So it's a hoax, let's get over it and WORK ON THE SECOND TEST!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter CoreyGH
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Alright, all this energy wasted on complaining about the hoax would be much better spent working on the second test. (see above sticky) Has anyone found anything new?
Maybe the second test will tell us when the game will be done.
I couldnt agree more. Ok boys lets get cracking. How much DO we know about the test so far?
Okay, this will be the new official second-test thread. All discussion, breakthroughs etc. go in here.
I don't think we can do anything else. Everything has been tried. All that's in the JPG is the nova/prospekt password. I'd say this is where we wait until we find some new material.
Thanks for not locking it abom. We needed at least one thread, since icarus forgot not everyone uses mirc. However I can't really contribute anything, as I have no decoding skills lol. So where exactly are we in the process?
no negativity! lol, at least we have the preload, i mean this is better thannothing
what is this so called second test? stress test 2 maybe?
Read the dang sticky on it if you have questions -_- Lets keep this for actual progress updates. (lol.. like there'll be a lot of those..)
How do I open my preload in GCF 1.1.5 My steam is closed and it still says memory map error.
From what I understand it was a .jpg found in the Gman texture folder, right? Have all the folders been checked for out of place files? Has anyone searched nova/prospekt?

Maybe the login is in a file in the next preload...
link84 said:
How do I open my preload in GCF 1.1.5 My steam is closed and it still says memory map error.

I think you use a winrar, ? right
Abom said:
Okay, this will be the new official second-test thread. All discussion, breakthroughs etc. go in here.

Can you re-name this to "official second test thread"?
wasn't there a screenshot entitled Nova Prospekt , has anyone checked it for any clues?
mortiz said:
wasn't there a screenshot entitled Nova Prospekt , has anyone checked it for any clues?

In the train station, yes - but what about it?
But what about the login name?
Valve has given us the password, but we still need to crack the login name.
Upload the original image, to here so we can work on it.
lans said:
In the train station, yes. But what about the login name?

Valve has given us the password, but we still need to crack the login name.

perhaps the login can be found in the Nova Prospekt Screenshot??
link84 said:
Winrar? really?

right click on it, then choose open with winrar.............I think winrar support alot of formats

That's the other board's name - before Gordon goes into the interrogation room. I know this is a wild guess - but if "nova prospeckt" board is the pass, the "security" board could be the login?
Oh, can someone post that secret page's link for the first test. What was it?
Gorgon said:
right click on it, then choose open with winrar.............I think winrar support alot of formats
doesnt work....

I tried using the newest GCF scrape but the darn thing will not open the preload but all the others fine....
Ok i dont know if this means anything, but i just tried to open basesourcesharedmaterials.gcf in windows media and fax viewer, my comps been loading something pretty heavy and its not done yet......ill let u know when its done generating preview.

edit - ok something flashed on the screen and then it said no picture available. but whatever flashed looked like the water picture with the crowbar and the boat with the loading guys on it. probably just a file that got screwed up or something.
I really think that the Nova Prospekt in game picture has something to do with it. I highly doubt valve expected us to wade through tons of decoding stuff to find the answer. I think we are just missing a connection somewhere.
I think more pictures will come in new preloads, like "alyx.jpg" and "gordon.jpg". Then the final picture will have the URL to visit. Then we just plug in all the info!
Someone check the new trainstation bink. They changed tenements and Ravenholm so maybe you will find new clues in the trainstation.

That's where the sign for Nova Prospekt is. They released new binks for a reason...DUR.
SubKamran said:
I think more pictures will come in new preloads, like "alyx.jpg" and "gordon.jpg". Then the final picture will have the URL to visit. Then we just plug in all the info!

Good thought.
wonkers said:
Someone check the new trainstation bink. They changed tenements and Ravenholm so maybe you will find new clues in the trainstation.

That's where the sign for Nova Prospekt is. They released new binks for a reason...DUR.

Good point, why would they release those three binks exactly? There were many more exciting scenes, but they chose the trainstation, the tenements, and ravenholm. Novaprospekt is in one of those, we should analyze the videos.
guinny said:
Good point, why would they release those three binks exactly? There were many more exciting scenes, but they chose the trainstation, the tenements, and ravenholm. Novaprospekt is in one of those, we should analyze the videos.

Yeah, In ravenholm, the sign that gordon picked up with his gravity gun, what did it say ? Do you think it could help

That tells you what has been attempted so far. I know, I wrote the update last night. There is nothing left in the JPEG in the GCF, it has been thoroughly examined. No other screenshots have any additional info.

Either there is something else in the GCF or we have to wait for additional clues.
Prospekt means "street" pr "road" in most slovenic languages, so "Nova Prospekt" could be a location somewhere in Eastern Europe.
Gorgon said:
Yeah, In ravenholm, the sign that gordon picked up with his gravity gun, what did it say ? Do you think it could help

Um, it said Ravenholm. :P And the BINKs are irrelevant. We've done everything we can with this second test thing, and the only real conclusions we can come to is that we'll get more info in the next preload.
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