses my movies, music, photos, the web browser is decent enough to use common websites from (Facebook, Youtube, Google, Wikipedia) & it plays Blurays. What more do you need? & for that price it's a definite buy.
Also, Virus has an idea on how Sony should handle this.
Several ways, and they are pretty simple really.

You do not realize the true potential of the cracked key.

But who cares, the games are like $3.99 or you can also just play them on your PS2 or Windows PC.

I think a point can be made that PS3 games aren't even worth pirating, so ... what does that say about PS2 games?
Far more exclusives on a PC in fact. But PS3 still has some good ones that would be worth it. Like Valkyria Chronicles, and soon the Shadow of the Colossus and Ico remake pack is coming out.
Consoles may have some good exclusives depending on opinion, but let's face it, it's face palm city when people have things like 3 different computers (consoles), and a PC. Even if money is not an object for you (currently), maybe they wonder if it's worth it, or why they have to keep buying the same thing over and over again.

Well, it goes without saying that if everyone only bought one game system, we'd bring gaming to some kind of unified platform. And that's what a PC is, because the PC is the only gaming machine that isn't owned by any company. Anyone can make hardware and software for it. You don't need to pay Sony, MS, or Nintendo $$ just to have the privilege of having a licensed game or hardware.

And that's just a couple of the seemingly infinite reasons to just get a PC. It only does everything. No, really. Why would I buy a console when I have a PC that is more powerful for gaming, and does everything else too? Because of the exclusives? OK, but if you don't support them, they will eventually die off, like all the RIP consoles have before.

I don't know why I care so much, it all just seems all wrong to me. And then I start to wonder why I would even support Windows. And then I understand the support behind Linux. And then, I'm like **** it.
Consoles may have some good exclusives depending on opinion, but let's face it, it's face palm city when people have things like 3 different computers (consoles), and a PC. Even if money is not an object for you (currently), maybe they wonder if it's worth it, or why they have to keep buying the same thing over and over again.

Considering the life span of this generation - the 360 came out in 2005, the PS3 and Wii were launched in 2006, and their replacements aren't expected for another 2-4 years or so - I have no qualms about buying each console. It works out at around £2 a week. I spend more on gum. Cost isn't an issue - it's my time that's precious, and I choose to spend my gaming time playing the very best games available.
I wish it was still Nintendo, Sega, and a PC. Sega had actual arcade hardware in their consoles (and tons of arcade games AKA a reason to make a console). But things have changed, and the PC is increasingly more prominent since around 2000.

There is no game that appears on any console that can't appear on a PC. Peripherals and all. Don't get me wrong, I'm not interested in killing off games, I just want them to appear on one system.

I just don't see any reason for consoles to exist unless they are a completely stripped down version [of a computer], and priced accordingly. But a PS3 or 360 is a damn computer (but completely limited in functionality), and Nintendo charges $200 for a Wii that is essentially the left-over Gamecube chips.

In 2001, 125 million personal computers were shipped in comparison to 48 thousand in 1977.
The global personal computer shipments were 264 million units in the year 2007, according to iSuppli,[6] up 11.2 percent from 239 million in 2006.
Universal. Global. Platform.

Or, continue to buy 3 and 4 computers (consoles) and hook them up to your TVs and have fun that way too.
Go for it: you can purchase and download PlayStation classics, such as Crash Bandicoot and Rayman.
There is no game that appears on any console that can't appear on a PC. Peripherals and all. Don't get me wrong, I'm not interested in killing off games, I just want them to appear on one system

I don't want to play all games via my PC. Yes, you can output to any display you like and sit back on your sofa etc etc, but it's not the same. Not even close. I want plug and play devices for certain games and no tweaking required. For other games I want the PC.

Gaming is cheap and competition is good - there is no problem here.
I don't want to play all games via my PC. Yes, you can output to any display you like and sit back on your sofa etc etc, but it's not the same. Not even close. I want plug and play devices for certain games and no tweaking required. For other games I want the PC.

Gaming is cheap and competition is good - there is no problem here.
Hmmm, I had a totally different experience. ..

I bought every console ever made from the Atari 2600 (circa 1977) all the way up to the PS2, Xbox, Gamecube. I had them all.

I had just paid about $140 for an Xbox, and a Gamecube for $99. And then I bought a PC for $200 on Black Friday 2004. It was an eMachines with a budget CPU, onboard video.. but it even included a 17" monitor.

