So it's a hoax, let's get over it and WORK ON THE SECOND TEST!!

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^ya that's been noted, for you nublets right click backround of that page and click view source.
Can someone leave a link to the whiteboard pitcures and a link to a ROT13-thing converter?
Thanks, I dont need the link to the white boards anymore.

I actually need the link to the 1st white bored
blindvomit said:
^ya that's been noted, for you nublets right click backround of that page and click view source.

I click view source and nada happens.
Its just a bird and the Gman...

What does this have to do with anything?
blindvomit said:
^ya that's been noted, for you nublets right click backround of that page and click view source.

dude those pics are so old and so is the source. dont be calling ppl nublets nublet
blindvomit said:
Just so people who don't know about that, it was awsome when I first saw it.

I think its awsome too, I jst thought he/she was saying it had something to do with all this
DaFreak said:
I dont get why no-one is looking at the movie the pic is from...
Couldnt it be that the things he sais at that very moment, the moment the pic is from, hold some more clues?

For some reason i cant find it anymore oO
I dont seem to have the movie anymore which is rather impossible since i have all binks and those are the only ones out there right? :/

Im late, and i cant help much, but I know what movie it is from. (maybe someone already said this) Currently I am not at my PC an wont be until sep.4. But it was from a shakycam that was shot at E304 Gman started saing "Rise and shine Mr. Freeman, rise and shine." remember? It lasted about 20 mins, it also came with a thing about counterstrike (at least my clip came with it.), it was really bad grapghics becasue it was shooting at a refreshing screen.

I went through one of the white boards and it had some jumbled crap on it, I have translated it into:


Would this help in anyway shape or form?

Edit: I was looking it at it and it had yusr2.pb2/frperg/cja3q

This has probably been seen before...
it was "hello tour visitors" and "yusr2.pb2/frperg/cja3q" was half of the url ""

"yusr2.pb2/frperg/cja3q" was half of the url
this is why someone had to email valve because the photo was cut of. As you can see on the whiteboard the numbers "452" obviously the password for the site.
Ok, i'm totaly lost about what this "Test" is.

I under stand its something to decode, and etc. But what are the pass/login for? a webpage? A file? I dont understand.
Can someone give me a quick summary?
Me too, CAn somone please fill me in into this whole test thing, Does somone even have proof its a test or is it something more. maybe its a virus. Maybe its a *achoo* OH crap i just might have cought the dreaded. The dreaded VIRUS!!!!!!
D@Linkwent said:
Me too, CAn somone please fill me in into this whole test thing, Does somone even have proof its a test or is it something more. maybe its a virus. Maybe its a *achoo* OH crap i just might have cought the dreaded. The dreaded VIRUS!!!!!!

Does your CAPS key get accidently pushed occasionly?

I mean I looked at another thread you made that got locked, and you kept using caps in the text.
Does somone even have proof its a test or is it something more. maybe its a virus.

I don't think valve would put a virus in the HL2 preload
I've read a few pages, But this thread is to long, I dont give a damn about whats being done to break it. I want to know, What the reward is? so to say? Whats this last "test" Login/Pass.

I'm not looking for a history of how its being cracked.
But whats being cracked, and why.
Maybe its a virus but into the pre-load so that curious lil critters like urselves get infected when you snoop into things u shouldnt be, like Valve property that isnt even useful until the game is funished. At the moment we know its mostly textures so if you want to spoil future moments like when u first play the game then by all means go spoil your appitite, and by appitite i mean sweet, sweet, action. Like the action you will find in Halflife2.
Gunsnroses said:
I've read a few pages, But this thread is to long, I dont give a damn about whats being done to break it. I want to know, What the reward is? so to say?.

-=Off topic=- A pot of gold

-=back on topic=- Im not sure what everyone is trying to figure out as well, but the same thing happened in the first test
Maybe its a virus but into the pre-load so that curious lil critters like urselves get infected when you snoop into things u shouldnt be, like Valve property that isnt even useful until the game is funished. At the moment we know its mostly textures so if you want to spoil future moments like when u first play the game then by all means go spoil your appitite, and by appitite i mean sweet, sweet, action. Like the action you will find in

Are you on crack? valve put the test there, PURPOSEFULLY, because they knew we would see it. They wanted us to find it, is that so hard to understand?
Gunsnroses said:
I've read a few pages, But this thread is to long, I dont give a damn about whats being done to break it. I want to know, What the reward is? so to say? Whats this last "test" Login/Pass.

I'm not looking for a history of how its being cracked.
But whats being cracked, and why.

Someone found a picture - gman.jpg - that contained the words "password is nova/prospekt this is the second test" inside the recent hl2 .gcf (from preload) and alot of people (including me) want to find out what it "leads to".
The first test, when solved, led to a page and it acknowledged your cleverness and had some ascii pictures in the source. When the second test is solved it may lead to something similair but hopefully more rewarding.
test 1 was very obvious kinda.. atleast it wasn't impossible.. there was no coding involved.. no decompiling of any sort.. moving the letters forward 13 places.. and even that was posted right infront of everyone

I think its going to be much simpler than what people are looking for.
Shomzy dont say your stupid, your prob the coolest guy here, u actually touched gabes hand, I would never have washed it i was you, i mean cmon your like a celebrity and you should get all the credit u deserve, *Here is 100 credit points for being so damn cool*
Why do you guys put urselves down, has anyone told you that ur stupid, and even if you guys are, then u shouldnt be on a forum about a video game, you should be in a book where you can be anything you want, If you read your mind will listen and respond to it by gaining information, its been studied to death, if you watch tv you use less mental energy doing that than you do Dreaming. So pick up a book and make you look on that magic carpet ride. A WHOLE NEW WORLD!!!!!!!!!!! A whole dazling point of view, there is no place we cant go or tell us no, on that magic carpet ride.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, Kiss me Aladin and stop singing.
D@Linkwent said:
Why do you guys put urselves down, has anyone told you that ur stupid, and even if you guys are, then u shouldnt be on a forum about a video game, you should be in a book where you can be anything you want, If you read your mind will listen and respond to it by gaining information, its been studied to death, if you watch tv you use less mental energy doing that than you do Dreaming. So pick up a book and make you look on that magic carpet ride. A WHOLE NEW WORLD!!!!!!!!!!! A whole dazling point of view, there is no place we cant go or tell us no, on that magic carpet ride.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, Kiss me Aladin and stop singing.

I do read books, I only called myself stupid becuase of what I found was quite old.
you i agree with Stewie and that you should be apreciative of every thing u contribute to me and everyone else in the forum, so like me and stewie we both want to appload your work. *Slow unsteady Clap turns into a riot*
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