Sins of a Solar Empire!

tried this game last night
it's pretty cool (although i like anything with space combat)

it's my understanding that there's no linear single player campaign... it's just a series of randomly generated maps or something? is that correct? how does the story come together in that case?
tried this game last night
it's pretty cool (although i like anything with space combat)

it's my understanding that there's no linear single player campaign... it's just a series of randomly generated maps or something? is that correct? how does the story come together in that case?

It does not. The story is currently just lore. There is plans to have a single player campaign but no word if its a patch or expansion.
Evillejedi is already making a Star Wars mod for this... and I can't wait! I'm super thrilled.

I think he's the guy who has made the Star Wars mod for homeworld 2.
This game practically screams for a BSG mod.
I hope it's multi-player compatible. It should be, anyway.
For Homeworld:
Babylon 5 mod > Star Wars mod :p

You guys up for a multiplayer game tomorrow? Afternoon-ish GMT?
I just got home. :eek:

It's hard for me to set aside some time and actually play with some of you guys.

I think mostly because I'm actually playing some other games for a change now too... like FH2 :eek:
Well I've been sick nearly a week now. Ugh.

I downloaded the modding toolkit for sins, and gave it a try. On top of modifying carriers to do all sorts of crazy shit and having hundreds of squadrons, and also changing squadrons to contain 50+ ships... I did this...


There's a demo out. Get it here, amongst other places. It's SP-only and it has 90 minutes playing time. It consists of 4 tutorials, 2 small maps with 2 AI players and one medium map with 3 AI players.
Anyone want to play a game? I'm really bored right now. Need something to take up several hours... Raz, are you on?
Man, I have barely had any good solid blocks of time to play this game. The scale of the whole game is very daunting, are there any other beginner tips other than tutorials???
I'm online, but I can't play at this moment.

Something that pisses me off, that I almost refuse to play until they fix.

The fact that I cannot choose to start next to my buddies when we play a team game in a large universe. I could start in one star, and each of my buddies could start in a completely different star. It's random, and that frustrates me. It's no fun starting in a completely different star or really far away in the same star because it's like playing most of the game alone, not even as if you were online.

They keep releasing these patches, but not implementing this fix that should be so very simple to do.
Why? D:
Come on, it's not that bad. If you just expand enough you can get next to them.
I just found out that this old 1 gig piece of RAM I had boguht a while ago for my older computer (Which turned out to be a different DDR type..) works on this computer, so I have 3 gigs of RAM now! Woo!
I bought this today, I hope it's fun.
AI sucks, play online.

Myself, I grew bored of it fairly quick.
It's a great game.

I just refuse to play it until patch 1.10, and they had better god damn fix the thing I want fixed... They need to add the ability for people on the same team to start off near each other in the same star... not starting in different star bullshit. Makes coop games no fun.

Apparently it's coming mid july. I'm stoked. Might even try the beta.
ugh, the demo has shown me that I do not want to buy this game. It's essentially a 2D RTS where all units just sit stationary and pummel each other until one or the other dies. Boring. Unimaginative.
It's not the combat, it's the epicness of making your own empire!
Also, aren't all RTS games (starcraft...warcraft...cnc...WiC...everything else) basically all the same thing? They just sit there until one dies. Maybe they move around to get to the nearest guy. But it's the type of units you choose, or don't choose, that make the difference. Also, what you do inbetween battles. It's not a combat simulator. Go play CoH.
also gta4
Sorry Ace. I'm thinking I will be selling my game, after not having played it since nearly release date.

I am so ****ing god damn pissed that Stardock has completely ignored any wishes and will not be including any form of preferred starting locations so that I can start next to my friends in a cooperative game.

It's just no fun for me otherwise.

ARGH! I just ****ing realized that I can't even sell my god damn game, because Stardock doesn't allow it. And my key is bound to my account.

God dammit this is ****ing ridiculous. Never been more pissed at a game than this one.
It's not the combat, it's the epicness of making your own empire!
Also, aren't all RTS games (starcraft...warcraft...cnc...WiC...everything else) basically all the same thing? They just sit there until one dies. Maybe they move around to get to the nearest guy. But it's the type of units you choose, or don't choose, that make the difference. Also, what you do inbetween battles. It's not a combat simulator. Go play CoH.
also gta4

No, they aren't. You mention CoH, that is a pretty good example. TA and SupCom were also games where flanking and combat maneuvers were extremely important. As far as space games go, the Homeworld series, and particularly the PDS mod for Homeworld 2, pulled of space combat much better than this game.
It's mostly about the empire building, anyway.