Sniper + Spy Update Released!

Steam servers are too busy to handle my request.

edit - I need to get worked by spies more, those were pretty damn funny.
class sounds, there's a fair lot of em. downloading update now. better not play tonight/this morning. gotta be up early tomorrow for a house viewing. Bleh! tomorrow u will all be sniped and spied. :D
Warning Spies if you backstab another Spy the game will crash.
How do you get the latest weapons?

Word on the street is this pickup method is TESTICLES IN EYELIDS stupid.
seriously... this update destroyed the game

How can you say that? most people probably don't have it yet.

And I would rather they add in air-blast jumping, but the extinguish is fine :)
waah, so did the scout update. And there's probably somebody for every update that thinks the game is dead because of it. Get over it or stop playing.
I think he meant that game is now unplayable because too many people are trying to play at the same time and some servers haven't updated yet. It's pretty chaotic right now (random disconnects, crashes, lag, etc). I guess steam is just being overflooded with players.
gunna try this soon! looks like a lot of updates
Can someone clarify how to get the new unlocks? From what i understand, they are not tied to achievements anymore. How the **** do you get them then?
Can someone clarify how to get the new unlocks? From what i understand, they are not tied to achievements anymore. How the **** do you get them then?

Random drop system now.
15% at 67.5 KB/s

this is going to take like half an hour
Valve sure dropped the ball with this crap. I don't like it all. This has turned into an MMO. All it needs is a monthly subscription.
updates can still be updated, I'm sure they'll balance the game out and the whole appeal of the game to me is the changing techniques and tactics. Adapt and get used to it.
It seems the random drop system is really random. All I can say is, play the game normally and you get stuff from any class, even stuff you already had. Its like I'm really playing Diablo 2!
And I thought the spy would get a new knife. Well, it's still going to be fun.
Valve sure dropped the ball with this crap. I don't like it all. This has turned into an MMO. All it needs is a monthly subscription.

Right.. in what ways again? Random weapon drops? Get over it man. At least it's a lot better than the old way, where you wasted hours of your life in an achievement server. Now you can get weapons without actually being forced to play the class together with EVERYONE AND THEIR MOTHER. And whether it's completely random or not is still speculation.
Right.. in what ways again? Random weapon drops? Get over it man. At least it's a lot better than the old way, where you wasted hours of your life in an achievement server. Now you can get weapons without actually being forced to play the class together with EVERYONE AND THEIR MOTHER. And whether it's completely random or not is still speculation.

In what ways? Nerfs, random drops, grinding, limited inventory which will probably force you to drop one thing to get another. I have said it once and i'll say it again. Weapons should be immediately and permanently enabled for everybody to enjoy and not tied to any of these shitty mechanics.
I prefer the older way. If they keep this they have to change 2 things:
1) More frequent
2) No repeats
Really hate this new mechanic on how to get weapons.
the new update is ok but i enjoyed the new map Pipeline a bit. I'll have more fun with this when everything calms down and everything evens out.
They really need to patch this. And explain how the randomness works.

I've been in a server for 30 minutes playing with diferent classes and didn't get any of the new unlockables. And a player in the server during that time got 3, 3 times the scout's bat in a row...

Plus, I don't know how but it seems possible that you can equip weapons from other classes. I've seen a soldier with a sniper rifle and a demoman with a revolver (and it's not a lag problem, they said they could just select that weapon and use it).
I wonder which class will have more players Spy or Sniper, I'm guessing Spy because most servers have a limit on the Snipers.
There is no system. It's completely ****ing random. Afks/spectators can get items.
Played all night. Not one ****ing drop. **** this shit! I guess Valve was bound to disappoint me eventually. This is it.

The hell.

Does this stupid random drop system work.

Seriously. Dissappointing.

**** this is stupid.

"Look at all this cool stuff we've released! Oh btw it's completely random if you ever get it, btw you can get all your other unlocks back that we've taken away from you too!"
I thought you could definitely earn them through achievements as well as having the option to randomly pick them up
Neither. The game decides when it wants to be nice to you, and you get shit.