Silent Hill movie review *very minor spoilers*

Dr. Freeman said:
right, and perhaps 13 year olds can understand it but in my post, i was talking about a 5 year old (perhaps he was a year younger or older...who knows, doesn't make a huge difference tho) then you're not bothered with a 5 year old watching Silent Hill?

I guess its wrong. Ya you know what i agree with you. I do think that a mature 10/12 year old can go in and understand it tho. The mear fact that my brother is a movie freak like me, makes it easier for him to understand and appreciate the art of this film.
I saw it today and I thoroughly enjoyed the first hour, then it went downhill when there were less monsters and more... other stuff, without spoiling any of it.

The use of Johnny Cash's Ring of Fire made me wish I was seeing Walk The Line instead. :(

Raziel-Jcd said:
AMAZING MOVIE! Holy shit. I saw it with 6 people and i was the ONLY one who knew anything about the game. ALL my friends LOVED and understood the movie. I was seriously a INSANE STORY and INSANE EFFECTS. INSANE EVERYTHING. GO watch and support this movie. YOU WILL NOT regret it!!! PLZ trust me. HOLY SHIT i cant explain how good this movie was. INSANE ART!

I <3 you.

OMFG HOLY SH*T YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN!!! I haven't seen the movie yet but I'm absolutely positive it's not going to be that good. Perhaps you should expand your movie vocab.
So, should i see it or not...some of you are "meh" others (:p) are "OMFG!

incite please...
mortiz said:
OMFG HOLY SH*T YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN!!! I haven't seen the movie yet but I'm absolutely positive it's not going to be that good. Perhaps you should expand your movie vocab.

1. I DONT need to calm down.
2. How do you know how many movies i watch?
3. If you have read my previous posts about me and movies you wouldnt type what you did

oh ya and i went with 5 people 1 which isnt really a gamer. 1 who plays music games, others game a lot i was the only one who played anything Silent Hill. 4 of the 6 total people watch insane amounts of movies. EVERYONE LOVED IT.

If you pay attention to small things like camrea angles. Some really small effexts like making the screen black or white for a few secs. You would really understand how this is something very special. It shows how it came from a game. The sound/angles used/shots where perfect and clear. Acting was top notch. Effects well this is the new matrix in terms of effects to me. The effects and setting everything visual was just art. The ending was on SPOT. If you didnt understand it thats your own fault because as i said poeple who didnt play the game understood it very well. It just HELPS if you played the games. This was the 1st game movie i saw which stuck to the games story. This deff set the bar for video game movies. Ill continue this later, i was in a rush while typing this and cant finish it right now.
Raziel-Jcd said:
1. I DONT need to calm down.

AMAZING MOVIE! Holy shit. I saw it with 6 people and i was the ONLY one who knew anything about the game. ALL my friends LOVED and understood the movie. I was seriously a INSANE STORY and INSANE EFFECTS. INSANE EVERYTHING. GO watch and support this movie. YOU WILL NOT regret it!!! PLZ trust me. HOLY SHIT i cant explain how good this movie was. INSANE ART!

I think you do.

2. How do you know how many movies i watch?

I'm guessing not many by your "OMFG MORE CAPS PLZ!!" hyperbole over this movie. That much hyperbole should only be reserved for the true classics, of which Silent Hill isn't one. It may be a good movie, but you should definitely calm down about it. I'm certain it's not a Godfather or Citizen Kane killer.

3. If you have read my previous posts about me and movies you wouldnt type what you did

So you use this much hyperbole about every movie you like? Good on you.
Kamikazie said:
So, should i see it or not...some of you are "meh" others (:p) are "OMFG!

incite please...

Depends how you view it.

If you watch it as a serious film, it is very averagely made althout there are some very stylish effects.
If you watch it as a fan of the game, you will really love it as it follows the game closely (According to my friend/fan of the game)
If you watch it as a popcorn film with some girls who are easily scared, expect lots of "cuddling"
Reginald said:
If you watch it as a popcorn film with some girls who are easily scared, expect lots of "cuddling"
I'm seeing it tomorrow ;)
Kamikazie said:
I'm seeing it tomorrow ;)

They won't be impressed when you laugh as Pyramid Head tears off a woman's clothes all in one go. :laugh:
Mortiz, there really is no need to be so cynical. Let him be as excited as he wants about it.
KagePrototype said:
Mortiz, there really is no need to be so cynical. Let him be as excited as he wants about it.

