So, is everyone still playing World of Warcraft?


Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
I haven't been around lately, just curious.

It seems Battlefield 2 must be popular now...

I've been having so much fun with WoW...I have a 60 Warrior and a 51 Rogue now.

Here are some random screenshots I've taken over the past months.

Big battle in the arena.


Friend and I dragged a dragon into stuff.


About to hit 60!


Molten Core!


First Epic Drop in MC for me.


Core Hounds before Lucifron


Character Screen.


I'll post for later...
No offence, but that game looks hella dreary. I don't think I could play an RPG for that long.
Very nice!
I am switching between WOW and BF2. Can't put either down. =p

60 Dwarf Paladin
46 Gnome Warlock
39 Night Elf Rogue
20 Human Warrior This guy is up to Honored in Darnassus. Going for the Saber mount on the human. ;)

Warlock is master of PVE I tell ya, I can take down Elites up to 3 lvls higher than I. Paladin is awesome for dungeons and can't wait to see how the Warrior is. And once I get my mount on the Rogue, I'll be starting a lot of fights. :)

Reginald said:
No offence, but that game looks hella dreary.
Some of those shots are a bit dark but you should adjust your monitor. WoW is very colorful and vibrant for most of the game except the dark forests and dungeons.
Asus said:
Very nice!
I am switching between WOW and BF2. Can't put either down. =p

60 Dwarf Paladin
46 Gnome Warlock
39 Night Elf Rogue
20 Human Warrior This guy is up to Honored in Darnassus. Going for the Saber mount on the human. ;)

Warlock is master of PVE I tell ya, I can take down Elites up to 3 lvls higher than I. Paladin is awesome for dungeons and can't wait to see how the Warrior is. And once I get my mount on the Rogue, I'll be starting a lot of fights. :)

How long have you had the game?

If you reply with the answer I'm thinking, that's the exact reason I didn't get WoW and got EQ2. Before I bought one, I was going back and forth between EQ2 and WoW. People wern't happy in the EQ2 forums, WoW was boring, etc. Then I came across a thread where one post said something like this:

"I'm glad to see people take their time to get to Lv. 60. I mean, people who take 15 days don't know anything. But with you, it took you a good month. Good job."

Um, excuse me? The defenition of MMORPG is time-sink! A month to reach the maximum level is nothing!

lol @ people going "the dragon's a glitch!"
I've had the game since a couple weeks after it came out in the US. My brother also uses my account when I'm not playing. He was doing the beta and liked it.
I cancelled my account a couple months ago, just too repetitive... not MMORPG enough for me to pay monthly for.
it's more like Diablo online with cartoon graphics that you pay monthly for (my opinion, which means nothing so don't take offence)
Yup, still playing it :) (Patamon, Lvl 53 Tauren Warrior, Bladefist). Though it's been boring recently, because my guild just keeps getting smaller and smaller...we have 4 regulars right now, including me. >.< Been passing the time by playing a bunch of alts and getting a taste of each class. I have since come to the conclusion that Paladins are incredibly boring, and Warlocks are incredibly cool. :D
Paladins are very boring, but also probably the best PvE class in the game.

More screenshots!

new axe:


Which is much better than this for my warrior right now:


More to come....maybe...
WoW ain't my thang. Just not my type of game and it looks quite weird in my opinion but cool
I'm still loving WoW :)

At times it's hard to get over how diverse and creative the world is and how amazing it all looks. It certainly gets better the more you explore and shape your character, and as the instances become more challenging. (At level 58 i'm enjoying a great deal more than I was at level 20)

I couldn't play WoW on my own, but with mates there's few games that are as much fun to chill out with and chat over comms.

It'll cetainly be remembered as one of my favourite gaming experiences :)
stopped playing after about 2 weeks: it sucks.
Warbie said:
I couldn't play WoW on my own, but with mates there's few games that are as much fun to chill out with and chat over comms.

