So it's a hoax, let's get over it and WORK ON THE SECOND TEST!!

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Theres some random words around the ascii gcf gmans head :O maybe there rot13 stuff ... or somthing
Lobster said:
Theres some random words around the ascii gcf gmans head :O maybe there rot13 stuff ... or somthing

yeah good point, someone should check it out
Would you please post the user/pass of test1 again, or at least the source of that HTML file, so that we all could look at it?
ManiacB said:
I don't know, take gman-firsttestpic.jpg XOR gman-secondtestpic.jpg ?

Is anybody here familiar with the JPEG format,
What do these lines mean:
(Open the gman.jpg, it's right in the beginning).

Maybe it's another code definition?
As if - replace CDEF....yz by 456789 somehow?

I'm not sure, but one thing I did do as well was extract the embeded thumbnail pic to see if it had anything. Didn't seem any different.

--Mr. Bildo
i dont understand how you can get all that information from 1 screen shot :|
Any idiot could make an ASCII pic in a Hex editor...

but no one else has been able to find it in the gcfs. Until then, I dub thee ASCII g-man a fake
I found something

ight (c) 1998 Hewlett-Packard Company  desc       sRGB IEC61966-2.1           sRGB IEC61966-2.1                                                  XYZ       óQ    ÌXYZ                 XYZ       o¢  8õ  XYZ       b™  ·…  ÚXYZ       $   „  ¶Ïdesc       [B]IEC           IEC             [/B]                                  desc       .IEC 61966-2.1 Default RGB colour space - sRGB           .IEC 61966-2.1 Default RGB colour space - sRGB                      desc       ,Reference Viewing Condition in IEC61966-2.1           ,Reference Viewing Condition in IEC61966-2.1                          view     ¤þ _. Ï íÌ  \ž

if you open gman.jpg with notepad, you get a bunch of information and a website, haven't tried the site yet but someone else, see what it's got
callmer7432 said:
i mean no-one else can find it

I don't know. It didn't look like G-Man to me...

Might be that G-Man's there inly to remind us of the first test, and to tell us to "investigate" the file, and nothing more.

Mr. Bildo - what about that artifact you found?

Good night fellas (it's night in my place) - I am going to sleep.
Good luck with that Gman...
thats the default header, is a electronic standards site
wtf are you guys talking about? it does exist.

I know the user name is valve, i'm gonna look up the password now

edit : ok i thought you guys were trying to say the first test didn't exist. anyway i searched for awhile and i can't find the password anyway so i give up.
ManiacB said:
I don't know. It didn't look like G-Man to me...

Might be that G-Man's there inly to remind us of the first test, and to tell us to "investigate" the file, and nothing more.

Mr. Bildo - what about that artifact you found?

Good night fellas (it's night in my place) - I am going to sleep.
Good luck with that Gman...

Just some blocks of junk on the right side. Probably insignificant.

--Mr. Bildo
Evil^Milk said:
I found something

ight (c) 1998 Hewlett-Packard Company  desc       sRGB IEC61966-2.1           sRGB IEC61966-2.1                                                  XYZ       óQ    ÌXYZ                 XYZ       o¢  8õ  XYZ       b™  ·…  ÚXYZ       $   „  ¶Ïdesc       [B]IEC           IEC             [/B]                                  desc       .IEC 61966-2.1 Default RGB colour space - sRGB           .IEC 61966-2.1 Default RGB colour space - sRGB                      desc       ,Reference Viewing Condition in IEC61966-2.1           ,Reference Viewing Condition in IEC61966-2.1                          view     ¤þ _. Ï íÌ  \ž

if you open gman.jpg with notepad, you get a bunch of information and a website, haven't tried the site yet but someone else, see what it's got

Oh, it's nothing. I have already checked that.
It's the International ElectroTechnical Commision website...
(I think it realtes to that EXIF format \ standart header info)
Mr. Bildo said:
Just some blocks of junk on the right side. Probably insignificant.

--Mr. Bildo

Magnification didn't help?

(I don't know what about you guys, but I didn't ever think of how much you can chew the same JPG over and over again, only to find more clues...
I even tried to think of the HEX address in which that sentence is written...)

Good night..
ManiacB said:
Oh, it's nothing. I have already checked that.
It's the International ElectroTechnical Commision website...
(I think it realtes to that EXIF format \ standart header info)

ah shit. nvm then :D
Blocks are nothing unless they represent bad data in the file (as in embedded something).

--Mr. Bildo


  • artifacts.jpg
    65.7 KB · Views: 411
we're seriously clutching at straws now, I really think that the test isn't solvable at this time. We probably found the password clue before VALVe thought we would!
mortiz said:
we're seriously clutching at straws now, I really think that the test isn't solvable at this time. We probably found the password clue before VALVe thought we would!
exactly what I am thinking ..

the hint wasn't meant to be seen yet ..
this is from
base source shared.gcf
the file game_sounds_manifest.txt contains the following text
"precache_file" "scripts/level_sounds_novaprospekt.txt"
but it won't help with the second test.
steam just updated and gman.jpg was left untouched, this means that it is likely that we were meant to find it
My 2 cts.
Gabe's password on Fallout turned out to be 'gaben'. That is too obvious. I am guessing that the answer to the password-part of the second test is 'gaben'.
Shakermaker said:
My 2 cts.
Gabe's password on Fallout turned out to be 'gaben'. That is too obvious. I am guessing that the answer to the password-part of the second test is 'gaben'.

From what we can tell "nova" is user and "prospekt" is password... That was just idiocy on Gabe's part unfortunately.
we need a new approach. right now were looking at a strange file in the cs:s cache


  • predator.jpg
    7.3 KB · Views: 524
callmer7432 said:
we need a new approach. right now were looking at a strange file in the cs:s cache

I found this hours ago... did some rudimentary photoshop and notepad tests with it but found nothing unusual about it other than the name.
I got desperate (and bored) so I did a quick port scan on Nothing really, except now I know how they got hacked. They have SSH running! Gee, gaben anyone? Sheesh.

--Mr. Bildo


  • portscan.jpg
    59.6 KB · Views: 414
Mr. Bildo said:
I got desperate (and bored) so I did a quick port scan on Nothing really, except now I know how they got hacked. They have SSH running! Gee, gaben anyone? Sheesh.

--Mr. Bildo

ssh is fairly secure. quite a shitty port scanner you've got there, looks like some abortion a two year old created in visual basic.
DaFreak said:
no its not :/
still looking for the movie the pic of g-man is in.

I think its in the E3 2004 video

And what is everyone trying to figre out anyway, you have all confused me?
impunity said:
ssh is fairly secure. quite a shitty port scanner you've got there, looks like some abortion a two year old created in visual basic.

Actually.. it's C#. I threw it together to check out Sorry, I guess I could have added comments if I knew people were going to be code reviewing...

--Mr. Bildo
That's Ruby in the first pic, ATi's MASCOT so to speak. Very hot mascot at that.
Everyone who doesn't know whats going on. Valve had the First Test.

[email protected] says:
Merc got to go to VALVe a second time and playtest Half-Life 2. He said it was very near the end of the game and everything about it was just a 10/10, he said he cannot say anything about it.

Merc decided to take one more picture when he was there, it was of a whiteboard that had a bunch of funny stuff on it. On the board it said 'ROT13', ROT13 is a encryption method, there were several messages on the board that were just a bunch of non-sense. Once it was figured out that they were ROT13 encrypted people had figured out what it said, one of em was a link inside the which lead to a login, once they figured out the username/password you'd get picture of Gman, and it said something like "Hello Your cleverness is noted; You've passed the first test.". If you viewed the source of the site you would see a little bird and Gordon Freeman in ASCII Artform.

Name: valve
Pass: 437N452

Now if you open gman.jpg with Wordpad or a Hex editor... there is a text message which says password is nova/prospekt this is the second test

my question...

so far thats all we know? yes or no?

what is ?
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