I'm not saying he shouldn't like the movie, nor that he shouldn't be somewhat excited about the movie, I just question his completely over the top post. Like he was frankly making a mess of his underware while typing his reply.
mortiz said:
I think you do.

I'm guessing not many by your "OMFG MORE CAPS PLZ!!" hyperbole over this movie. That much hyperbole should only be reserved for the true classics, of which Silent Hill isn't one. It may be a good movie, but you should definitely calm down about it. I'm certain it's not a Godfather or Citizen Kane killer.

So you use this much hyperbole about every movie you like? Good on you.

Iv watched over 900 movies in the past year and a half. If you knew me in person you wouldnt be saying what your saying. I think that a lot of people cant see the greatness in this movie. Thats not a insult thats just my opinion. I think that people who are looking at the movie as art and a start of something great can see why its so well made. Now can i compare it to Crash? Why would i? Crash was amazing but i cant compare them. Should i compare it to Trasnporter 2? I got excited about that aswell but on a different level. Go into the movies and enjoy some action and mindless effects. Its different feelings to have fun or be serious about a movie, but on both halfs its started with me hyping myself up. Rarely to i regret that. One example of my hype backfireing is with Ultraviolet. But hey 95% of the time i end up being right about my hype and have a great time.

mortiz said:
I'm not saying he shouldn't like the movie, nor that he shouldn't be somewhat excited about the movie, I just question his completely over the top post. Like he was frankly making a mess of his underware while typing his reply.

Well i thought it was a amazing movie and can give MANY reasons why.
All I can say is one man's Citizen Kane is another man's...****ing Showgirls...or From Justin to Kelly.
DeusExMachina said:
All I can say is one man's Citizen Kane is another man's...****ing Showgirls...or From Justin to Kelly.

Thats where a lot of people get it wrong. That is NOT how i am. I LOVE and understand/appreciate/respect all classics and great movies. But sometimes movies get overlooked, people just dont want to see why they are good. Why do you think Boondock saints did horrible? or Equilibrium? People FLAMED/HATED those movies are the start but now they are respected. Not all great movies are appreciated. Not all great movies are understood, not all get the respect they deserve.
No, I'm not saying you Raz. I'm just saying in general. Like maybe a movie mortiz thinks is a masterpiece, you think is the biggest pile of shit you've ever seen. You're obviously very excitied about Silent Hill and thinks its great. mortiz think its at least decent, but doesn't think its that good. Look at Apocalypse Now, one of the greatest films...ever. Critics hated it when it first came out. Blade Runner, argubaly the best and "true" science fiction film since Clockwork Orange and 2001. Critics bashed it when it first came out. I can definitely see Silent Hill, 10-20 years from now, being the movie everyone looks to as the defining "psychological horror" or "horror/drama" or however you want to cast it as.

Tis all, my two cents.
DeusExMachina said:
No, I'm not saying you Raz. I'm just saying in general. Like maybe a movie mortiz thinks is a masterpiece, you think is the biggest pile of shit you've ever seen. You're obviously very excitied about Silent Hill and thinks its great. mortiz think its at least decent, but doesn't think its that good. Look at Apocalypse Now, one of the greatest films...ever. Critics hated it when it first came out. Blade Runner, argubaly the best and "true" science fiction film since Clockwork Orange and 2001. Critics bashed it when it first came out. I can definitely see Silent Hill, 10-20 years from now, being the movie everyone looks to as the defining "psychological horror" or "horror/drama" or however you want to cast it as.

Tis all, my two cents.

You wouldn't find me saying something along the lines of "THIS MOVIE IS AMAZING OMFG YOU HAVE TO SEE IT NOW!!!!!1111 AMAZING!!11" about any movie, classic or not. Even so, even if a movie isn't particularly my thing I can generally appreciate a work of art that a movie may be. For instance I don't particularly get much enjoyment from Picasso's paintings, but I can still appreciate them as a work of art. If I really like a movie I'll say I really like the movie. Going completely over the top like he just did casts you in a bad light; it makes it look like you can't provide a reasoned and critical analysis of why the actual movie is good. It doesn't take a genius and 6 hours to give some good and bad points about a film. I just don’t like people going off the deep end about these things, it's exactly the same for me when people go OTT over a certain video game. Hyperbole == BAD.
DeusExMachina said:
No, I'm not saying you Raz. I'm just saying in general. Like maybe a movie mortiz thinks is a masterpiece, you think is the biggest pile of shit you've ever seen. You're obviously very excitied about Silent Hill and thinks its great. mortiz think its at least decent, but doesn't think its that good. Look at Apocalypse Now, one of the greatest films...ever. Critics hated it when it first came out. Blade Runner, argubaly the best and "true" science fiction film since Clockwork Orange and 2001. Critics bashed it when it first came out. I can definitely see Silent Hill, 10-20 years from now, being the movie everyone looks to as the defining "psychological horror" or "horror/drama" or however you want to cast it as.

