So I tried some beer finally


Even better when you frost the glass for a bit in the freezer.

Ooo me wants a beer now.
Stop teasing me :(

I swore I wouldn't drink any until my exams are over (18th June).
I have one standing in front of me at the moment:

You can teach yourself to enjoy things, especially when it comes to food. I used to think this concept was ridiculous, but after teaching myself to like a lot of different foods that used to turn my stomach, I realise that it actually makes for some delicious consumption.

I don't drink beer though. It used to make me gag, but I can stomach it now at least. However, I still don't like it as a thirst quencher, and if I want to get drunk then there are cheaper ways.

The great thing about beer (and cider and wine too) is that you can travel all over the world, trying all the local brands. It's one of the few types of food or drink where that is still a "big" industry. Beer festivals happen quite frequently, and they usually have an amazing range.

Also I would recommend cider as an alternative to beer (I wish I could say mead, as it is truly delicious, but it's just not very popular. It's really simple to make yourself though). You can find some quite sweet, pleasant ciders that have that sparkly crystal appearance which goes down so well on a hot day. You may also find the really harsh gut-rot types which tide you over in the winter.

I'm actually more of a wine drinker myself. A nice medium strength red with a piece of 70% Cocoa chocolate. Delightful.
There's so much variety when it comes to alcoholic drinks, it's very easy imo for anyone to find something they'll like (whether it be a type of beer, wine, cider, wine cooler, vodka, etc.).
Had a few sips of Hoegaarden, tasted like throw up x10. Tried some other Belgian shit (Astro something or something). Tasted like throw up x5. How do you people drink this shit is beyond me. Never again. I'll keep my mind open on wine or other shit maybe. Though this stuff tasted almost exactly as it smelled and wine didn't smell all that different...

Finally, someone I can relate to. I'm 24, and I still have problems with Lager, Ale and Bitter.

Have you tried Cider? If all else fails, stick to Vodka
Drink absinthe. Much more soothing than "beer".


‘After the first glass of Absinthe you see things as you wish they were. After the second you see them as they are not. Finally, you see things as they really are, and that is the most horrible thing in the world’. - Oscar Wilde
Beer = shit

Liquor = good.

It's science.
Go drink Smirnoff Ice with your girlfriends.
Stella Artois, that's the other one. Like I said, same thing watered down. Also lol @ posts like ^
If you drink lager, make sure it it properly cooled. Warm lager tastes worse than piss. And make sure it's not American. You yanks are good at some things, but you catastrophically fail at making beer.
If you drink lager, make sure it it properly cooled. Warm lager tastes worse than piss. And make sure it's not American. You yanks are good at some things, but you catastrophically fail at making beer.
I used to think so. In fact I still pretty much think so. But the yanks have this quaint tendency to brew stuff with stupidly EXTREME amounts of hops in them, often creating some very tasty IPAs, Double IPAs and barleywines in the process - try Rogue 'Dead Guy' ale, or some of the aforementioned like Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA (I think I've also tried the 90 Minute and 120 Minute but can't remember the difference), or NH Existential Ale. All veeeery nice. You can also find the occasional delicious american porter or stout (like Old Leghumper porter or Old Rasputin Imp. Stout).

That said, no american brewer seems to be brewing english style ales worth a damn, instead mostly opting to go for bland amber/red ales that are instantly forgettable. I'd take a nice pint of Landlord over that shit any day.

So the entire populations of Italy and France are hipster fags. K.
Errmm... yes.
^I guess you're right, I've only tried the biggest American exports, and they left very much to be desired. It reminds me; a pub I used to go to about a year ago had "English night" a couple of times a month, where they would only serve English beer. Now, the idiotic owner had gotten the idea that the English served all their beer warm, including lagers, which meant that that too was served at room-temperature. I get chills just thinking about it. :x

But lately I tend to find beer too... simple. Everyone drinks it. Which is why I've started to replace it with whisky and to a lesser degree wine (white and rose mainly), because especially whisky is quite uncommon for people in my generation to like.
Have any of you tried moonshine? I don't drink it, nor will, but I'm just curious. 190 proof will get you killt drunk.

My Dad gave me a drink of beer once, and I spit it out. I can't stand bitter tastes, so I just don't think it's for me.

I was also forced to down a full shot of wine at my grandmas funeral and felt as though I would puke. I guess alcohol doesn't agree with me. I don't see what all the fuss is though. I see alcohol like any other drug. Moderation is fine, do it for enjoyment, but if you do it all the time, on a regular basis, or because you feel you need it... What you really need is some help.
I didn't like beer either when I first drank it, but now I like a glass from time to time. I don't see how I'd get addicted to it, because for me it's just a nice addition when I go out.
Moderation is fine, do it for enjoyment, but if you do it all the time, on a regular basis, or because you feel you need it... What you really need is to never run out of alcohol.
Alcohol always tastes bad at first. I can drink beer now, but it doesn't taste like anything to me really.

