So apparently the f*cks are releasing it tonight

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I called hitman and his dad told me he was asleep. I'll get a hold of him tomorrow. Also:

SourceX: btw, you know the 1.3Gb file of HL2 isn't really gay porn right?
SourceX: well, some may be, but HL2 beta compressed is 1.32Gb
Yes, apparently so according to the 3 other threads on the subject :p

Thanks for the heads up :D
Originally posted by Shockwave
After reading around for the past hour it seems that these ****s that supposedly have the beta will release it at 12am tonight. Roughly 3 1/2 hours from now.

Should make for some very interesting news. :eek:
so uh with all this publicity surrounding these kind of events (the fact its freely known when files will be released etc), shouldnt it be possible for FBI agents and various others to go to these places, find out who is distributing and then start tracking them down?
Excuse me for being ignorant, but who the f*ck are these people and what does a conversation with someone's dad prove about the beta release?
With the FBI involved every packet of that realease is going to be monitored.

You guys fail to understand... Soon as its realeased, Valve will have the IP of every server that it's hosted on, aswell as every IP that downloads it.
apparently they are teenagers. i have seen a video of a cd that has hl2 beta burned onto it and i watched some kid install hl2 onto his this is fake, seems like a lot of trouble to go through to fake it..also, these same people that showed the beta are planning on releasing it tonight in an irc channel that im in with about 70 other people...

i still think its all bs..
well put it this way *"IF"* theres a beta then ill be downloading it.

what? if some1 is gonna qoute me saying im scum and should die i would just like to remind them that we probably wont get HL2 till 2004.

yes yes i feel very bad along with the other 300,000 ppl who will do the same thing *"IF"* a beta gets released.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Excuse me for being ignorant, but who the f*ck are these people and what does a conversation with someone's dad prove about the beta release?

Who cares, the point is if at midnight tonight if you see a bunch of unofficial new screens pop up....

You'll know why...
Originally posted by creationist
apparently they are teenagers. i have seen a video of a cd that has hl2 beta burned onto it and i watched some kid install hl2 onto his this is fake, seems like a lot of trouble to go through to fake it..also, these same people that showed the beta are planning on releasing it tonight in an irc channel that im in with about 70 other people...

i still think its all bs..

Then you are as guilty as the rest of the pukes. If you were a true HL fan you would report this irc server to the proper people, and the server of the files when/if they are "released" illegally.
Originally posted by G·Man
You guys fail to understand... Soon as its realeased, Valve will have the IP of every server that it's hosted on, aswell as every IP that downloads it.

Wrong..%99.9 sure it will go on bittorrent for release if it does. THe only way valve or the FBI will get IP's is if they connect themselves to download the beta. When they start downloading they will connect to other users that are uploading it, this is how they will get the IP's. At most they will connect to probably 100-200 users only over a few tries. And there will probably be over 10,000 in the first 5hrs of it being downloaded. If the FBI is involved its only probably a couple a guys, its not like it will be the whole department.

One thing I can say is this..This will be a MAJOR blow to p2p apps since this is getting so much attention and ALOT of people are going get busted with this one.
Originally posted by creationist
apparently they are teenagers. i have seen a video of a cd that has hl2 beta burned onto it and i watched some kid install hl2 onto his this is fake, seems like a lot of trouble to go through to fake it..also, these same people that showed the beta are planning on releasing it tonight in an irc channel that im in with about 70 other people...

i still think its all bs..

That video was faked. Even if that disc he had was a burned DVD (keep in mind HL2 won't fit on a CD), there's no way a DVD could decompress and install 1.32GB worth of files in under a minute.. the install video was TOTALLY faked
I might be going senile but i'm sure someone posted on this very forum several hours ago that they were going to start this rumour, could have been IRC tho. Old age has killed too many brain cells to be sure.
No site in hell is going to host the file by itself, thats just plain out retarded if someone actually did. This IRC thing if it happens is just going to be giving a torrent at 12am if anything. THere not going to give links to sites because as said above thats just ****ing giving yourself away to easily
Originally posted by Shockwave
Wrong..%99.9 sure it will go on bittorrent for release if it does. THe only way valve or the FBI will get IP's is if they connect themselves to download the beta. When they start downloading they will connect to other users that are uploading it, this is how they will get the IP's. At most they will connect to probably 100-200 users only over a few tries. And there will probably be over 10,000 in the first 5hrs of it being downloaded. If the FBI is involved its only probably a couple a guys, its not like it will be the whole department.