And when I saw Half-Life2 in the store, I thought it was some kind of trick. Graphics couldn't really be like that - could they? Get out of town! Since my computer was cheap, I could only use a legacy PCI video card. As shitty as this machine was, it was still light years ahead of consoles in every and all categories. I couldn't believe the smoothness and control offered on a PC with a mouse that probably cost 10 cents to make. My eyes popped out of the sockets viewing the "high resolution" textures on this monitor that was practically free. The gameplay was simply in a different league from what I was used to with boring games like Halo. I knew from that moment, I was never going to be able to enjoy a console again. It's like the difference between a tricycle and MotoGP. I was now a man, and put away my toys.
Look, I'll rarely agree with someone who says that a console is the better buy over a PC. But I already have a laptop. I'm not going to throw hundreds of dollars (far more than a PS3) into another PC when I have a laptop that is sufficient for me at the moment. I understand your reasoning, I'm just not currently ready to take that step. I simply don't need another PC. I guess I could have just skipped on the PS3 and saved that cash for my laptop's replacement... but that won't be for another year or two (earliest).

Oh yea... and... I bought it. I love it so far. The only temporary problem is that I do not have an HDMI cable (at the moment) and I was not aware that the PS3 doesn't come with component cables. So, Killzone 2 and Uncharted 2, and just about everything else, looks like complete and utter crap on my 47". I ordered a 6 ft. one from but that won't be in until next week. I guess until then I'll be searching for a friend in the area who has an extra.

As I clued in above, I bought pre-owned copies of Killzone 2 and Uncharted 2. I'm not sure if this is correct, because I have yet to do any research on it, but the girl at the register in my local Gamestop said Bluray discs have some sort of coating over the undersides of their discs. I guess it makes them very scratch resistant and pretty dependable. She recommended that I shouldn't pay the $10 extra for the new "Greatest Hits" edition (for Killzone 2) and just go with a pre-owned copy. Both discs play fine and look miraculous. I'll probably never buy new if this is always the case (except for new releases). I got Killzone 2 for $19.99 and Uncharted 2 for $29.99 and can return them for a full refund in 7 days if I discover anything wrong.

Virus, I don't plan on playing backups on my PS3. I was interested in jailbreaking my PS3 to use third-party software (such as emulators). I don't even know if I'll ever do it.

Also, **** yea Crash Bandicoot and Rayman. Anybody know if they have Spyro on PSN? Hah!
I could only use a legacy PCI video card. As shitty as this machine was, it was still light years ahead of consoles in every and all categories
Except the Gamecube and Xbox respectively have a 48- and 64-MB GPU. I have trouble believing that you thought Halo looked like shit compared to HL2 on a PCI video card.
I got a PS3 last month. I think it was worth it. Just finished Uncharted 2 the other day. Great game.
since you've got a nice display then I'd say yes
simply because you can take advantage of the blu ray player AND play some great exclusives
still use my 360 more though :P
I'm glad I've got my PS3! I never really payed attention to exclusives, I can't give you any good ones.
Don't forget to pick up God of War 3 and maybe the remakes of the first two.
ITT: Fanboy rage!
Also, **** yea Crash Bandicoot and Rayman. Anybody know if they have Spyro on PSN? Hah!
Spyro? Crash Bandicoot? You make me sick. I think I'm going to vomit for real. Or maybe that's just Rizzo's face!

I was an early adopter of the PS1, I paid about $500 with 3 games. I had decided to get another game instead of the ridiculously priced $50 memory card (which I would pick up later). If I remember correctly, I bought Resident Evil, Crash Bandicoot, and Street Fighter Alpha 3. Crash Bandicoot was clearly the weakest game. Just another copycat platformer with a different character. I resented it more-so because I could have bought the Memory Card instead. Maybe this is the game that made me hate platform games, I don't remember any more.

You should get Super Mario Crash Bandicoot Crash Dash Sonic the Hedgehog Blast Kart.


Except the Gamecube and Xbox respectively have a 48- and 64-MB GPU. I have trouble believing that you thought Halo looked like shit compared to HL2 on a PCI video card.
PCI cards had up to 512MB and commonly had 128MB. Mine had 256MB, but I think I took that one back and got a 128MB because it was half or even a third of the price and came with a game.

Consoles were also around 480p and had a lower framerate.
Did you just diss Crash Team Racing? Cause I'm pretty sure you just dissed Crash Team Racing.

Damn right, fanboy rage ITT.
PCI cards had up to 512MB and commonly had 128MB. Mine had 256MB, but I think I took that one back and got a 128MB because it was half or even a third of the price and came with a game.

Consoles were also around 480p and had a lower framerate.
So if you had a 256MB video card, why were you just complaining that it must have looked so terrible compared pixel-to-pixel with an Xbox? Now I have to ask which manufacturer and chipset your card was. It seems like you're intentionally withholding information to get me to incite myself.

"My eyes popped out of the sockets viewing the "high resolution" textures on this monitor that was practically free."

This makes no sense. Even monitors sold as combo deals with discount computers on Black Friday have a standard of manufacturing. You are able to see a picture on them. That would be enough to show you how terrible the texture resolution was, if they were as sarcastically high-resolution as you claim.
ITT: Fanboy rage!

Spyro? Crash Bandicoot? You make me sick. I think I'm going to vomit for real. Or maybe that's just Rizzo's face!

D-Did you honestly just bash Spyro and Crash Bandicoot?

I hope you're joking man
I really do