Tis all, my two cents.

Very well put. I agree 100%

mortiz said:
You wouldn't find me saying something along the lines of "THIS MOVIE IS AMAZING OMFG YOU HAVE TO SEE IT NOW!!!!!1111 AMAZING!!11" about any movie, classic or not. Even so, even if a movie isn't particularly my thing I can generally appreciate a work of art that a movie may be. For instance I don't particularly get much enjoyment from Picasso's paintings, but I can still appreciate them as a work of art. If I really like a movie I'll say I really like the movie. Going completely over the top like he just did casts you in a bad light; it makes it look like you can't provide a reasoned and critical analysis of why the actual movie is good. It doesn't take a genius and 6 hours to give some good and bad points about a film. I just don’t like people going off the deep end about these things, it's exactly the same for me when people go OTT over a certain video game. Hyperbole == BAD.

Understandable. I get very into movies and games. VERY hyped about it. Its something i love about myself. I understand why you dont like that but its just me.
mortiz said:
You wouldn't find me saying something along the lines of "THIS MOVIE IS AMAZING OMFG YOU HAVE TO SEE IT NOW!!!!!1111 AMAZING!!11" about any movie, classic or not. Even so, even if a movie isn't particularly my thing I can generally appreciate a work of art that a movie may be. For instance I don't particularly get much enjoyment from Picasso's paintings, but I can still appreciate them as a work of art. If I really like a movie I'll say I really like the movie. Going completely over the top like he just did casts you in a bad light; it makes it look like you can't provide a reasoned and critical analysis of why the actual movie is good. It doesn't take a genius and 6 hours to give some good and bad points about a film. I just don’t like people going off the deep end about these things, it's exactly the same for me when people go OTT over a certain video game. Hyperbole == BAD.

Oh I agree, but I mean, some people get excitied and will hype something beyond belief. Raziel tends to do this with a lot of movies as I'm sure you know ;). And hey, that's his perogative.
As am I.

But one thing: I definitely think that the papers need to have a special gamer reviewer for game-based movies. Because a huge part of what makes that kind of movie good is how accurately they translate the original game's "feel" to the silver screen. An old hat reviewer like Ebert, who clearly has never played Silent Hill, misses that aspect entirely. So, until the Globe hires gamers to review game movies, I'd say your best bet is to go by game magazines' reviews.
I saw it on opening night and the theater was packed..every seat was full...and it was awesome. I never really experienced anything like it. For example, there were these kids that were giggiling a lot during the previews and the opening of the movie, but after the movie got started, they didn't make a sound through the entire movie...actually nobody many people were freaked out at parts of the movie, but I was filled with joy inside, because they didn't screw it up. I was probably the most happiest person in the theater after the movie.

All I can say is I highly recommend this movie to anyone who has played the really doesn't matter which game you play, just go see it. For the people who didn't play the games, it's gonna be hard to understand whats going on for a while, but don't complain because they don't explain everything, they do that in one part of the movie, where they explain basically everything, and what a scene that is.

EDIT: Actually this is the first movie in a long time where I seen so many conflicting reviews, a lot of people like it and a lot of people hate it. It just goes to show that, this type of horror is not for everyone, as it's not some "shocking" scare like resident evil, but more of a long dreadful tension and uneasyness through out most of the movie..which the games were as well, but some of the demons in the movie were scarier than the game monsters.

EDIT :2 Do the spoiler tags work still? I can't get them to work. :(
I just got back from seeing this with a bunch of friends, none of us had played the game. I loved it from when she first walked around Silent Hill, to when she got "home".

The part that freaked me the hell out was the sirens. I used to have nightmares long ago where I was in pretty much the same type of place (old buildings, not much color, etc), sirens would go off, and shit would hit the fan, as it did in the movie. I also liked the walls within the school. They had the perfect "run-down town" effect. I'll definately be buying this on DVD when it comes out.

Edit: As dream says above this, it is definately not a "scream at you and scare you quickly" flick. I love the atmosphere that it sets.
Saw it Friday. I thought it captured the atmosphere of the games really well.