One thing I can say is this..This will be a MAJOR blow to p2p apps since this is getting so much attention and ALOT of people are going get busted with this one.

I don't think they'll actually go after the indiviual people.

More like whoever is running the tracker the torrent will be on...
Mna, this is all so ****ed up. If it a real demo ends up being released, that's just going to blow my mind. It'll be amazing, but surely full of bugs and viruses/trojans. I can't wait to player the game myself, but surely not gonna download this "beta"
Originally posted by Shuzer
That video was faked. Even if that disc he had was a burned DVD (keep in mind HL2 won't fit on a CD), there's no way a DVD could decompress and install 1.32GB worth of files in under a minute.. the install video was TOTALLY faked

This aint the complete full game most likley, but you can compress about 2.5gigs to 1.3ish. THeres probably alot of stuff missing(like sounds and shit like most warez games thats why there so small sometimes)
Originally posted by Shockwave
This aint the complete full game most likley, but you can compress about 2.5gigs to 1.3ish. THeres probably alot of stuff missing(like sounds and shit like most warez games thats why there so small sometimes)

My point is, even if it was 1.3gb compressed into an installer on a DVD-r, you couldn't uncompress and extract it from that DVD in under a minute
Originally posted by Jackl
I don't think they'll actually go after the indiviual people.

More like whoever is running the tracker the torrent will be on...

They cant go after the tracker owners, all they can do is give the host a warning and by that time it will be tuesday morning and it will be spread like wildfire. Tracker sites dont have the actuall files this is why nothing can be done against them other than pressure them to shut down. THe owner of the trackers usually state anything on this site is not a reflection of his doings but others.
Originally posted by Shuzer
My point is, even if it was 1.3gb compressed into an installer on a DVD-r, you couldn't uncompress and extract it from that DVD in under a minute

Bleh im not even paying attention to that video nor have i seen it, its obviously fake just from hearing about it.

I can extract 4 gigs though in 5-6 minutes off my dvd-r's that are full though
the install video is fake, the kid made the install in flash, if you want i can give you a link to download it.

but anyways he released a second video called hl2 ingame or some shit, and then he said "haha you got jewed, what now" so, yeah, its fake.
the link i posted?...Der its a well known link and they are talking to valve already..
Originally posted by Shockwave
Bleh im not even paying attention to that video nor have i seen it, its obviously fake just from hearing about it.

I can extract 4 gigs though in 5-6 minutes off my dvd-r's that are full though

I agree you can copy offa DVDs pretty quick, but I'm saying, if the installer handles unpacking and distributing files to the proper directories, then it can't be done that fast (Otherwise installing 1 CD games would take very little time)

Anyway, lol, what xtasy said (although I haven't seen the second video)
theres no beta its just a setup, cause people are gay like that
the video is fake but that doesn't mean the beta leak is fake. we'll find out in the coming days anyway.
Don't know much about bittorrent, but couldn't they find out the IP of the person who originally uploaded the .torrent to the tracker? At least that would let them go after the people who "originally" distribute it.
Either way this is what i think..

Someone(s) had access to valve for about 3 weeks...I doubt in that whole time they only got a 50-100meg file of the source in this period. Its really most likley the game is out there floating around but noone has the balls enough to actually leak it cause there is so much attention drawn to it right now. But we will see in 3hrs..(or 8 when i wake up for work and check:)
after having the source code proved stolen i wouldn't rule the beta out at all guys need to look at it from a non everything has a virus or trojan prespective. its just as possible this hacker fag got a hold of the resource files along with the source for all we know.
dear god i hope the models and art are place holders and not the real ones from valve.

then valve would be Really screwed.
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