So it's a hoax, let's get over it and WORK ON THE SECOND TEST!!

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i noticed that a while ago, i just can't figure out what it goes with
Chris_D said:
Just a simple one to search for http:// or www. or .com etc. would do.

Not to mention that the difficult part would probably be programming it to look only inside the files rather than the file names. But I don't know bugger all about these kinds of things so meh.
I've already done this actually. I've looked for the following strings:



If you want I could try looking for other strings. Someone just give me a list of strings and I'll give it a try.
spitcodfry said:
I dunno...brick1.tga might soil the experience for me.

There are bricks in HL2?!?! Thanks for spoiling the game for me now. I can't buy it anymore. ;(
Well, i'm new to the puzzle thing but decided to take a crack at it, and after examination of this white board: I saww that there is an old Gordon Freeman who is saying "..." in morse code, that is "s"

An obvious meaning for "sold" then there is a bunch of other things and then alot of things having to do with time, obviously theres alot to go but my theory is, the board is one of those pictoglyphs (?) or egyptian writing things....I don't know if this has been posted before but it wasn't specifically in the "already used" thing in the sticky so I decided to post.

Good luck
are you talking about the scroll? actually in chinese, the first two symbols put together mean "entrance to" and the last symbol is obviously the HL2 symbol.

cheeze said:
are you talking about the scroll? actually in chinese, the first two symbols put together mean "entrance to" and the last symbol is obviously the HL2 symbol.


Any picture on the board....including the very first one that looks a bit like 6o9 confined in a close space :/
uhh, isn't that the leaked script?

I didn't read it for fear of spoilers, but that is what it seemed to be...a warning would be nice for others i think, if it is indeed the script.
it obviously has something happening in the future. an old gordon, an old grim reeper with the name Alyx next to it (which could signify her death or something)
well i doubt it was valves intent to give us spoilers (as that in fact is a spoiler)
Yes it was the leaked script. Please don't post that here.
Here's an update on other searched strings:



Doesn't really help much. Any other suggested search strings?
Linoleum said:
well i doubt it was valves intent to give us spoilers (as that in fact is a spoiler)

you didn't notice that the HL symbol was backwards on the clock?

the purple writing...HI jake...blah, blah, lots of work to do ....
the scroll earlier identified as the entrace to HL2...the ghosts and the robber under the scroll....dumb bastids...

THEY WANT YOU TO HACK THE GAME....Steam is all about not being able to hack it...

is the URL....
the whiteboard is a message out to someone, most definately..not important to us, per se, but i think it's a message for help...
with the "rocksockm" &
"3**d gman intro?"
"D g-man denouement"

i think they have issues....
the url could be access to the issue @ hand...i don't think it is really a test.
the first test was a test to see how long it would take someone to hack into HL2....and find something....everything else are breadcrumbs leading away from the "lit path"...
how do you view VTF and VMT files from the GCF? someone help me please.
Wraith said:
how do you view VTF and VMT files from the GCF? someone help me please.
well doing so would bring to illegal stuff like the stolen build comes with worldcraft 3.x which you can open vtf and vmt files (there texture files usually)
wbcheater said:
well doing so would bring to illegal stuff like the stolen build comes with worldcraft 3.x which you can open vtf and vmt files (there texture files usually)

oh. damn :(

i just wanted to see some of the textures form hl2 haha :-/

i guess i can wait another month :-D
cadaveca said:
you didn't notice that the HL symbol was backwards on the clock?

the purple writing...HI jake...blah, blah, lots of work to do ....
the scroll earlier identified as the entrace to HL2...the ghosts and the robber under the scroll....dumb bastids...

THEY WANT YOU TO HACK THE GAME....Steam is all about not being able to hack it...

is the URL....
the whiteboard is a message out to someone, most definately..not important to us, per se, but i think it's a message for help...

maybe, its to U!!!1!!!11

no, really
waldo posted something really wierd at

"I've got 2 "lap dogs" (pugs) myself. They like sitting in a lap. They get petted and such. And if they don't like it, they hop down. So I suppose they are "lap dogs with free will". Best kind! :^)"

what could that mean^
Their called lap dogs because they lay on his lap... but they have a free will because they lept off on their own

that and he's completely insane
Wraith said:
how do you view VTF and VMT files from the GCF? someone help me please.

just extract all the files you want out of the HL2 cache using GCFscape, and open it up using Warcraft x.x version though you would possibly spoiling some stuff for yourself.