-Angry Lawyer
Icarusintel said:
I read somewhere the director's cut was around 3 hours, which would be absolutely crazy

Holy shit! :angel: Are you trying to kill me here? :rolling: :x

:thumbs: That would be CRAZY! :thumbs:
Icarusintel said:
I read somewhere the director's cut was around 3 hours, which would be absolutely crazy

Where did you get that information?? Do you have linky for us? I can't wait if true...I can't believe many critics are giving this a bad review...probably because it's a game movie.
i havent seen it yet but whats pyramid head like in it? does he have any plot significance or is he just a there to be a spooky looking villain, is his presence explained? any sh2 references, i dont mind about it being spoiled for me, include spoiler tags i guess if they work.
jimbo118 said:
i havent seen it yet but whats pyramid head like in it? does he have any plot significance or is he just a there to be a spooky looking villain, is his presence explained? any sh2 references, i dont mind about it being spoiled for me, include spoiler tags i guess if they work.

He is there like everything else in the movie. You cant really explain it. Just go watch it its really great how they added all the "creatures".
OK, just got back from the cinema and I'm pleased to say I was very pleased with it, I think it pressed all the buttons a SH movie should have.


The cinematography and visuals were excellent, the decay effects were very well done and Pyramid Head really did look like a menacing foe. When the movie first started I'll be honest and say I didn't think it would be any good, some of the dialogue wasn't very well written (how many times are the words "honey" and "baby" said in the movie?) and Sean Bean didn't have a great American accent. However once the movie got into full swing all of this was forgotten about and there was some top notch memorable moments. All the actors put it good performances, and even Sean Bean's accent began to sound more realistic. Only a couple of niggling things such as the rather long narration towards the end were we're explained almost the entire story should have been cut down, they should have left more for the audience to work out for themselves (the story ends up diverging quite a lot from the games), getting everything handed to you on a silver platter is very unlike any of the games.

Some reviewers thought Cybil Bennet was miscast, I disagree entirely, she put in a top-notch performance. There were a few unintentional laughs when Rose comes across the dead Nurses and they move like they're doing the Thriller dance which sort of ruined the atmosphere of the moment, which was well built up to that point. Also I think they overplayed the "Evil little girl" scenario which is now becoming a bit of a horror cliché, Dahlia was shed in too nicer light in this movie. I think Bean being in the 'real-world' worked nicely and helped with some of the back-story, but again I thought they didn't need to explain everything.

However most of these little niggling things disappear into insignificance in what is a very well done and well made movie. It's not a classic, but it's good. The critics have been way too harsh on this one.
DeusExMachina said:
So we can all agree Silent Hill is the first great video game movie?

best game turned movie ever...currently anyway.
i was pleasantly surprised how well the school and hospital resembled the game.
DeusExMachina said:
So we can all agree Silent Hill is the first great video game movie?

Without a doubt. That's not to say this movie wasn't without it's flaws, but what movies aren't. There's always going to be something that someone doesn't like about any doesn't matter. It's definitly the best though and has set the bar high for future translations.

I hope Paul Anderson took some notes if he saw this.....Castlevania has potential, don't blow it. And Uwe Boll needs to be tied down with his eyes taped open and forced to watch this movie for two weeks straight....especially if he's going to be allowed to continue his career (if that's what you want to call it).

It seems that what I saw earlier is still holding true....people who have seen this movie are leaving quite satisfied. Not critics, but ordinary people. Everyone that I saw it with enjoyed it...and I was the only one that played the game. Friends that went to an advanced playing were the only ones that had played it besides me and they loved it even more, obviously. Hopefully it can keep a solid box office with word of mouth leading the way, it deserves it.
jimbo118 said:
i havent seen it yet but whats pyramid head like in it? does he have any plot significance or is he just a there to be a spooky looking villain, is his presence explained? any sh2 references, i dont mind about it being spoiled for me, include spoiler tags i guess if they work.

Jimbo, I thought they should have done more with Pyramid Head. He's really just another least that's how I interpreted his presence. He really only had two big scenes, and I'm not going to tell you the premise of the two because they're much better viewed than explained. I'll tell you this....his second big appearance is downright nasty and those that saw it will vouch for that....*gross*.
Lt. Drebin said:
Everyone that I saw it with enjoyed it...and I was the only one that played the game.

Same here, although I guess it helps if you have someone who'd played the games with you to perhaps clear up some of the plot points. Though to be honest the story isn't really that similar to Silent Hill's although the characters are quite close.

I don't think Pyramid Head (actually there are more than one) really fit into this movie, they had a very specific purpose in Silent Hill 2, they were the executioners and the ones who always killed Maria as a punishment. In the Silent Hill movie that doesn't really apply.