So is the medic supposed to be a Nazi?

I think he may be a parody of Josef Mengele (or a similar doctor) myself. The nazism kinda comes as a bi-product in that theory...
I think of him as just German. I see no other reason to think he is supposed to be Nazi.
Well the nazis did have sadistic doctors that did some ****ed up shit. And the medic does kill and shit. But no swastika = no nazi
german people are not nazis u idiot..
and I am talking as one who really hate nazis (I am from israel)
Other than a vague stereotype of all germans being nazis, and all indiscriminate doctors being of nazi ilk, and the fact that he's got a german accent, not really.
Well the nazis did have sadistic doctors that did some ****ed up shit. And the medic does kill and shit. But no swastika = no nazi

It's there, you just gotta squint...and make believe...

Really, I always thought he was a version of that doctor, just removed the nazi shit so people didn't get pissed.
I don't think he is nazi. As some had already said, he is just german; but that doesn't mean he HAS to be nazi. The thing is that nazis used to do all kinds of genetical experiments and so the image of a sadistic doctor, resembles them
He's just really really curious.
He's just really really curious.

It's possible he got involved with some nazis when he was young because he thought they were cool, and he really believed that he hated other races, but it turned out he just really liked to cut and prick people with needles. And then that joyous day came when he realized he didn't need national socialism for that! He could stab and cut and sew and sterilize and drain and fill and poke and squeeze people of all colours and beliefs!
I don't presume the Medic to be a Nazi. Being descended from a German line myself, my grandfather told me that they needed certain....requirements in order to join the group of even Hitler's own Schutzstaffel. As seeing how crazy and psychotic our beloved Doktor can be, all I can say is that he was probably barred from joining.

Is he instantly a Nazi because he is German...

I've always imagined the medic to be a stereotype of the classic Nazi Doktor, although clearly exaggerated to ridiculousness and castrated of all offensive references. So I'll keep pretending he's one. It somehow makes the experience more delicious.

Also, because it seems relevant.


I'm sticking with my idea. :)
Well, why did Valve choose to make their medic German? Not too mention a rather sadistic unethical medic at that? There really seems to be no other reason to make the medic a German other than to reference the nazi doctors. But only in his sadism and practices, not ideology.
It obviously plays on certain negative stereotypes about Germans. His uniform has some similarities to a German military uniform from WW2.
He is. Your political correctness is useless.

Hence his quote: "I'm zhe Ubermensch!" - (I'm the superior man)
It is certainly reference to the Nazi eugenics program.
^He is probably neo-nazi.

I was about to post the trading card, too!

Also, to all the politically correct pricks, YES, being a German psychotic DOES hint that he could be somehow be a Nazi. But lets face it: EVERYONE in TF2 is a horrible stereotype.

The Spy is a Backstabbing French bastard.

The Sniper is an Australian assassin.

The Heavy is a brainless, buff... I am not sure exactly what he is, but it is a stereotype.

The Demoman...whoa. He is a Black Scottish Cyclops with a Drinking Problem.

The Scout is an arrogant Yankee.

The Soldier is a yelling, dim-wit, soldier.

The Engineer is a Texan good-ol-boy who knows his mechanics.

And this leaves me at the Pyro. My theory for her is that, being a woman, she is always getting to kill the other men.

We are also ignoring other things, like the heavy/medic relationship.
Why is it that the moment you have a fictional character so much as talking in a German accent, he's going to be prejudged by half the audience to be a Nazi...

Even if it was Valve's intention to have him give off that sort of vibe (which I think it was)
If the medic is a Nazi, I'm so playing him from now on.

Also, when did we come to the assumption that the Pyro is a female? I still think he's a guy.
I never really thought the OP was racist or anything I just wanted this guy:
That is not racist, do you even know what racism is?
to know he is an idiot.

Oh ****, I'm trolling.
If the medic is a Nazi, I'm so playing him from now on.

Also, when did we come to the assumption that the Pyro is a female? I still think he's a guy.

The dominant paradigm has slowly shifted for the last couple of months.