So it's a hoax, let's get over it and WORK ON THE SECOND TEST!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter CoreyGH
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muka3d said:
That whole URL is all crap. You can type whatever you want, as Chris_D noted above, and it asks for a password. Valve is probably just testing something, something to do with passwords and made up directories...

It does that with the first test URL as well. You can type :<what ever you want>

and it'll still ask for the password.
Maybe the username is here at, i found an acount called NovaH, it has no posts but i havent tryed logging on to it yet, some people might want to try to get into it with the password.
Immortal said:
Maybe the username is here at, i found an acount called NovaH, it has no posts but i havent tryed logging on to it yet, some people might want to try to get into it with the password.

This made me laugh. :laugh:

The account was registered last year, I doubt it has anything to do with this.
Im lost about these tests, and secrets? Sounds like a bunch of fans gone insane to me. Valve got you chasing your tails? Someone fill me in here.

ps: no offense to any of you who have dedicated more than 5 hours to these "tests"
No, we don't need a password cracker since we have the user/pass already, we need a PLACE to put those in! :P
Whats the chance of us figuring it out...its like finding a needle in a bunch of hay. Though I looked up Prospekt Novaya in Russian and it was basicly a bunch of pics and stuff and description of Oddesa.
Has anybody thought that maybe the picture was going to be included in some sort of odd website, and only later are we supposed to figure out about the SECOND TEST. It is by really strange odds that the original poster discovered it at all. I mean a jpg hidden in a preload file that you have to open with a program the valve is trying to make obsolete?
Is this test only for half or all sites and what not.
i think it belongs to whoever solves it :) but the last one was just for us.
I really can't read this entire thread sorry. So has any progress been made on this "test" since page 1? You don't have to go into specifics, just say "yes" or "no."
Sign up for my theory that people have solved it and have got a "if you are reading this well done, dont tell anyone else" message. Notice how this thread is practically dead and the forum is quiet. Can't check the IRC channel so maybe most are there.
mortiz said:
It does that with the first test URL as well. You can type :<what ever you want>

and it'll still ask for the password.

I think the reason for that is:
When you are accessing that <what ever you want> directory, you first have to pass all of the access restrictions on the father directories. In this case: pwn3d.

The same thing for<what every you want>...
Demonmerc said:
Nope, thats pre-rendered.

You sure? - I've rarely seen valve show pre-rendered stuff. As long as it's in-engine I'm happy, and it damn well looks in-engine considering the siggraph 2004 shots we recently saw.
Dedatorv said:
Nope, its just a concept art.

Go to the bottom.

actually i remember a post in valve's info thread asking if its a screenshot or a concept art, valve then replied its a concept art
LAYP said:
Has anybody thought that maybe the picture was going to be included in some sort of odd website, and only later are we supposed to figure out about the SECOND TEST. It is by really strange odds that the original poster discovered it at all. I mean a jpg hidden in a preload file that you have to open with a program the valve is trying to make obsolete?
Perhaps they just, wisely, didn't put much faith in the encryption not being broken?
The encryption wasn't broken. It was an unprotected file. Go to HL2 world if you want to listen to them try and get all the textures open. They havn't yet.
ive read all 27 pages so sry if i repeat stuff....bit hard to remeber wats been said over 27pages

on the 1st whiteboard wat is the word that the light is covering? any importance?
on the 2nd whiteboard wat does it mean by 'rocksockm'??
What if this second test, once we figured it out was to say something like "Good job guys, just to let u know the game is going GOLD and then some listed date is set for release, and they congratulate the whole hl community and we are the first ones to craack the second test and the first ones to know the game is going GOLD.
Yes i wondered exactly the same dark damo, i thought the "rocksockm" stood out a lot, and i thort the word covered by the light said prospekt, but i think its a natural flash from the camera, and there is know way to see what it actually says anyway.
Rocksockm, I believe is the screen name of some one who works at 3D Realms.
Its also a robot deathmatch where you try to knock the head off the shoulders of another robot.
*grinding sound*whhhhzzzzzz
dont expect much help from not even half way through high school :flame:

y [in the 2nd whiteboard] is the hl2 [the a/triangle thingy] y is it the wrong way round?? it on the clock on the right hand side btw
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