So it's a hoax, let's get over it and WORK ON THE SECOND TEST!!

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Thanks Evil, but my goal isnt to be funny, its to help every kid out there who feels insignificant and usually kids like that turn depressed and commit suicide, which to me is the most unfortunate thing that can ever occur, when a adult outlives their child, This to me seems like a growing epidemic, any other comments?
D@Linkwent said:
Thanks Evil, but my goal isnt to be funny, its to help every kid out there who feels insignificant and usually kids like that turn depressed and commit suicide, which to me is the most unfortunate thing that can ever occur, when a adult outlives their child, This to me seems like a growing epidemic, any other comments?

Who said I wanted to kill myself after making a sarcastic remark about me making finding something old?
Hey, Hey relax, dont get so worked up, The last thing i need to to turn to Fox 5 and have a kid dead on our hands, this isnt my goal. please stay away from those thoughts the last thing you need is more added pressure to lifes already strange and problem filled world.
Plus, if i had a computer like yours i would stay away from that thought as much as possible. I mean Halflife2 not running on max settings, AHHHHHHh the possible thought to me would make that thought go into my head, wait a minute what thought was that?
I don't know if this has been mentioned, but this is from the script of the game. I read that several people were trying to figure out what Nova Prospekt was so ...

My Dad and Dr. Mossman...they were captured in the fighting. Vortigaunts tracked them to Nova Prospekt, the converted prison up the coast. If you could meet me there, Gordon, then together we might have a chance of getting them out.

Hope it helps. And if not ... eh who cares?
Hey stereo, i dont think what you wrote has any relevence to what this thread is all about, but thanks for your input because any input is good as long as its positive.
I know your intentions are good, but please do not mistake me for the kind of person who would get all worked up about not having good settings on H λ L F - L I F E ²
why wouldnt u be the person to get all worked up? are you human? do u feel emotions? i mean if i could and i was rich id donate enough for a 9800pro. But damn life is funny that way.
oh D@linkwent, your positive outlook on life is beggining to bug me. Whenever I say somethign you think that im gonna slit my wrists...

Unless you have something important to say to me please do not comment on my posts unless I have made any big mistakes.

(no flaming, insults and/or offence intended)
Oh danimal, it hurts me to think of how i hurt you, im so sorry i at all didnt mean to undermine anything about you, i was just merely pointing out the misfortune in your Tag, which is your computer nothing else. So i hope you take my apology and accept it by pressing this button.
| Accept |
I think the second test was the ability to find the .jpeg and thinking to look at its source. The password was the reward, and we are just too stupid to see where we should be entering the password.. it's probably something obvious..

All the other ideas I have seen seem too far fetched for my liking.. but then it is 7am and I haven't been to bed yet..
Crusader said:
I think the second test was the ability to find the .jpeg and thinking to look at its source. The password was the reward, and we are just too stupid to see where we should be entering the password.. it's probably something obvious..

All the other ideas I have seen seem too far fetched for my liking.. but then it is 7am and I haven't been to bed yet..
Maybe the password is to be used in the game when its released or maybe it will have something to do with a future preload..
Maybe it means absoloutly nothing, and they want to make you work hard trying to figure it out into the wee hours of the night, while trying to distract you with "Hacked accounts" and "Hoax announcements".

Maybe gabes new password is nova/prospekt :E
view source on the pwned/gman file

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
." o \_
_.-" ,( `
_.-" ,;;|
.-=" _," ,,;;;'
`"'` `\`\
/^\ \

<meta name="description" content="Gman">
<meta name="keywords" content="congratulations, cleverness, illicit, snapshots">
<LINK type="text/css" href="gman.css">

theres a load of junk ascii text too that makes a picture of the gman, i imagine its been mentioned? but i was interested in the mets names?

illicit and possibly snapshot?
people often say One illicit ...... always leads to another

duno not had time to look properly, i mean there cud be sommat in that huge ascii gman, it mite be worth trying the the Thesaurus on words like illicit.? dnuo, g2g, bbs
I don't know if this has been posted, cause 21 pages takes some time to read, and I stoped at page 12 I think ;)

But if you open the base source shared.GFC in a TXT document, you can find this:

// Game level sounds
"precache_file" "scripts/level_sounds_eli_lab.txt"
"precache_file" "scripts/level_sounds_trainyard.txt"
"precache_file" "scripts/level_sounds_k_lab.txt"
"precache_file" "scripts/level_sounds_k_lab2.txt"
"precache_file" "scripts/level_sounds_coast.txt"
"precache_file" "scripts/level_sounds_novaprospekt.txt"
"precache_file" "scripts/level_sounds_streetwar.txt"
"precache_file" "scripts/level_sounds_streetwar2.txt"
"precache_file" "scripts/level_sounds_breencast.txt"
"precache_file" "scripts/level_sounds_citadel.txt"
"precache_file" "scripts/level_sounds_canals.txt"
"precache_file" "scripts/level_sounds_ravenholm.txt"
"precache_file" "scripts/level_sounds_ravenholm2.txt"
"precache_file" "scripts/level_sounds_canals2.txt"

Basicly, that's every think I found in that GFC file, but I think, if you can open the sounds_novaprospekt.txt, maybe you'll find something in it? :P But I seriously think that Valve want us to.. "hack" their GFC's :S
i seriously doubt the solution to this problem lies in the OLD media, we wouldve undoubtedly have found something by now, we need to look at things recieved very recenty (the preloads/newer board pics)
hasan said:
I don't know if people come up with this befor me (probably yeah, I'm always too late)

but, on the first white board we see IVFVGBEF which translates in rot13 to VISITORS (this is a good candidate for a password IMO)

P.S. for those not knowing what rot13 is, it's in the first white booard

Ok.....and I don't know what people before me have come up with, but the thing on the billboard (entierly)

" Important ---->

Which means

Variate(sp?) tour visitors.

If thats been seen before than just never mind me.
lol yeah I just checked the original thread of the first test "back from trip to valve" by merc.

it's saying "hello, tour visitors",
nothing related to the password (I guess)
Dr0ndeh said:
i seriously doubt the solution to this problem lies in the OLD media, we wouldve undoubtedly have found something by now, we need to look at things recieved very recenty (the preloads/newer board pics)

everything on the old board has been decoded and examined.
you need to look at the new media, not the old.
Fender357 said:
" Important ---->

Which means

Variate(sp?) tour visitors.
It actually means:

It's "encoded" (ha) in rot13, punch those letters into if you don't believe me :p
p.s. i've got a sneaking suspicion that the entry to the second test is:

obviously the password nova/prospekt dosen't work, but mabey it's an encoded version of this? or mabey the release date for the second test has slipped to? ;)
Well I might do random password and accounts, ill see which works :p
I found this on

"Gabe has posted the following information on pre-loading for hl2/cs:s on the website:
Gabe Newell wrote:
Just got out of a review meeting. 8/11 the Cafe's turn on (tomorrow). 8/16 CZ/ATI users pre-load. 8/18 CZ/ATI turns on. 8/17 HL-2 pre-load starts (textures, audio and other stuff that doesn't change)

Exciting news, this means we could have Half Life 2 within a month!


Believable? I hope so.:bounce: Teddy! you should know something about this!
Annihilator_91 said:
I found this on

"Gabe has posted the following information on pre-loading for hl2/cs:s on the website:
Gabe Newell wrote:
Just got out of a review meeting. 8/11 the Cafe's turn on (tomorrow). 8/16 CZ/ATI users pre-load. 8/18 CZ/ATI turns on. 8/17 HL-2 pre-load starts (textures, audio and other stuff that doesn't change)

Exciting news, this means we could have Half Life 2 within a month!


Believable? I hope so.:bounce: Teddy! you should know something about this!

that's 100 years old.. :P Wake up! :D :afro:
Annihilator_91 said:
I found this on

"Gabe has posted the following information on pre-loading for hl2/cs:s on the website:
Gabe Newell wrote:
Just got out of a review meeting. 8/11 the Cafe's turn on (tomorrow). 8/16 CZ/ATI users pre-load. 8/18 CZ/ATI turns on. 8/17 HL-2 pre-load starts (textures, audio and other stuff that doesn't change)

Exciting news, this means we could have Half Life 2 within a month!


Believable? I hope so.:bounce: Teddy! you should know something about this!

That's very old news, you know, as in the preload has already happened. :P People have been speculating HL2 will come within the month since the preload started.
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