Warbie said:
At times it's hard to get over how diverse and creative the world is and how amazing it all looks. It certainly gets better the more you explore and shape your character, and as the instances become more challenging. (At level 58 i'm enjoying a great deal more than I was at level 20)
Totally disagree. At lvl 40 i was doing the exact same type of quests i was doing at level 11. Go here, fetch this, kill that, kill this guy, bring this back, go to this instance, kill this many, collect this many of that. Same thing for 5 days straight of play. Its ridiculous. The World of Warcraft itself is full of all these cool places but the quests are so damn repetitive and boring that i think the only reason people still play the game are because of the people they meet when playing it. If you quest solo it begins to get boring at lvl 11.
I agree to some extent - but the quests certainly do ge better the more you get into the game (my quest log is currently full, all 20 missions are either elite ones, or in dungeons - no 'collect x amount of y' here)

Very little of my time is spent looking for what seems like random items any more. Even the quests of this type that appear later now have far more relevance to what you're doing and the chain of quests they're in. But mostly, you're given more freedom as you hit the higher levels.

Up to 40 (it can be a nightmare without the stead) WoW can feel like you're penned in, herded into a few areas. You've hardly any flight paths and it takes an age to travel anywhere. By the time you hit 50 the game really opens up - and (imo) suddenly becomes so much more fun than it was before. I nearly gave up at level 35, annoyed with it all. Now i'm completely engrossed.

Instances now take teamwork and skill (it's not just a case of 'time put in' anymore). You've enough talent points to make experimenting with your build very worth while. (20g is a cheap price to pay to take my uber party healing priest who can't fight for shit, and turning him into the best pvp/duel class in the game) The whole experience really is more involving in every way (if only Blizzard had made it like this from the start)

//I better stop rambling - it's 4 am :/
I like WoW, but I prefer EQ2.

The thing that put me off the most about WoW was that it was too damn easy to level. There's no point in hitting your max level less than two months after the game comes out. Also, there's no depth or complexity to the tradeskill system. However, the pvp is great fun even if it is a bit gimpy sometimes....(damn you invisible people!!!)

One of the things that really drew me to EQ2 was the fact that it has lasting gameplay value... if that makes any sense to anyone. The game has been out since november, and I've been playing more than casual( but not hardcore), and i'm only a lvl 37 monk. The quests aren't all Kill & Collect, and they add to the storyline. Unfortunately there isn't yet any form of PvP, but that will be coming in the expansion.

anyway... nanjiroh @ Guk server
I just canceled my account 2 days ago, being a shaman is just not fun. They really need a better balance in the game between the main classes (healer/priest tank/warrior and dps/rogue/mage/warlock/hunter) a shaman fits nowhere in there but does all three pretty well, which means we are great for groups and small instances but in places like MC we are useless, completly useless. MC was all that I was doing since I had all the gear I wanted pretty much, with complete int gear I could get up to 6000 mana and I still felt useless as a heal bot in MC.
Anthraxxx said:
I like WoW, but I prefer EQ2.

The thing that put me off the most about WoW was that it was too damn easy to level. There's no point in hitting your max level less than two months after the game comes out. Also, there's no depth or complexity to the tradeskill system. However, the pvp is great fun even if it is a bit gimpy sometimes....(damn you invisible people!!!)

One of the things that really drew me to EQ2 was the fact that it has lasting gameplay value... if that makes any sense to anyone. The game has been out since november, and I've been playing more than casual( but not hardcore), and i'm only a lvl 37 monk. The quests aren't all Kill & Collect, and they add to the storyline. Unfortunately there isn't yet any form of PvP, but that will be coming in the expansion.

anyway... nanjiroh @ Guk server

The quests in WoW are storybased too, some of them go on for a long time with deeper storylines and npcs talking/fighting or whatever with each other.. So sorry but dont say somthing unless your sure of the facts :)

The EQ2 tradesystem I found so annoying, "Ok i want to make a small stick, to do that I need to spend hours apon hours looking for general things to make the small stick, even then when I do theres a chance I might not get a small stick, but a broken small stick" Thats not what I call fun.. but to each there own.
Burn said:
The quests in WoW are storybased too, some of them go on for a long time with deeper storylines and npcs talking/fighting or whatever with each other.. So sorry but dont say somthing unless your sure of the facts :)

