So anyone NOT like D3?


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
And by that, I mean those of you who were big fanboys and have played the game, do you not actually enjoy it as much as you thought you were? I don't have the game yet, and I can't answer this question... because from the beginning, i've always been a naysayer of the game. I'm going to pick it up eventually, once the rush subsides, just because it's a next generation game, but it doesn't mean I have to like it. Just gonna use it as proof that the game actually wasn't as great as it promised to be =P

Besides, it'll be a nice game I can just hand over to my little cousins or something once the boredom sets in!
I played the SP a bit at my friend's house, for about 30 mins (all alone) - and was pretty good. I've heard many mixed reviews on the game though. Oh, and I'm a big time id fanboy. :P
i never played the previous doom games and i never actually thought about getting or playing doom 3 cuz i wasnt that familiar with it..but now that ive got it and played it (well i had nothing else to play so..)..i dont think its that good..only the graphics is impressive and the sound aslo..its just one of those shoot what you see overall i dont really like it but im playing it cuz i have nothing else to play..its been a slow year for good releases and far cry was not good..
lets say there is this guy called little John. little john was weak enough to download the game along with a quarter of a million other weak peple. anyway little johny is playing the game at the moment, and he keeps thinking: this is alright, this is good. but so far this is not what i expected doom3 to be. there r some excellent graphics and the scare factor is really there. but there is this feeling of a B movie around it. half life 1 was better than this. but maybe its bit early on the game to be making those judgements :|
also worth metioning that little johny was waiting impatiently for this game :bounce:
I'm always open minded when it comes to gamnes. I don't slate any game before I've played it myself.
It is fantastic. the atmosphere is incredible, the gfx are incredible, the enemys are incredible.

its a good game.
ive respected ID, but ive never enjoyed any of their games that ive played. i hated Quake for being far too arcadey and i overlookeed doom because everyone was 2D... and im not too interested in doom3, especially as it will scare the crap out of me and im not into horror ;( but ill probally pick it up soon. hey, i have lots of money now :D
Suicide42, Doom 3 wont scare the crap out of you.

I've got and i'm just about to start playing it again, its tense but its not as scary as i thought it would be. But then again i've only played it for 2 hours
Bah come on guys, its not for if you like the game, its for those who don't like it :eek:
i think its very scary. Maybe the fact im all alone at my house playing it at 5 am (light out) and headphones cranked.

Many scenes I have felt like "omfg"

And ive jumped more then a few times
Bling: What did you think of the bathroom scene? you know, the first one with the mirror ;)
I don't really like or dislike it - it's ok :)

Compared to Metroid Prime or HL it's a polished turd. Compared to Unreal 2 it's an enjoyable experience.
at least you can see yourself in a bleeping mirror...not like some game i know.
CTTcrew_MrBlue said:
It is fantastic. the atmosphere is incredible, the gfx are incredible, the enemys are incredible.

its a good game.

no, it`s incredible
wayne white said:
at least you can see yourself in a bleeping mirror...not like some game i know.

Now that's what I call a lame excuse to bash a game! :thumbs:
Haha all that arguing over not seeing Gordon in HL2. When i saw myself in the mirror in D3 i thought "yeah that's pretty cool" then just moved on.

It's not exactly a earth shattering experience. Why some of you insisted on arguing about that not being in hl2 boggles my mind.
Doom 3 is proof that good gfx alone can make a game popular.
So, is doom3 the kind of game that you can play once and sort of forget about for a while, but then come back to it and play it again?

I've been hyped for hl2 since a long time ago, and i can't wait for its SP and MP, but i'm sort of paying more attention to doom3 now that it's out. in the past i played all the doom series and they were quite enjoyable..

so.. if i got this game would it kinda make hl2 look "meher" or would i still be able to play hl2 and say "wow"?
imo it's the kind of game you'll play once, maybe twice, and then uninstall.
Warbie said:
Doom 3 is proof that good gfx alone can make a game popular.

But only for a little bit. In the end, gameplay is what matters. :p
Good for first 2 hours.

Boring and repetetive for the rest.

(Seriously reconsidering pre order)
SubKamran said:
But only for a little bit. In the end, gameplay is what matters. :p

Yup - and that's when it gets dull :/

7/10 (and that's being generous)
Warbie, how about actually playing the game first?

I'm just going to copy and paste what I wrote on another message board, it's easier that way.

Just... wow... I take back anything bad I ever said about this game... it's amazing.

I've read a few topics about how they won't be buying it because a couple of asshat trolls (i'm looking at you Kenman) feel the right the bash every big name game that's out there. This is game is a work of art... something truly everyone needs to play at least once in their gaming lives.

And one more thing, about the 4 Player MP. Don't knock it until you try it. So far it has been the most intense and up-close MP i've tried in a very long time. And if the "4 player only" rule isn't your thing, servers have already modded a 16 player version for everyone to bask in its wonderful glory :) With minimal lag too.

I've played this for 5 hours straight, then played about 1 hour of multiplayer, and I feel my experience with Doom is just getting started...

