So after all this, is there a date for the game yet ?



Ive searched around and all the websites have diffrent release dates, anything official ?
No, not that i know of, i think its still "summer"... but who knows i could be wrong.
Hallucinogen said:
Ive searched around and all the websites have diffrent release dates, anything official ?

Still just 'summer'. I think Doug (all's-fair-in-marketing) Lombardi said 'mid-summer'.
I dont how much confidence to have in that , it will suck if its delayed again. The game looks like its almost done, early to mid summer or bust.
late summer was the word until e3, then it just became summer
Gordon'sFreeman said:
summer can mean a lot of things damn it, just think of it as another year to wait.

I don't think he was talking about Australia's Summer
I'm expecting it in September, going by Valve's "summer" date.
patience is a virtue, comparing these videos to last E3's videos certainly shows a marked improvement, the enviroments seem far less posed and there is a lot more variation, i can deal with summer and waiting until then.
No, it wasn't 'summer' it was 'this summer' by Doug.

And stop posting these telease date threads, god!
according to Valve, it's just "this summer" not late or mid, although i wouldnt be surprised if the game went gold somewhere at the end of July
Ghost Freeman said:
Lying Lombardi says the Summer.

I say 9/30 BABY!

Why it is like 9 is month and 30 is day-->9/30
That could be like 9 is mont still and 30 is day, but 30/9. How about that? :D

And about date, I think it could be somewhere near start or end of September.
After watching the Eurogamer Lombardi interview - he said we'd get a date at or around e³, so I suppose there still is time left.
Lucifer said:
Why it is like 9 is month and 30 is day-->9/30
That could be like 9 is mont still and 30 is day, but 30/9. How about that? :D

And about date, I think it could be somewhere near start or end of September.

That's because people with their national language english SAY it ex. June 30th. They say the month first. We say day number and then the month ex. 30th of June
oD1Nz said:
After watching the Eurogamer Lombardi interview - he said we'd get a date at or around e³, so I suppose there still is time left.

He mentioned "early summer" in that interview, but, well, that could be marketing in yo hizzay :)
^^ I hate it when marketing gets all up in my hizzay. I'm like "Step back off my junk marketing!" But then marketing justs keeps frontin'.
Beserker said:
That's because people with their national language english SAY it ex. June 30th. They say the month first. We say day number and then the month ex. 30th of June

Nope it's American's who say it like that, British are day/month people :)
Murray_H said:
Nope it's American's who say it like that, British are day/month people :)

30/09 makes much more sense than 09/30. i always find american dates super confusing especially when it's a small number like 10/03 which way round does that g0!!!!111!!!
Just out of interest does anyone actually believe it will be delayed again...?

I mean come on, do you really think they will take that long to sort out how many medipacks they want it the game :upstare:
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Just out of interest does anyone actually believe it will be delayed again...?

I mean come on, do you really think they will take that long to sort out how many medipacks they want it the game :upstare:

It will be delayed.
the reason why 9/30 is like that, it's because yanks wnat it that way, and yanks are stupid. i mean it's not even in proper order. either have it properly day/month/year, or how the japs have it year/month/day, at least their in order. down to yanks and their pathetic form of english. it's spelt colour, not color! stupid yanks
[[LuCkY]] said:
It will be delayed.

No it wont.

its not going to take over 8 months to decide that theres enough aliens in this level and enough guns and ammo for the next.
groovy said:
the reason why 9/30 is like that, it's because yanks wnat it that way, and yanks are stupid. i mean it's not even in proper order. either have it properly day/month/year, or how the japs have it year/month/day, at least their in order. down to yanks and their pathetic form of english. it's spelt colour, not color! stupid yanks

Yups, nothing beats Day/month/year style.

Japanse use that kin of thing? ell, they say their surnames first and read from right to left.

And HL2 will not be delayed.
I say June and July are too soon, game companiess always exaggerate their quarterly releases i say august, if not september. i also believe releasing it after E3 as another marketting scheme to get the public interested in HL2 again.
groovy said:
I say June and July are too soon, game companiess always exaggerate their quarterly releases i say august, if not september. i also believe releasing it after E3 as another marketting scheme to get the public interested in HL2 again.

last day of july. $.02
Late July, early August...that's my vote.

And I can't see it being delayed yet again...but then never know!
Im going with judging on what Gabe has said in his interveiws, ''were just play testing the game and improving, then we'll ship, we realy want to release it'' (taken from his interveiw with HL2Radio)

Im going with late June early July....I'de rather wait 3-4 months for a well tuned game than 1 month for a game with bugs...
groovy said:
the reason why 9/30 is like that, it's because yanks wnat it that way, and yanks are stupid. i mean it's not even in proper order. either have it properly day/month/year, or how the japs have it year/month/day, at least their in order. down to yanks and their pathetic form of english. it's spelt colour, not color! stupid yanks

i totally agree, day/month/year is logical, month/day/year isnt. but the americans like to be different, hence mom, and a peculiar way of saying aluminium. :p
I say August/September...I want it june/july though, that's for sure.