So it's a hoax, let's get over it and WORK ON THE SECOND TEST!!

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Norwegian...Scream...Valve...Ah ha! I got it! Valve stole the Scream and are now trying to see how long does it take from us to figure it out :rolleyes:

...nah. :o
MrMethane said:
I interpret that to mean that it is rubbish. It would be interesting to find someone who knows how to read Persian though.

Well we could just foucus on the Norwiegen and persian...

Were on the right track now!
Danimal said:
Well we could just foucus on the Norwiegen and persian...

Were on the right track now!
I think Urdu uses Arabic letters too.
You don't need an Urdu employee to write a few letters on a board. Any Urdu person would suffice.
There are Arabic writings on the walls in CS:S. Who do you think wrote them?
in odessa they speak russian and chechen. chechen is sometimes writen in arabic charecters.

anyway, Dhabih's name is on the white board .. is there a reason for it?
Where did you get this info?

According to the CIA factbook, the languages spoken in Ukraine, where Odessa is located, are: Ukrainian, Russian, Romanian, Polish, Hungarian
um, i forget. it was based on some research i did on the first night.

i think that when odessa was captured in ww2 chechen rebels helped.

remember 2 things. 1.the CIA factbook isn't comprehensive or even very specific. 2. i may be completely wrong
Yeah but Chechnyan, which is the language he said can use Arabic letters, isn't one of the languages used there (again, according to the CIA, which may be wrong)
i think that when odessa was captured in ww2 chechen rebels helped.

Chechen rebels didn't exist in ww2. But yes the CIA factbook is almost as innaccurate as a Microsoft publication.
Tiddalick said:

Using ((nova // prospekt)) as ((username // password)) works on the original site!

I swear this didn't a day ago...but it lets you through now. Is it possible that valve wasn't expecting us to solve it so quickly and so didn't get the next test page ready?

One can wonder..

I tried it a few days ago, and it didn't work. Hmm...
Maybe you're right!
They've updated the user/pass but forgot to update the page, so that it'll say something about the second test....
hasan said:
There is an arabic writing on the whiteboard
in the bottom right corner.

the writing itself doesn't have any meaning in arabic, unless it's been cut by the picture borders, which is very possible.

I tried to explain them a bit,

the "th" letter I talked about is as in "thing" not as in "the".

The first word reads "kren" or "karen" or "gren" .. (there is no 'g' in arabic, so 'k' is sometimes used instead). none of them means anything in arabic.
The second word can't even be read .. but it could be 'dasah' or something .. but I doubt it.

P.S. It doesn't seem like someone just messed up and came up with these letters, you can't do that without being caught, each letter has several forms depending on its position in the word. for example, the scribble on the flag seen on de_dust in the CS:S beta is just nonesense.
Where as the writings on the walls do make some sense (what of them says "CS Source itself!")

Anyone tried entering the above as a user/pass thing?
ManiacB said:
They've updated the user/pass but forgot to update the page, so that it'll say something about the second test....

i would find that VERY unlikely. they must have known that as soon as the preload was started, people would be digging around inside. i also think that valve would never make things so simple as just 'find a new login/pass and use it on the old site'.
Danimal said:

When someone was messing with the Gman pic from The first test...

They found this

<another update>
you go 'view sorce' on the first test page... and it comes up with
Why does it come up with a Warcraft page?

It's not a Warcraft page...

This is the HTML 4.01 Transitional DTD, which includes
presentation attributes and elements that W3C expects to phase out as support for style sheets matures...

W3 - is not Warcraft (3)!
It's the World Wide Web Consortium...
(enter ..)
japher said:
i would find that VERY unlikely. they must have known that as soon as the preload was started, people would be digging around inside. i also think that valve would never make things so simple as just 'find a new login/pass and use it on the old site'.

So how do you explain the fact that the user/pass works there now?

I think that it is very wierd...

I think what we have todo is figure out the user/pass, then when test 3 comes along test 2 user/pass will work
azz0r said:

I think what we have todo is figure out the user/pass, then when test 3 comes along test 2 user/pass will work

Entering in User : Nova and Password : prospekt allows you to see that .gif btw.

Whats with the Arabic, persian ? somebody give me an update :)

do we know anything about this yet?

i know rocksockm is a level designer for Quake?
It's curious that someone talked about Warcraft III. In the Second Whiteboard we can see some kind of elf with a bandage on his eyes. That's seems Illydan Stormrage from Warcraft III and Frozen Throne games.
Wraith said:
it may just be because im on a school computer, but when you highlight that image, some crazy shit happens
It's probably because you're on a school computer, I don't see anything.
What do you see then?
Think its just your comp. Some schools put plugins in so you can't highlight certain things it thinks are copyrighted. The image may just set of that protocol.
i think its the computer, but when i highlight it, i see like.. i dont know how to explain it, there are bands of darker blue runnig across it left to right. maybe someone hsould open up this gif file and see if its aniumated with a subliminal or something i dont know
When you use Nova/prospekt as the name and pass to

Then when you use view source like before. Did it allways have these lines of text in it ? I don't remember.

<meta name="description" content="Gman">
<meta name="keywords" content="congratulations, cleverness, illicit, snapshots">
<LINK type="text/css" href="gman.css">

What are all those key words for "congratulations, cleverness, illicit, snapshots" I don't understand why they are there. It's prolly really old right? Then why does the other pass work now and it didn't before?
Wraith said:
i think its the computer, but when i highlight it, i see like.. i dont know how to explain it, there are bands of darker blue runnig across it left to right. maybe someone hsould open up this gif file and see if its aniumated with a subliminal or something i dont know

It's nothing....just the ASCII bird in the source code. :|

This is leading nowhere. People are bringing up things already discussed. :(
ManiacB said:
So how do you explain the fact that the user/pass works there now?

I think that it is very wierd...

The reason to allow access with (nova/prospekt) to this directory is that there will be another file/subdirectory within the /secret/pwned/ directory that is only accessable with (nova/prospekt.) I believe we have the user/pass, we just need to find the right URL to hit within that directory.
Chadjones12 said:
The reason to allow access with (nova/prospekt) to this directory is that there will be another file/subdirectory within the /secret/pwned/ directory that is only accessable with (nova/prospekt.) I believe we have the user/pass, we just need to find the right URL to hit within that directory.

I've never heard of this before...
Use both passwords for the root dir (in this case pwn3d)?
I don't think that makes sense, but if you are right, that might be a clue from the staff - since this one didn't work before...

Anyone checked that thing?
It shows the all the numbers from 1 through 15: 1,2,3,4,...,15

Viewing the source show it's a plain txt file, even not an html...
ManiacB said:
I think it's nothing - they just cut off the picture, to make the thumb smaller..

Thing is as far as i know modifying the embeded thumbnail is something hard to do for the simple purpose, they wouldnt have done it to take off a KB or so. Maybe its a Photoshop bug, because I know they have problems with updating the thumbnails ie you can crop a file and the thumbnail shows the original file.

And i dont think the /test/ directory is anything to do with this or any other test, as i think its been there for a long time. for a brief 30 mins on it did show that 1-15. I think its just for testing passworded directories.

I just hope we can crack this test before we get bored :D
the numbers 1-15 mean nothing... if you try any directory that doesnt exist it will just come out with those numbers
Why won't we mail Gabe and ask him for a clue \ whether the test is currently solvable?
(I know this has already been done, but the mail was sent to someone who - it seems - didn't have a clue about the test...)
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