Now i'm not some stupid fanboy, i'm going to be purchasing Half-Life 2 and enjoying it at the same level as I have with Doom 3. Saying something so stupid as "play once, maybe twice, and then uninstall." is just plain ludicrous. Both of these games are works of art, something that both sides have put their blood, sweat, and tears into. Both iD and Valve deserve all the praise they have earned by providing us gamers with something that could be considered a massive milestone (in playing quite possibly two of the greatest games in history) in our gaming lives. You should all be thankful for it that there are people out there willing enough to do this for you!
Easy tiger.

I just don't think Doom 3 is that good. After only a days play i'm finding it hard to keep interest. Being a 'fanboy' has nothing to do with this.

Doom 3 is a one trick pony - take away the fancy gfx and all that's underneath is Quake 2 (which was fine at the time)

I don't think it's a bad game either, just not really note worthy.

Hypothetical siuation - had this game had been made by another company, given a different name, maybe change the bad guys a little etc, it'd be getting 80%, tops, in reviews. Everyone would be pleasantly suprised, enjoy the experience for a month and then forget about it.

Doom 3 is riding the wave made by Doom 1 & 2.
Here is what I have noticed. People who have bought Doom 3 or pre-ordered it like the game much more than the people who pirated the game. These people who pirated Doom 3 said that they would have never bought the game in the first place (even before the leak).

That is exactly why I created my sig. Nobody should have the right to complain about a game you had no intention of buying (like pirating Doom 3).
Its a fun game as much as I've played. Really scares you... the enviornments get a little too repititive.

I like it but I still think HL2 will be soooo much better :)
I'll admit that my copy isn't legit - but i've already paid for a copy of Doom 3 (and will be picking it up on friday 13th)

A friend of mine turned up yesterday with a copy of the game. Resisting the lures of Suprnova is one thing, not installing the game when someone hands you the install disks is another.

I stand by my report, Doom 3 is an average, but very pretty, game.
There is nothing I can find in Doom 3, even in the most hardened of gamers, that can bring me to the conclusion of calling it sub-par or mediocre.

I'm glad you've made your purchase. Supporting the developers is the only way they'll lead on to make better games! :)
I've pre-ordered and already fully paid for the game, so I guess downloading it would be legit for me. But I rather wait for the game to fall on my doormat.
Warbie said:
Easy tiger.

I just don't think Doom 3 is that good. After only a days play i'm finding it hard to keep interest. Being a 'fanboy' has nothing to do with this.

Doom 3 is a one trick pony - take away the fancy gfx and all that's underneath is Quake 2 (which was fine at the time)

I don't think it's a bad game either, just not really note worthy.

Hypothetical siuation - had this game had been made by another company, given a different name, maybe change the bad guys a little etc, it'd be getting 80%, tops, in reviews. Everyone would be pleasantly suprised, enjoy the experience for a month and then forget about it.

Doom 3 is riding the wave made by Doom 1 & 2.

People just have over-expectations about it. DOOM 1 was a revolutionary game, DOOM3 must be the same way, which isn't always true and might not even be true for HL2 (but I doubt it; going by the E3 2004 video it's amazing).

When I play the game, I'll make sure to pretend DOOM 1 and 2 never existed and try and look at it from an unbiased standpoint.
I have crapped my pants several times playing it. I don't like crapping my pants. Even multiplayer is scarey.
The graphics is nice, so is the sound effects, but the gameplay is pretty boring, and i would give the game a 80/100.
blahblahblah said:
Here is what I have noticed. People who have bought Doom 3 or pre-ordered it like the game much more than the people who pirated the game. These people who pirated Doom 3 said that they would have never bought the game in the first place (even before the leak).

That is exactly why I created my sig. Nobody should have the right to complain about a game you had no intention of buying (like pirating Doom 3).
What happens if you warez it, then later buy it? If you pirate the game you are playing the same game and you are just as entitled to an opinion even if you are, in general, more likely to be a troll.

I didn't download it or intend to buy it (perhaps until it's a tenner in, say, a month :p).
lol i dn't think Doom3 will be a tenner for a while...then again i'm seeing massive price drops in the shops, jus the other day i saw Planetside for £1.99! :rolling:
I hate it because it scares me so bad! LOL
Honestly though, it's a load of fun. I'm easily scared in the first place, and this game is just too much for me sometimes. My nerves need a break every 15 minutes or so. So cruel of id you make the flashlight unusable while holding a weapon.. As soon as you switch to your gun, all the light goes out, and you can't see shit. It's a hair raising experience to be relying on sound to gun down the enemies.
im going to the alpha labs now and the only thing i dont like about the game is the performance :E (but it still runs pretty good at 1024x1080 high-mode on a 9700pro) and maybe the low res textures, but the game looks REALLY good, better then farcry i think

the monsters etc also have really fluid(spelling?) animation best in a game sofar i think.... also better then halflife2

and i just love horror games i played all the resident evils and silent hill so i really love the spooky stuff :imu:

i think i would give the game a 9,9 not a 10 because no game is perfect :cheers: