So it's a hoax, let's get over it and WORK ON THE SECOND TEST!!

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Not open for further replies. isn't Valve Software.

But that .xls file appears to be password protected too.

was not there about 45 minutes ago.......
weird stuff i say...
just did a whois, that isn't valve software. It's registered to some company called ValveNET, inc. in Texas.
it was prolly already mentioned, but on the original test page, user/pw also works as nova/prospekt

Gorgon said:
Did any one notice that there is a link to this site : inside the picture.

perhaps it's got nothing to do with that site, just the date of their next event that is important ? (gold on 30th sept, release around 17-22 october?, or perhaps i just need some sleep :rolling: )

68th IEC General Meeting
Seoul, Republic of Korea
2004 October 17-22

only time will tell ....
Miculus said:
it was prolly already mentioned, but on the original test page, user/pw also works as nova/prospekt


Possibly a clue that nova proskpekt has nothing to do with the second test.

Could be wrong.
Rodger Pinkerton said:
D_tunisia aka Dave from ValveFans, you're really not giving your website a brilliant reputation.

You've consistently broken our requests for you to stop advertising your site. The site originally opened using our exact same colour scheme. You keep re-registering here ban after ban after ban.

We're all for new communities to come in - more variety is great, but you've really started to piss us off now. The hilarious thing is if you'd have sent us an e-mail from the start, explaining you're a new site, asking if we'd post a news post, have your link in our affiliates section and have a post on the forum somewhere - we'd have done it for you. But now not only have you shown yourself to not even have the courtesy to ask, but we're also gonna have to resort to IP banning you so you can't come back!

Well done.
lol sry deda something if you were sarcastic, I didnt see the updates, I think the guy above posted while I was writing.
Chris_D said:
D_tunisia aka Dave from ValveFans, you're really not giving your website a brilliant reputation.

You've consistently broken our requests for you to stop

I'm sorry I don't understand, are you saying you're not interested in the new information we have found out?

Also I haven't had any requests to ask me to stop posting anything.
did anybody figure out the answer to the second test(if u didnt please dont flame me)
After doing some tests in photoshop, it looks like the breen/gman pic is fake.
Cool, but alas, it doesn't help us solve the test ;(
Chris_D said:
Cool, but alas, it doesn't help us solve the test ;(

no, however he will make a great avatar

edit - rofl to li'l billy chris_d
spitcodfry said:
This Rodger guy seems like quite the douche.

Yeah big time. First he goes under a different name other than D_Tunisia, then he creates his website trying to say that it was VALVe's own fan website, then trying to say that there was this really cool email that would come along with it, yet when anyone asked what it was he said he deleted it. Eventually I figured out that it was D_Tunisia. That was the first time he tried advertising his website, he's tried like a total of 10 times to advertise his website, one of them going into the chatrooms and spreading rumors about finding the secondtest by emailing someone at his website.

Oh yeah butcher I wasn't being sarcastic, that was the first time I noticed it.
Cool, I thought you were flaming me as so many jackasses do lol :)
B.Calhoun said:
that pic looks like a wolf to me johnnyapps.....
It could also be a bunny rabbit wearing a hat.
I know it's off topic, but it's still a bit related to all this test thing.
A few months ago I found this, and found it quite entertainting, still not as hard as this hl2 puzzles.

Just to change your mind if you are pissed because you cant find anything, well there you will at least pass lvl 1-2 :p
It gets harder by the end :)
I'm positive the answer is in the gcf on this one, but for some reason my gcfextractor won't open it, so it's up to you guys :(
xlokix said:
I'm positive the answer is in the gcf on this one, but for some reason my gcfextractor won't open it, so it's up to you guys :(

You need GCF Scape to open it.

Just thought of an idea, can someone make a simple yet advance search program that will just search through the entire cache for only clusters of alphabet? I mean to just search for the 26 alphabet letters if they are in clusters, just a easy way to filter out all the foreign characters to find anything good.
Dedatorv said:
You need GCF Scape to open it.

Just thought of an idea, can someone make a simple yet advance search program that will just search through the entire cache for only clusters of alphabet? I mean to just search for the 26 alphabet letters if they are in clusters, just a easy way to filter out all the foreign characters to find anything good.

Wouldn't this be encouraging spoilers?
spitcodfry said:
Wouldn't this be encouraging spoilers?

Well theres hardly any spoilers inside the cache, and the only reason to use the search program is to find the finaly portion of the link we need.
Dedatorv said:
You need GCF Scape to open it.

Just thought of an idea, can someone make a simple yet advance search program that will just search through the entire cache for only clusters of alphabet? I mean to just search for the 26 alphabet letters if they are in clusters, just a easy way to filter out all the foreign characters to find anything good.
Just a simple one to search for http:// or www. or .com etc. would do.

Not to mention that the difficult part would probably be programming it to look only inside the files rather than the file names. But I don't know bugger all about these kinds of things so meh.
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