Skull And Bones- Whats the real truth?

sounds like its time for a.....commando mission! :D
heheh get a huge group together and we will just bust into that tomb thing, and see what the hell is going on.
Innervision961 said:
heheh get a huge group together and we will just bust into that tomb thing, and see what the hell is going on.

:D get every one dressed in black tac-gear and go running around the grounds at night lol take footage and post it on the net :p
I think its a lot like the Masons in that its all much more mundane than we want to believe. We still need the bogie man out there. :D
bliink said:
Commando mission!!! :D
Silence, you mindless peasant!

It is clear that we must dress up Farrowlesparrow as a giant rabbit, roll him in front of the tomb and then hide inside him and hope that they fall for it and take him in!
The old Trojan Horse tactic eh? sounds...GREAT :monkee:
Eep, shitloads of spamming :O

You guys should read about the real satanic brotherhoods they've got there in the US.. they do all kinds of effed up stuff there, blood sacrifices, massive orgies, rape and murder and stuff, and all in the name of satan.. :|
it'll work! But we will need the giant carrot to set off the disguise, anyone know whatever happened to it?
Varg|Hund said:
It is clear that we must dress up Farrowlesparrow as a giant rabbit, roll him in front of the tomb and then hide inside him and hope that they fall for it and take him in!

HatRabit raises his hand

I already am a giant rabit, sir :)
ARTHUR: .. What happens now?

BEDEVERE: Well, now, uh, Launcelot, Galahad, and I, uh, wait until nightfall, and then leap out of the rabbit, taking the French, uh, by surprise. Not only by surprise, but totally unarmed!

ARTHUR: .. Who leaps out?

BEDEVERE: U... uh, Launcelot, Galahad, and I, uh, leap out of the rabbit, uh, and uh...

ARTHUR: .. (sounding disappointed) Ohh.

BEDEVERE: Oh. Um, l... look, i... i... if we built this large wooden badger...
HatRabit said:
HatRabit raises his hand

I already am a giant rabit, sir :)
Come on men, let's jump inside him!

Anyways, anyone read the book about Skull and Bones? Any interesting info?
i haven't read the book, wonder if its any good myself
I doubt it... sounds like some silly story way blown up.
Sure, Bush is a stupid wanker, but a satanist? I dont think so..

These "rituals" are probably just the usual stupid rituals you have with these "societies", like 'the new people always have to get drinks for the seniors' and other stupid rules and 'rituals' you usually have with those university societies..

What is disturbing though is of course that these circles always help each other gain power.. but we already knew that a lot of American politics happens in friends&family circles..
secret societies have been around for a long time: Knights templar, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Illuminati etc have long had a hand in shaping politics, society and the economy. Just a bunch of rich powerful bastards bent on shaping the world as they see it ...either that or they just like to get together, wear big pointy hats, chant silly songs and drink copious amounts of beer ....except for the beer part, I almost described the pope :)

but I find this secret society (they're not all that comminted to secrecy) to be the most dangerous
CptStern, that was scary. Imagine if people like that were in power :|
Varg|Hund said:
CptStern, that was scary. Imagine if people like that were in power :|

they are in power. Current members: Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Jeb Bush, Steve Forbes, Paul Wolfowitz ... etc
CptStern said:
they are in power. Current members: Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Jeb Bush, Steve Forbes, Paul Wolfowitz ... etc
Right :|
Mind giving me a hand with this titanium plate for my bunker?
Do you have any proof on that last post? Cause that would be like, too far.. This is really just like Nazism...
Okay, I dont want to be offensive, but I always thought the US was the most likely country to come up with something like that... that they did, really scares me though..
I've seen both the New American Century project and the Skull & Bones, and I can tell you that the new American Century project is a lot more real than some ancient society of students.
They should really look for WOMD in the US... they have more than anyone else.
"But hey, they are the good guys!"
But they have the 'New American Century' and hey, which countries actually USED a nuke?
"Whine whine, we need to fight terrorism, we had 2,998 casualties on 9/11!"
Meanwhile, there are over 5,000 Iraqi military casualties... and what did Iraq have to do with 9/11?
(btw, 350,000 people died in Nagasaki and Hiroshima)

Sorry to bring terrorism in this thread.. it just pisses me off. I think this New American Society poses a way greater threat than terrorism.. Terrorism is just the word of the year. Just call someone a terrorist and it means they're demons and you should fight them in the name of good. They used to call those 'communists'.. but hey..
*stops the mad ranting*

ADDED: Wow CptStern, that's just disturbing..
there was between 30,000 - 100,000 iraqi military casualties in the first gulf war and another 10,000 -20,000 in the current war. To date (from the onset of the current war) there has been between 10,000 -12,000 iraqi civilian deaths. Plus another 200,000 - 1 million iraqi civilian deaths directly related to the 12 years of sanctions, and another 30,000 dead civilians from Desert Storm ...btw ...there were 148 american casualties in Desert Storm

If you look up some of the old articles from the Project of the New American century you'll find that they were calling for the invasion of iraq before 9/11
I think Bush isn't in the New American Century project not to cause media attention over it.
Sprafa said:
I think Bush isn't in the New American Century project not to cause media attention over it.

he cant be a part of it because the whole focus of the Project for the New American Century is to lobby the president. ...but if it's any consolation, his brother is a member ...the same jeb bush that was governor of florida when bush was "elected". Florida was the contested state where they threw out thousands of votes due to "technicalities"
CptStern said:
he cant be a part of it because the whole focus of the Project for the New American Century is to lobby the president. ...but if it's any consolation, his brother is a member ...the same jeb bush that was governor of florida when bush was "elected". Florida was the contested state where they threw out thousands of votes due to "technicalities"

I know.

But really, it's not like they're a "secret" society.

All of their principles are openly defended by President Bush.
Sprafa said:
I know.

But really, it's not like they're a "secret" society.

All of their principles are openly defended by President Bush.

ya that's the scary part ...they dont even hide the fact that they believe the US should "lead" the world:

"We aim to make the case and rally support for American global leadership."

"we need to accept responsibility for America's unique role in preserving and extending an international order friendly to our security, our prosperity, and our principles"

btw: sorry Innervision I didnt mean to hijack your thread
Thargore said:
(btw, 350,000 people died in Nagasaki and Hiroshima)
The main difference between Hiroshima & Nagasaki and 9/11 was that the former was used to scare the Japanese into surrenering in World War II (and, arguably, saving millions of lives)... while the latter was unprovoked and just asked for retaliation.

Thargore said:
and what did Iraq have to do with 9/11?
The logic used on the American people was something like:

Saddam -> Evil -> Osama -> 9/11
"The main difference between Hiroshima & Nagasaki and 9/11 was that the former was used to scare the Japanese into surrenering in World War II (and, arguably, saving millions of lives)..."

That is absolutely correct - thousands of American and perhaps millions of Japanese lives were saved by the use of the 2 atomic bombs. An all-out invasion of Japan would have been catastrophic to both sides.

It was better that thousands died to save millions - that's the cold harsh reality.
As long as I can speak german freely I really don't care. German sounds freakin awsome.
"The main difference between Hiroshima & Nagasaki and 9/11 was that the former was used to scare the Japanese into surrenering in World War II (and, arguably, saving millions of lives)..."

That is absolutely correct - thousands of American and perhaps millions of Japanese lives were saved by the use of the 2 atomic bombs. An all-out invasion of Japan would have been catastrophic to both sides.

It was better that thousands died to save millions - that's the cold harsh reality.

the Truman diaries proves that the US knew the japanese were trying to surrender weeks before the bombs were dropped on hiroshima and Nagasaki
There is some debate about that. There is evidence that a hardline group of military officers was plotting a coup to overthrow the Emperor and make the nation fight to the death. The truth may very well never be known but in the end, I still believe it was the right decision.
Powerman 5000 - When Worlds Collide

The world is taking to long to end already. Either end or don't but waiting is the worst.
Yeah, Japan was in a hard place at that time. They needed to not only convince the Japanese government, but the entire Japanese military to surrender. Even after the second bomb it took a little while to get an official surrender. Theres been a real trend towards revisionist history in the case of the atomic bombs, and almost all of it is malarky.
As for the New American Century lists those people's name on the website. I have to wonder: so what? So these people decided they wanted to support certain politicians? They've already proved they're a little bit nuts, so I can't say their supporting these guys automaticly makes those politicians card-carrying members.
well the Truman diaries clearly states that the emperor was desperately trying to negotiate a surrender. The US wanted unconditional surrender, the japanese wanted to retain the emperor ...the US refused. Even after the war they didnt get an unconditional surrender

those names of politicians are not just names ..they are the people who draft the articles. Rumsfeld name isnt on that list because he's admired, he's there because he is a member
Dropping the nukes WAS the right decision.

In the end, even if the Emperor had surrendered, "true" secret societies as the Black Dragons, which the OSS vaguely knew about at the time, had support of the military to fight terrorist wars in places like Brazil.