Champagne tastes like ginger ale. I could drink that stuff like crazy, but it's kind of a sissy drink.

Not much of a drinker. I only drink 2-3 beers when I'm out with friends and not driving.
Alcohol always tastes bad at first. I can drink beer now, but it doesn't taste like anything to me really.
It will grow on you.

And then you'll never be able to shake it off for the rest of your life :P
But lately I tend to find beer too... simple. Everyone drinks it. Which is why I've started to replace it with whisky and to a lesser degree wine (white and rose mainly), because especially whisky is quite uncommon for people in my generation to like.

That's why pretty much everyone in your generation drinks it. I see people do it all the time. I think whisky is good. But I never order one when im out. Damn expensive.
Yeah well. I guess saying everyone is to much. But still a lot of people. I see them at work. Personaly i think it's pretty cool. That's why I drink it :P
youre 20 and you "just" tried some beer... for the first ****ing time : O


I'm with the OP, somewhat.
I'm not a beer person at all, at most I'll drink it at a party and that's it.

I like my simple drinks like Disaronno mixed with coca cola, tastes awesome... like cherry coke, it's a personal favorite, only downside is that it'll get you smashed pretty quick, for me atleast.

I'm not a drink expert by any means, I usually just drink what I'm given... should always ask what's in it first though.
I don't really drink, but I tried this Pumpkin Ale once and it was quite fantastic.

And watching Diggnation makes me want to drink beer (not in a I want to get drunk way; I'm just interested in different tastes). Those Michelob Hop Hound and Honey Wheat beers look enticing.
You will never like beer the first time you try them. You have to sample all kinds, or just keep drinking it until you acquire the taste. Me? I really do hate the taste of the beer I usually drink, but when it costs me 50 cents a can, I call that cheap.

The good beer is just too damned expensive.
You will never like beer the first time you try them. You have to sample all kinds, or just keep drinking it until you acquire the taste. Me? I really do hate the taste of the beer I usually drink, but when it costs me 50 cents a can, I call that cheap.

The good beer is just too damned expensive.

See now this is the sort of mentality i will never understand. "Keep drinking until you acquire the taste", and why would I want to do that.
I personally have tried beer on various occasions, and it invariably tastes horrible. Therefore it's a waste of money.
As far as alcohol goes I rarely drink, but when I do, I go for red/white wine, vermouth or liquor.
See now this is the sort of mentality i will never understand. "Keep drinking until you acquire the taste", and why would I want to do that.
I didn't drink for a very long time, because I struggled with that question. Finally, I found a satisfying answer and I started drinking alcohol.

Unfortunately, the alcohol has destroyed the brain cells that stored the answer to the question, so I can't help you on your Quest.
See now this is the sort of mentality i will never understand. "Keep drinking until you acquire the taste", and why would I want to do that.

Yeah, I never understood that mentality either. I never had a problem with drinking beer for the first time, but that's just because I guess my taste buds enjoy bitter things (or maybe I use too much hot sauce on my food to notice how bitter beer is anymore). But there are certain beers I stay away from (IPAs for example - they're just too bitter for me) because I refuse to ruin my experience drinking by trying to force myself acquire a taste for that beer. Drink what you enjoy - doesn't matter what it is, imo.

I don't really drink, but I tried this Pumpkin Ale once and it was quite fantastic.

Yes, Pumpkin ales are awesome - which one did you try?
Meh, there are many things that are considered to be an "aquired taste", beer is just one of them.

As for the wonders of beer, if I'm out on the town (and not on the spirits) you'll probably find me drinking Desparados, a quiet night at the pub and I'll have a pint of ale or stout (ideally Nethergate Essex Border or Adnam's Broadside) in my hand and on a warm summer's day I'll be sipping at a chilled European lager.

Much better than wine, which I can palate but really don't appreciate.
See now this is the sort of mentality i will never understand. "Keep drinking until you acquire the taste", and why would I want to do that.
I personally have tried beer on various occasions, and it invariably tastes horrible. Therefore it's a waste of money.
As far as alcohol goes I rarely drink, but when I do, I go for red/white wine, vermouth or liquor.

Because it's true. If you really want to drink beer, you'll do it. WHY do you want to drink beer? Social status? Cheapness? Who cares. The fact remains, if you keep forcing yourself to drink beer, you'll acquire the taste. Am I telling you to drink beer and stop being a pussy? No.
As for the wonders of beer, if I'm out on the town (and not on the spirits) you'll probably find me drinking Desparados

Aaaah Desperados, normally quite expensive hence why I only drink them on monday nights when it is only a quid per bottle.

I'm currently drinking an ice cold San Miguel, not particularly one of my favourites but was on offer in the shop. Money always comes first :P