The EQ2 tradesystem I found so annoying, "Ok i want to make a small stick, to do that I need to spend hours apon hours looking for general things to make the small stick, even then when I do theres a chance I might not get a small stick, but a broken small stick" Thats not what I call fun.. but to each there own.
I spent 6 hours gathering resources just so I could gather more resources in higher leveled areas :(
:( I never actually said that WoW didn't have quests that progressed the game's stoyrline. However, it could be inferred that way. Plus, I am sure of the facts because I play on my friends account, and I often watch him play. Most times he forgoes questing for pvp because many of the quests are too mundane and repetetive. Also, the key word in tradeskill is skill. Think about that.
Theres no skill in running around for hours on end getting tons of stuff to make one item at the end of it. That takes TIME, not SKILL. Im not saying the world of warcraft tradesystem is any different, just doesnt that as long to find stuff or make stuff.

I dont see how "I watched it over my friends shoulder" makes you an expert? For starters in EQ2 there are also "Go kill 10 of these" quests. Its silly saying quests are repeative, since EQ2's are the same, go kill this or that, go talk to this guy, etc etc.

On the topic of leveling, its very different from eq2 yes, theres alot more levels, and it takes ALOT longer in Eq2. Admitly if you soloy base on how long each game will last on there level cap, then yes, Eq2 will last longer. But Im an rper, alot of the time I just RP, I also enjoy Pvp, both of which get you no xp.. So Im still not at the cap, and when I am Im going to RP/pvp and collect better stuff. I also get very busy alot of days, Id rather log on and gain a level by doing afew hours questing, then log on and get..nothing, because it takes weeks to level up.

I think before commenting on world of warcraft you should play it for afew weeks to get a better opinion of it then somthing you based off what friends said, what you saw over his/her shoulder, or what you played on there account for afew days. I dunno..
Too bad I could never get into WoW :(. But It was either this or XBL... I had to make a tough decision people!
There's nothing to play on Xbox Live. Why did you get it? I got it for Halo 2 and i dont even play it
Sparta said:
There's nothing to play on Xbox Live. Why did you get it? I got it for Halo 2 and i dont even play it
Halo 2 - Yeah, that's pretty much the main reason :p. And yes, it is getting a little old (hopefully some of the new maps might freshen things up) I mainly just play because I'm good and all my friends like to get together and have huge online matches :). I do play other games (Forza being #1 lately) so I think overall it's just more worth it than WoW.
Datrix said:
Halo 2 - Yeah, that's pretty much the main reason :p. And yes, it is getting a little old (hopefully some of the new maps might freshen things up) I mainly just play because I'm good and all my friends like to get together and have huge online matches :). I do play other games (Forza being #1 lately) so I think overall it's just more worth it than WoW.
I dont know. WoW is alot more social then Halo 2, and i thought my time spent on WoW (3 months) was alot more fun then anything i did on Halo 2. That and i hate OptiMatch
Sparta said:
I dont know. WoW is alot more social then Halo 2, and i thought my time spent on WoW (3 months) was alot more fun then anything i did on Halo 2. That and i hate OptiMatch
Well Opti can be fun I you're l33t like me... ;) :p
I don't know... maybe things like WoW aren't my thing. Take Guild Wars for example (I know it's not comparable to WoW, but still) I played for all of two weeks before I became bored with it. It felt like a waste to buy it. :|

Oh, and there's nothing more social than being sworn at by a bunch of 12 year olds in H2 who think they're all that. :dozey:
Burn said:
Theres no skill in running around for hours on end getting tons of stuff to make one item at the end of it. That takes TIME, not SKILL. Im not saying the world of warcraft tradesystem is any different, just doesnt that as long to find stuff or make stuff.

I dont see how "I watched it over my friends shoulder" makes you an expert? For starters in EQ2 there are also "Go kill 10 of these" quests. Its silly saying quests are repeative, since EQ2's are the same, go kill this or that, go talk to this guy, etc etc.

