So it's a hoax, let's get over it and WORK ON THE SECOND TEST!!

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estling said:
That was what I wrote at irc, you bloody snitcher. Also, that link does not work. :)

i dnt have irc and + the link does work u gotta put in a user name and pass word
Didn't Gabe say that one of the bink videos had an easter egg in, which nobody has yet found? Perhaps this is a pointer to that?
Parrot of doom said:
Didn't Gabe say that one of the bink videos had an easter egg in, which nobody has yet found? Perhaps this is a pointer to that?
I assume that after so long he was playing a trick on us all, and I'm starting to feel that way about this one too.
Does anyone know what the u sername and or password is yet?
This is really going round in circles isn't it?
right, i dont know anything about cracking whatsoever but im wondering wheter anyone tried this approach yet and if it might work anyway :S

try viewing the jpg in notepad, checking word wrap on, adjusting the font to be bigger, resizing the window to let only few letters in a row.
there might be a combination when only 3 / 4 / 5 /w.e letters are let into a row. something like this:

notice the first letter in each row combine the link (this is just a made-up example though)

try adjusting notepad like the example attached

I already tried going through 3 letters/row kinda quickly but didnt find much

maybe you guys can find anything like this


  • example.JPG
    22.1 KB · Views: 349
theres only so much info you can insert into the image before it stops being a .jpg and turns into a load of garbled nonesence. i dont think its within valves talent/timeframe to make such a conveluted clue.

nice thinking tho.
oh nevermind then : p
thought it was possible

anyway during my good time searching the 3letters/row ive found something looking like the word "anno" cba to look for it again though
Once, I was looking at the wallpaper in my house and I saw a face in it. I also saw a face in some marks on the floorboards.
happens to me all the time
isnt it fun to stare at the floor?
the .GCF file has gaps in regular places... perhaps glo is on to something
In russian, nova prospect means, more or less "new avenue" or main street of some sort. Common name in old soviet cities. Given that and the fact someone mentioned Odessa before, an east "Europe" city (Ukraine), by the black sea, it would not surprize me it city 17 is Odessa. However there does not seem to be a "new avenue" in Odessa, i checked street registers.
The more i think of odessa as city 17 the more convinced i became, the e3 2003 video with the buggy showed some old rusty submaries on the dried out lakebed, if im not mistaken odessa has/had one of the biggest soviet submarine bases. Correct me if im wrong.
i seriously doubt 'nova/prospekt' has anything to do with the next clue, its just the user/pass for when we find the url we're looking for.
prolly uninteresting, but we never know, the background on has this in it :

ÿØÿà JFIF  d d ÿì Ducky

[Edit] Never mind, lots of the pictures have the word ducky too
jayte said:
In russian, nova prospect means, more or less "new avenue" or main street of some sort. Common name in old soviet cities. Given that and the fact someone mentioned Odessa before, an east "Europe" city (Ukraine), by the black sea, it would not surprize me it city 17 is Odessa. However there does not seem to be a "new avenue" in Odessa, i checked street registers.
The more i think of odessa as city 17 the more convinced i became, the e3 2003 video with the buggy showed some old rusty submaries on the dried out lakebed, if im not mistaken odessa has/had one of the biggest soviet submarine bases. Correct me if im wrong.

This is a bit offtopic, but it sort of validates what you are saying:
there is an "Odessa scene" written on this whiteboard:

And the butcher, as you said lots of images have ducky in, if you want to know why:
Here's a curiosity: In the header of images created with Adobe Photoshop you will find three tags: JFIF, Ducky and Adobe. It appears that Ducky is the smoking gun that indicates that Photoshop was used to create the image, but we can't find any explanation or history regarding the use of Ducky. Let us know if you know what's behind this oddity.
and also this:
This page tells us the reason for this eccentricity is that developers have a rubber ducky obsession. If you have Photoshop, check out the page and try the Easter eggs - it is obvious that those coders were clinically obsessed.

anyway getting offtopic now, has anyone made any progress at all? I have been doing other rots, ie not just rot13 on things on the whiteboard ect.
i dont know if this has been posted but in the Trainstation bink where gordon gets stopped by the combine. Theres is a sign on the fence which says "nova\prospekt".
i know this mite sound stupid but when 'Gabe' posted on HL2fallout he said "Maybe he shouldn't have used 'gaben' for his password. Come on Gabe, you could of thought of something better than that" maybe gaben is the password. Just an idea
Instead of just repeating everything again and again, I'll tell ya what I've been trying to do:

Okay, we know the user name/pw is nova/prospekt, which can be translated to almost anything from new folder to main street. I've tried all the combinations everywhere I could find meaning I tried to find an FTP from and No luck though.

I also tried logging in to the SSH with putty but I couldn't. I can't remember if SSH works in the odd fashion that even if you type a wrong user name, it asks a password. Anyway, no luck with SSH either.

I actually tried to find some text from the .jpg itself and ROT13 those texts, but all I got was gibberish, so I don't think this is the right way either. Somehow I feel that this is something REALLY simple we just haven't noticed yet.
jayte said:
In russian, nova prospect means, more or less "new avenue" or main street of some sort. Common name in old soviet cities. Given that and the fact someone mentioned Odessa before, an east "Europe" city (Ukraine), by the black sea, it would not surprize me it city 17 is Odessa. However there does not seem to be a "new avenue" in Odessa, i checked street registers.
The more i think of odessa as city 17 the more convinced i became, the e3 2003 video with the buggy showed some old rusty submaries on the dried out lakebed, if im not mistaken odessa has/had one of the biggest soviet submarine bases. Correct me if im wrong.

Or everything could just be because HL2 is based on book. The books name is 1984. It is like the old Soviet Union but ten times worse in that book (Eurasia) with public control issues and communist thingys, kinda like City 17...:O
Correct me if I'm wrong..
isnt that picture from the E3 2004 vid? The one with the silouette of the g-man and some kind of machinery behind him?
halflifeguy said:
isnt that picture from the E3 2004 vid? The one with the silouette of the g-man and some kind of machinery behind him?
Yep .
Anyone notice the picture on the first white board?
VALVe r stole teh scream!
now in the trainstation video, beyond the gate marked "nova prospekt" what is that structure there? it seems to symbolize the test restricing access, perhaps what lies beyond is a clue? are those more trains in that yard? it almost looks like a docking yard, with the tips of the ships in view.

just throwin stuff out there
Evil Beaver said:
Anyone notice the picture on the first white board?
VALVe r stole teh scream!

lol yeah i thought that when i looked at it again earlier today - wonder if "munch" is anything to do with it (the 2nd test) lol!!
which .jpg? i cant find 'huffman' anywhere in the new gman one?

edit: confirmed, i think youre a big fibber! (unless youre talking about a different image)
JoHnDoE70 said: found this adress after looking at the jpg,found the word Huffman in it in a txt editor, and i dont se anybody posted about this?

this doesn't exist. I've checked the jpg, no sign of huffman or any other links apart from the iec one for that matter. Will people please stop posting fake stuff.
That whole URL is all crap. You can type whatever you want, as Chris_D noted above, and it asks for a password. Valve is probably just testing something, something to do with passwords and made up directories...
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