WB"Cheater" has no idea what hes talking about, if they were able to use the HL2 cache with the stolen build, it would have already been done.
cadaveca said:
you didn't notice that the HL symbol was backwards on the clock?

the purple writing...HI jake...blah, blah, lots of work to do ....
the scroll earlier identified as the entrace to HL2...the ghosts and the robber under the scroll....dumb bastids...

THEY WANT YOU TO HACK THE GAME....Steam is all about not being able to hack it...

is the URL....
the whiteboard is a message out to someone, most definately..not important to us, per se, but i think it's a message for help...
with the "rocksockm" &
"3**d gman intro?"
"D g-man denouement"

i think they have issues....
the url could be access to the issue @ hand...i don't think it is really a test.
the first test was a test to see how long it would take someone to hack into HL2....and find something....everything else are breadcrumbs leading away from the "lit path"...

GOOD IDEA. That's thinkning outside the box...I like the way you think. I bet the next clue is in the textures we can't open. If we could we would finish the test and it would be everywhere.

If we can't open encrypted textures they will unlock them in the full pre-load of HL2. Nice.
So - I've got 2 "lap dogs" (pugs) myself. They like sitting in a lap. They get petted and such. And if they don't like it, they hop down. So I suppose they are "lap dogs with free will". Best kind! :^)

Does this have anything to do with DOG... alyx's mechanical pet thing?
aeroripper said:
So - I've got 2 "lap dogs" (pugs) myself. They like sitting in a lap. They get petted and such. And if they don't like it, they hop down. So I suppose they are "lap dogs with free will". Best kind! :^)

Does this have anything to do with DOG... alyx's mechanical pet thing?

i love how you quoted something totally irrelevant from a moderator on steam powered replying to a thread posted by some idiot complaining about steam making the puzzle too hard....was that you? lol, it was that guy... other there... look *runs away

EDIT: someone should e-mail valve to throw us a bone a little... none of this makes a lot of sense
The dog thing sounds like a metaphor for "good" HL2 fans.
They adore their provider and they get treated nice.
If they don't like the treatment, they can ignore the provider (valve) and leave valve alone.

The dog doesn't bite and snarl at the owner, the dog just leaves. The owner isn't forcing the dog to be there, the dog decides whether to put up with it or not bother.

valve = them :D
wonkers said:
GOOD IDEA. That's thinkning outside the box...I like the way you think. I bet the next clue is in the textures we can't open. If we could we would finish the test and it would be everywhere.

If we can't open encrypted textures they will unlock them in the full pre-load of HL2. Nice.

Yeah. think about it
last time they got hacked it was delayed a year. Thankfully Dx9 came out, so they had the opertunity do to a major rewerite and make things better....remember that it was Sept 21'st it was supposed to be out LAST YEAR....uhh..they said it would be delayed a year...

all ya'all should just give up, be patient, and wait the probably 3 weeks now that it will be released. AFAIK, SDK's are available Sept 18th...which tells me the game IS done...the rest of it all has been anti-hacking/cracking measures, like STEAM...because somebody always ruins the party.

I'd do the same thing if it was my personal money invested in this...and i would do the exact same thing that has been going on, making sure that my investment was rock solid. Both in the gaming experience, and in people NOT BEING ABLE TO SCREW ME OUT OF MY MONEY.

Go ahead, answer the second "test"...test of their security measures. It's why we all only have part of the game...the actual essentials to start the game reside in STEAM, and ya'all gotta turn that off to get inside. Go ahead and break the code...just don't be surprised when the game gets delayed agin.
Orange said:
The dog thing sounds like a metaphor for "good" HL2 fans.
They adore their provider and they get treated nice.
If they don't like the treatment, they can ignore the provider (valve) and leave valve alone.

The dog doesn't bite and snarl at the owner, the dog just leaves. The owner isn't forcing the dog to be there, the dog decides whether to put up with it or not bother.

valve = them :D

the dog is steam...the "watchdog"...

"yeah, i gota couple of lapdogs(security measures)....."

i'm sorry if my posts are rude...but really people...the things that you are doing are kinda illegal in some reagrd don't ya think...and then ya openly post it in a forum...
i want my game, and the way I personally see things..i'm never gonna get it.
The first and second test HAVE to be related i'm thinking...

Because when you go to

and enter

user: nova
password: prospekt

It brings up the same message from the first test, but, view the source and there was the pic of the ascII bird right? Well on the whiteboard on schmoozy's visit to valve where he told him to take a pic of the whiteboard there's another bird on there on the clock

so maybe there is a link there

or not... just throwing out ideas
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