On the topic of leveling, its very different from eq2 yes, theres alot more levels, and it takes ALOT longer in Eq2. Admitly if you soloy base on how long each game will last on there level cap, then yes, Eq2 will last longer. But Im an rper, alot of the time I just RP, I also enjoy Pvp, both of which get you no xp.. So Im still not at the cap, and when I am Im going to RP/pvp and collect better stuff. I also get very busy alot of days, Id rather log on and gain a level by doing afew hours questing, then log on and get..nothing, because it takes weeks to level up.

I think before commenting on world of warcraft you should play it for afew weeks to get a better opinion of it then somthing you based off what friends said, what you saw over his/her shoulder, or what you played on there account for afew days. I dunno..

That's correct. You don't know. You don't know that I didn't just merely play on my friends account for a couple days. You don't know I didn't just merely take his opinion and automatically assume what he said was the truth. You don't know that I am making MY OWN OPINIONS based on the 3 months of playing on my friends account. Who are you to assume that my OPINION is less valid than anybody else?

You're right when you say that EQ2 also has it's repetitive quests that consist of kill x and talk to y. Does that make YOU and expert on EQ2? What MMORPG have you played that has not included such repetitive tasks? It is only to be expected that some of these quests will consist of killing set number of x and talking to NPC y. One of the elements of MMORPG's is questing to gain loot and experience, which brings me to to topic of leveling.

You're right when you say that soloing to the max level will take longer in EQ2 than it does in WoW. While you may enjoy RP'ing and WoW's excellent PVP combat, I also enjoy harvesting and working on my tradeskills in EQ2. So like you, there are time when I log on and I end up gaining zero adventure and questing experience.

As of recently, I've started working on my tradeskilling. I had been slacking off on my tradeskilling in exchange for collecting harvestable items to sell on the market. And you're right. Harvesting does take TIME. However, this is where tradeskills come into play. Instead of hitting "create" and letting the game do it's thing, I actually have to be paying attention. I have to use the right tradeskill SKILLS to counteract any backlash during the creation process. These SKILLS are the difference between creating a "small stick" and a "broken small stick." Those SKILLS are the difference between creating crude leather shoes which would only be good for selling to an NPC merchant, and pristine imbued leather shoes, which could fetch a good price on the market. It's those SKILLS which, in my OPINION, I found to be lacking from WoW's tradeskill system.

I think before commenting on wether or not my OPINIONS are valid or not, you should realize that you are posting on an internet forum where discussion is based on opinion and conjecture.
I think you should realise that a large part of discussion is disagreement. That's what keeps things interesting.

On topic however, I plan on purchasing WoW quite soon.
I'm debating whether or not i should return to World of Warcraft. I've got money now to do so, and i really really want to get my mount. But i just dont know if i can be stuffed putting in that much time into a game again.

I just started playing and I'm on the Aggromar server. My dude's name is Caldwell.
Sparta said:
I'm debating whether or not i should return to World of Warcraft. I've got money now to do so, and i really really want to get my mount. But i just dont know if i can be stuffed putting in that much time into a game again.

WoW certainly takes a massive amount of time, but is worth it it if you have some friends who are up for playing the game with you. I wouldn't bother if my mates weren't playing.

Weirdly enough, we all live 20 mins from each other, but have spent far more time over the last 4 months playing WoW together than going out. It's a little sad when you think about it - but also a sign that WoW can be bloody good fun :)

The most common complaint about Warcraft seems to be the basic collecting missions, which have never actually bothered me. Spending hours looking for one enemy and killing them over and over becomes a chore. Instead, if you have a quest to kill 20 spiders then kill a spider when you happen to go past one - not spend an hour slowly boring yourself to death. (the game is structured in such a way that you'll end up exploring each area thoroughly, and will pass all the creatures/items you may need while doing other, more interesting quests) imo the trick is to keep your quest log as full as possible, with lots of missions in a few areas. Keep exploring and doing quests as the opportunity arrives. It certainly shouldn't feel like hard work.
Cancelled my account a few weeks ago, just go too repetative.

