So it's a hoax, let's get over it and WORK ON THE SECOND TEST!!

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ManiacB said:
It's not a Warcraft page...

This is the HTML 4.01 Transitional DTD, which includes
presentation attributes and elements that W3C expects to phase out as support for style sheets matures...

W3 - is not Warcraft (3)!
It's the World Wide Web Consortium...
(enter ..)

Sorry :( ;(
GunPlay said:
Ok, here's my piece on this. Look at some similarities between stuff that we've seen in this "secret" stuff. I'm just going to say look for the bird. Nobody has figured out why they had the bird in the source yet. That could definately be a crucial clue to solving this. The first one contained the bird and gman in ASCII, the second one Gordon and the bird. Maybe Alyx and the bird this time? Also, wouldn't it be awsome if they were waiting for us to solve this for HL2 to go gold. When someone accesses the answer, it launches press releases and stuff. :-D

I saw a bird on one of the white boards in a clock with a back-to-front lambe logo on it.
Coolpot said:
I think your all going a bit deep myself, i been watching the trainstation video, i duno if ne1 else has seen this???...

also just as this all is in view the Guy says "Welcome" <-- that'd be a nice password?

btw when i refer to clock i mean the eggtimer on the post in the whiteboard

Woah, this is beggining to fall into place (ive been saying this too much :( )
The second test is not over right?, we haven't seen the g-man or a picture saying "congrats,, second test finished", so where would the next clue be?
You can't drag it... i just use opera and looks like you can drag any pic

my bad
And, I tihnk that was the 2nd test, you save the image of the G-man after moving the cursor over the citadel pitcure and the save name is GMANSECONDTEST.
Valve yoo ****ers! you added that the other day! I trled that link the first day! the background pics in gman.jpg! I'm ****ing pissed of at the time you just wasted!

i hate them so much now...still gonna buy the game.
lol, anyway when does the 3rd test start. If there is one that is.
soul said:
  1. Father time with the nearly expired hour glass signifies that the end of our wait is drawing near.
  2. The clock signifies the time until release ticking away.
  3. The rooster on the nearly expired hour glass signifies just a couple more days.

  1. thats wat ive been saying since bout page 37...
DarkDamo said:
thats wat ive been saying since bout page 37...
and the 'scream' painting is symbolising hl2 fans on the day of release screaming.
I tried to look at the white boards and try to figure out something. Did Valve mean for people like us (HL2 fans) to see the white boards and use it for these "tests"? I honestly don't think this second test is over. I know you guys didn't do all that stuff for just a concept art pic. I hope these tests lead to a release date or a link to d/l the rest of the game. Come on Valve, let's get a move on! YEEEE HAW!!!
Here's how I did it.

The Alyx source ASCII has a random directory at the bottom.

Add that onto the end of the website

Black window with white box.

whatsmyname.jpg will take you to a picture of the barnacle

Go back into the white box and type barnacle.

This shall give you a HL2 wallpaper.

Sorry if this has been done.
i saw something in that new board where that shiz0m (can't remeber it correctly) wne and took pictures there is some writing in arabic in the bottom right hand corner (squiggly lines to most ppl) can someone translate or is it just rubbish. but i do know it is arabic.
Recently found by Fishy80 on the irc channel, we have a new lead.
He has found "81" written in the splash by gordons leg in the Barnacle.jpg

image by CollisionTheory:

There is also a faint 18 a bit to the left and down, but that could just be my imagination.

As to what it means? We are currently investigating, if anyone can find the original concept art of this image and see if 81 is on there that would be a start.
switch said:
Recently found by Fishy80 on the irc channel, we have a new lead.
He has found "81" written in the splash by gordons leg in the Barnacle.jpg

image by CollisionTheory:

There is also a faint 18 a bit to the left and down, but that could just be my imagination.

As to what it means? We are currently investigating, if anyone can find the original concept art of this image and see if 81 is on there that would be a start.

Guys, I think you over exaggerated...
I seriously don't think that Valve will plant an 18, which you can hardly see... It's just a splash of water...
OMG!! You know what that means don't you!? Half-Life 2 will come out on September the 81st!!
look near the signature... on the right in a little splash near the border there is a 100
Well, 81 + 100 = 118. That could be the release date!!! 11/8!!! I can kinda see where you guys are getting the 81 and 100 but I dunno. Keep searching guys.
OMG HL2 is teh Halo 2thh!11!!! :eek:

No wonder both games come out on the november 8/9.


Anway - anyone asked valve that the concept art is only there is to the second test?
six_storm said:
Well, 81 + 100 = 118. That could be the release date!!! 11/8!!! I can kinda see where you guys are getting the 81 and 100 but I dunno. Keep searching guys.

Doesnt 81 + 100 = 181?

Has nebudy found the face between gordons legs in the Barnacle pic? look right between his legs right under his penis and right above the water a (old man's) face..... hmmm
Doesnt 81 + 100 = 181?

So.. Valve are creating a whole extra 6 months for them to finish the game??!!!??!?!!!11one

Valve are awesome.
midnitekilla1 said:
Has nebudy found the face between gordons legs in the Barnacle pic? look right between his legs right under his penis and right above the water a (old man's) face..... hmmm

You've got a point.

Carefully study it - then you do see a face. I highlighted it in black (rather messily) to give others an idea.


  • faceilliusion.gif
    42.3 KB · Views: 443
midnitekilla1 said:
Has nebudy found the face between gordons legs in the Barnacle pic? look right between his legs right under his penis and right above the water a (old man's) face..... hmmm

you just want me to stare at his penis dont you....
man, this is so funny how we can spot little things like "BI", a face in Gordon's crotch, and a "OC". Valve needs to quit playing and give us Half Life 2 for Pete's sake. Or, they could give us a third test.
Doesnt 81 + 100 = 181?

High school math is cool people. Stay in school people. Thanks for educting the masses on this novel concept of math Timmyy..keep up the fight. :laugh:
Possible word in G-Man Half-Life pop up?

I've been looking at the pop-up of the G-Man that comes up when you highlight the 6th picture of the media section on Half-Life

I think that blurry stripe at the bottom right is a word. The crowbar intersects it at a perpendicular angle.

I used the "fix picture" tool from the trial version of Adobe Photoshop Album 2.0 to sharpen up that blurry stripe. Then I erased all the rest of the picture and tried to decipher the word...I have attached my modified pictures here...please take a look.

The first letter seems to be an "S" and the last two figures (immediately to the right of the crowbar) look like numbers "2" and "4."

Someone with more powerful editing tools and more experience should take a closer at this.
TheVirginian288 said:
I've been looking at the pop-up of the G-Man that comes up when you highlight the 6th picture of the media section on Half-Life

I think that blurry stripe at the bottom right is a word. The crowbar intersects it at a perpendicular angle.

I used the "fix picture" tool from the trial version of Adobe Photoshop Album 2.0 to sharpen up that blurry stripe. Then I erased all the rest of the picture and tried to decipher the word...I have attached my modified pictures here...please take a look.

The first letter seems to be an "S" and the last two figures (immediately to the right of the crowbar) look like numbers "2" and "4."

Someone with more powerful editing tools and more experience should take a closer at this.
The last two look like "30" to me.
EDIT: Upon Further inspection of the last letter, I'm going to guess "25"
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