Not enough solo content either
Im still something of a newb but I absolutely love this game. I just hit level 40 with my NE Hunter and after buying all my new skills I am only 15 gold off from getting my mount. :D
my priest is low lvl 50 and i'm having the most fun i've ever had playing the game, I just love this game so much! :-D!! pst me if your on hellscream my name is : Axaron

i'm a Night Elf Priest... screenies coming soon

hes progressed much since these screenies but these are kinda pretteh, anyways here they are! ;)
I was recently bored of WoW myself, but now im falling back into it and started up an Undead warrior. My level 60 gnome mage is awsome but i need a change.... and ill acually be able to take some hits.
My other characters are:
60 mage
30 rogue
27 shaman
26 hunter
(had a lvl 14 warlock but deleted him)

And now ill be getting my warrior to 60 :)

...end game warriors are pimp.
Anthraxxx said:
That's correct. You don't know. You don't know that I didn't just merely play on my friends account for a couple days. You don't know I didn't just merely take his opinion and automatically assume what he said was the truth. You don't know that I am making MY OWN OPINIONS based on the 3 months of playing on my friends account. Who are you to assume that my OPINION is less valid than anybody else?

You're right when you say that EQ2 also has it's repetitive quests that consist of kill x and talk to y. Does that make YOU and expert on EQ2? What MMORPG have you played that has not included such repetitive tasks? It is only to be expected that some of these quests will consist of killing set number of x and talking to NPC y. One of the elements of MMORPG's is questing to gain loot and experience, which brings me to to topic of leveling.

You're right when you say that soloing to the max level will take longer in EQ2 than it does in WoW. While you may enjoy RP'ing and WoW's excellent PVP combat, I also enjoy harvesting and working on my tradeskills in EQ2. So like you, there are time when I log on and I end up gaining zero adventure and questing experience.

As of recently, I've started working on my tradeskilling. I had been slacking off on my tradeskilling in exchange for collecting harvestable items to sell on the market. And you're right. Harvesting does take TIME. However, this is where tradeskills come into play. Instead of hitting "create" and letting the game do it's thing, I actually have to be paying attention. I have to use the right tradeskill SKILLS to counteract any backlash during the creation process. These SKILLS are the difference between creating a "small stick" and a "broken small stick." Those SKILLS are the difference between creating crude leather shoes which would only be good for selling to an NPC merchant, and pristine imbued leather shoes, which could fetch a good price on the market. It's those SKILLS which, in my OPINION, I found to be lacking from WoW's tradeskill system.

I think before commenting on wether or not my OPINIONS are valid or not, you should realize that you are posting on an internet forum where discussion is based on opinion and conjecture.

You misunderstood me, I was basing it on the fact you never played wow, or at least not much, as all you said before was you saw your friend play. My mistake and one anyone could of made.

I dont see how you said first off that the quests are boring, lacks storyline etc in WoW, when afew posts later you say every mmorpg (And dont patronise me, Ive played every mmorpg apart from afew koren ones to date) have kill x and y quests with little story behind them... But I know WoW has alot of storyline quests just like Eq2 does (Allthough Ive not go that far into Eq2), so what you say about WoW questing is kinda void, since every mmorpg has stuff like that.

As I didnt find EQ2s tradeskills interesting, I cant say they would hold my interest (Hence why I enjoy rping and pvping on WoW, rather then doing nothing on eq2 :p) Well I wont comment on the tradeskills anymore, as chances are you got much father then me doing them, I have owned the EU verson of Eq2 but didnt get overly far in it, unlike WoW which I played since it came out and consider myself an expert.

Dont want to fight about whos right, I never once said your opinion was wrong, I said its wrong to base it off somthing as silly as watching your friend play etc etc, which you have corrected me in saying you DID play it, so Im not going to diss your opinion. So dont start a flame war or anything with me.. Im not out to change an opinion or to start flaming people.
I love my WoW character... grinding isn't great, but it's so gratifying to get cool stuff for a character you've had for months. No SP game comes close to that element.
I wish the game had more variety though, maybe even a few instances with fancy scripted sequences. And more puzzles. Games need more puzzles damnit!